Here’s my episodic review of Kill la Kill: watch it.
Translation Party House Rules:
Kill la Kill – Episode 01
Comparisons: 10 or 20
{\i1} indicates the start of italics
{\i0} indicates the close of italics
You’ll notice there’s not much of a difference between the scripts. Welcome to modern fansubbing.
Essential 1.
Cap’n Angrybrows lays down the law.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: Students of Second Year Class A!
We have determined that there is
someone among you who intends to harm Honnouji Academy!
Any excuses will fall on deaf ears! This person will be punished immediately!
HorribleSubs :: Students of Second Year Class K!
We have determined that there
is someone who intends harm against Honnouji Academy among you!
Explanations will fall on deaf ears! This person will be punished immediately!
Underwater :: Students of Class 2-A!
It has come to light that one of you dares bare his fangs against Honnouji Academy.
There is no room for excuses!
He will be punished immediately!
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 2.
1984 meets Utena.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation!
Contradiction is truth! These are the truths of the world!
You will surrender to the truth, pigs in human clothing!
HorribleSubs :: Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation!
Contradiction is truth! These are the truths of this world!
Surrender to those truths, you pigs in human clothing!
Underwater :: Fear is freedom!
Control is liberty!
Contradiction is truth!
That is the reality of this world!
Listen well, you pigs in human clothing,
and submit to that reality!
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 3.
Best girl putting that lemon-stealing whore in his place.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: You’re pretty talented, stealing a lemon someone else had just started eating.
Are you that desperate for an indirect kiss?
>Bitch, don’t try to be all witty! I’ve had my first kiss already!
Then I guess you don’t have any regrets.
HorribleSubs :: You’re a precocious kid, stealing a lemon someone
else had just started eating.
You’re that eager to learn what first love tastes like?
>Bitch, don’t try to be all witty! I’ve had my first kiss!
Then there truly is no such thing as regret in this world anymore.
Underwater :: Aren’t you a bit young to be stealin’ fruit that’s been in a pretty girl’s mouth, kid?
Are you that eager to learn what first love tastes like?
>Don’t get smart with me, bitch!
>I’ve already had my first kiss!
Then I guess you can die without any regrets.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 4.
Spooky routine from Mato and friends.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: You’ve insulted the great Lightning Speed Mataro.
Honnou Town Blind Alley is my turf. This is my neighborhood!
It’s a feared hangout for drifters and a dead end for the living.
If you want to go home in one piece, drop your wallet and leave.
>Come on, what’s with the anachronistic street punk routine?
HorribleSubs :: You’ve insulted the great Lightning Speed Mataro.
This neighborhood is my turf! Honnou Town Blind Alley.
It’s a dead end for lives and a feared hangout for drifters.
If you want to get home in one piece, leave your wallet and go.
>Come on, what’s with the anachronistic street punk routine?
Underwater :: How dare you insult the great Lightning Quick Matarou.
This neighborhood is my turf: Honnou Town Blind Alley!
It’s a dead end for lives and a feared hangout for drifters.
If you wanna get outta here in one piece, leave your wallet and skedaddle.
>Come on, that street punk routine of yours is so last decade.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 5.
I must reiterate: You should really watch this show. For reals. It’s fucking ace-tier.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: We’re really weak against strong people!
It’s our only strength.
>I just can’t bring myself to beat up somebody who’s bowing.
>I guess I’ll let it slide this time.
HorribleSubs :: We’re really weak against stronger people!
That’s our own strong suit.
>I guess I can’t beat up people who are bowing and scraping.
>I’ll let it slide just this once.
Underwater :: We’re really good at sucking up to stronger people!
That’s our specialty.
>I guess I can’t beat up people who’re bowing and scraping.
>I’ll let it slide just this once.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 6.
Hyping up the (presumably) second-strongest boss of this arc.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: Compared to the Starless peasant students like us,
he’s a super elite who’s three whole ranks above us!
HorribleSubs :: Compared to us No-Star commoner students,
he’s a super-elite who’s three whole ranks above us!
Underwater :: Compared to us No-Star plebeians,
he’s a super-elite who’s a whole three ranks above us!
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 7.
Bald-kun explains his outfit.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: Your glove is made of iron?
>Don’t you even know your uniforms?
You’re not even wearing a uniform!
>The only uniform a boxer needs are gloves and trunks!
>As well as the athleticism-augmenting
>Two-Star Goku Uniform given to me by Lady Satsuki!
HorribleSubs :: That glove is made of iron?
>Don’t you even know your uniforms?
You’re not even wearing a uniform!
>To boxers, these gloves and trunks are our uniform!
