Finally beat the fucking game (post on that later), but for those of you just following the anime: you’re not gonna miss out on anything with just watching the show. Rejoice.

As characters die/are introduced, their inclusion in the poll will change as well.
After the next episode has aired, this post’s polls will be closed.
Don’t read these posts until you’ve seen each episode. I will be spoiling shit that happened.
VN master race, make sure to wrap your spoiler comments up in spoiler tags. [spoiler][/spoiler]
All right, refresher course time:
Change Log (episode 2 -> episode 3):

Leon Kuwata: Dead.
Remaining Best Girl Candidates

Remaining Best Boy Candidates

Let’s go:
Danganronpa Best Boy - Episode 03
- Byakuya Togami (43%, 104 Votes)
- Makoto Naegi (21%, 51 Votes)
- Kiyotaka Ishimaru (16%, 39 Votes)
- Yasuhiro Hagakure (11%, 27 Votes)
- Hifumi Yamada (4%, 10 Votes)
- Mondo Ohwada (4%, 9 Votes)
Total Voters: 240

Danganronpa Best Girl - Episode 03
- Kyoko Kirigiri (47%, 122 Votes)
- Celestia Ludenberck (16%, 41 Votes)
- Aoi Asahina (15%, 38 Votes)
- Sakura Ohgami (8%, 21 Votes)
- Chihiro Fujisaki (8%, 20 Votes)
- Touko Fukawa (7%, 19 Votes)
Total Voters: 261

Looks like 27 of you lost your best boy. Time to find a new one. ^_^
Byakuya and Celes take it away for me. Byakuya cuz he’s all about the game, and Celes because HNGH.
Kirigiri best girl everyone else shit
Whoa. I can’t have you talking about my Celes like that, good sir. Not only did she win the Liar Game, she also spanked Kaiji and Akagi like children. (Anime viewers, this isn’t really a spoiler, so much as it is insignificant character backstory that you won’t get from the anime.)
Best girl, no doubt.
Y’all be crazy. Clearly Aoi is best girl.
Not really, considering she
I’m reading Chapter 4 right now and
I haven’t even played the game and I can see all dem vidya assets.
You just finished the game?
What, do you have a life or something?
Dat salaryman life ;_;
You should put up a Free! best girl/boy poll.
Hmm… I might have something in mind.
Best girl with only one viable choice? That’s a hard one.
Anyone else who finds Touko Fukawa to be incredibly annoying?
Just you. Behind Celes, she’s easily the best girl.
Not incredibly annoying, but she is somewhat. She’s better than the blonde chick tht died in ep 2, whose name I don’t remember nor care to. Best girls Celestia and Kyouko. I think I like Celestia better overall, but Kyouko takes my vote this ep. Best guys: Byakuya and Makoto because they’re the only ones that haven’t managed to annoy me yet.
Makoto’s so whiny though.
Maybe I’m just subconsiously giving him points for being the main character or something. I suppose Byakuya is the only decent guy character in this show. I was alright with Leon, but…
He’s much cooler in IF (a short story based on the events of Danganronpa 1 that leads into Danganronpa 2), at least.
Only 8% (so far) prefer the real best girl. Niggers, what are you doing?
I see what you did there, Anon.
i didnt vote but i personally like kirigiri and naegi as my favs but also to point it out one of the girls you have is most indeed a male
Guys Chihiro is not a girl LMFAO