[Last updated: 9/29/13] Welcome to the most comprehensive list of active English-language otakublogs on the internet. (I wish I was joking, but it seriously is.)
Note: If you’re reading this in the future (2044 or later), you’re gonna want to realize that clicking on any old anime blog links is risky — most anibloggers are complete shitbags and let their domains lapse, meaning asshole spammers grab the domains and put malware and shit on them. Browse carefully.
The List
Site Name
+Ophanium | http://ophanium.blogspot.com/ | Figure talk | Figures&VNs |
10 Toy Gallery | http://tentoygallery.blogspot.sg/ | Sentai figuarts | Figures&VNs |
24 Frames Per Second | http://24framesps.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
91.8 The Fan | http://918thefan.com/ | Podcasts and radio | Niche |
A Case Suitable for Treatment | http://suitablefortreatment.mangabookshelf.com/ | Manga volume reviews | Reviews |
A Certain Blogging Tobiichi | http://tobiichi.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews and editorials | Reviews |
A Product of Wasted Time | http://bigt1987.blogspot.com/ | Shitty episodic and chaptersodic reviews | Reviews |
Absolute Territory | http://absolute.animeblogger.net/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Ace Railgun | http://acerailgun.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
ACF Radio | http://acfradio.com/blog-2/ | Radio show | Niche |
Adumbrate & Resilient Love | http://sakimichi.wordpress.com/ | VN summaries | Figures&VNs |
Ageha’s Adventure | http://sakurasounoyakusoku.wordpress.com/ | Otome summaries and reviews | Figures&VNs |
Aizen Gamer | http://aizengamer.com/ | J-game news | Niche |
Alafista | http://www.alafista.com/ | News | Niche |
Alethea & Athena | http://double-dear.livejournal.com/ | Anime diary… memories | Niche |
All Fiction | http://www.all-fiction.net/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Amaenbou Dane~ | http://amaenboda.wordpress.com/ | VN Reviews | Figures&VNs |
Amateur Rambling | http://amateurrambling.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Analog Housou | http://analoghousou.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Angry Anime Bitches | http://angryanimebitches.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
AngryJellyfish’s Blog | http://angryjellyfish.wordpress.com/ | Episode Rankings | Niche |
Ani-Culture | http://www.ani-culture.net/ | News and interviews | Niche |
Ani-Gamers | http://www.anigamers.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Ani-Mei | http://ani-mei.com/blog/wordpress/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Ani-Nouto | http://ani-nouto.animeblogger.net/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Ani.me | http://ani.me/ | Shitty episodic reviews and news | Reviews |
Anime Anemoscope | http://animeanemoscope.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Anime Anthology | http://animeanthology.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Anime Audiolog | http://animeaudiolog.wordpress.com/ | Radio show, podcasts, chaptersodic reviews | Niche |
Anime Aura | http://animeaura.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Anime B&B | http://marinasauce.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Anime Club | http://no3dpd.blogspot.com/ | Conventions | Niche |
Anime Commentary on the March | http://animecommentary.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Anime Comments and Reviews | http://anime-comments.blogspot.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Anime Diet | http://animediet.net/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Anime Herald | http://www.animeherald.com/ | News | Niche |
Anime Instrumentality | http://blog.animeinstrumentality.net/ | Music and eye cancer | Niche |
Anime Mage | http://animemage.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Anime News Network | http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/ | News | Niche |
Anime Picks | http://animepicks.co.uk/ | Lots of shit | Niche |
Anime Pulse | http://www.anime-pulse.com/ | Podcasts | Niche |
Anime ReViews | http://animereviews.co/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Anime Shinbun | http://animeshinbun.com/ | News | Niche |
Anime Tree | http://animetree.wordpress.com/ | Weekly anime summaries and music reviews | Niche |
Anime Vice | http://www.animevice.com/ | Various reviews | Reviews |
Anime Viking | http://animeviking.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Anime World Order | http://www.awopodcast.com/ | Podcasts | Niche |
Anime-Break | http://www.anime-break.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Anime, Manga, Manhwa, and Yaoi Reviews | http://animeandmanhwareviews.blogspot.com/ | Shitty episodic and manga volume reviews | Reviews |
AnimeMangaPedia | http://www.animemangapedia.com/ | News | Niche |
Anipages | http://www.pelleas.net/aniTOP/index.php | Anime reviews for old people | Reviews |
Aniplogs Anime Source | http://www.aniplogs.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
AniRecs | http://anirecs.com/ | Anime reviews and editorials | Reviews |
Annalyn’s Thoughts | http://annalynspot.blogspot.co.nz/ | Christian propaganda via anime blogging | Editorials |
Aria Thursday | http://ariathursday.blogspot.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews… only of Aria | Reviews |
Astro Bunny | http://www.astrobunny.net/ | Editorials | Editorials |
AstroNerdBoy’s Anime & Manga Blog | http://astronerdboy.blogspot.com/ | Shitty chaptersodic and episodic reviews | Reviews |
Atelier Emily – For Me, In Full Bloom | http://formeinfullbloom.wordpress.com/ | Editorials via shitty episodic reviews | Editorials |
Audio Visual Style | http://audiovisualstyle.wordpress.com/ | News | Niche |
Avvesione’s Anime Blog | http://avvesione.wordpress.com/ | Anime overview reviews | Reviews |
Awesome Engine | http://www.awesome-engine.com/ | Podcasts | Niche |
Baka-Raptor | http://www.baka-raptor.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
BambooXZX | http://bambooxzx.wordpress.com/ | Song translations | Niche |
Bateszi Anime Blog | http://www.bateszi.me/ | Editorials | Editorials |
BD77’s of Figure & Plamos | http://bd77.wordpress.com/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Behind the Nihon Review | http://behind-the.nihonreview.com/ | Podcasts, editorials | Editorials |
Beneath the Tangles | http://beneaththetangles.wordpress.com/ | Christian propaganda via anime blogging | Editorials |
