All right, a bit more on time with this one.

As characters die/are introduced, their inclusion in the poll will change as well.
After the next episode has aired, this post’s polls will be closed.
Don’t read these posts until you’ve seen each episode. I will be spoiling shit that happened.
VN master race, make sure to wrap your spoiler comments up in spoiler tags. [spoiler][/spoiler]
All right, refresher course time:
Change Log (episode 5 -> episode 6):
New character introduction: Alter-Ego.
Unfortunately, as an AI, it has no gender, so I’m not gonna throw it in the poll. Too bad, Fujisaki fans. Oh well, at least Chihiro’s sorta back, yeah?
Rejoice. ^_^
Ishimaru flipped out and is now calling himself “myself”. Too bad for him the poll options are staying the same.
Oh, what’s this?
Alter-Ego: missing.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Dead.
Hifumi Yamada: Dead.
Aww, quite a few got knocked out of the running. Such a shame, eh? Well, at least some people are still in it:
Remaining Best Boy Candidates

Remaining Best Girl Candidates

Well, who now?
Danganronpa Best Boy - Episode 06
- Byakuya Togami (56%, 123 Votes)
- Makoto Naegi (29%, 64 Votes)
- Yasuhiro Hagakure (15%, 32 Votes)
Total Voters: 219

Danganronpa Best Girl - Episode 06
- Kyoko Kirigiri (39%, 98 Votes)
- Aoi Asahina (22%, 55 Votes)
- Celestia Ludenberck (19%, 47 Votes)
- Touko Fukawa/Genocider Sho (13%, 32 Votes)
- Sakura Ohgami (8%, 20 Votes)
Total Voters: 252

Mm, I can taste the tears. 44 of you lost your best boys, and we only had the poll open up for two days. I can only imagine how much despair there would be if I left the polls open for the full week.
Sorry to the dude I said Ishimaru would win the 06 poll. Totes forgot the guy died, I did. Upupupu~
Best boy was an easy vote for me as usual: Byakuya FTW.
Best girl’s a bit tricksy, but we’ll go with Celes here, cuz <3 Celes.
Kirigiri best girl
Just you wait; she can’t be best girl forever.
That’s not how you spell Asahina.
Gen’ei wo Kakeru Taiyou
Underwater Ep 6
2 lines on screen for a ridiculously short amount of time.
If you had a general comment threads on this site I would have added this comment there.
I will contact Daiz immediately and get this rectified.
Isn’t it about time that you stopped pretending? We all know that you *are* Daiz.
I’d try posting it somewhere Underwater’s crew would notice…
Sakura Ohgami, cuz fuck
After this week’s episode I find it difficult not to vote for Asahina, but Kirigiri keeps being the best girl.
Why are you toying with my heart?
This Naegi love confuses me. Tell me what’s so great about wimpy-kun.
He’s a cutie. But if they wanted me to self-insert, Yamada should have been the protagonist.
He’s the most normal male chaacter for those who prefer that, he’s been smart enough to be the one to figure out each of the crimes, and I’ve seen far worse MCs…often. But Byakuya is still my favorite male. Girls are still Kyoko and Celestia. but Aoi did go up a couple points in my book with that scene in the beginning.
At some point, you’ll need to swap Naegi down (and I suppose Kirigiri up) to the poll options for Best Girl. He seriously can’t get any more beta and passive than he already is.
Just wait.
Obvious choice is obvious…
Asahina: suspiciously too much damsel in distress->intimidating
Fukawa: psycho->intimidating
Celes: potential psycho(+damsel in mistress)->intimidating
KirigirL: potential psycho(+overly mysterious)->intimidating
Sakura-chan: waifu material, kawaii
Look at all these fucking posers suddenly voting for Asahina.
<- is totally an Asahina hipster.
For the boys, we’ve go a power-hungry, cold-hearted maniac, a wimpy school boy and some deranged guy who spends insane amounts of money on hair gel – and also insane amounts of time to get them that way. Probably he has to stand up one hour earlier to get them that way.
I’ll pick the wimpy shool boy, at least he’s still somewhat normal.
For the girls… hmm. Not easy to pick between Kyouko and Celes, but I still like Kyouko better.
I don’t like ganguro (Aoi), mass-murdering psycopaths like Touko aren’t quite my cup of tea either…
Then there’s still “it”: Sakura. Too gross for words. Even the trap was still much more of a female than her. A real shame that this “thing” is still around, but the others are probably too scared to attack “it”.