>As well as the athleticism-augmenting
>Two-Star Goku Uniform given to me by Lady Satsuki!
Underwater :: Are those iron gloves?
>Hah! Never heard of an Ultima Uniform before?
Say what? I don’t see you wearing a uniform!
>A boxer’s uniform is his gloves, trunks, and so on!
>This is what Lady Satsuki gave me!
>An Athleticism-Augmenting Two-Star Ultima Uniform!
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 8.
Bald-kun gets distracted.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: What the hell are you wearing?!
>Quit gawking!
Y-You’re trying to distract me with your body!
>I don’t want to wear this thing, honest!
HorribleSubs :: What sort of outfit is that?!
>Quit gawking!
Y-You’re trying to distract me with its sexiness!
>I’m not wearing this because I want to!
Underwater :: What sort of outfit is that?!
>Quit gawking!
Are you trying to use your feminine wiles against me?
>I’m not wearing this because I {\i1}want{\i0} to!
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 9.
Ryuko’s exasperation, Bald-kun’s desperation.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: Even a boxing amateur like me can see that something like that is illegal.
But still… You’re on.
>I dunno what you were hiding in the cloak,
>but now that you’re half-naked,
>I’m gonna rip what little fabric remains to shreds and send you flying!
HorribleSubs :: Even someone like me who doesn’t know the rules
can see that that’s illegal.
But still… you’re on.
>I don’t know what you had hidden in
>that cloak you were wearing,
>but now that you’re half-naked,
>I’m gonna rip what little fabric remains to shreds and send you flying!
Underwater :: Even I can tell that’s illegal, and I don’t even know the rules!
But I like it!
>I don’t know what you had hidden in that cloak you were wearing,
>but now that you’re half-naked,
>I’m gonna tear up what little clothing you have left and send you flying!
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 10.
Next ep preview.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: The next assassin the Student Council sends out
is Tennis Club Captain, Hakodate Omiko.
Even with my powers, it will be difficult to save Ryuko from her predicament.
HorribleSubs :: The next assassin the Student Council sends out
is Tennis Club Captain, Omiko Hakodate.
Even with my powers it will be difficult to save
Ryuko from the pinch she’s in.
Underwater :: The next assassin the Honnouji Academy Student Council sends out
is the Tennis Club Captain, Hakodate Omiko.
A crisis befalls Ryuuko, who is unable to draw out my powers well enough.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Decision Point:
- Holy fucking shit, Dark_Sage. Give me more comparisons. I fucking live for this! (Put the knife down and click the spoiler. We got ten more comparisons for ya.)
- Oh my god, put a bullet in my head. When is this shit gonna be over with already? (You’ve seen enough for one lifetime. Head down to the results.)

Which group had which line (unformatted, lazy-mode Sage):
Overall scores…
Commie: 9 times
HorribleSubs: 3 times
Underwater: 5 times
Looks like your best bet is Commie
I ended up with Commie. But due to nostalgia’s sake I’ll always be watching this first with Crunchyroll or a Himado stream regardless of TL party or review status. Gotta get my KlK fix as soon as possible. Subsequent viewings are a different story though.
To follow-up, since I got this question on IRC, I just wanna let y’all know that I don’t consider my TL Party scores a substitute for my reviews (as you can tell, I generally avoid analysis in these parties).
These kinds of posts are where you get a feeling for the flow of the groups and see what kind of flavor you most enjoy. So don’t look at my scores as an indication of where yours should be at. Just clarifying things.
Commie: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 4 times
Underwater: 4 times
It’s a tie between HorribleSubs and Underwater
I guess I’ll keep watching from Crunchyroll, although their lack of decent typesetting is annoying.
What’s up with the Class K/A difference between Crunchyroll and the rest?
Overall scores…
Commie: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Underwater: 9 times
Looks like your best bet is Underwater
I already watched Underwater’s, so I’m not surprised by this. Still, I expected Commie to do a little better than a tie with HorribleSubs.
Overall scores…
Commie: 5 times
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Underwater: 4 times
Looks like your best bet is Commie
A lot of these lines were pretty much the same. The one that stood out was “feminine wiles,” being perfect in #8, so I’ll probably end up with Underwater for archiving, and just whichever is first for watching.
First time I really do this, but KlK deserves it.
Overall scores…
Commie: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Underwater: 7 times
Looks like your best bet is Underwater
First time I’ll be watching something from Underwater, I thought they were ‘subpar’ subs. Or maybe my tastes are subpar?
If I believed in rating groups off their names and not the individual staff attached to each project, Crymore would just be a Top 10 list and I’d call it good enough.
