Third best show of the season. Agree/Agree?
Translation Party House Rules:
Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi – Episode 01
Comparisons: 9 or 18
{\i1} indicates the start of italics
{\i0} indicates the close of italics
Essential 1.
What an introduction to the show.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: You’re the one…
You’re the one who…
killed everyone!
>I didn’t kill them.
>I’m not lying.
>The days of men killing each other are over.
>I simply made it so they could no longer move.
>Only gravekeepers kill.
HorribleSubs :: Did you…
Did you kill…
>I didn’t kill them.
You’re lying!
>That wasn’t a lie.
>The day and age where man kills man is done and gone.
>I merely immobilized them.
Vivid :: You…
You did this?
You killed them all?!
>I didn’t kill them.
>I’m not lying.
>People killing one another is now a thing of the past.
>All I did was get them to stop moving.
>{\i1}Killing{\i0} them is the job of a gravekeeper.
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 2.
The <> is just to show I skipped some irrelevant dialogue. I should also note the last line wasn’t spoken; it only appeared in text form.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: God created the world on a Monday.
On Tuesday, He separated order from chaos.
On Wednesday, He balanced the world’s values.
On Thursday, He permitted the flow of time.
On Friday, He examined every part of the world.
On Saturday, He rested.
And on Sunday,
He renounced the world.
HorribleSubs :: On Monday, God created the world.
On Tuesday, God created the polar opposites “chaos” and “order”.
On Wednesday, God went into meticulous detail while playing with numbers.
On Thursday, God allowed time to begin flowing.
On Friday, God looked over the world in minute detail.
On Saturday, God took a rest.
And on Sunday, God…
…abandoned the world.
Vivid :: God created the world on a Monday.
On Tuesday, He drew the line between Order and Chaos.
On Wednesday, He arranged each and every number.
On Thursday, He permitted the ebb and flow of Time.
On Friday, God explored every nook and cranny of the world.
On Saturday, He rested.
And on Sunday, God…
forsook the world.
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 3.
Another show about zombies. It’s no Sankarea but it’ll do.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: Even if their hearts stopped…
Even if their flesh rotted…
the dead did not stop moving.
Then as a final miracle to save the people, God sent down the gravekeepers.
HorribleSubs :: Even if a person’s heart stopped,
or his flesh decayed,
the dead continued to writhe without end.
To save those people,
it is said that God granted one last miracle…
…when He bequeathed the gravekeepers unto us.
Vivid :: Even as their hearts stopped beating,
even as their flesh rotted,
the dead kept moving.
It is said that in order to save those very people,
God sent to this world one final miracle:
the gravekeepers.
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 4.
Ai’s foster father scolding her.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: Hey, what do you lot think you’re doing?
I keep telling you not to give food to the gravekeeper.
>Um, this is…
Now then, Ai.
>I dried do sdop dem!
HorribleSubs :: Hey! What do you guys think you’re doing?!
I’ve told you not to go offering food to the Lady Gravekeeper!
>Well, uh, you see…
As for you, Ai…
>I couldn’t shtop dem.
Vivid :: Hey! What do you all think you’re doing?
How many times must I tell you to stop feeding the gravekeeper?!
>Well… you see…
Well, Ai?
>>I dried do zdop dem!
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 5.
AI demonstrating the social skills of an ape. Oh, was I not supposed to capitalize her whole name? My bad for the spoilers.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: You smell, Anna.
>Ai, it’s called perfume.
I like your smell even without perfume.
>You’ll understand what adults do once you become one.
HorribleSubs :: Anna, you stink.
>Ai, that’s my perfume!
But you don’t need any!
I like the way you smell just fine, Anna!
>You won’t understand such adult fancies until you are one.
Vivid :: Anna, you stink.
>It’s just perfume.
I don’t see why you wear that stuff.
I like your natural scent.
>Well, I’m sure you’ll understand the ways of us adults when you become one.
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 6.
jk, I wasn’t spoiling a damn thing. I’m only caught up in the manga about 3 pages past where this episode ends. Still fucking confused as shit.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: Query:
Have you heard of someone named or someone who calls herself Hana?
