Boring read unless you really like changelogs.

Menu bar
The bar has been changed so it doesn’t look as crowded.
Categories & tags updated
While this probably won’t make too much of a difference to you, the categories and tags now work much smoother.
About page updated
There’s a new About page with a lot of information in it.
Off Topic page updated
Comments wiped, let’s start again.
Review Queue updated*
Changes: Dark_Sage, Calyrica, and kokujin-kun each have separate sections in the queue.
Standard for the new season, the old review queue has been replaced with a new one. You may assume all reviews have been dropped.
Don’t like that I dropped shit? Neither do I, but suck it up; we’ll get through this together.
Review Summary updated
Calyrica’s posts have now been added to the review summary. Also, comments will be wiped come start of the new season (well, technically they’ll still be there — like all the stuff here, I’ll just put the original page in Hidden status and make a new one).
Article Disinclusions
I split up Articles from “Special Posts“. So, for example, if you’re browsing, trying to get to some of the old articles, you won’t have to go through a bunch of similar posts — like 4 pages of Aniblog bullshit.
Do note that Convention coverage will appear in each section. I’m not sure what’ll happen going forward, but expect my definition of “Article” and “Special Post” to change.
“Website” posts (like this one) won’t appear in either category. They have a rather limited shelf life, after all.
Upcoming posts (hopefully Sunday, maybe Monday):
DDY’s Love Lab
Fall 2013 preview
New poll
I can’t wait for the preview, your predictions almost never come true and your taste is shit.
We need more Hadena and/or SubDESU reviews. Other than that you’ve proven to be as sexy as ever.
fok yeah changelogs, the only literature i read.
Faptastically fabulous!
Center the goddamn menu bar.
Tell me what CSS to edit and I will.
I mucked about with Firefox’s Inspect Element and couldn’t figure out what to change.
Play around with this:
Looks like effort. Sorry, Anon, you’re gonna have to deal with left center. I’ve determined making today a cleaning day to be a more effective use of my time.
Here you go:
#menu-main {
float: none;
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 auto;
Brilliant. Thanks <3 <3 <3
So, y'all, how does it look? Better? Worse? I don't usually navigate the site via the home page, so this one's up to you guys to figure out.
Looks nice.
Is the review queue broken or something? Clicking any of the links just takes me to the review queue comments.
ex. leads me to
Thanks for the heads up. Fibi fixed it.
Fapulous work, D_S.
It’s beautiful.
yo the rss is broken
Holy shit, it’s completely boned. Lemme attempt to work my sagey magic on it.
Fixed. Thanks for the heads up.
np, I was wondering why the blog tourney post didn’t show up on my rss.
Being meguca is suffering
(sorry, couldn’t resist)
So the Off Topic page gets cleaned on a monthly basis?
Approximately. Maybe I’ll make it every few months and just have the most recent comments display at the top instead of the bottom like they currently do. I dunno, depends on what makes a better experience for y’all.
I just know that when I go into discussions with over a thousand posts that I feel like there’s no point in replying. I’d like to avoid that.
How about deleting comments that has no response maybe after a week?