Okay, time for a more traditional TL Party. 4 groups, 11 comparisons. This should go much quicker than usual.
Translation Party House Rules:
1. Translation Parties are intended to help you make the best subtitle choice for a given anime. Choose which line(s) you liked best by selecting them with the checkbox.
2. If you didn’t like any of the lines, choose the “N/A” option. The results for “N/A” won’t be automatically tabulated, so you’ll have to do the math in your head. Have my gomens and nasais.
3. A “>” indicates that another character has begun speaking. If there are three characters in a line comparison, I will indicate the third with a “>>” and so on for more characters.
4. Group order is randomized for each screenshot, every time you refresh the page. However, the “N/A” option will always appear at the bottom of the screen.
5. Your results will be summed up when you click the “Get your results” button. Feel free to vote in the poll at the end/post in the comments to let others know how you did and to compare your results with them.
6. Party hard.
Vividred Operation – Episode 02
Comparisons: 11
Keep in mind that the majority of this 300-line script is just the girls yelling their names at each other. So there should be no excuse for bad English or half-assed translations.
JK (GotWoot x EveTaku)
{\i1} indicates the start of italics
{\i0} indicates the close of italics
Akane -> Aoi.
Commie :: Let’s do it, Aoi!
Let’s dock and save everyone!
>But how could I do something that great?
>>If you really want to try, the conditions are all in place.
Aniplex :: Let’s do it, Aoi-chan! Let’s dock and save everybody!
>B-But I can’t do something that amazing…
>>If you want to do it, young lady, the conditions are already met!
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid :: C’mon, Aoi-chan. Let’s dock and save everyone!
>B-But I don’t think I can do something like that.
>>The decision is yours. Everything is ready.
JK :: Let’s dock and save everyone!
>B-But I doubt I can…
>>It will happen if you so desire. All the other conditions have been met.
to question how they could all fuck up so badly :: N/A. They all sucked.
Akane -> Aoi.
Commie :: Whoa, Aoi! You held up a fighter jet!
>I couldn’t even stand on my hands before…
Aniplex :: That’s amazing, Aoi-chan! You lifted a whole fighter jet!
>Normally, I can’t even do a cartwheel…
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid :: That was incredible, Aoi-chan!
You held up a plane!
>I couldn’t even do a handstand before…
JK :: That was incredible, Aoi-chan!
You were holding up a plane!
>I can’t even do a flip on the gym bars!
to question how they could all fuck up so badly :: N/A. They all sucked.
Akane -> Aoi.
Commie :: Whoa Aoi, that’s a gigantic homerun!
>Others always had to protect me, but with this…
>With this I can fight by Akane’s side!
Aniplex :: Wow, Aoi-chan! That home run went clear over the bleachers!
>I’ve always been coddled and protected, but now…
>With this…
>With this, I can fight! At Akane-chan’s side!
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid :: Wow, Aoi-chan, that would have been a home run!
>I’ve always had to rely on others to protect me, but with this…
>With this, I can fight alongside Akane-chan!
JK :: Aoi-chan, you hit it out of the park!
>Now instead of {\i1}being{\i0} protected, I can…
>{\i1}I can fight! Together with Akane-chan!
to question how they could all fuck up so badly :: N/A. They all sucked.
Random Guy A -> Random Guy B.
Commie :: Lieutenant, what does that look like to you?
>Two girls, I must say.
>>Missiles couldn’t hit it, but flying little girls can?!
Aniplex :: What does that look like to you?
>L-Like little girls, sir.
>>Our missiles don’t work on this thing, but these flying little girls are–
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid :: Operations Officer, what does that look like to you?
>L-Little girls.
>>Missiles couldn’t even put a dent in that thing, but those little girls…
JK :: Captain, what do those look like to you?
>>Are {\i1}flying girls{\i0} fighting this enemy that’s impervious to missiles?
to question how they could all fuck up so badly :: N/A. They all sucked.
Oba-san addressing her dudes.
Commie :: This is the chief of the Manifestor Engine management.
As the person in charge, I will now address all personnel currently occupied with the defense of Blue Island.
Aniplex :: This is Manifestation Engine Director Shijou.
As the person who has full authority over this area, I address everyone defending Blue Island.
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid :: This is Shijou from the Celestial Engine Administration Bureau.
As the one with greatest authority here,
I’m addressing every member of the Blue Island Defense Force.
