Another day, another wannabe fansub group.
I can only assume WhyNot is following Commie-oniisan’s lead on this non-editing spree in an attempt to curry favor with them. Come on guys, if you suck (up) any more than this you’re gonna take Xythar’s position in the group.
Though WhyNot didn’t add rainbow karaoke to this show, they did apparently forget to edit their kara.

I’d like to believe this is some elaborate troll, but unfortunately I’m well acquainted with WhyNot’s staff. They likely drafted this edit with crayons.

“You’ve joined a club since spring break”? Similar to Commie, they noticed the line was an issue, and then made it even more of one. Brilliant editing from the bright minds at WhyNot.

I don’t think this editor is the frostiest root beer on the Christmas tree.
With differences like this, it’s plain to see why WhyNot branded this release as their own. They spent seconds of their valuable time on it and deserve to be recognized for the accomplishments. All hail the fansubbers.
WhyNot? More like WhyEver. –ZING!– Stick with HorribleSubs.
Horrible Subs…. not as horrible as they sound eh?
That depends how horrible does Crunchyroll sound to you??
Ah…. Crunchyroll…. I wonder how long do they get the show to to the work on before it gets released. i wonder if they have a QC person because it still needs to be edited after they release it.
>implying they aren’t doing this just to see you complain
Because Dark_Sage can’t be bothered to hide his bias with the comparison screenshots in these disqualifications.
You do understand why I’m not showing screenshot after screenshot of typesets and karaoke that get up to 6,000 lines each, right? I mean, you do understand how scripts work, don’t you?
In case you don’t understand, my comparisons are based on the main dialogue. I remove all typesets/karaoke that take up too many lines to allow for an accurate comparison, and I remove all “\N”s as well. If you have a more intelligent way to compare scripts, I’m all for it, but that automated compare site doesn’t actually prove me wrong like you hoped it would.
I do understand you pick the part of the scripts with the least changes to show. That I do understand.
Here, have an alternate comparison then:
Or maybe this?
I mean, what are you looking for? They didn’t edit the script, that’s 100% clear. Should I edit it for them or something? Did you want me to pick the few portions of the script they did edit and show that instead? Or am I supposed to give them A’s for trying their best?
Please, I need to know how best to suck up to groups that don’t actually put any effort into their releases.
I already included a full comparison. I have no need for yours.
Do these groups need to change every line for it to be considered edited? That’s retarded, even for you. You “disqualified” two groups despite both including typesetting and song translations that Horriblesubs is lacking. You can’t simply ignore their existence.
Well, excuse me while I fuck off back just judging releases for myself because I’m the one watching them. Have fun getting praised by people who can’t think for themselves.
Calm down let’s all be friends d_s is just sad because Herkz won’t look at him in bed anymore
So you want his reviews to just consist of assessing the song lyrics?
Don’t know why you’re being stupid on purpose and ignoring what you’re told. Removing line breaks and adding lines for typesetting doesn’t change the dialogue, which is what D_S aims to review.
If the dialogue has barely been changed from the CR script, how is he supposed to judge that group’s effort beyond typesetting and song lyrics?
It took these groups 10 minutes to add prettier fonts to lines that HorribleSubs already typeset and maybe 30 minutes for dull karaoke. My focus is on fansub edits, so there’s no value in me reviewing their releases. Nor do I think that a bit of typesetting and karaoke make a release truly a fansub. I don’t believe re-encode groups are fansubs either, which is why I don’t review Deadfish releases, for example.
Good on you for trying to keep me honest, but bad on you for not actually knowing anything about what you’re talking about. You’re welcome to continue making your fansub choices under a veil of ignorance, though I would like to invite you to stay and learn something.
Good to know that the subtitles aren’t the most important part of subtitles, but the pretty fonts and the neater typesetting.
I shall now only watch fansubs that include copious amounts of rainbow font.
Okay, so they added song translations and karaoke. The OP and ED combined are approximately 3 minutes out of 24 or 12.5% of the episode. Lets assume they did that 12.5% perfectly. Lets also assume that they also did all of the typesetting perfectly and that the typesetting was also 12.5% of the series. Now lets also assume they changed on average 1 in every 3 lines, which from what I saw from your comparisons (I repeat, yours, not dark_sages) they sure as hell didn’t change one-third of the lines but lets be generous and assume that they did. Well that’s 12.5% + 12.5% + 33% = 58%. I don’t know what it’s like where you live but where I live anything below a 65% gets an F and I’m pretty sure that 58% is less than 65%.
That assumes that the original script has no value
Not really, the value of the original script is still intact.
But that’s not the issue, the issue is in the value of the work done by the third party.
And at least as far as the script itself is concerned, this is basically just re-releasing what’s already out there, which is a pretty blatant waste of everybody’s time.
The original script will get a real review, so that point is moot.
