So who remembers when Whine-Subs was speedsubbing this until TL-kun quit without any fucking notice? Good times.
Translation Party House Rules:
Infinite Stratos 2 – Episode 01
Comparisons: 10 or 20
{\i1} indicates the start of italics
{\i0} indicates the close of italics
Essential 1.
Ichika, being asexual.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: What the heck are you wearing?!
>My executive officer advised me to wear this.
You should probably hire a new one.
FFF :: Why the heck are you wearing that?
>A brilliant executive officer gave me some advice.
I think you should consider firing that executive officer.
Hatsuyuki :: Why the heck are you wearing that?
>A brilliant XO gave me some advice.
Seriously, you’d better fire that XO.
HorribleSubs :: What the heck are you wearing?!
>A brilliant XO gave me some advice.
Seriously, you’d better fire that XO.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 2.
Ichika, reading.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: What do we have here?
Let’s see…
“End of Summer Date and Festival.”
A pool party at the amusement park that opened earlier this year?
I’ve always wanted to go there!
FFF :: What’s this? Let’s see…
“The End of Summer Festival.”
Is this a pool event at that new amusement park they opened this year?
I’ve been meaning to check this place out.
Hatsuyuki :: What is this? Let’s see…
“End-of-Summer Date and Festival.”
Is this a pool event at the amusement park they opened this year?
I’ve wanted to check this place out.
HorribleSubs :: What is this? Let’s see…
“End-of-the-Summer Date and festival”…
Is this a pool event at the amusement park that they opened this year?
I’ve wanted to check this place out.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 3.
Cecilia, being Cecilia.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: My lady, I’d like to thank you for your service in England over the summer.
>I was only performing my duty as an Alcott.
>More importantly…
>I’ve finally returned!
>I can finally be with my special someone once again.
FFF :: Milady, I’d like to thank you for coming to England over your summer break and helping out.
>That’s the natural thing to do as a member of the Alcott family.
>But regardless…
>I have finally returned!
>At the end of the day, my only wish is to be together with my special someone and gaze into the sky.
Hatsuyuki :: Milady, I’d like to thank you for your service
in England, during your summer break.
>That’s a natural thing to do, as a member of the Alcott family.
>More importantly…
>I’m finally back!
>At the end of everything, I want to be
>with my special someone under the same sky…
HorribleSubs :: Milady, I’d like to thank you for your service
in England during your summer break.
>That’s a natural thing to do as a member of the Alcott family.
>More importantly…
>I’m finally back!
>At the end of the day I want to be
>with my special someone under the same sky…
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 4.
Huang, speaking words.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: Jeez. As my bride, he needs to be
more mindful of my feelings.
FFF :: Jeez… As a bride, he should try to be less oblivious to those around him.
Hatsuyuki :: Jeez, he needs to be more self-aware as a bride.
HorribleSubs :: Jeez, he needs to be more self-aware as a bride.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 5.
Charlotte -> Laura
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: Oh yeah!
Are you free today? I was wondering if you’d
like to go shopping for clothes with me.
>Why would I do that?
>The military supplies me with all of my clothi—
I meant something other than a uniform.
FFF :: Oh right! Laura, if you’re free today, would you like to go shopping for clothes with me?
>What are you talking about?
>The military provides me with all the clothes I—
But those are all uniforms.
Hatsuyuki :: Oh! Laura, why don’t we go buy some clothes,
if you’ve got time today?
>What are you talking about?
>I’ve got clothes supplied by the military…
That’s called a military uniform.
HorribleSubs :: Oh yeah! Laura, why don’t we go buy some clothes if
you’ve got some time today?
>What are you talking about?
>I’ve got clothes supplied by the military…
That’s called a military uniform.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 6.
Laura -> Charlotte.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: How do I look?
This is my casual wear.
>Still wearing a uniform, huh?
FFF :: What do you think?
I changed into my casualwear.
>Even your casualwear is a uniform, huh?
Hatsuyuki :: What do you think?
I changed into going-out clothes.
>So you’re still wearing a uniform, huh?
HorribleSubs :: What do you think?
I changed to going-out clothes.
>So you’re still wearing a uniform, huh?
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 7.
Rumor time.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: Hey, check this out.
Have you heard the rumors about the crêpes from Seaside Park?
>Yeah, I have!
If you share a mixed berry crêpe with your date,
you’ll become true lovers!
>For real?
>I hear it’s always sold out, though.
>>Mixed berry crêpes bring true love?
FFF :: Hey, have you heard the myth
about the mysterious crepe from the seaside park?
>I have, I have!
