Fansub Review: [Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu (Episode 05)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


Going with episode 5 because it’s a beach episode. Best call, amirite?

Table of Contents

Release Information

Visual Quality

Script Quality



Release Information

Episode details.

Release format: MKV (358 MB, 10-bit)

Japanesiness: Honorifics (in all their Kari-chan-senpai glory). “takoyaki” unlocalized.

English style: American English.

Encoding details

Speed: Quick (<48 hours)


External links.

Group website

IRC channel:



Visual Review


[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_01.02_[2013.09.11_15.21.37] [Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_01.16_[2013.09.11_15.20.50]

Opening. The colors are a bit off, but not to the karaoke’s detriment. Rather, it helps it stick out. No real complaints here, but nothing to particularly praise either.

Rating: Okay+.

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_22.36_[2013.09.11_17.08.52] [Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_22.49_[2013.09.11_17.09.12]

Ending. Similar to the OP karaoke, it’s not bad at all. But it’s not going to win any kawaii awards.

Rating: Okay+.




[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_00.35_[2013.09.11_15.20.02]

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_02.06_[2013.09.11_15.29.57]

“Basking in the Sunburning on an Island”? What the shit kind of a translation is that?

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_06.24_[2013.09.11_15.55.41][Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_06.25_[2013.09.11_15.55.47]

There were a number of signs in this little section, but they were all relatively similar, so I figured I’d spare you all 10 or so and just highlight a couple.

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_07.36_[2013.09.11_15.57.07]

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_10.03_[2013.09.11_17.05.10]

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_13.45_[2013.09.11_18.05.27]

Seriously, who the fuck translated this shit? I swear, if I didn’t know I was watching a fansub release I’d think there were parasites eating my brain and affecting my ability to digest English.

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_23.41_[2013.09.11_17.09.20] [Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_23.42_[2013.09.11_17.09.25] [Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_24.00_[2013.09.11_17.10.00]




Script Review


[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_00.39_[2013.09.11_15.28.01] [Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_00.42_[2013.09.11_15.28.07] [Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_00.45_[2013.09.11_15.28.14]

Mind telling me how limits could be laughably mistaken?



Main Script.

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_02.47_[2013.09.11_20.10.30]

The fuck is an amphibious battle? One that spans both land and sea, maybe? I guess that makes sense, but considering the battle shown only happens on land… no, it doesn’t make sense.

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_04.21_[2013.09.11_20.23.07]

It’s lines like this that highlight why the Oxford comma is necessary.

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_02.55_[2013.09.11_15.33.07] [Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_02.57_[2013.09.11_15.33.13]

Oh, so it’s a play on “break a leg”. Haha, that’s so funny.

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_06.14_[2013.09.11_15.55.20]


[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_06.24_[2013.09.11_15.55.41][Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_06.25_[2013.09.11_15.55.47]

Oh, so that’s why…

Nope, I’m not convinced. If you wanted to get the family angle across, the phrase you’re looking for is “our bonds’re as thick as blood”. That still doesn’t excuse the horrid team name, though.

These girls are supposed to be hicks, yeah? Then call ’em “The Seto Clan” or something. “Team Seto Family” is a no.

(Speaking of… Dear anime, your brown girls are the best, so please feature more “hicks” in your shows.)

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_09.23_[2013.09.11_17.04.21] [Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_09.25_[2013.09.11_17.04.26]

Then what is it? Not conversation it isn’t.

“No, I’m just going to bed.”

That would be a human response. Let’s try for more of those in the future, Vivid.

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_12.23_[2013.09.11_18.03.19]

The veggies are in the soup…

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_12.29_[2013.09.11_18.03.48] [Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_12.31_[2013.09.11_18.03.55]

This hurts.

“So I take it you don’t mind being on the bottom?” is exactly what you should have here. She’s saying that she would be the man in the relationship (shut up, social justice warriors, I’m only using the term for lack of a better phrase), not that she wants to engage in S&M.

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_13.58_[2013.09.11_20.37.39] [Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_14.01_[2013.09.11_20.37.46]

The way this is written makes it seem like the only way players leave the field is by getting hit while they’re carrying the flag.

What Vivid meant to say was “Now, if the player carrying the flag gets hit, they have to leave the flag where it is when they exit the game.”

[Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - 05 [AC706BBF].mkv_snapshot_17.11_[2013.09.11_20.41.54]

I’m bringing this line up not to criticize the grammar but to show a scenario where bad grammar serves a purpose. Brown-tan here is from the country, so it’s expected (stereotypically) that she speaks somewhat improper.

In essence: As long as bad English results in a good script, I’m not going to complain about it.





Watchability: Watchable.

Visual grade: B

Script grade: B

Overall grade: B

I haven’t checked out Anime-Koi’s release yet (and I’ll be reviewing their 06), but I can say that from what I’ve seen of Commie’s, Vivid’s is the release to beat so far.

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22 thoughts on “Fansub Review: [Vivid] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu (Episode 05)”

  1. Re: “amphibious battle–I wanted “amphibious assault” (it was clearly sum kindsa parody of D-Day), but “amphibious battle/warfare” in general (I know you <3 Wikipedia, so here you go) only requires one ground force transitioning between land and sea while under fire (again, think Normandy; the Germans kept themselves quite dry… well, except for blood); you don't actually need both sides to be fighting both on water and terra firma. That clearly happened ~3 minutes in when Yura goes all Saving Private Ryan.

    Did you continue watching the show? There are more lil' brown girls to be had.

    • Another good example of an amphibious battle would be the lesser-known Battle of Gela, when the Allies began their invasion of Italy.

      Another way to think of it is this: an air assault does not require a ground force to attack an opposing force that happens to be stationed in mid-air. The “air” part of air asssault merely describes the path of ingress.

  2. I tried TLCing the line in the Karaoke review section, does “Because you can’t trust in your own potential anymore, you laugh and cry over your decisions” make sense, or did I get it all wrong?


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