Well, fujoshi, how’d ya like that shower scene?

As characters die/are introduced, their inclusion in the poll will change as well.
After the next episode has aired, this post’s polls will be closed.
Don’t read these posts until you’ve seen each episode. I will be spoiling shit that happened.
VN master race, make sure to wrap your spoiler comments up in spoiler tags. [spoiler][/spoiler]
All right, refresher course time:
Change Log (episode 3 -> episode 4):

Chihiro Fujisaki: Dead.
Remaining Best Girl Candidates

Remaining Best Boy Candidates

Sorry, Yassy fans, the dude didn’t get much attention this ep.
Ronpa time:
Danganronpa Best Boy - Episode 04
- Byakuya Togami (46%, 115 Votes)
- Kiyotaka Ishimaru (22%, 55 Votes)
- Makoto Naegi (19%, 47 Votes)
- Yasuhiro Hagakure (6%, 15 Votes)
- Mondo Ohwada (5%, 13 Votes)
- Hifumi Yamada (2%, 5 Votes)
Total Voters: 250

Danganronpa Best Girl - Episode 04
- Kyoko Kirigiri (43%, 121 Votes)
- Celestia Ludenberck (23%, 64 Votes)
- Aoi Asahina (17%, 49 Votes)
- Sakura Ohgami (9%, 25 Votes)
- Touko Fukawa (9%, 25 Votes)
Total Voters: 284

Looks like 20 of you lost your best girl. I can taste your tears already.
Byakuya/Celes looks to be my go-to vote. Ganbarre, my chosen ones~
i love Kirigiri :3
Kirigiri best girl
Dude, Naegi is ripped. What the hell?
Super Duper High School Sex Object
He should join the swim team.
If I’m turned on by naegi does that means I’m a pedo
Fucking Togamifags.
Best boy is best boy. It can’t be helped.
Togami best boy. Kirigiri best girl.
I thought we were getting a post on the DR game?
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Let me finish it.
>Touko Fukawa (9%, 15 Votes)
How? She’s just horrible. I’m disgusted every time she appears. How can anyone vote on her?
How so? I like her. She’s a genius novelist with a stalker crush. That’s the purest love you can find in anime.
She even manages to be ugly.
I hope you like tongue.
My favorite Girl… or maybe Boy? dead ;_;
Only the good die young. ;_;
Why’d they have to kill her ;-;
What a timely comment.