JK :: This is Shijou from the Incarnate Engine Administration Bureau.
As Bureau Chief, I have a request for all forces defending Blue Island.
to question how they could all fuck up so badly :: N/A. They all sucked.
Weasel talking to the girls.
Commie :: Here we go! Docking Operation!
Kiss Akane!
Aniplex :: Let’s do it! Docking operation!
Little lady, kiss Akane!
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid :: Let’s go! Docking Operation!
Give Akane a good kiss, Ojou-chan!
JK :: Here we go!
Docking Operation!
Miss! Plant a smacker on Akane-chan!
to question how they could all fuck up so badly :: N/A. They all sucked.
Weasel talking to the girls.
Commie :: You haven’t got enough power to Dock.
One of you is rejecting Docking subconsciously.
So the root of the problem is the strength of your friendship!
Aniplex :: The instant you dock, the power needed for the operation drops down into minus figures.
One of you must be rejecting the docking on a subconscious level.
In other words, the cause of the failure lies in the strength of your friendship.
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid :: When you attempted to dock, the energy needed for the operation became negative.
One of you must be rejecting the dock.
Basically, your friendship must be strong for this to work.
JK :: The moment you attempted to dock, the power being used for the operation inverted.
One of you unconsciously rejected the dock.
In other words, the operation failed due to the strength of your friendship.
to question how they could all fuck up so badly :: N/A. They all sucked.
Aoi talking about Akane entering her. Weasel interrupts with his stupid-ass science shit.
Commie :: When we were trying to Dock I could feel you flowing into me.
>During Docking, you share each other’s consciousness and memories.
>I thought there wouldn’t be a problem with the two of you…
>>And there aren’t any!
Aniplex :: Um, when we tried to dock, it almost felt as if Akane was flowing into me.
>Right. When you dock, you share each other’s memories and consciousness.
>I thought for sure that there wouldn’t be any problems with you two…
>>There’s no problem with us!
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid :: When we attempted to dock, it felt like you were flowing into me.
>As you dock, your memories and consciousness unite.
>I didn’t think you’d have any problems with that.
>>There isn’t a problem!
JK :: Um, when we tried to dock, I felt like you were entering me, Akane-chan.
>Upon docking, your memories and consciousnesses become one.
>>I thought you two could pull it off without any problems, but…
>>Of course there wouldn’t be any problems!
to question how they could all fuck up so badly :: N/A. They all sucked.
Weasel warning Akane.
Commie :: Akane! This is way out of your league!
Aniplex :: Akane! The Palette Suits won’t even scratch those things now!
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid :: You don’t stand a chance with only the palette suit now!
JK :: Your attacks are no match for it anymore!
to question how they could all fuck up so badly :: N/A. They all sucked.
Akane talking to Aoi.
Commie :: Whenever there were tomatoes in our lunch, you’d eat them making this totally disgusted face!
It was so obvious!
But when I thought you were trying so hard not to let me down,
I felt it so… vividly!
Aniplex :: I mean, whenever we get tomatoes with our school lunches,
you eat it with a grossed-out look on your face.
It was totally obvious!
But when I thought about how you tried so hard to eat them so you wouldn’t hurt my feelings,
I kinda, you know, got tingly all over!
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid :: Whenever there was a tomato in your lunch, you always looked so glum when you ate it.
I could tell!
But I was happy that you tried so hard not to disappoint me.
When I realized that, I felt so fuzzy!
JK :: ‘Cause every time the school lunch had tomatoes in it,
you looked like you were forcing them down.
It was obvious.
But I knew you were trying so hard because you didn’t want to disappoint me.
When I thought of it that way, I felt this sort of…
tingling feeling!
to question how they could all fuck up so badly :: N/A. They all sucked.
Saegusa talking to herself.
Commie :: {\i1}This is Saegusa Wakaba, heir apparent to the Heavenly Eye Style.
{\i1}Who is this eccentric red-haired girl who dares cross swords with me?!
Aniplex :: I am Wakaba Saegusa, the heir to the Tengenri Shinryu Souken.
A red stranger showed up at school.
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid :: My name is Saegusa Wakaba, and I am the successor to the Heavenly Eye Religious Group.
Some weird red-haired girl has suddenly appeared at my school.
JK :: I’m the heir to the Heaven-Shaking Style School, Saegusa Wakaba.
A redheaded troublemaker has shown up at my school.
to question how they could all fuck up so badly :: N/A. They all sucked.