Thank you for this. I looked over it and found out that Dark_Sage was 100% correct about the lack of meaningful editing. Granted I skimmed, but I found a grand total of 6 changes that weren’t honorifics or line breaks. And two of those were for the worse.
Seriously, I didn’t know whether to trust DS’s word on these disqualifications, and now I know!
What exactly was missing to make you doubt my judgment in the first place? Would you rather I provide full comparison links instead of just images? Other ideas?
I have no idea what the fuck Commie and WhyNot are trying to do this season. Are they screwing up on purpose or did all the good staff leave? You know that you suck as a group if people choose HS’ version over yours.
Or maybe D_S doesn’t actually know what he’s talking about
Bold hypothesis. If you can back that statement up, I’d love to see some evidence.
okay maybe if im feeling particularly bored and autistic one afternoon i’ll do something
“one afternoon”? I’m afraid such a wishy-washy answer just doesn’t cut it.
You have until the end of the day. Don’t disappoint me.
believe it or not I actually have a life and am busy for the rest of the night sorry
User was banned for this post.
That’s very unfortunate.
Don’t lie to me. It’s been scientifically proven (like, peer reviewed and everything) that people who post here have no lives.
Dark_Sage, I don’t know who you are, but you really are thrashing Whynot, you give the vibe that they kick you out of their group or didn’t let you join them? If so that is really pity.
Regarding the screenshots, I think the ones about the “Spring break” part and the “Pisse me off” part were better than crunchyroll. And for god’s sake who would prefer HS to any other group!?
Who are you?
Yup, the WhyNot defense force has about the literacy I’d expect of ’em.
As for who I am, I’m Dark_Sage. Surely you could have guessed that from the beginning of the article.
Or does it need to be more blatant for you?
I bet you’re secretly Xythar, just trying to make WhyNot look bad… and Commie look bad….
Playing both sides of the field at once, how evil.
Well, you sound more like a Dark Knight rip-off and in real life you must be an obese, arrogant NEET, judging only(just only) by you avatar.
Well, I just think is wrong to grade people/groups as “disqualified”, they at least did something. When grading somebody, even if they write only their name on it, they always at least get an “F”.
You seem more “disqualified” to judge than them to sub.
>When grading somebody, even if they write only their name on it, they always at least get an “F”.
If I took somebody else’s work, slapped my name on it, and turned it in as a course report, I’d be faced with expulsion, not an F.
Think of disqualification as being expelled from a proper review.
You would still get an “F” before being expelled. When subbing, the majority of groups always takes a “draft” from someone and do their work for free, by your logic they would all have to be expelled. They don’t even profit.
>You would still get an “F” before being expelled.
Their grade will be roughly the same as whatever grade HS/CR gets. Doesn’t change the fact that they’re disqualified.
>When subbing, the majority of groups always takes a “draft” from someone and do their work for free, by your logic they would all have to be expelled.
No, the majority of real fansub groups do all of their work from scratch. Fakesubs/Fanrips take a draft (in this case, HS/CR) and make minor changes to the script.
>do their work for free — They don’t even profit.
What does that have to do with anything?
>do their work for free — They don’t even profit.
If they plagiarized for money it would be bad, they sub because they like it, why disqualify “Whynot”, “Commie” etc…, they still do something. I prefer having them punctually every week than having only HS.
>Fakesubs/Fanrips take a draft (in this case, HS/CR) and make minor changes to the script.
They just take something imperfect and try to make it perfect, they are not professionals per say(their fans) so perfection is hard to get.
Do you sub?
Uhh, they actually do “plagiarize” for money. Go check out Commie’s site right now. They’re asking for games and money (neither of which they legitimately need). WhyNot has asked for donations in the past, but in such a small amount over a year ($150) that I can’t really accuse them of trying to profit from this.
Also, Lol, a significant portion of this site’s community are fansubbers. Not that it matters, though, since you don’t need to be a fansubber to critique failure.
Since you’re new here and appear slightly confused as to the purpose of this site (understandable if you just read this disqualification post), you may be more interested to read any of a number of the other reviews: By last count, there are 658.
>If they plagiarized for money it would be bad, they sub because they like it, why disqualify “Whynot”, “Commie” etc…, they still do something. I prefer having them punctually every week than having only HS.
You totally have the wrong idea. Disqualification != THIS RELEASE IS SHIT, DON’T DOWNLOAD. It’s more along the lines of “I don’t want to review the same script multiple times”.
>They just take something imperfect and try to make it perfect, they are not professionals per say(their fans) so perfection is hard to get.
Wait, wait, wait. So they’re taking a professional script (which you regard as imperfect), attempt to make it perfect, but are unable to because they are not professionals?
Your logic confuses me.
>Do you sub?
Sometimes, but I take it that you don’t.
>So they’re taking a professional script (which you regard as imperfect), … are not professionals?