Beta-Waffle | http://www.beta-waffle.com/blog/ | Editorials and shitty episodic reviews | Editorials |
Bishie Holic | http://shikimic.wordpress.com/ | J-games and manga | Niche |
BlogSuki | http://blogsuki.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Blue Blue Wave | http://bluebluewave.wordpress.com/ | Doll Niche and Editorials | Niche |
Blue Sweater Story | http://aquabluesweater.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Button Smashers Blog | http://buttonsmashersblog.com/ | J-gaming editorials | Niche |
Buy First, Regret Later! | http://akashingou.wordpress.com/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Cacao, Put Down the Shovel! | http://dmdutcher.com/ | Christian propaganda via anime blogging | Editorials |
Cafe Daifuuku | http://cafedaifuuku.kokidokom.net/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Cage of Love | http://otomeoshiete.wordpress.com/ | Drama CD reviews | Niche |
Canne’s Anime Review Blog | http://canime.wordpress.com/ | Editorials and anime reviews | Editorials |
Caraniel’s Ramblings | http://caraniel.wordpress.com/ | Editorials and anime reviews | Editorials |
Cartoon Leap | http://www.cartoonleap.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Cely Belly Nonsense | http://celybellynonsense.blogspot.com.au/ | Shitty episodic and chaptersodic reviews, songs | Reviews |
Channel-Japan | http://channel-japan.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
ChibiOtaku010 | http://chibiotaku010.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Chikorita157’s Anime Blog | http://chikorita157.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Child of Mecha | http://www.childofmecha.com/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Chizumatic | http://chizumatic.mee.nu/ | Editorials and shitty episodic reviews | Editorials |
ChocolateMix | http://chocolatemix.wordpress.com/ | VN summaries and reviews | Figures&VNs |
Chromic Aberration Everywhere | http://eyeforaneyepiece.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Collect ’em All | http://dennis-toys.blogspot.com/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Colony Drop | http://www.colonydrop.com/index.php?blog=1 | Old people editorials | Editorials |
Conspicuous Klux | http://kluxorious.blogspot.com/ | Shitty mini-episodic reviews | Reviews |
Continuing World | http://tsuzukusekai.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Cosmic Latte | http://skyvory.wordpress.com/ | VN reviews | Figures&VNs |
Cosplay Holic | http://kosupurei.blogspot.com/ | Cosplay | Niche |
CosplayJP | http://cosplayjp.wordpress.com/ | Cosplay | Niche |
Curry Curry Chronicles | http://awesomecurry.wordpress.com/ | VN reviews | Figures&VNs |
Cutfilm Tovent | http://cutfilmtovent.wordpress.com/ | AMVs and reviews | Niche |
Dao’s Subarashii Blog | http://asuna.is-my-waifu.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Daybreak’s Bell | http://quentinlau.blogspot.com/ | News | Niche |
Deadlight’s Anime Blog | http://deadlightanime.blogspot.com.au/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Deciphered Melody | http://suisei.kokidokom.net/ | Song translations | Niche |
Deluscar | http://deluscar.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Denpa no Sekai | http://www.denpanosekai.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
DereMoe | http://deremoe.com/ | Editorials and podcasts | Editorials |
Denpa Waves Everywhere | http://denpawaves.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Desu ex Machina | http://kevo.dasaku.net/ | Shitty episodic reviews, podcasts, and power rankings | Niche |
Diamonds in the Sea | http://pearlsinthesun.wordpress.com/ | VN summaries | Figures&VNs |
Digimon: System Restore | http://digimon.firstagent.net/ | Shitty Digimon episodic reviews | Niche |
Doropyan’s World | http://doropyan.wordpress.com/ | Drama CD translations | Niche |
Draggle’s Anime Blog | http://blog.draggle.org/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Drastic My Anime Blog | http://bignanime.wordpress.com/ | Music Niche and Editorials | Niche |
DubSub Anime Reviews | http://dubsub.blogspot.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Dynamite in the Brain | http://www.dynamiteinthebrain.com/ | Podcasts | Niche |
Emency Blazer Works | http://emencyblazer.wordpress.com/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Empty Blue | http://www.emptyblue.it/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Engendered Dilemma | http://www.engendered-dilemma.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Entravity | http://www.entravity.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Eroge Review | http://www.erogereview.com/ | Eroge reviews | Figures&VNs |
EvaGeeks | http://www.evageeks.org/ | Evangelion news | Niche |
Experimental Gonzo | http://drgonzo7.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Experiments in Manga | http://experimentsinmanga.mangabookshelf.com/ | Manga volume reviews | Reviews |
Eye Sedso | https://glothelegend.wordpress.com/ | Editorials and reviews | Editorials |
Fantastic Memes | http://fantasticmemes.wordpress.com/ | Editorials and shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
FichtenFoo | http://www.fichtenfoo.com/blog/ | Gundam figures | Figures&VNs |
Figure Culture | http://figureculture.wordpress.com/ | Figure talk | Figures&VNs |
Funkatown | http://funakatown.com/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Gagging on Sexism | http://gaggingonsexism.wordpress.com/ | Some wannabe lesbo flips her shit | Editorials |
Gaijin Gunpla | http://www.gaijin-gunpla.com/ | Gundam figures | Figures&VNs |
Gar Gar Stegosaurus | http://gargarstegosaurus.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews , volumesodic reviews | Reviews |
Gareblogs | https://gareblogs.wordpress.com/ | VN reviews | Figures&VNs |
Geekorner-Geekulture | http://geekorner.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Gisei – Fans of Japan | http://subarashikun.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
GN Particles | http://graemenattress.com/wp/ | Gundam figures | Figures&VNs |
Golden Sneer | http://goldensneer.wordpress.com/ | VN reviews | Figures&VNs |
GoodGuyDan’s Gunpla Blog | http://goodguydangunpla.blogspot.jp/ | Gundam figures | Figures&VNs |
Gordonator | http://gordonator.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Gundam Gunso’s Gundam Talk | http://gundamgunso.blogspot.com/ | Gundam figures | Figures&VNs |
Gundam Guy | http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/ | Gundam figure news | Figures&VNs |
