As the series marches on, I get more and more excited by the prospect of a Danganronpa IF OVA. That shit would fucking rock. But for now, it’s poll time. And that excites me too.

blahblahblah you already know the deal.
All right, refresher course time:
Change Log (episode 6 -> episode 7):
Celestia Ludenberck: Dead.
Burn baby, burn.
Remaining Best Boy Candidates

Remaining Best Girl Candidates

Danganronpa Best Boy - Episode 07
- Byakuya Togami (52%, 129 Votes)
- Makoto Naegi (34%, 85 Votes)
- Yasuhiro Hagakure (14%, 36 Votes)
Total Voters: 250

Danganronpa Best Girl - Episode 07
- Kyoko Kirigiri (57%, 163 Votes)
- Aoi Asahina (21%, 60 Votes)
- Touko Fukawa/Genocider Sho (14%, 40 Votes)
- Sakura Ohgami (8%, 23 Votes)
Total Voters: 286

47 of us lost our leading lady. RIP, best girl-san… Welp, onto a new one! Because that’s the way life works.
Byakuya and Touko for me. At least until next episode.
Not that I’m implying anything, upupupu.
Seems more likely there would be a DR Zero OVA.
I guess my choice from now on will be Genocider and Byakuya.
DR Zero? As in, an entirely new Danganronpa story? I suppose it could work, but I’d rather see Danganronpa specials that focus on the side stories only seen in the game and then a Danganronpa IF OVA before they start filling in any backplot, since the story’s already written and ties into Danganronpa 2.
Danganronpa/Zero is a pair of prequel novels written before SDR2 came out, which provide some insight into certain aspects of the world and tie into both games.
IF is basically a fanfic written by Ryohgo Narita (the guy who did Baccano and Durarara) included in SDR2 as a fun little extra.
Huh. Didn’t even know there was shit out there other than IF. Are the novels good? Cuz IF was pure fun.
Thanks for the translation of the game, BTW. You and the rest of the crew did a solid job on that thing.
The novels are pretty good, yeah. Not quite on par with the game, though that’s largely due to pacing issues. The first book is almost entirely setup, so it kind of drags, and all the juicy stuff is in the second book, which (despite being longer) feels like it goes a lot quicker.
And thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. A couple aspects of the script’s style were influenced directly by this site (off the top of my head, writing “wh-what” instead of “w-what” for stuttering), so you can claim to have had a hand in it if you want.
I’ll check the novels out sometime in a future when they’ve been translated then… probably. Can’t say for certain since my attention span ain’t the bes– Sweet, I’ve got an in with the Dangan cosplayers now. \o/
Sakura is objectively the best (read: not your favourite) girl.
Kirigiri best girl. Has been since ep 1. And here’s hoping it never changes!
VN Spoilers. (They’re minor, but I don’t suggest reading this if you don’t want to have your expectations set in one way or another.)
Character relationship specials and IF ova are the only acceptable BD specials for this show.
Actually meant to do this when I posted the other comment, but I got distracted. Oh well.
Hagakure and Genocider here, simply because I had the most fun writing them. As terrible of a person as Hagakure is, he’s the only guy left with a really interesting voice.
I loved the game to death, and I want to love the anime equally, but it’s so hard; it’s not bad per se, but to anyone who’s played the game, it becomes obvious how rushed it is. Oh well. Togami/Kirigi for me.
On an unrelated note, DS you compared Danganronpa to 999 and VLR in an article a week or so back, and pointed out how you’d rate them in terms of best to worst in a handful of categories. I was curious what your take between the three was for their soundtracks.
The anime is really bad, it’s a shame. Even if you didn’t play the game you easily notice the flaws.
I thought I was the only one who thought that. I think it is over hyped. The script (raw script) is badly written. The characters start to yell the same words over and over again once they were considered suspects. I mean, heck it sure is difficult to guess who’s the culprit from that point onwards. The animation is great though, especially during the executions. I haven’t played the game so I can’t judge it. I can’t say it’s a bad adaptation as well, but the anime could’ve been much better.
The game handles it slightly better, but this is a rather faithful adaptation in terms of what happens.
I’m the worst when it comes to anything involving music or the rating thereof. I don’t pay attention to it like most people do. So even if I were to rate it, it’d be meaningless.
I’m surprised Asahina is still alive. I had her pegged as the murderer for this one. Oh well, she remains best girl until she commits the next murder~
\o/ Kirigiri always best girl, but after that ending on episode 7, I was leaning towards Sakura.
I knew it was Celestia~
She was my favorite, so I’ll go with Asahina from now on.
> Burn baby, burn.
lol, no. She didn’t burn at all, she was run over by the fire engine.
Naegi, because Togami is too smarmy and Hagagure is a freak.
Kirigiri best girl!
Hope someone does Aoi in next, she’s going on my nerves. Best case would be if she gets killed by Sakura, then we’re rid of that abomination as well.
Kyoko Kirigiri best girl. I’m looking forward to seeing her death~
Byakuya Togami best boy. I’m looking forward to seeing his death~
Monokuma best bear. I’m looking forward to seeing his death~
Yumi-chan best random on the internet. I’m looking forward to seeing their death~