I’d have to be hospitalized before we drop this one. [v2 up now, we don’t talk about the v1]
Default Script
Crunchyroll base translation (which was actually pretty damn good). Generitranslations (“it can’t be helped”, etc.) removed, character speech slightly modified to make them less generic (Hyobu more flamboyant, Andy more American), English inaccuracies fixed, general flow improved. This was generally a pretty easy script to work with, so don’t expect absolute brilliance here, but it should be more enjoyable than CR’s, even if only slightly more.
Typesetting and karaoke were also added to both scripts. The songs used a lot of Engrish, so just be aware we’ll change ’em whenever official lyrics come out.
Unlimited Script
[this is the “joke” script, the “regular” script is enabled by default. you have to switch to see this]
This will be quite different from the Whine-Subs releases. I think you’ll technically understand the show with this release, but I suggest you try the regular version first. This is aimed at those with more advanced power levels who can handle layers of plot complexity.
Hyobu Kyosuke – The Unlimited – Unlimited. The story so far:
The world’s peoples are divided into two camps — espers and normals (known derisively by espers as normalfags). Hyobu Kyosuke, the hero of the story, is a metrosexual sex deviant with a flair for the dramatic. He leads an organization known as P.A.N.D.A. — a group dedicated to combating the normalfags of the world who look down on espers and call them ESPies.
Episode 01 (spoilers!):
Breaking into a prison for espers run by a ruthless military dictatorship, Hyobu attempts to rescue his sister who has been captured and is being used as the prison’s cum dumpster. In doing so, Hyobu meets up with a young man named Andy Himomiya. Falling in love with Andy, Hyobu persuades him to join the otaku supergroup of deviants, P.A.N.D.A. But all is not as as it seems, for Andy is actually working for the normalfags. Will Andy be corrupted by the otaku and become one of them, or will he crush their deviancy once and for all? Guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens next in Hyobu Kyosuke – The Unlimited – Unlimited.
Nyaa 01v2: http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=download&tid=391024
Patch (for the poor bastards who trusted me to release an 01 without errors): http://puu.sh/1LqdL
Nighty – OP TL
fotc – ED TL
Caly – KFX
Fgg – Didn’t want to typeset but did anyway
furzi – Encode
Sutai – made us drop Tamako
Dark_Sage – script stuff
v2 check for no v3 shenanigans:

excuse me while i shit myself with glee that this show is actually getting subs
We do what we can.
Yo, Omex! You going to Detour again this year?
Definitely. Was gonna make sure to pull my head out of my ass and let you guys know despite me being horrifically antisocial with IRC these years. :C
Thanks for the v2. Your incomplete patch does not work for me.
Redownload may be necessary then. :X
DS did not include an xdelta.exe on the archive file. Also, when you try to patch it, it will return an error [http://www.mediafire.com/view/?l9fc2u4d3r6v142], saying that it can’t find the file on F:\(blah blah).
If you have an F: drive then just put the files there and run the bat file. Else, you have to edit the bat file and enter:
xdelta3 -d -s “[Whine-Subs]_The_Unlimited_-_Hyobu_Kyosuke_01_[1280×720][D161D9DF].mkv” “WhineHyobu01Patch.xdelta” “[Whine-Subs]_The_Unlimited_-_Hyobu_Kyosuke_01v2_[1280×720][0A5D52B0].mkv”
Well thanks for correcting my errors. Here’s a puush with the .bat edited to that and the xdelta.exe: http://puu.sh/1LqdL
Even if it’s a spinoff, should I watch first the original story to understand/appreciate more about this series?
Well, you’ll have to go with Chihiro’s subs if you want to watch the (great) original.
…so you might want to try the manga.
Nope. It’s a prequel and it’s entirely different in tone from the original. This is standalone.
Nice, then I’ll check it out; thanks.
Did you change .oft fonts to .ttf (application)? You have to do that in mkvmerge or else the font won’t work. Some of the fonts are Arial because of that problem. Of course some of the fonts work cause I have them installed on my computer. But i don’t have this one. :|
That’s how it looks on my end and all the fonts are installed on my computer.
I’m not sure that’s much of an upgrade.
I feel the screenshots for this post are apt to describe Dark_Sage’s reaction to his fail in his v1.
I knew there would be some type of error! What was the problem? Missing fonts?
Yup! And shitty timing. But now I’m the best timer ever so we won’t have any problems on that front.
Try to use less .otf fonts. They start creating problems.
.otf fonts aren’t an issue if you use mkvmerge 4.1.1 or force the MIME type. Using mkvmerge 4.1.1 is simpler and doesn’t have any drawbacks I can think of.
Ya. D_S did you force MIME type?
No clue. Which probably means “no”. I used 5.0.1 and did whatever the hell it wanted me to. Switched to 4.1.1 because I haven’t kept up on fansubbing’s most recent (~) best practices.
That pic at the end of this post shows that all the fonts have the x-truetype-font MIME type forced, and that the font in question, Adobe Garamond Pro, is muxed into the file, so… I dunno. Going to download it anyway.
Actually, try changing the font name for “Title2” to “Adobe Garamond Pro Bold”.
(This is assuming “AGaramondPro-Bold.otf” is the only Adobe Garamond font you have installed)
Yup – to use the attached font you have to use ‘Adobe Garamond Pro Bold’ or AGaramondPro-Bold
Well… Here
1st. insert font –> http://i.imgur.com/EgHSe.jpg
2nd change MIME type —-> http://i.imgur.com/iXKwj.jpg
Hope that helped. :D
Though based on the last picture in this post, D_S did change the MIME types for all the fonts. Plus, that sign still showed up as Arial even though he had all the fonts installed.
Maybe it just shows up like that but he didn’t.
It automatically sets their MIME types to TTF, it appears. Just checked my mkvmerge.
So, do you plan to leave the sign issue as is, or are you going to fix it in later episodes?
I’m not going to v3 for one sign.
mkvmerge 4.1.1 master race
You have to admit it’s kawaii.
I am looking forward to furiously fapping to your subbing mastery Dark_Sage! My body is READY!
I think I’m going to go around calling people ESPergers from now on. What have you released upon this world….
Congratulations, you’ve done what nobody has been able to do in the last 21 years: You’ve found a way to make me watch the exact same thing twice in a row.
Why is Sage still muxing shit?
The patch is a zipped folder with a batch script and a windows executable?
Your critique and subs are stellar, but please. Nobody with a reasonably sized dick in their hands would ever use Winderp.
Linux or gtfo. Gimme a $(diff | patch) for christ’s sake.
You can’t diff/patch a binary file
Real linux users stfu and compile everything from source. Precompiled binaries are out of the question
Jesus dick-fucking Christ it was so good! Thank you D_S and keep doing the Unlimited!
This other script is just absolutely fabulous!
Keep on struttin’ yaw skillz, D_S :D
…god I’m bad at this.
Not a single dropping-the-soap-in-shower joke?! I’m so disappointed in you, Dark_Sage :(
Opportunities missed. ;_;
Status update on 02 of Hyoubuu Kyosuke and Tamako Market ?
Status is Fuck My Job and 10 kbps internet. Eta tonight on hyobu. I’m not taking project lead on tamako so who knows when that will be out. Tomorrow I assume.