Supposedly, if you share the mixed berries crepe with the person you like,
they’ll totally fall for you!
>I know! But I’ve heard that it’s always sold out.
>>The mixed berries will make them fall for you?
Hatsuyuki :: Hey, have you heard the rumor
of the mysterious crêpes from the Seaside Park?
>I have!
They say love comes true if you eat the mixed-berry
crêpe with the person you like.
>I know! But I’ve heard they’re always sold out.
>>Love comes true with the mixed-berry?
HorribleSubs :: Hey, do you know the rumor
about the mysterious crepe from seaside park?
>I do, I do!
Supposedly love comes true if you eat the mixed berries
crepe with the person you like.
>I know! But I’ve heard that it’s always sold out.
>>Love comes true with the mixed berries?
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 8.
A buncha goombas hold up a cafe. Doesn’t matter which ones are speaking, so I’m not gonna “>” this one.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: Nobody move!
Shut the fuck up!
We have you surrounded!
Surrender now, and you will not be harmed.
Bring us a car if you want to see the hostages unharmed!
And you’d better not follow us or put a tracking device on it!
Fuck the police!
FFF :: Everyone freeze!
Shut the fuck up!
You’re already surrounded!
Just turn yourselves in without resistance. I repeat—
Get me a car if you don’t want me to put a bullet in each one of these hostages’ heads!
And don’t even think about sticking a tracking device on it!
They’re scared shitless!
Hatsuyuki :: Nobody move!
Shut the hell up!
You’re already surrounded!
Just turn yourselves in, without a struggle. I repeat…
Bring me a car, if you want the hostages to be released unharmed!
And you’d better not follow us or put a tracking device on it!
They’re scared!
HorribleSubs :: Don’t anybody move!
Shut up!
You’re already surrounded!
Just turn yourself in without resistance. I repeat…
Bring me a car if you want the hostages to be released unharmed!
And you’d better not follow us or put a tracking device on it!
They’re scared!
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 9.
Food served from a car is the best food.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: Can I have two mixed berry crêpes?
>Oh, I’m sorry, but we’re already sold out today.
I see.
Laura, wanna order something else?
One strawberry and one blueberry please.
FFF :: Can I have two crepes with mixed berries?
>Oh, I’m so sorry, but we’re already sold out of that today!
I see.
Laura, do you want to try a different one?
Then could I get one with strawberries and another with blueberries please?
Hatsuyuki :: Can I have two crêpes with mixed berries?
>Oh, I’m so sorry, but we’re already sold out of them today.
I see.
Laura, do you want to try a different one?
Then give me the one with strawberries and blueberries.
HorribleSubs :: Can I have two crepes with mixed berries?
>Oh, I’m so sorry, but we’re already sold out today!
I see.
Laura, do you want to try a different one?
Then give me the one with strawberries and blueberries.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 10.
Neko fanservice, best fanservice.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Commie :: Laura, you’re just too adorable!
>Don’t hold me like that! It’s hard to move!
Now, now. You’re a cat, so you need to sit quietly on my lap.
Can you say “meow” for me?
FFF :: Laura, you look simply amazing in that!
>Don’t hold me like that! I can’t move at all!
Stop it. You’re a cat,
so you need to be good and sit still on my lap.
Can I get just one “meow”?
Hatsuyuki :: Laura, you look so good in it!
>Don’t hold me like that! It’s hard to move!
Stop it. You’re a cat,
so you need to sit still on my lap.
Can you just say “nyan”?
HorribleSubs :: Laura, you look so good in it!
>Don’t hold me like that! It’s hard to move!
Stop it. You’re a cat,
so you need to sit still on the lap.
Can you just say “meow”?
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Decision Point:
- Holy fucking shit, Dark_Sage. Give me more comparisons. I fucking live for this! (Put the knife down and click the spoiler. We got ten more comparisons for ya.)
- Oh my god, put a bullet in my head. When is this shit gonna be over with already? (You’ve seen enough for one lifetime. Head down to the results.)

Which group had which line (unformatted, lazy-mode Sage):
On Essential 6, shouldn’t it be
What do you think?
I changed into my casualwear.
>Even your casualwear is a uniform, huh?
instead? The first two lines are from Germany.
Probably. I’m in bed now so I’ll fix it when I wake.
Overall scores…
Commie: 11 times
FFF: 6 times
Hatsuyuki: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Looks like your best bet is Commie
Think I’ll stick with FFF, though. If only to avoid lines like “Fuck the police!”
That’s the only line I didn’t like from Commie “Fuck the police!” ;_; why commie why.
