You can consider this a FAQ if you want. And it is one, so that’s exactly what you should do.
If I don’t think a “spoiler” is important, I’m just gonna tell it to you straight. So if you’re one of those cunts who think naming the gym leaders in Pokemon counts as a spoiler, Brock runs Pewter City Gym and his Pokemon are weak to water and Pikachu’s electricity.
Table of Contentualized Items
Game Quality

Overall rating: 7/10
If I were to compare it to the other death game VNs I’ve played on handhelds, it’d be:
Characters: 999 > Danganronpa > Virtue’s Last Reward
Not nearly as shit as VLR’s, not nearly as developed as 999’s.
Gameplay: 999 > Virtue’s Last Reward > Danganronpa
Good gods the gameplay sucks.
Story: 999 > Virtue’s Last Reward > Danganronpa
Team Rocket-level plot. And the ending is blegh (except for the final death).
Not exactly mindblowing as a game, but a damn good series to adapt into an anime. If you don’t wanna play the game, you won’t be missing out on anything much by watching the show. But if you’ve got an extra 20 hours, keep reading.
I know exactly how you feel. Okay, let me ease your worries.
1. Danganronpa porn: can I look at it or are there spoilers?
This is listed first because it’s the most important question.
Yes, there are a fuckton of spoilers in the schlick material. Complete the game, then look for that which you can flick it to.
There’s even Danganronpa 2 spoilers in the porn, but you can’t be expected to wait 3 years or whatever until that game is released in English. Consider it a worthwhile sacrifice and cross your fingers that you’ll forget about this come time for the second game.
2. So… any good doujins?
This isn’t fucking GameFAQs; you only get real questions and answers here.

[Nagaredamaya] Top High-School-Grade Cock: Straight, vanilla. Aoi Asahina x Naegi Makoto. No spoilers. [3/5]
[Hechikanism] Dangan de Ronpa (Dangan-Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei): CG Set with lots of rape and fetishes (too many to list). Spoils the entire game. If you’re easily offended, you shouldn’t grab this CG set, and you shouldn’t be on my site. [4/5]
(COMIC1☆7) [INS-mode (Amanagi Seiji)] Dangan Bunki Route: Poorly drawn NaegiXMaizono and NaegiXKirigiri. There is anal though, so that’s cool. [2/5]
(SC59) [Ichikan (Akatsuki Sei)] Yukari no Me ni wa Kiri ga Furu: Tentacle rape, yuri, and end-game spoilers. [3/5]
Other than those, it’s up to the community to make some. Pray the anime gets popular because there’s a certain end game pairing that gets my sagey sense tingling. And by sagey sense, I mean my dick.
3. Difficulty Levels
These don’t affect a damn thing other than how annoying the “gameplay” you experience ends up being (actually, I think you get more Coins based on difficulty level, but that’s not really important at all).
I suggest shoving all that shit to the minimal difficulty to reduce annoyance. However, throw it up to Malicious if you want. The game doesn’t get more difficult, and it doesn’t require more skill, it just increases the amount of time you need to spend on it. Considering the Skip button became my best friend by the end of the game… I think that’s important.
4. Demo Data
The game asks you for a demo save and tells you you’ll get a present if you load it. That’s true, but the present isn’t all that great; you just get some of the game’s currency.
The demo sucks, so skip it and just use my completed save (you’ll get the max number of coins with it):
If you’ve already started a file and are more than 15 minutes into it (15 minutes is all it takes to farm a similar amount), don’t bother restarting to load the save. But it’s definitely something you should grab to give you a head start if you can.
5. Currency/Monokuma Coins
You can easily farm these. Don’t fucking worry about it.
With the coins, you can unlock stuff for later viewing/experiencing in the main menu’s gallery.
More importantly, you can spend them on a “game” that dispenses random presents.
You get between 50-150 at the end of every chapter so, really, don’t fucking worry about it. You’re gonna have enough.
6. OMG gotta farm currency anyway I must worry about it
Uhh, whatever. The quickest way to do this is to replay Class Trials over and over (you can probably get this shit done in like 15 minutes on subsequent plays).
Honestly, you won’t need more than 300 coins to get all the presents, so don’t spend too much time farming.
You can also get coins (1, or 3 if you have the right Skill) by searching the environments. I don’t suggest searching in hopes of getting coins, cuz that’s inefficient.
Only search areas if you feel like you have to read every last bit of useless text in the game/have a desire to frame your environment. Coins generate in different spots depending on what point of the story you’re in. Again, not a big deal and don’t try to farm from random points. You’ll waste your time.
