Been sitting on this review for… 21 days it looks like. Guess it’s time to post it.
Table of Contents
Release Information
Episode details.
Release format: MKV (450 MB, 10-bit)
Japanesiness: No honorifics.
English style: American English.
Encoding details:
Speed: Quick (<48 hours)
Translation style: Crunchyrip.
External links.
Group website:
IRC channel: #[email protected]
8thsin’s translation critiques: //
Visual Review
Opening. White font, black outline. Yup, standard and boring. Let’s move on.
Rating: Okay-.
Ending. This was just as absurd as FFF’s karaoke, with two notable differences:
1. Rather than just a few lines being unreadable, half of them were.
2. This lagged my computer.

Rating: Fail. You lag, you lose.
Not applicable for this release.
Script Review
The OP was fine, but the ED would require another two passes for full comprehension, which I’m not gonna waste my time on.
Main Script.
I wouldn’t expect anything less from you guys.
By giving you a lunch, obviously. Phrase this better.
“How could she have made me lunch for something I just did?!”
You’re gonna need to be a bit more specific than that. What shouldn’t they meddle in?
This scene was pretty hot until I remembered that girls don’t have prostates.
…and then it got so much better.
Stay away from I with that kinda language, Commie.
They translated “oi” as “my darling”.
Awkward and confusing.
“Rank 98 will enter the fray on the following day, even if nobody was eliminated in the prior battle.”
Just so long as your word use is a bit more varied in the future.
You mean “higher-ranked”. Two lines later you even used “lower-ranked”, so this isn’t even a case of ignorance; you just fucked up.
But for those whose heads this went over, this line is wrong because “higher ranked” is being used as an adjective to describe “students”. When a combination of words is used in the sense of an adjective, they are all connected by hyphens to distinguish them as such. Do note that adverbs (typically can be remembered as words that end in -ly) are not hypenated to other words when they’re all adjectifying something.
Redundant. No need for “already” here.
Generational? Why?
Go with next-generation or next-gen if you wanna be all hip and cool.
-with gold
Currency is generally the expected vehicle of bribery. Only signify what they’re being bribed with if it’s unexpected.
This isn’t an issue, but Raishin doesn’t strike me as the kinda guy who’d use such a stuffy phrase.
“Whatever happens, happens.” or “Qué será, será.” (accents optional for this specific phrase in an English release.)
That’s kind of the point of a tryst.
Commie has issues with redundancy throughout this release.
So why couldn’t you just say “Turbid Haze’s power makes you completely undetectable”?
Commie has issues with redundancy throughout this release.
Watchability: Watchable.
Visual grade: D
Script grade: C
Overall grade: C
Like I said in Hiryuu’s release, FFF is gonna be your best bet for this show.
Redundant phrasing is redundant.
Dat ending kara at least FFF’s is readable.
I like how they put the lyrics over the ending credits. Best placement ever!
Also I like how I have to strain my eyes in trying to read the other line with Komurasaki sitting there.
Okay, I’ve been accumulating the shows without watching so far. Unfortunately, I’ve been accumulating the HS ones. I’ll go delete them and get the FFF ones. Thanks for the reviews (I think that’s the first time I’ve actually thanked you. My bad).