Whether she is dead or alive is irrelevant.
>Um, I haven’t…
HorribleSubs :: Question: Search-based.
I wish to inquire about a
human who is called “Hana” or refers to herself as such.
It doesn’t matter if she’s dead or alive.
>Uh, I don’t know her…
Vivid :: Query:
I would like information on one called or one who calls herself “Hana.”
I’m not asking whether she’s dead or alive.
>Well… I’m not sure.
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 7.
Hampnie Hambeast not taking Ai’s shit.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: How in the world do I seem like your father?
>You’re right. It does seem strange.
Doesn’t it?
>I imagine my father to be a 40-some-year-old tough guy.
>It’d be strange if he didn’t enter the scene raising a war cry while fighting something.
I don’t think that’s what’s strange here.
HorribleSubs :: How could you possibly mistake me for your father?
>It does seem a bit strange.
Doesn’t it?
>I imagined my father to be a tough guy
>in his late 30’s or early 40’s.
>And it’d be strange if he didn’t bellow a battlecry
>as he smites something in his entrance scene.
I am positive that is not the issue.
Vivid :: Do I look like I could be your dad?
>I must admit it is a little strange.
>In my mind, my father’s always been this tough guy around forty years old.
>And it’d be strange if he didn’t show up letting out some fierce battle cry.
There are much stranger things about this situation.
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 8.
TL Note: The guy with the raincoat on has half his face blown off in this scene.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: Hey there, you undead.
I’m planning to fire thirty pea-sized rounds your way.
In two seconds.
HorribleSubs :: Yo, he who failed to die!
I think I’m going to spew a whopping 30 bullets
the size of peas across this entire area.
You have two seconds.
Vivid :: Hey, you! Undead monster!
You’ve got three seconds before I unload thirty rounds of lead in that direction.
Two seconds!
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 9.
Earlier, Ai told Hampnie that he must be her father because her mother told her that her dad was named Hampnie Hambart. Hampnie here’s saying that her mom just came up with the name outta nowhere.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: My mother was Alpha the gravekeeper, and my father is named Hampnie Hambart.
>I’m telling you that Hampnie Hambart is a name from a fairy tale for starters.
>It’s the name of a toy with a broken spring that continues to move for eternity.
>I merely used that name because of that reference.
>Your mother probably did the same.
HorribleSubs :: My mother was the gravekeeper, Alfa,
and my father is called Hampnie Hamba–
>The name “Hampnie Hambart” was merely taken from a fairytale.
>It’s the name of a toy
>that moves for all eternity after a spring breaks.
>I am simply borrowing my name from that fairytale.
>I imagine your mother did likewise.
Vivid :: My mother was Alfa, the gravekeeper,
and my father’s name is Humpnie Humbert—
>”Humpnie Humbert” is just a fairy tale.
>It’s the name of a toy that keeps moving even without a spring.
>I only borrowed the name from that toy.
>I bet your mother did the same thing.
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Decision Point:
- It’s late and I’m tired and I have a headache. (Time for the results.)
- I have sufficiently prepared myself for more comparisons and shall continue with the Party.
Expanded 1.
Sounds fun.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: Since my mother died, there have been no new deaths.
Even so, I’ve been digging graves every day.
After all, I’m a gravekeeper.
HorribleSubs :: Since Mother’s death, no one in the village has passed away.
But even so, I’ve dedicated my days to digging graves.
After all, I’m the gravekeeper!
Vivid :: Since my mother passed away, none of the villagers have died.
But each day, I’ve been digging grave after grave.
After all, I’m a gravekeeper!
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 2.
The Mormons were right.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: “The other side is already over crowded.”
“Soon, the same will be true of this world.”
“Ah, I have failed.”
These are the words God left behind after abandoning this world.
And no one has died since.
HorribleSubs :: “The other side is already full.”
“This world will reach a standstill before much longer.”
“Ah, I’ve failed!”
Ever since God made that declaration and abandoned our world,
people have lost the ability to die.
Vivid :: “Heaven and Hell are too crowded.”
“It won’t be long before this world is, too.”
“Ah, I have failed.”