7. That Game That Dispenses Random Presents
Throw in a coin, get a random present. The Miss Rate displays how likely it is you’ll get a present you already own.
That’s fine, since you’ll want multiple presents to give to characters.
You can decrease the Miss Rate by adding more coins in at once, but you’ll still only get 1 item from the machine. It’ll just be more likely to be one that you don’t already have.
Unless you already have a shitton of coins or are trying to get one specific item you don’t have, don’t waste your coins like that. Put in one at a time.
Yes, it’s going to be boring, but whatever. I got a Miss Rate of 100% (which means I got all the presents that are dispensable from the machine) after about 250 coins. So just keep playing, 100%ers.
8. Presents ^_^
You can use Presents to increase your bonds with your fellow “students”. I’ll tell you which Presents affect which students the most positively later on.
If you have Present 91 – Spirit of Adventure, there’s a fanservice bath scene somewhere in Chapter 3. You can get this from the Machine.
If you have Present 92, you can buy a “secret” epilogue scene from the school store/extras in the main menu. (Do note you can’t get Present 92 from the Monokuma Machine until you beat the game AND have one copy of every other present in your inventory. You’ll have to get it from the machine.)
9. Skills?
As your bonds increase in level, you get Skills from your fellow students. You can use these to affect gameplay in Class Trials.
The Skills only make the gameplay less annoying, so don’t worry about them.
Again, you can effectively ignore them and still experience everything the game has to offer. They’re optional and hardly useful.
10. Are There Multiple Endings?
Sort of. In Chapter 5’s trial, you’re presented with a binary choice that can either lead to one character dying and a prologue CG, or you can continue on with the game by making the right choice.
Right choice: Keep the secret to yourself
Left choice: Reveal the secret
Obviously, go with the bad ending first for completion’s sake.
Then, once you beat the game, you need to go back to the Monokuma Machine in the main options menu and get the new item that popped up. This will unlock a final CG you can buy with Monocoins. (It’s like 5 coins or something). With that, you’re done with the main game. After, you need to read IF. IF is the best thing about the series, but it’s meaningless if you don’t play the game to full completion (sorry, the anime won’t properly lead into IF because it isn’t showing the character events).
Read IF here:
If that link ever ends up broken, tell me. I have the entire thing saved on my computer and will upload it upon request.
tl;dr: Bad Ending, Normal Ending, True (Alternate) Ending (hinted at in a CG and fleshed out with the IF short story)
Character Relationships
These events are not necessary (you can get 99.979% of the main story without these), but there are some characters’ I do suggest you complete (see the cheat sheets).
If you intend to play Danganronpa 2, you’ll want to complete all the events, since they tie directly into the “IF” short story which ties into Dangan 2. I’m so sorry, the grind isn’t gonna be fun.
When the game hits Free Time mode, you can talk to your fellow students and increase your bonds. Each has a max amount their bond can increase.
You can replay chapters, so don’t freak out when characters die and you haven’t completed their events yet.
Event farming
The basic idea is that you’re gonna have to repeat chapters to get through Free Time events that will allow you to bolster character relationships.
Remember to utilize the text fast forward option (circle button) and use the map judiciously to locate your conversational partners. Always give them the appropriate gifts after each conversation (I tell you which gifts to use later on.)
My main concern with outlining the events this way is player experience, NOT efficiency. If you follow this guide, you will be more affected by the events that occur, but you’ll lose out on maybe 30 minutes of your time. I could give you the most efficient farm path, but by leaving it out I’m essentially forcing you to play the way I want, since trying to figure it out on your own will either result in failure on your part or spoilers.
You’re in the Dark_Sage zone now. :3
Maxed Out (“Ideal” Run):

Chapter 1:
You are technically allotted 3 Free Time events, but you only functionally have 2 after a while, since you’re forced to take Maizono for the first of the three Free Times.
First Run:
Sayaka Maizono
Sayaka Maizono (maxed)
Second Run:
Sayaka Maizono (forced, will give you nothing, so don’t waste a gift on her)
Junko (maxed)
Third Run:
Sayaka Maizono (forced, will give you nothing, so don’t waste a gift on her)
Leon Kuwata
Leon Kuwata
Fourth Run:
Maizono (forced, will give you nothing, so don’t waste a gift on her)
Leon Kuwata (maxed)
Chihiro Fujisaki
Chapter 2:
This is the best chapter for event farming because I said so.
