Danganronpa – Best Girl/Boy – Episode 02 Edition

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


Anime of the season of all seasons.

Play by the rules.
Play by the rules.

As characters die/are introduced, their inclusion in the poll will change as well. Yes, I’ll be doing this for all 12/13/whatever episodes, so learn to like it.

After the next episode has aired, this post’s polls will be closed.

Don’t read these posts until you’ve seen each episode. I will be spoiling shit that happened.

VN master race, make sure to wrap your spoiler comments up in spoiler tags. [spoiler][/spoiler]


All right, refresher course time:


Change Log (episode 1 -> episode 2):

Sayaka Maizono
Sayaka Maizono

Sayaka Maizono: Dead.

Junko Enoshima - Episode 2 - Dead
Junko Enoshima

Junko Enoshima: Dead.

Apparently these are all women
These are all women, even the man-like one

Sakura Ohgami: Apparently a girl.



Remaining Best Girl Candidates

Chihiro Fujisaki
Chihiro Fujisaki
Sakura Ohgami
Sakura Ohgami
Celestia Ludenberck
Celestia Ludenberck
Aoi Asahina
Aoi Asahina
Kyoko Kirigiri
Kyoko Kirigiri
Touko Fukawa
Touko Fukawa





Remaining Best Boy Candidates

Mondo Ohwada
Mondo Ohwada
Hifumi Yamada
Hifumi Yamada
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Makoto Naegi
Makoto Naegi
Leon Kuwata
Leon Kuwata
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Byakuya Togami
Byakuya Togami




Got their names down? Good. Let’s go (VN fags, I know, but it’s a spoiler):


Danganronpa Best Girl - Episode 02

  • Kyoko Kirigiri (41%, 131 Votes)
  • Celestia Ludenberck (20%, 66 Votes)
  • Aoi Asahina (15%, 49 Votes)
  • Sakura Ohgami (11%, 35 Votes)
  • Chihiro Fujisaki (7%, 22 Votes)
  • Touko Fukawa (6%, 19 Votes)

Total Voters: 322

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Danganronpa Best Boy - Episode 02

  • Byakuya Togami (36%, 97 Votes)
  • Makoto Naegi (17%, 45 Votes)
  • Kiyotaka Ishimaru (17%, 45 Votes)
  • Yasuhiro Hagakure (11%, 28 Votes)
  • Leon Kuwata (10%, 27 Votes)
  • Mondo Ohwada (5%, 12 Votes)
  • Hifumi Yamada (5%, 12 Votes)

Total Voters: 266

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Looks like 51 of you lost your best girls. Time to find a new one. ^_^

28 thoughts on “Danganronpa – Best Girl/Boy – Episode 02 Edition”

  1. Changed my best girl to Celestia because dat smile.

    My main man Byakuya didn’t do shit this episode, so I’m switching to Kiyotaka “Crazy Eyes” Ishimaru.

  2. Chose Kyoko Kirigiri because she knew what the supplementary rule to killing someone was before Monobear explained it.

        • Okay, you know those tapes that Monokuma blackmails people with?

          Spoiler for
          Chihiro’s tape tells the secret that he’s a boy. And by telling another person his secret,
          Spoiler for
          that person gets ragemad and kills Chihiro
          • Spoiler for
            We don’t know what was on Chihiro’s tape. The threat to reveal dark secrets happens at a later point unrelated to the tapes.
              • There is nothing written about the content of his tape on the wiki or I am very very blind.

                Spoiler for
                After the first murder, Monokuma gives everyone envelopes containing a secret about them which will be revealed unless a murder happens during the night. Unlike the content of the tape, we do know the content of Chihiro’s envelope – the fact he’s a crossdresser.
                  • No, the content of the tapes and the envelopes isn’t necessarily related and definitely not in Chihiro’s case. You said you didn’t get all that far in the game yet so I don’t recommend reading further.

                    Spoiler for
                    In the last trial, it is revealed that every one of Monokuma’s incentives has a specific theme. The first one, the tapes, had interpersonal relationships (Naegi’s family, Maizono’s friends).The second one, the envelopes, had each character’s past (Naegi wets the bed, Mundo killed his brother, Chihiro started to crossdress).
                    • Mm, all right, I won’t then. So since you’ve played the game, would you consider that character’s gender a spoiler? Wanna know this for how to set up the next poll.

                    • Yes, but only a very minor one. Not the kind that ruins your experience if you get spoiled about it.

                    • Aight, I’ll keep it “obscured” then. (I’m going to pretend absolutely no one has been reading these comments.)

  3. >Chihiro on par with Touko and beneath Sakura

    Spoiler for
    And he won’t ever have a chance to compete in the best boy category either ;_;
  4. Spoiler for
    I thought Chihiro Fujisaki was a boy…?

    AniDB, and other sources, say so at least. Also, Chihiro looks like a boy – with a big shirt (in my opinion).

  5. >Chihiro Fujisaki (10%, 11 VOTES)
    >not 100% for the best girl
    Y’all have bad taste. And for those who say that Chihiro is a guy, shame on you. A woman is still a woman even if she has a penis. It’s the inside that counts.

    • Wouldn’t give a damn about Chihiro even if he was actually a she. Now that Junko has had her turn I’m rooting for Chihiro to be the net ‘girl’ to go. I suppose it should be a guy’s turn next though.


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