Gundam Model Kits & Figures | http://www.gundammodelkits.com/ | Mecha figure news | Figures&VNs |
Gundam Model Kits Review | http://gundam3r.blogspot.sg/ | Gundam figure reviews | Figures&VNs |
Hachimitsu | http://blog.hachimitsu.org/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Hanners’ Anime Blog | http://hanners-anime.blogspot.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Haruhichan’s Blog | http://haruhichan.com/wpblog/ | Editorials and news | Editorials |
Hashihime – Anime Voices | http://hashihime.blogspot.com/ | Seiyuu editorials | Niche |
Hau Omochikaeri | http://omochikaeri.wordpress.com/ | Eroge news | Figures&VNs |
Hikaru’s Notebook | http://hikaruyamato.blogspot.com/ | Quote compilations and reviews | Niche |
Hinano’s Game Babbles | http://breadmasterlee.com/ | Otome game reviews | Figures&VNs |
Hiroi Sekai | http://hiroi-sekai.com/ | Editorials and reviews | Editorials |
His Personal Joy | http://hispersonal.wordpress.com/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Hungry Bug Diner | http://www.hungrybugdiner.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Hybrid Universe | http://eltmanypieces.wordpress.com/ | J-music reviews | Niche |
Ichigo Aji-Yuri Tendou | http://www.ichigoyuri.com/ | Manga buyfagging | Niche |
Ideas Without End | http://ideaswithoutend.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Imouto.my | http://imouto.my/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
InfonoChikara | http://infonochikara.wordpress.com/ | J-games | Niche |
Isn’t it Electrifying? | http://shibirerudarou.wordpress.com/ | Shitty mini-episodic reviews | Reviews |
It’s a Gundaaaam! | http://lupes.wordpress.com/ | Gundam figures | Figures&VNs |
It’s Nothing | http://dnandre.wordpress.com/ | Galge news | Figures&VNs |
Itadakimasu Anime | http://itadakimasuanime.wordpress.com/ | Food in anime | Niche |
J-Madness | http://www.j-madness.com/ | Anime sheet music | Niche |
Japan Powered | http://www.japanpowered.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Japanese Anime Figures | http://mangafigures.wordpress.com/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Japanese Melodia | http://japanesemelodia.blogspot.com/ | J-music reviews | Niche |
JEFusion | http://www.jefusion.com/ | News | Niche |
Jinx! | http://re-jinx.me/ | Editorials and shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
John Sato | http://johnsato.blogspot.com.au/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Just Another Anime Podcast | http://justanotheranimepodcast.com/ | Podcasts | Niche |
Just Another Heaven | http://justanotherheaven.wordpress.com/ | J-music reviews | Niche |
Just as Planned | http://keikakudoori.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Justinius Builds | http://justiniusbuilds.blogspot.com/ | Gundam figures | Figures&VNs |
Kafka-Fuura | http://kafkafuura.wordpress.com/ | Song translations | Niche |
Kanpai! | http://kanpai.kokidokom.net/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Karmaburn | http://karmaburn.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Kawaiiosity | http://kawaiiosity.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Kira-Reviews | http://www.kira-reviews.com/ | BD vs DVD differences | Niche |
KixKillRadio | http://kixkillradio.wordpress.com/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Kritik der Animationskraft | http://animekritik.wordpress.com/ | Leijiverse-focused editorials | Niche |
KrizKreations | http://kriz-kreativemindz.blogspot.com/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Kurayami Monogatari | http://solarblade.wordpress.com/ | J-music reviews | Niche |
Kuriousity | http://www.kuriousity.ca/ | Manga reviews and news | Niche |
Kuro’s Anime Ramble Blog | http://kuroshinko.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Kurogane’s Anime Blog | http://kurogane.animeblogger.net/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Kurumi Shim | http://kurumishim.wordpress.com/ | News and manga reviews | Niche |
Lagrange1 | http://lagrange1.blogspot.com/ | Gundam figures | Figures&VNs |
Late Reaction | http://latereaction.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Leap250’s Blog | http://leap250.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Let’s Anime | http://letsanime.blogspot.com/ | Old people editorials | Editorials |
Life is just… | http://myworldisbluegreen.wordpress.com/ | Drama CDs and buyfag bragging | Niche |
Life of a Future Mangaka | http://lifeofafuturemangaka.blogspot.ro/ | Aniblog diary | Niche |
LightPrince | http://lightprince.wordpress.com/ | Editorials and reviews | Editorials |
Lijakaca’s Otome Gaming Blog | http://lijaka.com/blog/ | Otome news | Niche |
Lobster Quadrille | http://rocklobsterjwt.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Loli (laughing alone with) Salad | http://loli.animeblogger.net/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Lost in Anime | http://www.lostinanime.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Lost My Thesis | http://lostmythesis.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Love the Machine | http://lthemachine.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Love-Colored Sky | http://koiiro.wordpress.com/ | Otome bloggin’ | Niche |
Lower Mid-Table | http://lowermidtable.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
LuRa’s Anime Blog | http://lurei.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Lyrical Spark! | http://honya-ch.com/ | Song translations | Niche |
Mahq | http://www.mahq.net/ | Mecha profiles | Figures&VNs |
Mainichi Anime Yume | http://animeyume.com/blog/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Makigumo | http://www.makigumo.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Mandoran | http://www.mandoran.com/ | Song translations and editorials | Niche |
Manga Report | http://mangareport.mangabookshelf.com/ | Manga volume reviews | Reviews |
Manga Therapy | http://www.mangatherapy.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Manga Xanadu | http://manga.jadedragononline.com/ | Podcasts | Niche |
MangaComicsManga | http://mangacomicsmanga.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Marth’s Anime Blog | http://www.marthaurion.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Maserbeamdotcom | http://www.maserbeam.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Mdzanime | http://mdzanime.me/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Mech9 | http://www.mech9.com/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Mecha Damashii | http://www.mechadamashii.com/ | Mecha news | Figures&VNs |
