For those of you keeping record.
I have changed my avatar.

The banner has been changed as well.
I expect everyone will appreciate the new minimalist design choice.
Okay, how about this?
Summer 2013 has begun so all Spring 2013 fansub reviews have been canceled. Try to limit “review ___ next” requests to the Review Queue. It is there that I will tell you to vote in the poll instead.
Because sometimes I disappear for months at a time
Crymore has gained three new staff for fan translation reviews:
- kokujin-kun (fansub translation reviewer – handles currently airing anime)
- Calyrica (general fansub reviewer with more of a technical aesthetic focus compared to my reviews – handles previously aired anime)
- aoihakurei (scanlation reviewer – handles… wait, let’s not make this a hostile work environment.)
Authors are visible on the main page, before you click posts. If this still results in confusion, I will re-install the plugin that lets you know who wrote the post in the post itself.
Wait. Dark_Sage, it’s summer. So does that mean…
Prepare your body.
The last banner was better.
I may be willing to entertain alternates.
No, last banner was definitely way better. Every time Yuno said Yukki’s name, it sounded like she was having a small orgasm. But you went ahead and took that away from me ;_;
>Calyrica (handles previously aired anime)
Does that mean she can review the stuff you missed last season?
Theoretically, yes. But lol if you think anyone watches Uta Prince or Red Data Girl.
What she reviews is up to her. But I assume that’s a possibility.
new banner gave me cancer
But it’s cute. Look how anime it is.
Way more professional looking than the previous two banners.
You should review Monogatari S2 first. For some reason it’s not a choice in the poll.
(But actually, why isn’t Teekyuu included in the poll, considering that there are other sequels on there?)
Monogatari s2 is currently winning the poll. I just renamed it Sagemonogatari.
Tekyu is a short anime and I review short anime at my leisure since the reviews go by quickly. No reason to waste poll space on them.
The Monogatari thing was a bad joke in response to the review queue thing. Sorry about that.
are you going to aX
>2 fonts
Yeah and I’m actually rarely upset.
After the 83.5K that were raised, you only managed to do that? I expected something more impressive to commemorate the achievement, D_S.
This banner was okay, will always give me smile when visiting this site
Dark Sage please. New Banner.
…New banner, again.
You people are never satisfied! ;_;
Should of kept the old one ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
MFW random new banner
V2 banner now.
Do you even banner.
But the new profile pic is cool.
D_S-chan why does your site always look like poop??
Try more.
teh wut?
Free! airs today. It’s 2nd on the list. Review it today. :D
You know what? I’m up for doing old TL reviews.
Though I’d love to have you on, adding more staff at the moment would run the risk of overextension. So I’m gonna have to table that for now.
k, find me on [IB] if you need me.
Also, banner is A+.
Definitely. (>_O)b
Wow, that banner is epic cool!
Thanks desu
Took me an ample seconds to read what’s on the bottom right of the banner though :(
But yes, waAay better than former.
Oh fuck I spelled “more” wrong
You know you want more Yuno.
What is this,
LOL. I just had to use a Mario Star ;D.
I thought t’was intended so didn’t mentioned.
And Sola, you child of god, I’m starting to love you and that banner now :]
D_S should do better colouring for the bottom right text.
B-buh muh Juri
Juri? Let me put her in the banner. I think you’ll be pleased.
Better. Still though, shouldn’t you put a Summer show so that you can be all like hip and new.
I like the latest banner.
Reminds me of days spent looking for Juri porn.
There still isn’t much out there. It’s a fucking tragedy.