Dude, professionals don’t strive for perfection. They are called professionals because it’s their living(remember they need food on their table). Fans are picky and like to point out and correct their mistakes because they have free time to do so(not saying it’s a bad thing). It sounds confusing, but if give some thought it’s pretty much logical because it’s the way the world works.
>Sometimes, but I take it that you don’t.
If you do, would you tolerate someone to disqualify you from subbing even though you fakesubbed it?
>If you do, would you tolerate someone to disqualify you from subbing even though you fakesubbed it?
I wouldn’t care what others have to say. I’d do it because I enjoy it.
The point’s just that if there aren’t significant script changes, some dude’s not going to bother with a full review. It’s disqualification from consideration based on some kind of arbitrary rules. (Though really, I don’t consider it worth the time either, and I’m sure others think the same way.)
The grade wouldn’t be much different than the base anyway.
None of this means that you still can’t download and watch CR rips with minimal editing. No need to get panties in bunches.
I’m actually more like Harley Quinn because I’m extremely fuckable (just ask anyone).
Oh man, do you have the costume? That’s hot. I may need a moment to myself over here >.>
DC’s New 52 reboot Harley Quinn is pretty hot.
From Suicide Squad #3:
Just how new on the internet are you? I bet you feel important because you know Hiragana and watched 20 anime.
Funny, considering that most groups don’t even bother changing HS script which shows that it’s fine. Unless you’re looking for karaoke and typesetting, then HS is better than most groups. All credit goes to CR though.
This is probably a really silly question, D_S, but if you’re going to disqualify all these groups, wouldn’t it make more sense to do your HS/CR review first? At least that way, we kinda get what base you’re working from – because let’s face it, if their release is A+ work, will we care if these groups are disqualified? It’s on the list.
Just where are these guys coming from? Really? It’s hilarious.
Sorry, I’ll attempt to make that sentence more obvious for people who can’t read:
Wouldn’t it make more sense to do your HS/CR review **//FIRST//**?
Where did you come from? :D
I came from the planet Vegeta. But we all know what happened to it.
>Wouldn’t it make more sense to do your HS/CR review **//FIRST//**?
I guess you have a point. But he did a comparison with the CR script and as we could see, there were no major differences, it has nothing to do with a CR script review, it was to assess how great the differences were and the improvements. That’s why they were disqualified. Reviewing first the changes made by these groups does not compromise a possible review of CR’s script, IMO.
It’s like having three exams of three of different students and you are trying to find out if they cheated or not. Does not exactly matter if the answers are correct or not.
Yeah, but my original point was more – how do we know how relevant the disqualification is? I mean, it makes a difference if the CR script is a C or if it’s an A, because in the first instance, you’d be looking for another group to up the ante, while in the second, you’d probably be quite happy. So I guess I mean we don’t know how much the disqualified group failed in not correcting the original script if we don’t know the original script’s score first.
But getting Dark_Sage to change his process is like giving a piggyback to a cow – all you’ll get for your trouble is a lot of flailing legs, a kick to the stomach and big steamy cowpies flung in your direction :D
I’d argue that editing is such that even if you’re working with an A-tier script, you have room to make it feel like your own while still retaining the original’s quality. If you can’t do that, then you have no concept of personal voice and shouldn’t be playing the fansub game.
I’m not saying that you can’t improve on an A-tier script (or at least make changes that maintain A-tier level while doing it differently), but that you’re less likely to look around for better releases if the base level has already achieved top marks.
This is all academic though. I haven’t watched any of Gin no Saji yet :D
Fair enough. I get where you’re coming from.
But if the original gets top marks, why bother with fansubs?
>how do we know how relevant the disqualification is?
If the scripts are practically the same, it’s relevant. It would be practically the same to look at CR’s or a fansub group’s script and they would be graded similarly.
>because in the first instance, you’d be looking for another group to up the ante
But they didn’t, that’s why the review only took 10 minutes, like he said. You’d expect them to make real changes and he’d review those changes. But there were almost no edits in the script, so what is he going to review?
>So I guess I mean we don’t know how much the disqualified group failed in not correcting the original script if we don’t know the original script’s score first.
Except he showed the changes. Some with screencaps.
Right, let’s try a different tack. What I mean is, these disqual. “reviews” would be more /useful/ after the CR review.
Let’s roleplay:
Scenario 1 – CR review after
“Oh, whynot’s been disqualified for not editing enough. So should I go with CR or find another group? But how will I know whether that group’s edited their Crunchyrip? Argh *rage*”
Scenario 2 – CR review before
“Oh, whynot’s been disqualified, but that’s all right, I’ll just watch CR because they got a B and I’ll switch if D_S finds a group that does better editing.”
Of course, no one really listens to D_S’s advice on which releases to watch, so I guess my whole point is moot, after all…
That explanation makes sense. I guess one could see from that point of view.
