We didn’t grab many pics since most people from Detroit suck at cosplaying anything other than poor people and pseudotaku.

Pics: End
Yeah, that was unfortunately all we grabbed. Not exactly sure what I was expecting from Detroit.
And sorry about the lack of boys in these pics, ladies. I was seriously on the lookout for Free! cosplayers for you, but then I realized the true object of your affection was Dark_Sage all along, so I stopped.
In a way, you’re welcome. <3
>the first Princess Rarity pic
>not Princess Twilight
Dark_Sage, do you even into pone?
There’s a difference? Uhh, lemme fix that.
Actually, that might be Cadance. I can’t even tell. Whatever.
Fuck it, I’ll just email her and ask. She gave us her business card, after all.
you kept it?
Damn right I did. A fucking business card for cosplay? It takes a lot to put yourself out there like that.
I’m not gonna frame it, but I sure ain’t gonna toss it.
What luck! Yeah, until she gets back to you, I’m thinking she’s Cadance. Crown confirms.
All right, I’ll make that the placeholder name till then.
Nope. It’s Princess Twilight. See the hair? I mean… not like I watch it or anything >.>
It looks like Twilight, but if you look closely, you’ll see the crown is not Twilight’s, and the hair has streaks of blonde/white that can only be found in Cadance’s hair.
Though since she’s wearing a purple dress, it’s kinda confusing.
…I’m not even gonna bother denying that I watch the show at this point.
You were right, it was Cadance.
>but then I realized the true object of your affection was Dark_Sage all along, so I stopped
DS pls
At least you made me feel gigiditygigidity with those Kill la Kill cosplays
<3 x100
I was giddy as fuck when I saw them.
It’s really awesome that we’re starting to see cosplays from KlK this early…Only five episodes have passed, and we still have something like twenty left.
Also, Taokaka was the best cosplay from those pics by a long shot.
Where are my cosplaying D_S pictures?
Unfortunately, I’m not much of a seamstress, so I’d need to commission something. Know any good places for that?
Email me your height, weight, 3 sizes, credit card info, cosplay of choice, mother’s maiden name, and a deadline.
>credit card info
I see what u did there
Though I’m still waiting for a smexy D_S cosplay ;(
The Rena cosplayer looks genuinely psychotic, credit where it’s due.
On a side note, why do only really weird-looking people cosplay?
Your answer is in your question.
I wouldn’t say she herself is weird looking; it’s probably the top-row smile that’s throwing you off.
I think it’s the eyes, meself
Why are American cosplayers either fat, or have overly masculine faces, or have bad teeth. or a combination of these?
Rena and Junko are the only ones who are borderline acceptable. And not sure whether Junko is legal.
I’m pretty sure you just hate white people.
That goes without saying, but it’s coming the racist who didn’t even photograph any blacks (besides the fat one next to the Blazblue cosplay).
Dark_Sage’s racist levels: max
Also, I only took half the pictures here. So, like, by the powers of Soup and Dark_Sage combined, we’re pretty much the Megazord of racism.