Which group had which line:
Funimation? You mean Aniplex of America.
They did it on their own? Aight, fixing.
Yea. They announced the license (at least streaming) and it’s on Crunchyroll on a three day delay.
I think the link for number 10 is broken.
This is the first time I’ve actually been through this process… and it didn’t surprise me that Commie came out worst of the four. Ha, though in all seriousness, a lot of those lines look like they have translation errors more than bad editing. Handstand != cartwheel, and Lieutenant != Captain != Operations Officer, for example.
I’m also amused by one group’s decision to randomly capitalise Dock even though in some of the quoted lines, they haven’t (Oh look, it’s Commie. Probably why I didn’t vote for most of their lines.)
You probably started when I originally posted it. It’s fixed now.
Ah, good show. Yeah, I’m quite a slow typer. Not sure why I edit, really…
Commie: 3 times
Funimation: 3 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 2 times
JK: 3 times
It’s a tie between Commie, Funimation, and JK
I’m sure one of these days one of the TL parties will give me actually useful results.
Also, choice ten is broken.
^though not as slow as this guy :D
I started five minutes later, that’s all.
Overall scores…
Commie: 4 times
Aniplex: 3 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 1 time
JK: 3 times
Looks like your best bet is Commie
Was not expecting Aniplex to do so well
Commie: 2 times
Funimation: 1 time
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 3 times
JK: 3 times
How could they all fuck up so badly?: 1
It’s a tie between Hatsuyuki-Hybrid and JK
Another vote to “they all sucked.”
After D_S fixed question 10, “How could they all fuck up so badly?” gets chosen a second time. I should also nab some points for participating in this TL party even though I don’t watch this show. Doing this sort of thing is manly.
Commie: 1 time
Aniplex: 3 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 2 times
JK: 4 times
Looks like your best bet is JK
awkward but w/e ┐(´∀`)┌
HAH…. Oh Hybrid21, how you make me lul.
Commie: 1 time
Aniplex: 2 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 4 times
JK: 2 times
Mah nigguh.
Overall scores…
Commie: 1 time
Aniplex: 1 time
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 1 time
JK: 3 times
Looks like your best bet is JK
Wow, some of these translations were so bad. In some cases I had to choose the least crappy translation just so I could end up with an answer (although, I just go for Commie since they’re the first to release).
Dark_Sage, 11 choices represent only a small portion of the script. Why didn’t you choose to include 20 comparisons?
I could’ve done 20 comparisons, but that would have resulted in people just giving up halfway through. I got a lot of complaints about the length of my -monogatari parties, so I’ve been targeting 10-15 comparisons since then.
Edit: And like Progeusz noted from my comments in the post, the scripts weren’t so overly complex that I felt an obligation to include enough comparisons to tilt it toward the lengthier end of that scale. Honestly, only about 13 line comparisons popped out at me, and I dropped two of them because they were either “pick the odd one out (which wasn’t necessarily fair for the context)” or “vote based on which version you already saw”.
Can you read?
“Keep in mind that the majority of this 300-line script is just the girls yelling their names at each other. So there should be no excuse for bad English or half-assed translations.”
Wow, HH won for me, I didn’t expect that.
And on that note, how about revealing your own scores Dark_Sage?
Commie: 2 times
Aniplex: 1 time
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 2 times
JK: 1 time
What the fuck are you guys doing: 6 times
That should be five times for What the fuck are you guys doing
If we had radioboxes, that would be true, but since we have checkboxes I chose two groups for one comparison.
Ah… right.
I’m just used to making only one choice, and the habit stays with me even when I’m given the chance to select more than one.
Same goes for me as well.
Commie: 2 times
Aniplex: 4 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 2 times
JK: 3 times
Looks like your best bet is Aniplex
Commie: 3 times
Aniplex (Funimation): 2 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 1 time
JK: 8 times
Looks like your best bet is JK
Maybe I’m either crazy, or just a huge EveTaku fanboy, or both (probably both), but I felt like JK was miles ahead of everyone else. I’ve watched JK’s first two eps and loved ’em.
Commie: 2 times
Aniplex: 4 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 4 times
JK: 3 times
Huh. I suppose it’s time to start patronizing Crunchyroll.
So after seeing that they all had different translations for the engine think I figured I would just see who got that right b/c I think that is supposed to be important.