When God abandoned the world, leaving behind only those words,
people stopped dying.
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 3.
Ai checking out her perfect nail job.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: Perfect!
No matter how you see it, I look like a great, confident gravekeeper.
HorribleSubs :: Perfect!
No matter how you look at me,
I’m clearly a dignified and admirable gravekeeper!
Vivid :: Perfect!
I am clearly an excellent and dignified gravekeeper!
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 4.
Anna being all mopey ‘n shit.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: Sometimes I just can’t take it.
That girl is only twelve, yet we’re making her carry such a heavy burden.
HorribleSubs :: Sometimes it pains my heart.
She is only 12 years old.
She’s still just a child,
yet we’re forcing her to carry such a heavy burden.
Vivid :: This is so painful sometimes.
She’s only twelve years old.
She’s just a child,
and we’re putting the weight of the world on her shoulders.
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 5.
Hampnie with all the tact of a sage.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: Do you live here?
Are you by yourself?
Can you talk, or are you that dumb?
>O-Of course I can!
HorribleSubs :: Do you live here?
Are you alone?
Are you a mute?
Or are you just plain dumb?
>I-I can talk!
Vivid :: Do you live here?
Are you by yourself?
Can you talk, or are you dumb?
>I-I can talk!
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 6.
Sorry about the length.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: Subsequent query:
Have you seen a woman with the following features?
Age: between 30 and 40.
Brown hair, black eyes, and a well defined face.
Her height is around mine, and she has small breasts.
Again, whether she is alive or not is irrelevant.
>Um… Uh…
>Anna is around that age, but she has big breasts.
>And Yoki is a man.
Another dead end.
HorribleSubs :: Additional search.
I wish to inquire about a woman with the following traits:
She’s between the age of 30 and 40…
…with brown hair, black eyes and distinguished facial features.
She is roughly as tall as me and has a flat chest.
Likewise, it does not matter if she is dead or alive.
>Um, well… Isn’t Anna around that age group?
>But she has a big chest…
>And Yoki is a guy…
The searches failed.
Vivid :: Supplemental query:
I would like information on a woman who matches the following description.
Between thirty and forty years of age.
Brown hair. Black eyes.
Distinct facial features.
Approximately my height. Flat-chested.
Again, whether she’s dead or alive is irrelevant.
>Um, well…
>I think Anna’s around that age,
>but she’s not flat-chested.
>And Yohki’s a guy.
Not here either, huh?
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 7.
Hampnie and Ai holding a conversation.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: You’re still my father.
>How can you be so sure?
I sense fate at work!
>Are you even trying to have a conversation with me?
HorribleSubs :: Father, you’re my father!
Intuition! I felt fate pulling us together.
>You don’t want to hold a two-way discussion with me, do you?
Vivid :: You’re still my father!
>And why’s that?
Just intuition!
We were fated to meet!
>You have no intention of holding a conversation with me, do you?
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 8.
Oh shi–
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: You’re not a gravekeeper.
I first thought that
it wouldn’t have been strange to have a weirdo like you as a gravekeeper if it was {\i1}that{\i0} God’s doing.
But I was mistaken.
>But my mother was…
That’s it.
Gravekeepers don’t have parents.
HorribleSubs :: You aren’t a gravekeeper.
Considering the stunts
that stinker of a God has pulled, at first,
I figured that there could be some goofball gravekeepers like you.
But I was wrong.
>But my mother–
That right there!
Gravekeepers don’t have any parents.
Vivid :: You’re no gravekeeper.
At first, I thought maybe that asshole of a God could’ve indeed
made a weirdo like you a gravekeeper,
but I was wrong.
>But my mother was—
Let’s start with that.
Gravekeepers don’t have parents.
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 9.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
FLag :: You want to kill me?
If you were a gravekeeper,
you wouldn’t be able to hold on to that anger.
If you were a gravekeeper,
you wouldn’t be able to attack the living.
You’re not a gravekeeper.
You’re human.
HorribleSubs :: Do you want to kill me?
If you were a gravekeeper,
you would never feel hatred to begin with.
If you were a gravekeeper,
you would not strike at the living.
