Too hyped for the next episode.
blah blah: don’t spoil it for the dangan virgins
All right, refresher course time:
Change Log (episode 7 -> episode 8):
Sakura Ohgami: Dead, like a boss.
Remaining Best Boy Candidates

Remaining Best Girl Candidates

23 of us lost our best man this episode. Bye bye, beefcake. Time to re-spec your love points.
Danganronpa Best Boy - Episode 08
- Byakuya Togami (43%, 134 Votes)
- Makoto Naegi (40%, 127 Votes)
- Yasuhiro Hagakure (17%, 53 Votes)
Total Voters: 314

Danganronpa Best Girl - Episode 08
- Kyoko Kirigiri (63%, 211 Votes)
- Aoi Asahina (26%, 86 Votes)
- Touko Fukawa/Genocider Sho (11%, 38 Votes)
Total Voters: 335

Geez, down to only 3 each? Boring! And that’s not how Dark_Sage rolls.
So starting next episode, we’ll switch a few things up, upupupu~
Byakuya for the males, of course.
And… Genocider-chan for the ladies (for :reasons:), though I will admit Aoi was looking quite healthy this episode.
Kirigiri best girl
Naegi-chan <3
I’m not watching this show anymore, but I keep voting. Everyone I’ve voted for so far has ended up dying :(
On an unrelated note, Ben Affleck is the new Batman. Ew.
How did Snyder dare to let this devil inside the batsuit?
Why do all my favourite characters die?
I need to thank you D_S, for introducing me to this show with these seemingly random polls. I got a bit spoilerfied, but what piqued my interest were the interesting character designs and the fact that the show seemed to have no qualms offing even popular characters.
However, the show is definitely flawed in the fact that the investigations and the class trials are too rushed (I was curious about what was cut from the VN and read some forum posts). If only they could’ve added 1 more episode to each case, but alas, the episode count would then be awkward being in between 1 and 2 cour.
Despite being rushed and therefore garnering a lot of hate from the VN readers, I absolutely love the style that oozes out of every pore from the show and it’s certainly better than any number of those terrible moe pandering train wrecks out there.
Is there even a debate? Kirigiri best girl.
Correct. (But you know how D_S likes the tongue – or is it the scissors?)
Kirigiri keeps being the best girl. Asahina-tan is strong in the second place, though.
Naegi the best heroine.
Anyone else noticing an… interesting… coloring “error” on Asahina in ?
>Anyone else noticing an… interesting… coloring “error” on Asahina in ?
That’s the palm of her right hand.
You hentai. ;P
>Naegi the best heroine.
No, it’s not her palm. The way she’s holding it, her left palm wouldn’t be visible. It’s definitely part of her left boob :D
Look at the curvature of her boob above her hand. The curvature below her hand is a perfect continuation of that.
Still… Kirigiri best girl :P
I can quite honestly see it both ways now, which is rather weird. Who know this show was really about breast-related multistable perceptual phenomena?
It’s not part of her breast, it’s the palm. Try holding an object like she does in the image yourself, it’s possible to see the palm.
Also it’s not a perfect continuation, the palm line is little too far right.
I’ve thrown together this skillful photoshop to prove that it’s in fact part of her left breast :D
A more revealing Photoshop project (I don’t have time for at the moment) might be to correct the “coloring error” and see if it looks right.
With this conversation, we have officially reached the Internet’s apotheosis.
Sho-chan best girl.
Males: Naegi
Among the girls, definitely Kirigiri, absolutely no competition! :D
So finally “it” has been killed. “It” had already survived way too long.
I’d say that either Genocider or Tohgami did it, although Genocider might be too simple. I can’t see Hagakure killing anyone, but who knows, perhaps they want to surprise us.
Asahina still best girl. I’m going to call her the murderer-chan because I’ve been expecting her to off someone for a while now, and this would be the kind of tweest people wouldn’t expect.
I’d have to say right now that Togami is best boy, and Naegi is best girl.
Well, Yasuhiro Hagakure, if you die next ep, you’re the best boy.
Where’s the Episode 09 Edition?
We finally get to know who killed Sakura – and a hint at the 16th student.
Should be up either tonight or tomorrow.
We’re waiting.