Medieval Otaku | http://medievalotaku.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Meeping Anime | http://meepinganime.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Metanorn | http://metanorn.net/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Milkcananime | http://www.milkcananime.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Mirror of Paranoia | http://mirrorofparanoia.wordpress.com/ | Song translations | Niche |
Misa-chan’s J-pop Blog | http://misachanjpop.wordpress.com/ | Song translations | Niche |
Moe Alternative | http://moe-alternative.net/ | Editorials and reviews | Editorials |
Moetron | http://www.moetron.com/ | News | Niche |
Moonlit Asteria | http://moonlitasteria.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Moshi Moshi?! Sekai?! | http://moshimoshisekaienglish.blogspot.sg/ | Eyecancer | Niche |
Moving Towards the Future | http://ancientshining.wordpress.com/ | Otome reviews and music | Niche |
Multiseven et Cetera | http://multiseven.blogspot.com/ | Figure news | Figures&VNs |
Music Addiction | http://musicaddiction2.wordpress.com/ | J-music reviews | Niche |
MyAnimuBlog | http://myanimublog.blogspot.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
My Story, Your Beats | http://mystoryyourbeats.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
MyAnimeBlog | http://www.myanimeblog.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Nabe!! | http://nabe.kokidokom.net/ | Anime music | Niche |
Naturally Uncanny Reviews | http://nureviewsnetwork.com/ | J-game news | Niche |
Neko Magic | http://www.nekomagic.com/ | Figure news | Figures&VNs |
Nendonesia | http://nendonesia.com/ | Nendoroids | Figures&VNs |
Neo-Shonen Fujoshi | http://jansuzukawa.blogspot.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Ngee Khiong Ex | http://ngeekhiongex.blogspot.com/ | Gunpla reviews | Figures&VNs |
Nigorimasen! | http://www.nigorimasen.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Nil | http://nilblogs.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Ninety’s Blog | http://ninetysblog.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
NotCliche | http://www.notcliche.com/ | News | Niche |
Notredreviews | http://notredrevie.ws/ | Low-tier fansubbers copy my swagger | Niche |
NuKo no Himegoto | http://kirinano.wordpress.com/ | Otome postery | Figures&VNs |
Nyaa! Figurines | http://www.nyaafigurines.com/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
NyOtaku | http://nyotaku.com/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Ogiue Maniax | http://ogiuemaniax.wordpress.com/ | Editorials and shitty episodic and chaptersodic reviews | Reviews |
Okazu | http://okazu.yuricon.com/ | Yuri anime bloggery | Niche |
OmoNoMono | http://omonomono.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Open Your Mind | http://53rg10.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Oppai is Justice | http://oppaiisjustice.wordpress.com/ | VN reviews | Figures&VNs |
Optimum Otaku | http://www.optimumotaku.com/ | Figure news | Figures&VNs |
Organization Anti-Social Geniuses | http://organizationasg.kokidokom.net/ | Shitty episodic reviews, other reviews | Reviews |
OSMCast | http://www.osmcast.com/ | Podcasts | Niche |
OtaCoolTure no Saka | http://yunam0n.wordpress.com/ | Conventions | Niche |
Otagamers | http://miettechan.com/ | Figure talk | Figures&VNs |
Otaku Dan | http://otakudan.com/ | Podcasts | Niche |
Otaku Generation | http://otakugeneration.libsyn.com/ | Podcasts | Niche |
Otaku Lounge | http://otakulounge.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews and editorials | Editorials |
Otaku Overdrive | http://otakuoverdrive.com/ | J-game reviews | Niche |
Otaku Revolution | http://otakurevolution.com/ | Gundam figures and shitty episodic blogging | Figures&VNs |
Otaku Soft | http://otaku-soft.com/index.php | News “bites” | Niche |
OtakuDX | http://www.otakudx.com/ | News and J-music reviews | Niche |
Otome Jikan | http://otome-jikan.net/ | Otome news and reviews | Figures&VNs |
Otome no Junjou | http://otomenojunjou.wordpress.com/ | VN reviews | Figures&VNs |
Otosu Otome | http://otosuotome.blogspot.sg/ | Otome stuff, I dunno | Figures&VNs |
Pirates of the Burley Griffin | http://piratesobg.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Plastikitty | http://www.plastikitty.com/ | Figure talk | Figures&VNs |
Pretense W/ Glasses | http://pretensewithglasses.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Project Haruhi | http://www.projectharuhi.net/ | Podcasts | Niche |
Project Otaku | http://www.projectotaku.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Puppy52Dolls | http://puppy52dolls.com/ | Dolls | Niche |
Quizoxy | http://quizoxy.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
RabuJoi | http://rabujoi.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Ramblings of an AKB48 and Anime Otaku | http://jeffreysama.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Random Curiosity | http://randomc.net/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Rayout | http://rayoutblog.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Reflective Boundary | http://www.reflectiveboundary.net/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Reverse Harem Garden | http://reverseharem.blogspot.com/ | News and reviews of otome stuff | Figures&VNs |
Reverse Thieves | http://reversethieves.com/ | Editorials and podcasts | Editorials |
Riyoga’s Ramblings | http://subtlechaos.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews and editorials | Reviews |
Roving Thoughts | https://cks.mef.org/space/rtblog/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Saimoe Update Blog | http://saimoe.wordpress.com/ | Updates on the Saimoe contest | Niche |
Sakura Doujin | http://sakura-doujin.com/ | News | Niche |
Sankaku Complex | http://www.sankakucomplex.com/ | Sex sells so sells sex | Niche |
Sea Slugs! | http://www.seaslugteam.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Season 1 Episode 1 | http://s1e1.com/ | Anime reviews and editorials | Reviews |
Seasonal Anime Reviews | http://seasonalanimereviews.blogspot.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Sekijitsu | http://sekijitsu.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Seven Coloured Compass | http://sevencolouredcompass.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Seven Nights Translations | http://7nightstranslations.wordpress.com/ | VN reviews | Figures&VNs |