Are you talking to FalseDawn like that?
Nigga, you bow before fansubbing royalty.
I actually meant the weaboo squad that came here all of a sudden to talk about Thor knows what.
No fucking idea. I checked referrer links to this site today and nothing came up out of the ordinary.
My reviews are gonna be based almost entirely on the poll’s results this season. Gin no Saji is low on the list, so the HorribleSubs review is gonna come later. I only posted this Disqualification review because it takes me like 10 minutes to get through it.
Okay, I see now. I take it you spotted the lack of changes because you’re doing the Translation Party for Gin no Saji atm, not the reviews. I did wonder why you’d already dl’d the different groups, but I guess that makes sense in an ass-about-face kinda way :D
Legit. I just checked because the speed at which both groups released was suspect. It gave me a chance to post some content and whittle down my review queue.
Base CR wasn’t good, but most parts weren’t so bad. They’re definitely capable of much worse, but certainly they left room for improvement.
The first half minute has this:
>> For the next year, \Nyou will live in student housing
>> pursuing your studies, as well \Nas practicums in agriculture.
>> We have many livestock, so there’s\N no such thingas a holiday on the farm!
but from there it overall goes from derpy to just mostly bland and occasionally awkward. IIRC.
btw for those lines, Commie:
>> For the next year, you will live in student housing
>> pursuing your studies, as well as practicums in agriculture.
>> We have many livestock, so there’s no such thing as a holiday on the farm!
>> For the next year, you will live in student housing
>> while pursuing your studies, as well as practicums in agriculture.
>> We have many livestock, so there’s no such thing as a holiday on the farm!
I suck at editing too, but a quick pass from me, maybe too lib’d:
>> For the next year, you’ll be living in the dorms.
>> You’ll hit the books and sweat through the agriculture practicums.
>> We have plenty of livestock, so there’s no such thing as a holiday here!
Could be much better than that.
>I wouldn’t care what others have to say. I’d do it because I enjoy it.
Answer straight out off the book(you could pull it off if you were a sociopath), if someone tell you straight in your face that the fruit of your work isn’t even worth a review I would like to see you ignoring him or saying that.
If a group just simple plagiarized an entire(all of it) sub then it should be disqualified, if they only edited only 1% it should be reviewed. Sometimes there things that don’t need change so why the need change the entire thing.
Look, it’s his site, he sets the rules, so go do something useful with that rage instead, like playing chicken with a jumbo jet that’s about to land.
>if someone tell you straight in your face that the fruit of your work
BUT THERE IS NO WORK. That’s the point! This was already explained to you, but “Disqualified” and “F” aren’t the same thing. This is primarily a fansub review site, so those with a basic understanding of simple logic can probably extrapolate that it does not cover things which are not fansubs. There are groups dedicated to just ripping DVDs/BDs, for example. Sometimes they spend lots and lots of time getting their encodes just right and prettying up all the typesetting etc. But they aren’t fansubs, so they’d be disqualified from a fansub review. Fixing a few typos doesn’t qualify either.
In contrast, there are some groups who genuinely go to the effort of running it through Google Translate all by their special selves and then giving some gin to the hobo out back to “edit” it before forcing some typesetting at knife point to put it all together. These groups get an “F”, because they are in fact genuine fansubs despite being dogshit. The two concept are orthogonal to each other.
Also, your tears are delicious, like fine wine.
>Answer straight out off the book(you could pull it off if you were a sociopath)
>if someone tell you straight in your face that the fruit of your work isn’t even worth a review I would like to see you ignoring him or saying that.
Why do you care so much about the opinion of one guy on the internet? (No offense, D_S.)
If you’re fansubbing/fakesubbing/whatever for a review, you’re totally doing it wrong.
>If a group just simple plagiarized an entire(all of it) sub then it should be disqualified, if they only edited only 1% it should be reviewed.
I think you’re forgetting that this is Dark_Sage’s site. He can set his own guidelines as to what gets reviewed, when it gets reviewed, etc. If you think that a 1% change is enough to justify a complete review, feel free to start your own review site.
>Sometimes there things that don’t need change so why the need change the entire thing.
Sometimes there things that don’t need more than one reviewing so why the need review all the releases.
None taken <3
You cannot be serious.
I came to this site mostly because of all this drama. It is hard to find this germ somewhere else. >.<
Lel. WhyFag fanboys are here.
Why so much butthurt from the group in response to this review? Pretty much every screenshot shown here contains either a clear-cut grammatical failure or an instance of poor word choice that would be obvious to any native English speaker. If it pisses you off that much when people notice your mistakes, maybe you should actually pay attention to what you’re doing and not make so many mistakes in the first place.
If you think this is butthurt, you should look at reviews of shows Xythar worked on.
Ah, good ol’ days.