Another Commie script? Another Commie script.
Script Comparisons~

Amazing Changes

Pretty straightforward. I doubt anyone could screw this up–

Oh right, I forgot Commie was subbing this show.
Listen, Commie, if you’re gonna pretend you know anything about baseball you better write the terminology out right. This would be written “and the count is three and two.” Of course, that looks retarded, which is why Crunchyroll didn’t go that route.

Decent imagery. Shouldn’t be too hard to improve, though. Looks like you’ve got this one in the bag, just so long as you don’t dumb it down–


Randomly adding adverbs to sentences does not constitute “editing”, Commie. You’re about one concussion away from adding “suddenly” to every line because that suddenly makes everything suddenly more interesting suddenly.

“hardball” is one word.
Protip: Don’t change things that are right into things that are wrong. And especially don’t do that when you only make a handful of changes to a script.
There’s no value in waiting for Commie’s subs — it somehow took those retards 7 hours to put out a worse release than the HorribleSubs version. Since only Commie and HorribleSubs are on this show, I’m gonna recommend you stick with HS. Don’t waste your time on failure.
tfw Herkz
Truly bringing fansubbing to new heights.
Thanks, Commie.
It’s releases like this that make proud to say I’m a part of the fansubbing community.
The ‘HorribleSubs’ below this photo –
– you might get jailed.
Good thing I HS’ed for this.
That’s commie for ya ( ¬ ‿ ¬)
Sup S-tier K-timer.
Ya that’s commie
S-tier K-timer+effect ‘3’
I think you’re being a tad harsh, I just checked Commie’s staff credits for their shows and herkz seems to make up half of the staff working on the current season. He probably made this release intending it to be a light CR edit with kara and typesetting.
I do agree that the changes you highlighted look like added errors though so watching the HS’s release might be better unless you really wanted typesetting.
can you compare Galilei Donna?
HorribleSubs vs Commie vs WhyNot vs FFF :)
I’m impatiently waiting for that now myself I’ve lost all motivation to simply compare them myself
Well, I know the translator translating it for CR, and he’s one of the very best.
Well, I know the editor editing it for CR, and he’s one of the very worst.
Makes you wonder how easy it is to pass CR’s editing test.
Even the best translators aren’t perfect. Here’s a sample:
Dialogue: 5,0:01:22.62,0:01:24.10,Default,Eijun,0,0,0,,This is our spirit.
Dialogue: 5,0:01:24.10,0:01:26.10,Default,Eijun,0,0,0,,The Akagi Junior High Spirit.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:18.89,0:12:21.20,Default,Gramps,0,0,0,,She’s been saying weird things from the start.
Dialogue: 5,0:12:21.20,0:12:22.65,Default,Gramps,0,0,0,,Like the slapping thing too.
Dialogue: 5,0:23:44.05,0:23:47.24,Default,Miyuki,0,0,0,,{\i1}A great pitch won’t be born without the battery working as one.
Yes, they’re not perfect, but an editor should really be able to fix those lines…
As expected by Commie… the more they touch a script, the more they fuck it up.
I’d normally say that this “minimal editing” stuff is utter bullshit, but in Commie’s case, it would actually make sense, since pretty much all Commie edits make things worse. So they really shouldn’t do more than fixing typos and adding ts.
As long as they remove the honorific faggotry cr uses they’re my sub group of choice.