Seventh Style | http://seventhstyle.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
SGCafe | http://sgcafe.com/ | News | Niche |
Shannaro!! | http://shannaro.wordpress.com/ | Manga reviews and release news | Reviews |
She’s Lost Control | http://sheslostcontrol.net/anime/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Shiizumi’s Anime Blog | http://shiizumi.wordpress.com/ | Various reviews | Reviews |
Shinkan Crossing | http://cjinsblog.blogspot.com/ | Gundam and J-games | Niche |
Shizuo Nyan | http://www.shizuonyan.com/ | Editorials and shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
ShonenBeam | http://shonenbeam.com/ | Chaptersodic reviews and podcasts | Reviews |
Showery Sky | http://showerysky.wordpress.com/ | VN news and music | Figures&VNs |
Silence is Golden | http://silenceisgolden89.blogspot.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Slightly Biased Manga | http://slightlybiasedmanga.com/ | Manga volume reviews | Reviews |
Sneepers Robot Garage | http://sneepersrobotgarage.blogspot.com/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Something Eternal | http://somethingeternal.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Songs for Eris | http://songsforeris.wordpress.com/ | Song translations | Niche |
Sophie’s Japan Blog | http://sophiesjapanblog.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Spark Blog | http://sparknorkx.blog.fc2.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Spherical Cows | http://considerthem.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews and editorials | Reviews |
Spoils | http://sylphalchemist.wordpress.com/ | Manga and magazines | Niche |
SSD 2.0 | http://shootingstardreamer.blogspot.jp/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Standing On My Neck | http://flawfinder.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Star-Crossed Anime Blog | http://psgels.net/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Stereo Otaku | http://stereootaku.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Subatomic Brainfreeze | http://subatomicbrainfreeze.typepad.com/subatomic_brainfreeze/ | Mahjong and comics | Niche |
Subdued Fangirling | http://subduedfangirling.blogspot.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews and editorials | Reviews |
Sutoraiku Anime | http://www.sutoraikuanime.com/ | News | Niche |
Swabulous Max | http://swabulous.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
Tenka Seiha | http://tenka.seiha.org/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Tentacle Armada | http://www.tentaclearmada.com/ | Figure talk | Figures&VNs |
Terminal Anime | http://terminalanime.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
THAT Shoujo Manga Blog | http://thatshoujomangablog.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
The 1000th Summer | http://the1000thsummer.wordpress.com/ | Eroge reviews | Figures&VNs |
The Anime Nostalgia Facility | http://anime-nostalgia-facility.blogspot.co.uk/index.html | Old people editorials | Editorials |
The Awesome Critics | http://theawesomecritics.com/ | Anime and manga reviews | Reviews |
The Beautiful World | http://kitsunetoneko.wordpress.com/ | Feminist editorials | Niche |
The Black Sheep Project | http://theblacksheeproject.blogspot.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
The Blazing Neko | http://nyarth.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
The Brownie Post II | http://aozoradream.wordpress.com/ | Chaptersodic reviews | Reviews |
The Cajun Samurai | http://thecajunsamurai.wordpress.com/ | News | Niche |
The Cart Driver | http://thecartdriver.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
The Check-in Station | http://donkangoljones.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
The G-Empire | http://ogmansblog.wordpress.com/ | Shitty yuri episodic reviews | Reviews |
The Geek Clinic | http://thegeekclinic.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
The Glorio Blog | http://theglorioblog.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
The Infinite Zenith | http://infinitemirai.wordpress.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
The Land of Obscusion | http://landofobscusion.blogspot.ca/ | Editorials | Editorials |
The Limit of Questions | http://www.limitofquestions.com/ | Shitty episodic and chaptersodic reviews | Reviews |
The Manga Habit | http://shinkeikaku.wordpress.com/ | Manga reviews and buyfaggery | Niche |
The Monologues of a Bored Man | visualnovelthoughts.wordpress.com | VN reviews | Figures&VNs |
The Otaku Spot | http://theotakuspot.animeblogger.net/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
The Otaku’s Study | http://www.otakustudy.com/ | J-game news | Niche |
The Pantsless Anime Blogger | http://thepantlessanimeblogger.com/ | Anime reviews | Reviews |
The Rabbit Haul | http://www.cooksux.com/ | Sentai and mecha figuarts | Figures&VNs |
The Skaro Hunting Society | http://skarohuntingsociety.blogspot.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews from the pre-90s | Niche |
The Untold Story of Altair and Vega | http://altairandvega.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
TheAkiba | http://theakiba.com/ | News | Niche |
Through the Looking Glass | http://lookingglass.kokidokom.net/ | Figure talk and J-games | Figures&VNs |
Tokyo Jupiter | http://tokyojupiter.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Tomato Conspiracy | http://whatistomato.wordpress.com/ | VN reviews | Figures&VNs |
Tomorrow’s Anime | http://ashitanoanime.wordpress.com/ | Shitty mini-episodic reviews | Reviews |
Too Old for Anime | http://peterburd.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Touch the Parallel | http://www.concretebadger.net/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Toxic Muffin | http://toxicmuffin.wordpress.com/ | Chaptersodic reviews | Reviews |
Tsukihana | http://lunarhalcyon.wordpress.com/ | VN summaries and reviews | Figures&VNs |
Tsukiyo no Hikari | http://tsukiyonohikari.wordpress.com/ | J-music reviews | Niche |
Twentyninenights | http://twentyninenights.wordpress.com/ | VN summaries and reviews | Figures&VNs |
Uguu Cage of Love | http://uguucageoflove.wordpress.com/ | VN summaries | Figures&VNs |
Under the Bridge | http://anotherbloodyanimeblog.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Unmei Kaihen | http://shinmaru.wordpress.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
Valahuir’s Otaku Den | http://valahuir.wordpress.com/ | Anime, manga, and game reviews | Reviews |