So we get 示現 for vision guess this has something to do with the vivid system. But then I also see it called 次元 for dimension so it is a dimensional vision engine!?
Well lets see the options:
Manifestor Engine [FAIL] (wtf is this, Manifestor?)
Incarnate Engine [FAIL] (so it is incarnating things from the dimensional vision? Makes me think stuff is coming back to life, oh shit is this actually about zombies!?)
Manifestation Engine [Good] (Ok, it is the manifestation of a dimensional vision and that is where the energy comes from? This sort of makes sense given how the suits work)
Celestial Engine [Acceptable] (Well I think it gets energy from the sky so this name sort of makes sense but I can not see how it has anything to do with the defined jp names they use…)
So from this I conclude that anyone that does not use Manifestation Engine is too stupid to be trusted to translate this. So that leave us with:
Luckily I found Celestial Engine acceptable so Hatsuyuki-Hybrid works…
However, after looking at the rest of their translations for these 3 I give up on life.
>(wtf is this, Manifestor?)
…an engine that manifests things?
> Incarnate Engine [FAIL] (so it is incarnating things from the dimensional vision? Makes me think stuff is coming back to life, oh shit is this actually about zombies!?)
I think you should look it up, you might be confusing it with reincarnate.
This isn’t the first time I’ve seen “incarnate” used like this. In Accel World, they had this system where you could access and use energy directly from the Accel World. They called the attacks incarnate attacks.
You are retarded, and you have no idea what you’re talking about.
1 神仏が霊験を示し現すこと。また、その霊験。神仏のお告げ。「奇跡が―する」
2 仏・菩薩(ぼさつ)が衆生を救うために種々の姿に身を変えてこの世に出現すること。
This spelling is used on their official page as well.
-> http://www.vividred.net/story/index.html
How did you even get vision? Are you too dumb to tell apart 現 and 視?
I liked the sound of the word better than “manifestation”, and in context, it means the same thing. I have… no idea where you’re getting your information from.
After further debate I finally decided on JK and I have been happy with their subs so far.
Overall scores…
Commie: 2 times
Aniplex: 3 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 0 times
JK: 3 times
It’s a tie between Aniplex and JK
That’s interesting.
For question 1 you chose to question how they could all fuck up so badly
For question 3 you chose to question how they could all fuck up so badly
For question 10 you chose to question how they could all fuck up so badly
Commie: 5 times
Aniplex: 3 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 2 times
JK: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is Commie
Overall scores…
Commie: 1 time
Aniplex: 3 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 4 times
JK: 1 time
Looks like your best bet is Hatsuyuki-Hybrid
Overall scores…
Commie: 6 times
Aniplex: 3 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 1 time
JK: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is Commie
Thought as much, since I was already watching them to begin with.
Looks like a parade of failure all around. This season so far is remarkable for it’s number of bad translations.
Commie: 3 times
Aniplex: 3 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 0 times
JK: 5 times
Looks like your best bet is JK
Commie: 2 times
Aniplex: 5 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 1 time
JK: 2 times
Looks like your best bet is Aniplex
Well, ok then…
Commie: 1 time
Aniplex: 1 time
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 3 times
JK: 5 times
Looks like your best bet is JK
I thought that Commie would score higher for me, this is quite surprising.
Overall scores…
Commie: 1 time
Aniplex: 3 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 2 times
JK: 5 times
Looks like your best bet is JK
no surprises there.
I don’t need no TL party to tell me that
the best bet is HADENA.
(☞゚∀゚)☞ O U
Commie: 3 times
Aniplex: 3 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 1 time
JK: 2 times
It’s a tie between Commie and Aniplex
I try to avoid picking N/A, though I still did once or twice, but this was overall an unimpressive showing. Commie, Aniplex, and JK are probably all in the C+ to B range and they’re definitely watchable, but all the scripts could have used a lot stronger editing.
Commie: 2 times
Aniplex: 1 time
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 2 times
JK: 5 times
Looks like your best bet is JK
As expected, I voted N/A for question 4 since I can’t remember what they actually said.
Flying fighting females and anthropomorphic animals? It’d be great if this were another Lyrical Nanoha, but I suspect V.O. would be lucky to just avoid making Strike Witches seem good by comparison. :P
…and it’s Commie by a hair.
But really, it’s a five-way tie. Several questions were two-way ties. In some cases, I might rather have guessed the meaning from the RAW. So if forced to choose by coin flip, the win could go to anyone or to no one.