To answer your musings, let me just copy out my dossier on Underwater:
Public’s thoughts: Underwater’s generally considered average to above average. Their reputation is greater among communities where their leader likes to visit, so they’ll track positive perception among 4chan and Nyaa members, but due to the group’s underwhelming lack of presence, they aren’t “top thought” when it comes to fansub groups.
Key staff: Underwater’s star attraction is their leader, Daiz, who’s known for his encoding skills. Other staff are prominent in other groups, but relatively unessential to Underwater’s continued success.
Known affiliations: The Cartel
Known enemies: Doki
Average group member’s age: Too old to still be virgins. Please at least hire prostitutes, you’re making me embarrassed for you.
>positive perception among 4chan
If he was hated, he would’ve left by now. Instead, he’s in every single thread I’m linked to or that trackbacks to Crymore. I assume he’s in every thread, period.
It’s a coinflip if it’s a pro or anti-Daiz thread.
But what really baffles me is that people dislike Crymore for no reason (hurr durr >Dark_Sage is not a reason).
>But what really baffles me is that people dislike Crymore for no reason
It’s hard not to hate this place if you fansub and you see the blogger throw you Sage-level names and insults.
Maybe if they put out good releases and could handle banter.
>If he was hated, he would’ve left by now.
Haha, I wish it worked like that. I’m not really talking about Daiz here.
He is not hated even though he is good at stalling. I mean, really, who would? He’s a /master/ after all.
He is not hated, do you actually take seriously those lists and posts? Have you been on /a/ for a week?
Okay, no. We’re done here.
I won’t allow you to insut me to my face like that.
Sorry for posting the results of each question.
Well, as cool as you make it sound like an RPG info/stats thing (if they’re called Underwater, are they weak to grass-type magicks?), I’m already downloading it to rewatch the episode for the 5th time (the little details in animation and BGs are amazing).
And yeah, Nyaa really loves Daiz, most of the comments worshipped him~
I feel like jumping on the Daiz bandwagon too! I watched all 3 releases and this was definitely the best. DAT. TYPESETTING!!! The way the “NEXT DAY” was covered by the university’s walls, the way they chose to replace the whole motorcycle apologize note with perspective’d text. It all feels a lot less cluttered now. I’m not a big fan of some names, but that is fag-level nitpicking.
You should make a post about all those characteristics of some fansubbing groups.
I think he already did, and actually copy pasted it.
>To answer your musings, let me just copy out my dossier on Underwater:
Just was asking for more of what I did here.
But there are too many fansub groups to actually do something like this on a larger scale.
I see, it doesn’t even need to be all of them but just the most popular/active ones are enough, but do whatever you want It’s not like I will be able to force you.
Well, hold on. What exactly would you want to see in such things? I did Underwater’s on the spot, but it’s not like I couldn’t do more if I really wanted to.
Gimme deets on what kinda info you want on fansubs.
Just for the fun of it: Instead of groups, target specific individuals (since fansubbing apparently isn’t always about belonging to a single group) —> “Crymore’s Fansubber of the Week”
Some kind of anisub tournament.
Except do it backwards (i.e. Hadena > Doki > Commie >… you get the idea).
Go further on why(for example) underwater is an above average group, what people are causing this status(fansubbing celebrity’s like Daiz, Raze,…), Commie is over-localizing and Doki is making me feel bad for being an otaku, that group is known for xxx, that kind of stuff.
It would be nice to have all these “dossier” out there, easily acessible, so I could like, search in that dossier how you rank Vivid, for exemple, and not have to wait until you actually review their sub of an anime.
I’m also interested on info on which group actually translate stuff, and which one only rip crunchy.
Overall scores…
Commie: 3 times
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Underwater: 7 times
Looks like your best bet is Underwater
Pretty conclusive, although I did not expect HS to get 0.
Overall scores…
Commie: 3 times
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Underwater: 12 times
Looks like your best bet is Underwater
Did both translation parts, but I watched Underwater version before doing this so yeah.
Overall scores…
Commie: 3 times
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Underwater: 4 times
Looks like your best bet is Underwater
I don’t feel like there was a clear winner, honestly.
Looks like this town could use some lemon tree insurance. It’d be a shame if those lemon-stealing whores were to steal the people’s most valuable possessions.
Overall scores…
Commie: 4 times
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Underwater: 5 times
Looks like your best bet is Underwater
Overall scores…
Commie: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Underwater: 7 times
Looks like your best bet is Underwater
Tiebreak on Commie and HS..? hmm..
“Ultima” uniforms, Underwater? Really?