Veto | http://vetobendover.com/ | Song translations | Niche |
VioFitz | http://viofitz.wordpress.com/ | Figma/figuarts | Figures&VNs |
Visual Novel Aer | http://visualnovelaer.fuwanovel.org/ | Visual novel news | Figures&VNs |
Visual Novels and Eroge Review | http://vnerogereview.wordpress.com/ | VN and eroge reviews | Figures&VNs |
Vocaloidism | http://www.vocaloidism.com/ | Vocaloid news | Niche |
Wan Abrar | http://wanabrar.com/blog/ | Anime reviews and editorials | Reviews |
Washi’s Blog | http://washiblog.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Waylander | http://waylander9.blogspot.com/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
WC’s Blog | http://wcloudxkumo.com/ | Figure news | Figures&VNs |
Weeaboo.nl | http://www.weeaboo.nl/ | VN reviews | Figures&VNs |
Welcome to my Ulzzang Paradise | http://sochiichi.wordpress.com/ | BL and dramas | Niche |
Where Cats Fly | http://shukujonosusume.wordpress.com/ | Drama CDs and VNs | Niche |
Wieselhead | http://wieselhead.de/ | Figures | Figures&VNs |
Wild Boysenberry | http://wildboysenberry.wordpress.com/ | Drama CDs and VNs | Niche |
Within a Flash of Lightning | http://lightningsabre.blogspot.com/ | Cons and meet-ups | Niche |
Words of Songs | http://atashi.wordpress.com/ | Song translations | Niche |
Wrong Every Time | http://wrongeverytime.com/ | Shitty episodic reviews | Reviews |
X Marks the Gundam Spot | http://mxgs.blogspot.com/ | Gundam figures | Figures&VNs |
Yaranakya | http://yaranakya.wordpress.com/ | Editorials | Editorials |
Yattar Japan | http://yattarjapan.com/en | News | Niche |
Yume Miru Sekai | http://yumemirusekai.wordpress.com/ | Drama CDs and VNs | Niche |
Yuri Reviews and More | http://yurireviews.blogspot.com/ | Yuri manga reviews | Reviews |
Zone Otaku | http://zotaku.com/ | News | Niche |
Alternatively, you can check it out on Google Docs. It has a lot more detail, including rough comment counts.
Qualifications for Inclusion
The blog must be primarily otaku-focused.
The blog must still be alive (I took this to mean 3 or more posts since July 1st 2013.)
Corporate blogs excluded (DannyChoo, AnimeNewsNetwork, Siliconera, Crunchyroll, Tomopop, Japanator).
I must have some way of knowing about it.
The site’s gotta actually be navigable. If I have to use Google to find more than 6 articles on your site, I’m not gonna visit again (yes, this was an issue with multiple blogs).
And if your site resembles tumblr, you’re also disqualified. Fuck you.
Lots of (wasted) time over the past three days. Several reviews’ worth, in fact.
I took every active blog from the Aniblog Tournaments (you may remember us winning the second tourney), every active blog from every aniblog directory and every active blog I could remember. Then I visited every blog on each of those site’s blogrolls and grabbed the active ones, repeating the process until I finally had nothing left to click.
This is as comprehensive a list as you can ever expect to get.
“But my blog wasn’t included!”/”You got something wrong.”
Dark_Sage can do no wrong, but he may consider accepting your alternate reality if you use the comments section.
Cool. But so what? I’m not gonna go through all those blogs.
What the fuck did you expect from a post titled “Anime Blogs: A List”? You got your fucking list; you should be happy.
But you’re right. There isn’t really much analysis here and I can’t expect you to waste all your time going through that. Luckily for you, I’ll spend my time on this shit instead.
You heard me. I’m starting up the Aniblog Tournament anew. October 2013, USA. Prepare your body. (Details to come.)
Okay, fine, have some analysis courtesy of Wolfram Alpha:
Comment averages on the vertical index.
And following the bullshit 80/20 rule, you’re part of the elite 20% if your blog has an average of more than 5 comments per post.

Now here’s why this is a terrible measure of objective blog popularity: AnimeNewsNetwork (one of the biggest, most popular anime sites around) averages 2.5 comments per article by my count, putting it at “unpopular” rank. Yeah, not quite the case.
Is it a worthless value? No, but it’s not a great one. Anything better would require lots of effort. So, seriously, don’t take those numbers to heart; I’m only using them to determine initial tourney seeds.
Okay, now back to shit you actually care about. Posts tonight.
TL;DR reviews soon
TL;DR reviews for Summer dropped. See you in Autumn.
How/Why did you have time for this? Seriously, I was expecting a troll list in the spoiler, and I got a decent, possibly useful list.
Thanks. I’ll keep this in mind the next time I’m looking to waste even more time reading other people’s opinions.
The time came from the magic of not sleeping.
As for my reason? Well, an aniblog king must keep tabs on his aniblog kingdom. I can’t have rumors going around that I’m ignoring my responsibilities, after all.
rumors vs. fact
And that Katawa ‘Shoujo’ pic, you chose her arc? I tried to end up with the translator ‘Shoujo’ but I got tied up with the mute ‘Shoujo’.
I may or may not have played the demo, then heaped praise on the game once it came out despite not having ever touched it again.
So why isn’t crymore on the list?
1. I knew the metric for “popularity” ahead of time, allowing me to sneaky sneak the Crymore score up if I wanted to.
2. Said metric wouldn’t result in Crymore at #1 (unless I super sneaked). Unacceptable.
0/10 no doujin translators
There were tons of blogs I found with doujin/VN/manga/anime translation groups.
But I wouldn’t really call those sites “blogs” so much as “release platforms”… and I wouldn’t exactly be able to use them for what I have planned with the upcoming tourney.
Ah, so the whole point was that you’re now going to conduct your own tourney, much like the one you lost last year.
I don’t recall having lost anything – ever – in my life. You must be mistaken.
>I don’t recall having lost anything – ever – in my life.
>I woke up this morning to messages on IRC from people telling me I had lost trusted status on Nyaa. (This is where you gasp.)
The memory’s the first thing to go, you know?
Why would I wanna visit anime blogs?? What do you think I am some kinda weeaboo??
>Lost in Anime: “shitty episodic reviews”
:( I was expecting something EVIL-AXIS-related…
last aniblog, enzo vs sage :)
I think I sorta remember that now. As I recall, not very many anibloggers liked me. Now I’m feeling sad. :(
That’s because you’re awesome sir. Here, have a smiley face :)
I run a shitty blog here.
