So I hear they didn’t skip this episode.
Table of Contents
Release Information
Episode details.
Release format: MKV (286MB, 8-bit)
Wap Level: Of course full wap
English style: American English.
Speed: Quick (<48 hours)
External links.
Group website:
IRC channel:
No OP or ED cuz that’s how they roll.
Main Script.
First of all, this is a poorly executed joke. The reason why it’s poorly executed is because they failed to translate ma wa nukeru as “doing something stupid.” As in:
“Now that Mizushima-senpai is after me, I can’t do anything stupid.”
“Too late for that.”
The vice president who does everything.
Come on, yuri it up a bit. “I… I want to go back to what we had!” The rest of the shit writes itself.
“Active” member.
“I want you to help President Maki.”
First of all, this line reads like crap. Second, it’s “took over Eno’s duties.”
Bzzt. It’s not “mix in quickly,” it’s “won’t notice quickly.”
“I don’t get what’s going on…”
Yep, “Armpit” (waki) is right, though some of the joke may be lost in translation.
Two of the few lines that showed some imagination.
“You’re being selfish.”
This is the following line. Some people may call this a “literal translation,” normal people call this “failing at English.”
“Each of us find 10 love topics to practice.”
“I didn’t want to lose it.”
“No one else will keep up.”
Omoikomi ga hageshii is a set phrase (strongly opinionated/reactionary), you know.
Literal translations: the gift that keeps on giving -_-#
Chalk up another phrase I get tired of seeing in subtitles: “so easily.” Yes, whenever people hear the word kantan or similar words, they feel the need to shoehorn that phrase every single time.
Didn’t bother to typeset this.
“I’m the treasurer, Mizushima Sayori.”
Other Observations
Editing is fucked, as always.
Timing is fucked in a lot of places too.
Final Grade: D+
If not for the lack of OP and ED, this release would get a solid C+ for having a badly written script that has a sprinkling of errors. Seriously, just take translation accuracy out of the equation: this is a very bad script. All you have to do is read it out loud in order to figure out how ridiculously clunky and unwieldy these lines are. If you’re okay with these kinds of shitsubs literal subs, then I have no right to stop you.
Just like I have no right to stop people from watching Twilight.
The next Hadena.
At least Hadena has kara.
Of course you do!
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), Article 35:
2. It is prohibited to employ weapons, projectiles and material and methods of warfare of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering.
Clearly there is broad international agreement that Twilight at least falls under that, DameDesuYo subs should as well but there we’re still awaiting a final decision by the UNSC.
Well they should hurry up, think of all the suffering people!
What’s your issue with “I can’t win with you”? I’ve never seen it overused in fansubs and it’s definitely a phrase in English (or at least, I use it in Britain a fair deal).
Never heard it used in English and to me it sounds weird.
Maybe it’s a British thing.
Possibly. It’s usually said with an exasperated tone when someone’s being particularly stubborn about something and they don’t want to move from their particular viewpoint.
I dunno, I’ve heard it quite a few times before and I’m from the same state as koku.
I tend to hear a different variant.
“There’s just no winning with you.”
Okay, I guess that was just my translator ear keeping me from adding more detail again. What she was saying is “I can never beat you when it comes to being selfish,” not what the phrase they wrote in that line implies. Sure, it’s technically right if you read it in a vacuum, but we’re not in a vacuum and certain phrases have certain meanings, so it’s wrong.
I think this was a very fair review. We now have a dedicated editor so hopefully this won’t happen again. I’ll try to talk our TL into translating the OP and ED.
I just wonder why your translator won’t do the OP/ED in the first place. Is there a policy or something against translating shitty anisongs?
He said something about being lazy. ┐(゚~゚)┌
i iove you