Well, it is called a “Goku Seifuku”… What else do you want to call it? Just plain uniform? Sounds kind of dull.
What would you translate it to?
I’m not a fansubber, so thankfully I don’t have to think about it, but “ultima” doesn’t mean what they think it does.
So, what does it mean?
Are you really too lazy to google it yourself? “Ultima” is a linguistic term meaning the final syllable of a word. Ultra-, ultimate, super, mega-, extreme, absolute, magnificent, grand, glorious, whatever! There’s plenty of good English words you can use, making words up without understanding their actual usage in the English language is juvenile. It makes me think the subbers learned to read from playing Final Fantasy.
I should say, if it was a contraction, like Ultima-uniform, I wouldn’t have a problem.
Reading it here, I also thought it was silly, but watching it in the actual release changed my mind. At least they’re translating it to something understandable in this language, and it fits with the kiddy-cartoon look anyway.
“Goku” is like final, so “Ultima” sounds about right.
Super Sentaifuku.
Commie: 1 time
HorribleSubs: 1 times
Underwater: 8 times
Looks like your best bet is Underwater.
Really liked Underwater’s script. That “Ultima” uniform was a good idea imo, as well as other things like “feminine wiles”.
Overall scores…
Commie: 4 times
HorribleSubs: 4 times
Underwater: 4 times
It’s a tie between Commie, HorribleSubs, and Underwater
Also, I think essential 10 has Commie’s and Underwater’s subs flipped…
Just checked, I believe the groups are accurate.
Dialogue: 9,0:24:12.88,0:24:15.89,Default,,0,0,0,,The next assassin the Honnouji Academy Student Council sends out
Dialogue: 9,0:24:15.89,0:24:17.81,Default,,0,0,0,,is the Tennis Club Captain, Hakodate Omiko.
Dialogue: 9,0:24:17.81,0:24:21.98,Default,,0,0,0,,A crisis befalls Ryuuko, who is unable to draw out my powers well enough.
Dialogue: 7,0:24:12.47,0:24:15.47,Default,NTP,0,0,0,,{\i1}The next assassin the Student Council sends out
Dialogue: 7,0:24:15.47,0:24:17.85,Default,,0,0,0,,{\i1}is Tennis Club Captain, Hakodate Omiko.
Dialogue: 7,0:24:17.85,0:24:21.60,Default,NTP,0,0,0,italics fail,{\i1}Even with my powers, it will be difficult to save Ryuko from her predicament.
>1984 meets Utena.
You so friggin’ nailed it!!!
Overall scores…
Commie: 1 time
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Underwater: 9 times
Looks like your best bet is Underwater
One of the most lopsided TL Parties I’ve ever had. I think Underwater did a solid job this time, with inventive dialog that did a better job of fitting actual students and what I heard being said. I agree with above that “Ultima Uniform” was a creative way of translating 極制服 (“Goku Seifuku”, “extreme/highest rank school uniform”) given the name and the clear effects. It’s both catchy and gets the point across (drawing on decades of JRPGs and other games as a cultural reference point works here IMO). I think a show like this can use a more liberal script if pulled off well.
At any rate though great start, agree with FUCKING WATCH IT YOU DEGENERATES. Looking like this will be a hell of a fun ride. Feels like it ramped up a lot faster then GL for example, so will look forward to seeing where they go from here.
Overall scores…
Commie: 0 times
HorribleSubs: 7 times
Underwater: 3 times
Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs.
>1984 meets Utena.
Overall scores…
Commie: 6 times
HorribleSubs: 6 times
Underwater: 13 times
Looks like your best bet is Underwater
Either way, it seems I’m going to watch HS first and later Underwater when Daiz release it, this show totally deserves it.
Overall scores…
Commie: 4 times
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Underwater: 5 times
Looks like your best bet is Underwater
Well, it was quite close.
Overall scores…
Commie: 1 time
HorribleSubs: 6 times
Underwater: 3 times
Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs
Genuinely surprised by the result. Though I must throw away since I hate their typeset (already tried HS on KlK first eps. Really can’t stand the typeset.)
So, as Commie become less and less matched with my taste lately, I guess I will take Underwater…
Overall scores…
Commie: 0 times
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Underwater: 18 times
Looks like your best bet is Underwater
Extended 7 and 8 are both objectively shit in their entirety. I like how Commie *tried* to fix Extended 8’s grammatical error but ended up making it sound worse. Good job, guys.
Overall scores…
Commie: 8 times
HorribleSubs: 9 times
Underwater: 5 times
Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs
Looks like Underwater is just slightly worse so I guess it’s DDoS time.