Please add it to your list of shitty blogs, okay?
What are your actual thoughts on randomc? The people who write the articles are pretty autistic and have awful taste, but they have a decent knowledge of tv tropes and write good articles for people who don’t pick up on thematic elements.
They’re a cancer.
Every single post is the same soulless “TONS OF IMAGES FOR GREAT SEO” followed by a wall of text written by people whose intelligence levels would call for their euthanasia in any civilized country.
And that comments system has to be even worse than anything even Crymore ever had (except the one night some of you may remember where we had upvotes and downvotes… that was a bad night):
http://www.crymore.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Kill-Me-Now.jpg (Slight Dangan spoilers, but you shouldn’t waste time reading what they have to say. Just look at how bad the system looks and move on.)
Everything about that site is a stain on the internet.
I used to use that site for watching shows without actually watching them – they post pictures of what, every minute? Thirty seconds? I can’t imagine the bandwidth load is worth it, but overall it saved me twenty-two minutes & having to torrent.
You know, that makes a whole lot more sense than anyone actually reading the shit posted on that site. I can believe in justice again.
Oh yeah, I forgot I actually wrote an article about that shithole.
I’m dissapointed that Moe Sucks hasn’t even managed three articles since July 1st.
Nice post, a lot of time spent…
I found the post incidentaly by someone clicking on the link in your post back to my site lol
Keep blogiing :)
Thanks for the generic praise.
Why are anime reviewers such fags, D_S?
That sounds pretty pointed, and I wish I could just aim it at one person, but every reviewer I’ve come across has been a try hard and/or a meme spouter.
I don’t even know where to begin with answering that. There’s so much that’s wrong with anibloggers…
Mm, I guess their primary issue is that they don’t know how to write with an actual voice or interact with people. So instead, everything comes off as forced and ungenuine, and it makes you feel like punching them off the internet. A more encompassing look at this subject would require more space than these comments can contain and more pejoratives than the English language has.
You’ve missed me.
I am not surprised though.
I actually did go to your site a couple times while making this (you were blogrolled a few times, IIRC). Ended up just not including ya because of your latest ten articles, four weren’t about anime at all. After that, you talk about The Hobbit, Oz, and Django, which indicates to me it’s more of a western movie-eastern cartoon blog. Which is fine, it just ain’t what screams otakublog to me.
That being said, I didn’t exactly feel strongly about leaving you off. So lemme throw you back in.
I actually think analyzing all media is the same, and do take pains to include some western TV/an actual book review now and then.
Also, out of my last 10 entries, I’d only say two aren’t anime-related – Monsters University and Pacific Rim. The entry about Determinators is pan-media, and talks about one of the reasons I actually watch anime (specifically shounen).
The Cartoon demographics mostly stems out of my disagreement with stuff like “Seinen” and “Shounen” being meaningful distinctions :3
I do wonder, am I an editorial blog, or a review blog? I don’t literally review most things, I use the shows to pontificate on an issue that I find relevant/or that they make me think of.
Ah, 3 years ago though I’d probably get put under “Figures” :D
Editorials it is then. For the purpose of compiling this list I didn’t have much time to do anything other than skim the titles and read little bits of text, so I do imagine I miscategorized a few blogs.
The drama of the Aniblog Tourney is back? *cheers*
Probably this may be of use for you :
Here is the full list of blog (linked on AnimeNano) that has a post in the last 30 days. I’m gathering this info automatically every day through one of my software for…well…reasons! *shifts gaze*
P.S. Read your message on IRC too late. Blogroll link seems working alright here though…
Huh, I thought I’d been through AnimeNano completely, but it looks like I missed out on 2 blogs. Which in turn led to 2 more from those blogs’ blogrolls.
All right, thanks man. Added:
And yeah, works on my end too. Musta been a glitch.
It looks like our time-zones are quite different, because you always write something on the channel while I’m sleeping.
Either way, I created the software to gather this info as a time killer. The number has been dwindling over the last two years :
2011 – 408 dead 235 alive
2012 – 490 dead 239 alive (86 new blogs and 82 blogs died)
Today – 630 dead 162 alive (63 new blogs and 140 blogs died)
If it continues this way we’ll be under 100 blogs active within 2 years.
Not that I care about it anyway…:D
I appreciate being a part of the list!
1) You misspelled “Desu Ex Machina”.
2) I have a story about that site.
Once upon a time, I was talking with this guy. He was doing something, and encountered a thing that was noteworthy somehow.
“Hahahaha,” he went. “This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen!”
“Oh? What is it?” I replied.
He answered, but I don’t remember what it was.
I replied, “That reminds me of this really memorable thing I saw once, but I don’t remember where. Actually, I don’t remember what it was, either. It was really similar, though.”
“I like how it was really memorable, but you don’t remember anything about it other than that there was this thing that was vaguely similar,” he replied.
“Well, come to think of it, I think the title of the blog was a pun, where the first word was a Japanese word and there were a few words after it that weren’t.”
“What kind of thing was it?”
“An anime blog, I think.”
“Was it like the greatest anime blog ever?”
“Does anyone even read anime blogs? Who fucking decides to just start writing one of those?”
“I read this guy’s blog once. I think he was from Minnesota.”
“It must be the best blog ever, then. Do you remember anything else about it?”
And he goes back to his activities.
Ten minutes later, he comes back.
“Is this it?”
“Yeah, that’s it, Desu Ex Machina.”
“It really is the greatest name for a blog ever.”
1. Fix’d.
2. Oh.
This is a useful list, but made less so by the harshness of some of the descriptions.
E.g. “Shitty episodic reviews”, “Christian propaganda, the nasty comment re the often excellent Gagging on Sexism.
Oh Jesus, I’m so sorry.
You’re absolutely right, of course. It’s possible I could offend someone with the terminology I used, and as we all know, tepidness is the spice of life. Let me go ahead and fix that.
Update: I ended up reverting back to the original descriptors. Sorry dude, I just realized it would be immoral to propagate your PC privilege. Please understand. /(・ω・/)
To quote General Morrison: The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.