You’re not a gravekeeper – you’re a person.
Vivid :: So you wanna kill me?
If you really were a gravekeeper,
you would bear no malice or ill will.
If you really were a gravekeeper,
you couldn’t attack a living person.
You’re no gravekeeper.
You’re just a human.
And on Sunday, God abandoned the editors :: N/A. They all suck.

Which group had which line (unformatted, lazy-mode Sage):
FLag: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Vivid: 7 times
Looks like your best bet is Vivid
I watched Vivid, but never remembered any of their lines.
Overall scores…
FLag: 6 times
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Vivid: 7 times
N/A: 4 times
Looks like your best bet is Vivid
Inconclusive. Uguu.
Isn’t it always ( ¬‿¬). Btw what’s the next Translation party?
I’m picking out the lines for Ro-Kyu-Bu right now, however I’m not going to post that until the fourth group shows up. So, probably The World God Only Knows.
Ah, I see. Well, A-K won’t be released until the signs get done, which have been stalled for like a day now.
Third best?
AOTS material, AOTY if not for VVV.
Dat name.. ( ¬‿¬)
13 Vivid, 5 FLag. If that’s not conclusive I don’t know what is.
Essential only.
Overall scores…
FLag: 0 times
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Vivid: 5 times
Looks like your best bet is Vivid.
I watched the horriblesubs version but it looks like it’d be better if I switched to Vivid.
Overall scores…
FLag: 4 times
HorribleSubs: 3 times
Vivid: 2 times
Looks like your best bet is FLag
“Which group had which line (unformatted, lazy-mode Sage)” seems to be working this time… but, I think you mixed up the 3rd essential with the 2nd expanded (audio should be switched around).
Fucked up again. All right, fixed.
You may have to attempt a similar fix for the spoiler with the which group has which lines.
>Third best show of the season. Agree/Agree?
Remind me again, what were the first and second?
Sagemonogatari and Danganronpa of course.
Sage confirmed for not shit taste, despite prior efforts to fool us into thinking otherwise.
I miss your old avatar tho.
I’m a tricksy Sage.
Eh, I like my old avatar too, but out with old and in with the sagey.
Silly Sage.
We all know Free! is first.
I rank it
I got dysentery just from reading this.
Overall scores…
FLag: 0 times
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Vivid: 8 times
Looks like your best bet is Vivid
Goddamn, Vivid is sweeping.
You get to be D_S again just because you called this show one of the best <3
6/6/6 – some interesting results here ^_^
well, at least this time all the translations are not bad
Yo i’mma spew a whopping 10 essential results yo way nigga:
Overall scores…
FLag: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Vivid: 6 times
Looks like your best bet is Vivid
Overall scores…
FLag: 3 times
HorribleSubs: 6 times
Vivid: 10 times
Looks like your best bet is Vivid
FLag: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Vivid: 5 times
Looks like your best bet is Vivid
Vivid hands down since Gargantia last season.
I hope they change the name of Ai’s mom to Alpha though because that’s the official translation according to the official Japanese site. I guess it’s because they did it earlier using the niconico version that they didn’t have the luxury to get the right one.
Overall scores…
FLag: 9 times
HorribleSubs: 4 times
Vivid: 5 times
Looks like your best bet is FLag
Meh… Didn’t do it with audio. D:
Overall scores…
FLag: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Vivid: 7 times
Looks like your best bet is Vivid
I feel like there might have been a bit of over-editing in the Vivid release, but it’s a pretty clear winner for me here. Probably some bias from the fact that Vivid’s release is the one I watched.
Overall scores…
FLag: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Vivid: 9 times
Looks like your best bet is Vivid
My lack of surprise is… unsurprising. I had only one real issue with a Vivid line in the Essentials, and that was just because I feel like if they’re gonna say ‘toy that keeps moving without a spring’ they should probably use ‘wind-up toy’ and not just ‘toy’, as the other two groups lines have more detail and make more sense, despite being worse otherwise.
For some reason the translated lines next to the check boxes don’t show up in Firfox nor Chrome.
Yeah, PHP got fucked up when I upgraded WordPress.