First Run:
Chihiro Fujisaki
Chihiro Fujisaki
Chihiro Fujisaki
Chihiro Fujisaki (maxed) (for some reason, this took me an extra run cuz one of my presents didn’t get her juices flowing)
Kyouko Kirigiri
Second Run:
Kyouko Kirigiri
Kyouko Kirigiri
Kyouko Kirigiri (maxed) (no, she doesn’t invite you in her room. Get over it)
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Third Run:
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Yasuhiro Hagakure (Maxed)
Ishimaru Kiyotaka
Fourth Run:
Ishimaru Kiyotaka
Ishimaru Kiyotaka
Ishimaru Kiyotaka (Maxed)
Celestia Ludenberck
Celestia Ludenberck
Fifth Run:
Celestia Ludenberck
Celestia Ludenberck
Celestia Ludenberck
Celestia Ludenberck (Maxed)
Sakura Oogami
Sixth Run:
Sakura Oogami
Sakura Oogami
Sakura Oogami
Sakura Oogami (Maxed)
Touko Fukawa
Seventh Run:
Touko Fukawa
Touko Fukawa
Touko Fukawa
Touko Fukawa (Maxed)
Mondo Oowada
Eighth Run:
Mondo Oowada
Mondo Oowada
Mondo Oowada (Maxed)
Hifumi Yamada
Hifumi Yamada
Ninth Run:
Hifumi Yamada
Hifumi Yamada
Hifumi Yamada (Maxed)
Chapter 3:
You can only get
Spoiler Character
Spoiler Character
Spoiler Character (Maxed)
Byakuya Togami
Byakuya Togami
Chapter 4:
Byakuya Togami
Byakuya Togami
Byakuya Togami (Maxed)
Skip all free time events after this.
Chapter 5+:
Skip all free time events.
Character Cheat Sheets

Character Name
Number of Events Required to “Max” Character’s Relationship
Plot Centricity — if all you want to know is which characters to go for to get the most out of the main game, then choose these. Again, IF is best experienced with ALL characters maxed. Yes, I know it sucks.
~Random bits of me talking~
Which gifts are best to give the character
And yes, I’m gonna spoil what happens at a high level. If you wanted to preserve your “experience” by guessing at what was gonna happen, then you shouldn’t be reading a fucking walkthrough, you boring piece of shit.
Sayaka Maizono
Events: 2
Plot Central? Uhh… not really, but yes.
I highly suggest prioritizing Maizono’s events during the free time on your first run of Day 1.
16. Kitty Barrette
17. Eternal Friendship Bracelet
18. Affair Ring
46. In Vitro Rose
47. Cherry Blossom Bouquet
Chihiro Fujisaki
Events: 4, but it may take 5 with my guide
Plot Central? Yes
I highly suggest prioritizing Chihiro’s events during the free time on your first run of Day 2.
21. Bulberi Perfume
42. Kirlian Camera
45. Unlimited Dandelion Works
70. Chougurin
Celestia Ludenberck
Events: 6
Plot Central? Not at all
You can skip her events if you want. It’s all just Akagi and Liar’s Game references.
4. Rose Hip Tea
18. Affair Ring
19. Phoenix Diamond
48. Rose Whip
59. Antique Doll
Leon Kuwata:
Events: 3
Plot Central? Not at all
We learn his sole motivation is to get laid. Boring.
17. Eternal Friendship Bracelet
21. Bulberi Perfume
33. Yasu Shishido T-Shirt
68. Project: Zombie
Kyouko Kirigiri
Events: 4
Plot Central? Yes
She’s mysterious, so that’s why she matters.
3. Koffee Luwack
46. In Vitro Rose
47. Cherry Blossom Bouquet
80. Bojobo Doll
Sakura Oogami
Events: 5
Plot Central? No
Her crush is dying of cancer in a hospital somewhere. There, just saved you 5 free time slots.
23. The God of Ward
32. A Fresh Sarashi
46. In Vitro Rose
64. Ashura’s Tears
65. The Secret to Omoplata
Touko Fukawa
Events: 5
Plot Central? No
Instead of writing more romance novels, she’s decided to write a depressing autobiography. Hooray.
17. Eternal Friendship Bracelet
25. Forehead Glasses
46. In Vitro Rose
47. Cherry Blossom Boquet
59. Antique Doll
71. Otome Suitcase
84. A Master’s Fountain Pen
Junko Enoshima
Events: 3
Plot Central? Eh?
Can’t even fucking remember what happened in this one. It was that fucking boring. We’ll assume she said something interesting, so do hers too.