Overall scores…
Commie: 8 times
FFF: 8 times
Hatsuyuki: 0 times
HorribleSubs: 0 times
It’s a tie between Commie and FFF.
Well whaddaya know! Guess I’ll toss a coin. Wait, I just remembered that this show’s gonna suck all the same no matter whichever group I choose.
Overall scores…
Commie: 11 times
FFF: 5 times
Hatsuyuki: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Looks like your best bet is Commie
Welp, didn’t expect that. I watched the FFF release, and I gotta say, Commie did a really good job on this.
Overall scores…
Commie: 6 times
FFF: 2 times
Hatsuyuki: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is Commie
>Fuck the police
Best line in the episode.
Commie: 6 times
FFF: 3 times
Hatsuyuki: 1 time
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is Commie
The Commie version of the robbery is a bit of a clunker, though. :/
Overall scores…
Commie: 4 times
FFF: 6 times
Hatsuyuki: 5 times
HorribleSubs: 5 times
Looks like your best bet is FFF
Overall scores…
Commie: 0 times
FFF: 5 times
Hatsuyuki: 3 times
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is FFF
Skipped two items because they were too similar.
Another streaming script buttraped by Commie, with many QUALITY edits:
Essential 03:
Milady -> My lady (It seems they never heard the word “Milady”.)
They threw away “At the end of the day” and “under the same sky”. If you’ve got the attention span of an ant, you can’t have sentences that are too long.
Essential 05:
“That’s called a military uniform.” -> “I meant something other than a uniform.”
Essential 07:
rumor -> rumors, crepe -> crepes (yeah right, there are certainly LOTS of rumors about LOTS of crepes right there. Sheer idiocy.)
They threw away “Supposedly”, so the rumor suddenly became a fact.
Essential 08:
Shut up -> Shut the fuck up! (Hooray for added expletives!)
The hostages aren’t “released” anymore if the goombas get their car, just unharmed. This gives the false impression that they want to take the hostages along.
They’re scared -> Fuck the police (The hostages being scared was dropped in favor of adding more expletives.)
Just plain awful, and there we’ve only touched a few sentences. I better don’t take a look at the Expanded items, much less an entire episode. I doubt I could handle the resulting brainpain.
>seems they never heard the word
>better don’t take a look
Can’t really tell whether or not you actually know English. And you kinda seem to be jumping on the Commie hate train, since for the sentences you chose to gripe about, FFF was pretty similar and it looks like Hatsuyuki barely edited HS…
And other than “fuck the police” (eh, I laughed) I’d argue the other lines are okay.
Just wondering since I’ve never come across a “lady” in real life…
Do people say “milady” in real life these days?
If you’re British, and maybe a butler. In any other instance, you’re a tryhard wannabe for “I learned ye old english! Time to show everyone how hipster I am!” Also for eotena.
I sometimes wonder why D_S even gives commie a chance when it should be obvious that no one else will
Overall scores…
Commie: 7 times
FFF: 8 times
Hatsuyuki: 3 times
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is FFF
Hooray, ind. results~
Well that was surprising. I expected to go with FFF for this, but I liked theirs the least.
My god these subs are bad make it end:
Commie: 6 times
FFF: 4 times
Hatsuyuki: 0 times
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Yeah sure I’ve already lost my sanity:
Overall scores…
Commie: 13 times
FFF: 7 times
Hatsuyuki: 0 times
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is Commie
Thanks commie you made it hurt just a little less ( ;~;)
Overall scores…
Commie: 7 times
FFF: 7 times
Hatsuyuki: 3 times
HorribleSubs: 1 time
It’s a tie between Commie and FFF
Okay. Didn’t expect that many lines from Commie. Regardless, bias dictates that FFF is the way to go. Again.
At least you admit it
Overall scores…
Commie: 0 times
FFF: 1 time
Hatsuyuki: 6 times
HorribleSubs: 8 times
Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs
Guess Hatsuyuki is okay since the two were pretty much the same. Not watching everything with HorribleSubs this season, after all… maybe next season…
Commie 6
FFF 10
Hatsuyuki 8
HorribleSubs 10
Essential 4. FFF and HorribleSubs are the only ones that sound right
Essential 5. FFF and HorribleSubs are the only ones with an interruption. Elipses are for a different purpose.
Essential 7. True love? It says “Koi ga kanau” love will come true not true love…
Essential 8. Again, it says “hitojichi wo kaihou shitetara” says nothing about actually shooting them… Commie, stop putting your own twist on things…
I’m biased against Commie having played TERA with them, but seriously, they do need to stop changing what’s actually said and stick to the script.