So the show’s finally starting to get good. Bit of a late start, but whateves.
Change Log (episode 8 -> episode 9):
Nothing happened.
Remaining Best Boy Candidates

Remaining Best Girl Candidates

Yep, everyone’s still alive. And I swear, if any of you don’t vote for the only worthwhile character this mediocre series has so far given us, my brain’s going to snap into a Slim Jim.

Danganronpa Best Boy - Episode 09
- Byakuya Togami (45%, 89 Votes)
- Makoto Naegi (42%, 83 Votes)
- Yasuhiro Hagakure (12%, 24 Votes)
Total Voters: 196

Danganronpa Best Girl - Episode 09
- Kyoko Kirigiri (59%, 126 Votes)
- Aoi Asahina (27%, 58 Votes)
- Touko Fukawa/Genocider Sho (13%, 28 Votes)
Total Voters: 212

Wait, what’s this?
Sakura, you aren’t okay with leaving things like they are? You’re saying the poll’s too fucking boring now that the scores have become super predictable? That people are still going to vote for Kyoko Kirigiri just because she’s super mysterious even though like most characters she has fewer dimensions than a line? Well, let’s add in a poll where the results aren’t so set in stone.
Danganronpa Best Girl - Necrophilia is Fine Too Edition - 09
- Celestia Ludenberck (33%, 60 Votes)
- Junko Enoshima (19%, 35 Votes)
- Sakura Ohgami (17%, 30 Votes)
- Sayaka Maizono (16%, 29 Votes)
- Number 16 (?) (14%, 26 Votes)
Total Voters: 180

Danganronpa Best Boy - Necrophilia is Fine Too Edition - 09
- Chihiro Fujisaki (35%, 55 Votes)
- Kiyotaka Ishimaru (32%, 51 Votes)
- Number 16 (?) (15%, 23 Votes)
- Leon Kuwata (8%, 13 Votes)
- Mondo Ohwada (7%, 11 Votes)
- Hifumi Yamada (3%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 157

Before anyone flips their shit, the poll titles have no significance other than showing my support of progressive sexuality. I’m being very careful not to spoil you guys with anything — chalk up anything I say to me playing the unreliable narrator.
Have fun. (With the voting that is, cuz shit’s super great-tabulous.)
Naegi/Aoi. Aoi’s such a good girl. ;_;
Aoi’s such a best girl.
Kirigiri best girl
Kirigiri best girl!
Maizono best dead girl!
Why is No. 16 listed with the dead girls/boys and not with those still alive?
>the poll titles have no significance
>I’m being very careful not to spoil you guys with anything
The reason behind the poll name is that the anime has thus far established that most of those people are dead, so I’m just playing around with that. The purpose of that poll category is a catch-all for all the characters that aren’t center-stage in the anime right now. So it’s not commentary on their dead/alive status.
I’ll be renaming it next episode for clarification.
I’ll give you that.
Kirigiri is deus ex machina ruining the (lame) premise of the whole show.
If I keep predicting Aoi as the murderer, I’ll get it right eventually… maybe? Anyway, she’s been my best girl vote since episode 1. No reason to change now.
Sakura gets best dead girl vote, Ishimaru best dead guy.