Still, props to Commie. They’re the only group that I gave more than one (i.e. three) untied vote to. Commie’s typical strength is its apparent command of language and idiom. But it seems their weakness is a tendency toward a lack of QC which belies the antecedent praise.
Overall scores…
Commie: 5 times
Aniplex: 4 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 4 times
JK: 3 times
Looks like your best bet is Commie
Commie: 2 times
Aniplex: 3 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 2 times
JK: 4 times
Looks like your best bet is JK
I do like the shorter TL parties. Parties with ~20 lines tend to drag on, especially when it’s hard to pick between them.
Overall scores…
Commie: 1 time
Aniplex: 0 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 6 times
JK: 4 times
Looks like your best bet is Hatsuyuki-Hybrid
As expected. I’m glad I’m not watching this.
Commie: 1 time
Aniplex: 3 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 1 time
JK: 6 times
Looks like your best bet is JK
A lot of the time it was a question of which was the least awful. But I get the feeling the dialogue is probably pretty moronic to begin with, so garbage in, garbage out.
Commie: 2 times
Aniplex: 2 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 1 time
JK: 0 times
thow could they all fuck up so badly: 6 times
It is quite interesting how almost everyone has no clear winner.
Commie: 1 time
Aniplex: 2 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 4 times
JK: 4 times
It’s a tie between Hatsuyuki-Hybrid and JK
Forced myself to pick a group for all of them. Looks like I was right to have faith in JK. Thanks for helping to confirm my biases, Dark_Sage.
It’s what I do.
I’m curious. Why are these called ‘Translation Parties’ instead of ‘Phrasing Parties’? Knowledge of both the context and original Japanese dialogue would be necessary for it to be a true ‘Translation Party’…
If I were so bold as to offer my suggestion, perhaps the inclusion of the Japanese or at least the time stamps of the scenes?
What we’re doing here is comparing scripts, which are by definition translations, so I think the title is fair.
All prior TL Parties should have the timestamps on the images. I didn’t include them in this one since I didn’t think anybody would use them, so I just named the images stupid things. I can put the timestamps back on for upcoming parties if you wish.
I suppose I should mention that it would be difficult me to include the Japanese here — you really don’t want me transcribing that shit. Maybe I could create short Youtube clips of the scenes, but unless there’s something that can do this automatically for me (and easily), that’s not gonna happen.
Aegisub -> create audio clip
Well that is certainly a lot easier than extracting the audio and trimming it in Audacity.
Hmm, that’s pretty easy. I’ll do it for the next one. Thanks, lyger.
You could upload them to puu.sh or dropbox, too. I don’t see why you would have to use Youtube.
Upload them to Mediafire.
Mediafire is sketchy. They randomly delete/block my shit even if it’s just a fucking .ass.
Commie: 1 time
Aniplex: 3 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 7 times
JK: 4 times
Looks like your best bet is Hatsuyuki-Hybrid
Well, at least now I know which group to download from if I ever decide to pick this up.
For question 1 you chose Aniplex
For question 2 you chose Aniplex and Hatsuyuki-Hybrid
For question 3 you chose Aniplex and Hatsuyuki-Hybrid
For question 4 you chose JK, Aniplex, and Hatsuyuki-Hybrid
For question 5 you chose Hatsuyuki-Hybrid
For question 6 you chose Hatsuyuki-Hybrid
For question 7 you chose JK and Hatsuyuki-Hybrid
For question 8 you chose JK and Aniplex
For question 9 you chose Aniplex
For question 10 you chose Hatsuyuki-Hybrid
For question 11 you chose Aniplex
Overall scores…
Commie: 0 times
Aniplex: 7 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 7 times
JK: 3 times
It’s a tie between Aniplex and Hatsuyuki-Hybrid
Neat quiz thingee you set up here. Tried to not pick the “they all suck” option, but wanted to for a few of them.
Commie: 1 time
Aniplex: 3 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 1 time
JK: 2 times
how could they all fuck up so badly: 4 times
Looks like your best bet is to suck it up and learn Japanese
Overall scores…
Commie: 6 times
Aniplex: 8 times
Hatsuyuki-Hybrid: 8 times
JK: 7 times
It’s a tie between Aniplex and Hatsuyuki-Hybrid
Even though I don’t think that any of the groups did a particularly bad job on this episode, I’ll think I’ll watch for H-H’s and JK’s release and decide from there.