So it’s that time of the year again. The time when Dark_Sage remembers he has to take time off from work to dress up like an anime girl in Ohio.
Ohayocon 2013!
Guest Starring:
I kinda didn’t really check with anyone to see if they were going. ┐( ´ -`)┌
Soup and Snuggles confirmed. Sugoi.
Well, they haven’t listed what they are yet. Whatever. I’ll just make another post about these a few days before the thing starts, even if nobody reading this cares. Check that. Especially if nobody reading this cares.
And of course there’s gonna be cosplay!
![[IB] Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san - 09 [720p] [FC07C872].mkv_snapshot_05.50_[2012.12.31_22.31.57]](
Thoughts from last year:

If you wanna meet up, lemme know. IRC/email/comments/twitter/facebook/carrier pigeon/text message. Whatever works.
darksagerk -At-
No you don’t.
I would dress up if I knew how to sew!
Order your dresses from China just like most of the other cosplayers do nowadays.
That could work. Think I could get next-day air?
Yes. Then again, you got two weeks to order, so no need for the rush (and the extra-large pricetag guaranteeing things will be held at customs).
Wish I could. Have fun~
No tormaid? Fine, I will! But not cuz I want to. ;_;
I’m not travelling to USA just to meet up with you.
But screw logic.
I almost want to.
You’re making the right choice by staying at home. Not even I can make Ohio enjoyable.
But Cedar Point is in Ohio! Who cares if on the opposite side of the state?
So after reading over last years remarks, why on earth are you going this year?
I’m not really sure myself. But that’s okay — reasons are for the weak!
Ample bitching material.
Let it never be said Dark_Sage does not suffer for our amusement.
I won’t be there because conventions are for chumps but I absolutely look forward to reading your posts about it as that shit is always entertaining.
Please, add more lousy cosplays
The cornflakes monsters from last year (or whatever they wanted to represent) nearly killed me
So Dark_Sage, have you got yourself a new camera or are you still in possession of that shitty toaster?
8 megapixels is toaster-tier now?
What, is your toaster lens from 2003? Man, you Americans are so behind! Seriously though, how did comparing electronics to toasters become a cliché? It wasn’t smart the first time I heard it, and it sure as fuck isn’t clever the thousandth time.
Before “toaster”, we used to call these things “bagel makers”. So… we’re improving!
How about we compare them to microwaves or calculators or VLC?
It’s just a figure of speech that somehow developed over time. Don’t put too much thought into it, just take it how it is.
Because microwaves, calculators, and VLC are more complex than a toaster.
I refuse to not over-analyse, no matter how banal the subject may be!
Didn’t we call them “potatoes” at one point too?
I’ll be looking forward to your rants and sorts after the con.
I wish I could make it! We’re still in the middle of Bebop-Con 2013 though down here in Florida, you should’ve come! We’ve got quite the cast of characters here, Executer and Tiggerz of [commie], Metalek of [gg], Artworkx and Emitn of [FFFpeeps], Waffo, Killicy, Angie from [SFW], and myself from Distro Heaven. Maybe next time though?
Neither of those people are in Commie. Quit being retarded.
Well whatever, that’s their last group affiliation, Tiggerz has been debating the merits of your groups subs anyway.
I have been debating the merits of your servers, so it’s okay.
Really? Well thanks then, so you’ve been supporting my servers, as Tiggerz has been supporting [commie]’s methods ? Let’s not turn this into some argument please guys..
Those two aren’t in Commie anymore.
Uguu, I wasn’t invited?
Breaking news: Snuggles and Soup confirmed to go. Liquor! Energy drinks! Bad decisions! It’ll be great.
I’ll go if you pay for me.
I could actually go to this, but is the con rad enough for me to waste time in Ohio and obtain an reasonable amount of enjoyment. Probably not, sorry.
It’s worth attending if you’re already a couple blocks away from the con and someone gave you free tickets and you don’t have anything else to do that day but fap because you can grind on 16-year-olds at the rave and get off on that and the police will be totally cool with it cuz that’s the age of consent in Ohio but let’s face it grinding is as far as you’ll get cuz they probably have a curfew and come on it’s cold outside so you couldn’t exactly do it out there and it’s not like you really rented out a room at the hotel cuz you probably drove in and figured you could save some cash by parking it and sleeping in there even though you know it’s gonna be fucking cold so like inviting the girl out to your trunk to bang isn’t exactly the smoothest of moves so you’ll have to settle with that rave-flavored dry hump and the tears of shame that result.
Sounds like my kind of evening.
Hey Dark_Sage I just checked out the schedule, and I think you should check out the Manga Music Video panel. It’s a blossoming community, and I think your the right individual to help them progress.