I work much better on a deadline, it seems.
Nyaa (episode 03): http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=download&tid=398581
Nyaa (episode 04): http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=download&tid=398583
Unlimited Scripts: Canceled
Not wasting any more of my time on them. They’re not worth delaying the releases for and it turns out completely re-editing the scripts is a bad idea.
Fear not though. Assuming you’re one of the ten remaining people actually interested in the show, I decided to juice up the characters beyond Crunchyroll’s bland, boring script. And this at least means Monday/Tuesday releases aren’t gonna be hard to reach.
<noteventhrice> Whelp, dropped ZKC then
<HeavenlyArmed> show: dropped
<noteventhrice> ;_;
<Kamina-kun> i agree with HA
<Kamina-kun> that show was never good lol
…I am well aware you’re probably pissed. Sorry, but I have to prioritize my time. Reality sucks.
Show is pretty okay for what it is imo. Nothing stellar or groundbreaking or that great of course.
Thanks for the release~
If it’s any consolation, everyone I showed your subs to enjoyed them pretty hard. Thanks for all the effort you put into the alternate script. I myself will still be looking forward to future episodes though.
I’ll still watch, never really checked out the Unlimited script anyway. Not super into the show, but it’s okay.
thanks! but next episode is more hard work. you need to redo OP-ED.
Uh… we already did re-do the ED and OP. Are you saying episode 5 will have a new OP and ED too?
oops sorry, I tought you release only ep3. but who know maybe ep5 will change op ed agian :d
No more unlimited scripts? Dropped
My rule of never dropping a show I’ve watched the first episode will not be nullified. Though I never watched the Unlimited script, either.
I’m really just going to watch for the OP song, though. Super cool.
That’s alright.
I liked the UNLIMITED scripts, but as long as you don’t drop the series, I’ll keep coming for the releases.
Episode 3 without the Unlimited track was a bit meh. I hope episode 4 and beyond get more juiced.
Not having watched much of the show with the standard track, it seems to me that the show is starting to parody itself: playing an 8-bit video game to decrypt the stolen data, telling a Nigerian Prince joke (or is that yours?), and naming the Kingdom Monarch.
It was some generic “I need some money” “What are you a scammer?!” joke, so I spruced it up. 03 is about as good as I can make it without overstepping my bounds as an editor.
Hmm! The show’s far too cliche, but it seems to have heart and a bit of style so I reckon it’s worth a 12-episode watch, especially with your magic fingers and pizazz added to the mix.
Commie’s editor seems to skirt the edge as well with Robotics;Note, especially with Frau Koujiro, and that show has become better over time, so +1 for walking the lie as close as you dare.
I meant walking the line, not “walking the lie”
It is never too late to do Kotoura-san, or Roman.
You mean for us to sub? No point doing Kotoura since Commie’s doing a fine job with it already. And I actually like this show well enough. I just realize most people don’t.
Roman, Inaba, and Ai-Mai-Mi are the only fansub orphans this season and I’m not dropping Hyobu to pick one of those up.
Is that to imply that WhyNot’s treatment of Roman is subpar?
You tell me.
I’m really pointing at Roman. I can’t argue with how good Commie’s Kotoura is for I am downloading and watching their product. Been thinking of your group throwing serious business to a crime-comedy animu could be more LOL times. Possibilities, man. This could replace the current #1 (Kotoura-san) of my prio-DL-&-Watch list.
I’d rather stick with Hyobu.
I understand that you only want Kotoura-san to remain and still be the #1 in my prio list.
I will keep on trying, though. If Roman will not do this season, I will look for another prospect Spring animu.
anyway, do you know official OP lyric is out i see something wrong on your karaoke http://mojim.com/tw118800x1.htm
Did not know that. Thanks for the heads up. It will be fixed going forward. And if someone yells at me before we release the batch, I’ll go ahead and update the kara for that.
Thanks for the traslation guys!!
Well, we’re using Crunchy as the base script, so I can’t say it’s an original translation. But I’d like to think we change it up enough that you can tell the difference.
Ah very happy to see your subs!
Sad to see unlimited script gone, but happy to see the added flares to dialogue still.
And making up your own script can be hard, when you don’t know what is coming up next.
Wait, are you continuing the normal subs of this show, or not? At first it sounds like you are and then it looks like you’re saying you dropped it entirely?
I discontinued the joke subs portion of the show. That’s it.
oh yay.
The UNLIMITED subs were pretty much the only reason I was watching the show.
Since I have a no-dropping policy, thanks a lot for the extra hours I have to spend watching the shitty show.
Now I feel bad.
Nah, it was probably my fault for relying on someone who I know is way too unreliable.
Yeah, good point. Your bad.