I do not want to associated with your standards of behaviour.
Please remove Pirates of the Burley Griffin from this list.
lol no
This list brought some entertainment after all. Sorry for calling it boring.
You are forgiven <3
Does this qualify as an anime blog?
It qualifies as a site I spent about 30 seconds on, trying to figure out how to get to other posts before eventually giving up on it. That was one of the sites that fell afoul of the “The site’s gotta actually be navigable.” rule.
This is a boring list, but made slightly less so by the harshness of some of the descriptions.
Should’ve been more harsh comments and less neutral and plain descriptions. You disappoint me, Seiji.
It’s meant to be rather boring for now. Expect commentary later.
To be honest, this was a rather nice thing. Been meaning to see which anime blogs are alive lately, but this saves me some time. Would’ve loved to see some comments, but hey, I guess that’s for the:
“You heard me. I’m starting up the Aniblog Tournament anew. October 2013, USA. Prepare your body. (Details to come.)”
sorry, but I’m looking forward to this if you mean it.
I do. You’ll find nearly all the problems with the first two tourneys dealt with in mine, though I hope that’s not too much of a spoiler for the first round.
I’m so happy that my site is listed.
Thanks for the inclusion. I was surprised (and a little bit chuffed) to see my site up there ^_^
Wow, this was actually really cool of you, Dark Sage. (Not that I am implying you are not normally cool or anything.)
Thanks a lot! This list will come in handy someday.
I bet D_S just did this for the adulation and comments he would receive from other bloggers.
You know it.
Timed my return to blogging well – just made the criteria! Cool list, will have to see if I can find some new sites to read – thanks for putting this together.
Woah I wish I saw this more recently. I’m liking the hate on episodic blogs too. The format isn’t intrinsically bad, but it also makes a writer lazy to not always deal with original content. Also, let’s be honest. How many really say much past diluting their thoughts with paraphrased synopses?
Ohayo Dark Sage.
Thanks for adding “Cartoon Leap” to the mix. I must add that CL is not only about Shitty episodic reviews. It deals with Japan News, Oddities, a image here and there and miscellaneous stuff. You can check it in the menu.
This year, I focused on Shitty episodic reviews because of “hosting” issues. It is a long story, but anyway, feel free to change the description and add other things, besides the shitty episodic reviews. Sorry for my english. Thats not my native language, but I am trying my best.
Thanks for the link.
Breaking down everything every blog does would be troublesome. I focused on what it looked like each blog focused on. And out of the last 12 posts on your site, 9 are episodic reviews.
Since you’re not a native speaker, you probably don’t get my writing style. I have not judged your posts yet (oh, but I will), so just be aware that “shitty” is not my actual take on your site yet. I just use that for every episodic blog because I don’t like the concept behind them.
Thanks for your reply. Yeah, I noticed tons of “shitty” episode reviews sites there. I am curious about whats the concept you dont like about episodic blogs. Learning something will help me improve.
Last year, I posted about everything. From ridiculous news that happened in Japan to reviews of everything.
Due to problems with my previous hosting company, I had to take the site off. Just this year, I put it back online. The reason behind why I started doing episode reviews was to test my writing style. I had some guest reviewers that did a great job. Right now, I am alone and see if I learned from them.
I am just posting any random news from now on because most of the anime series I watched ended. Just waiting for the new season.
Anywyay, to keep things shorts (a little bit late on that)…thanks for reading and clear things out. :)
It’s rare for me to find any thought or analysis beyond the norm in episodic reviews. That’s not to say it’s impossible, but I don’t often come across people saying something that makes me think “Wow, this person has a lot of insight. I’d like to read their site more to expand my own horizons/be entertained by them.” All I usually end up with is stupid reactions or -ugh- summaries. And if it’s just summaries, why the fuck would anyone bother visiting the site instead of Wikipedia?
Guest reviewers indeed did a better job tham me on that. Hope you can read those.
Due to my limited use on english, it is hard to do analysis but I will do my best and give more thoughts on reviews… Thanks.. :D
If I actually possessed writing talent I sure as hell wouldn’t be posting on a fucking anime blog.
Oh, where would you write then?
Hell if I know, wherever talented writers go. Sure don’t see them much around these hoods.
Talented writers go to office jobs, but you don’t exactly need to quit aniblogging to do that.
I hope it’s not too late for me to reject your claim that my site is not navigable.
It’s hideous, but I’ll accept it.
“old people editorials”? Really?
You focus on older anime/manga. Did you really think you were gonna attract 12-year-olds or something?
You forgot the best anime blog:
http://jphinano.wordpress.com/ I ctrl+f’d and didn’t find this. Aniblog by exfansubbers that had a post last January and is seemingly mostly inactive / dead.
About page: http://jphinano.wordpress.com/about/
Only has one writer and the other former writer only writes on their game blog now, which has otome game articles on it: http://breadmasterlee.com/
Formerly minaidehazukashii.com which I also ctrl’d and didn’t find so yeah.
Just noticed that breadmasterlee was on it but yeah w/e
Your list is missing https://infinitemirai.wordpress.com/. They do exactly the sort of analysis you say you want.
What an article this was: https://infinitemirai.wordpress.com/2022/05/06/reconciling-the-incredibly-strange-mutant-creatures-who-rule-the-universe-of-alienated-japanese-zombie-computer-nerds-information-flow-and-how-accessibility-has-defeated-gatekeeping-in-the-anime-comm/
Imagine thinking fansubs were some exclusive club when our fucking scene dedicated so much effort to making anime accessible to everyone. In addition to this faggot’s shit taste in anime (dude’s definitely a pedophile), that you expect me to be elated by some navel-gazing nobody’s sperg-out is incredibly insulting.
Fucktards like infinitezenith make me wish we had gatekept anime, because the state the fandom has devolved into is sickening. My only solace is this child-fucking nobody seems about 1 year from putting a bullet in his likely balding skull.
Edit: I mean, thanks for the link at least. Maybe I stumbled upon the wrong article, but that shit legitimately got me frustrated.