11. Ration
16. Kitty Barrette
46. In Vitro Rose
61. Golden Airplane
Hifumi Yamada
Events: 5
Plot Central? No
“I am developer-kun’s self-loathing.”
2. Cora Cola
6. Greaspuds
37. Super Squishy Princess Figure
45. Unlimited Dandelion Works
70. Chougurin
Mondo Oowada
Events: 4
Plot Central? No
Dude likes bikes and can’t talk to chicks. Whatever.
9. Hyperspeed Cup Ramen
27. Rollerslippers
32. A Fresh Sarashi
41. Chinchilla Bike Seat
Byakuya Togami
Events: 5
Plot Central? No
3. Koffee Luwack
22. Scarab Brooch
52. Golden Gun
57. Old Timey Radio
60. Crystal Skull
61. Golden Airplane
62. Prince Shotoku’s Globe
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Events: 6
Plot Central? No
His main goal is to scam everyone around him. Pyramid schemes, selling people’s organs, etc. and not even in an entertaining way. Fuck this guy.
60. Crystal Skull
61. Golden Airplane
62. Prince Shotoku’s Globe
76. Tamagushi
87. Meteorite Arrow
Ishimaru Kiyotaka
Events: 4
Plot Central? No, but there’s nothing wrong with Rock Lee-types.
Dude likes hard work. Also, he’s crazy as shit so I’d suggest spending time on his events.
24. Tomorrow’s Gloves
28. Red Scarf
43. Reaction Shot Montage
88. Chin Drill
Events: 3
Plot Central? Sort of.
It’s worth doing these events, but not terribly important.
17. Eternal Friendship Bracelet
71. Otome Suitcase
72. Vibrating Kokeshi
tl;dr: Minimalists should do Sayaka’s, Junko’s, Kyoko’s, Mystery Character’s and Chihiro’s. But again, if you wanna read IF, it means more once you’ve completed all these characters’ bullshit social events.
Got through this guide while avoiding any potential spoilers. yay
So what I gather from this is that I shouldn’t rely on the anime if I ever intend to enjoy Dangan Ronpa 2. How enjoyable do you think Dangan Ronpa 1 would be if I started it up after the anime is done?
You’ll get limited enjoyment from the game because it’s honestly not terribly amazing of a game and the anime adapts it exactly — it’s not like the characters killed and the villains change to mix things up.
And it’s not so much that Danganronpa 2 will be less enjoyable, it’s that the prequel short story will be better. I mean, the plot of that story relies on you as Naegi having talked to all the characters in Danganronpa 1, so not having that experience lessens the entertainment factor. It’s unfortunate, but that’s how it is.
So I skimmed through it and I didn’t see the most important part: is it worth the play? Gameplay was actually the only thing that seemed interesting to me from reviews/screenshots, but what you said makes me think twice…
Not exactly mindblowing as a game, but a damn good series to adapt into an anime. If you don’t wanna play the game, you won’t be missing out on anything much by watching the show. But if you’ve got an extra 20 hours, keep reading.
It segues better into IF and Danganronpa 2, so if you’re interested in those, the game might be worth a shot. Just don’t expect anything more than a “dark” Phoenix Wright knock-off.
10/10 it’s okay.
In your opinion, is the game worth buying and playing if I already had watch the anime?
Mm… Yes, but not for a high price. If you were to just watch the “sidequests” on a Let’s Play or something, I’d say it wouldn’t even be worth opening the packaging even if you bought it.
What do you prefer, DR or SDR2?
I’ve heard that DR2 is miles superior (especially in terms of gameplay), but I’m resisting spoilers and the like because I haven’t started reading the LP yet.
What makes you assume I played SDR2? Also, why the fuck would you read a Let’s Play? Come on, it’s not 2003 anymore.
Seeing as VLR isn’t the end of the Zero Escape story, they obviously can’t do anything with it yet. When the third game comes out and the story concludes, however, do you think it could make for a decent anime if they’re careful with how they handle it? I’d really like to see it adapted, and I’m curious as to how they would do
Also, how would you rate the soundtracks between 999, VLR, and Dangranronpa?
Huh, I liked Byakuya’s free time events – mostly because of the revelation that he’s been in a very similar situation before. It felt a lot less pointless than Hagakure or even Kirigiri.
The trick with Fujisaki is that she only starts reacting to gifts after Oowada cheers her up.
err… you forgot asahina
It can’t be helped.
IF is broken, please re-upload D_S
Fuck. Uhh, I don’t have it on this computer. Wait a week and I’ll get you something.
These are strange weeks you’ve got over there. (・‿・)