Aww, CTSS, why you gotta make me do this?
Another day, another failsub. Hopefully this is the last disq of the season.

Interesting punctuation standards.

A “Super Rookie” is someone who’s so awesome they can hardly be considered a rookie.
An “Absolute Newbie” is someone who’s so fail they can’t be considered anything but a newbie.
Other than CTSS translating this to exact opposite of what it should be, I guess you could consider the line good.

I believe CTSS thought the “more to come” was referring to the bears Fighter-chan fought. Wrong.

People who would rather watch a fansub release than a straight Crunchyrip are less inclined to respond favorably to trolling in their subs, especially when the group trolling them isn’t very well known.
Probably best to cut that shit from your subs.
The editing was rather insufficient in a number of places. Though underedited, this script almost made the qualification cut-off, but with so many fuck-ups, the scales tilted in favor of disqualification. I was expecting a bit more from these guys. :/
That’s some pretty horrendous fuck-ups.
In Soviet Russia…
Most boring show of the season anyway. Don’t even bother to watch it…
Not the worst of the season, but yeah it’s kinda meh.
“I guess spring also brings along some things I don’t understand.”
I changed that line because it’s not what she fucking said.
One thing to note is that lazy ass CR translators will sometimes fudge lines which don’t have a clear (to them) equivalent in English.
….I’m sorry, did I say sometimes? Make that “often.”
Actually, that line is literally “I guess indescribable things show up too, since it’s spring.”
“Indescribable thing” is definitely from her perspective and there’s nothing wrong with CR’s translation.
I stand corrected. “…brings along some things I don’t understand” hurts my eyes, though.