Translation Party: [FFF vs. shi0n vs. Watakushi-Nameless] Witch Craft Works (Episode 01)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


Expect nothing but the best max from these groups. That’s the fansubbing way!

Translation Party House Rules:

Spoiler for
1. Translation Parties are intended to help you make the best subtitle choice for a given anime. Choose which line(s) you liked best by selecting them with the checkbox.

2. I split the Party into two parts — Essential and Extended. Assuming you want to get this shit over with quickly, just go with the Essential choices. I picked these to be the most representative lines in the releases. But if you’re one of those people who want more comparisons to help you come to a decision, go with the Essential choices and the Extended ones.

3. If you didn’t like any of the lines, choose the “N/A” option. The results for “N/A” won’t be automatically tabulated, so you’ll have to do the math in your head. Have my gomens and nasais.

4. A “>” indicates that another character has begun speaking. If there are three characters in a line comparison, I will indicate the third with a “>>” and so on for more characters.

5. Group order is randomized for each screenshot, every time you refresh the page. However, the “N/A” option will always appear at the bottom of the screen.

6. Your results will be summed up when you click the “Get your results” button. Feel free to vote in the poll at the end/post in the comments to let others know how you did and to compare your results with them.

7. Party hard.

Yes, I did use both v2 scripts from shi0n and Watakushi-Nameless. So that’s not an excuse they can use.


The Bland Witch Project – Episode 01

Comparisons: 10 or 20






{\i1} indicates the start of italics

{\i0} indicates the close of italics




Essential 1.

Intro sequence, narrated by MC-kun.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works  Essential 01

FFF :: I have no idea how things ended up like this,
but there was one thing I was certain of amidst the chaos.
The girl who saved me…
She was a classmate.

shi0n :: Why did it turn out like this?
I don’t know…
I didn’t understood what {\i1}that{\i0} person did…
I’m only certain about one thing…
I was saved by {\i1}that{\i0} girl.
{\i1}That{\i0} girl is…
A certain classmate of mine.

Watakushi-Nameless :: I don’t understand how I ended up like this.
Among the many things I couldn’t understand,
there was {\i1}one{\i0} certain thing:
It was {\i1}she{\i0} who saved me.
She, a classmate of mine.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 2.

Neko-chan sizing up her prey.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works  Essential 02

FFF :: A Workshop witch, huh?
Let’s see what you’re made of then.

shi0n :: A crafting witch?
Let’s go and see what they’re made of.

Watakushi-Nameless :: A crafting witch?
Quite skillful.
Shall we go with the pet dogs?

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 3.

MC-kun hitting on blandwitch-chan.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works  Essential 03

FFF :: You’re just as beautiful in my dreams.
Yeah, my dreams.

shi0n :: Even in my dreams, Kagari-san’s still beautiful, huh?
>A dream?
Yeah, a dream.

Watakushi-Nameless :: You’re just as beautiful in my dreams as in reality.
>Your dreams?
Yeah, my dreams.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 4.

MC-kun getting consoled by her.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works  Essential 04

FFF :: You’re probably confused right now,
but don’t worry.
I will protect you.
You are my princess after all.

shi0n :: Right now you might be confused, but…
Don’t worry about it.
I will be the one to protect you, Takamiya-kun.
You’re my Princess after all.

Watakushi-Nameless :: I suppose you’re confused now, but you need not worry;
I’ll protect you,
because you’re my prince.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 5.

And… back to MC-kun hitting on blandwitch-chan.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works  Essential 05

FFF :: Your hair is…
Your hair is a divine wonder bestowed upon you!

shi0n :: Kagari-san’s hair is…
Such a miraculous hair for it be wasted like that!

Watakushi-Nameless :: Your hair…
is a miracle you can’t waste on stuff like this!

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 6.


Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works  Essential 06

FFF :: I was negligent to have been so sloppy.
To have left even a trace of it behind…
I should have had them expunged from existence.

shi0n :: It was my mistake for not being thorough on them.
I should have destroyed them up to their inner part.
I should have turned them all into ashes.

Watakushi-Nameless :: I’ve made a mistake for I wasn’t thorough enough.
I should’ve turned you all to dust,
without an ounce of you remaining.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 7.

MC-kun, observing.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works  Essential 07

FFF :: The school building rained down over there, right?

shi0n :: {\i1}That {\i0}building fell over here, right?

Watakushi-Nameless :: The building fell here, right?

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 8.

A delicious catgirl (re)arrives.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works  Essential 08

FFF :: Let’s get to the point…
I’m here to kidnap you.
The name’s Kuraishi Tanpopo-sama of the Tower witches!

shi0n :: This afternoon…
I came here to take you.
Witch of the Tower, Kuraishi Tanpopo-sama!

Watakushi-Nameless :: Enough with the chitchat.
I came to take you.
I’m the Witch of the Tower, Kuraishi Tanpopo-sama.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 9.

Catgirl realizes her mistake.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works  Essential 09

FFF :: It’s good that we did an all-out attack,
but I forgot that cleaning up would be a pain.

shi0n :: It seems nice that everyone got on top of them during an all out attack…
They just forgot they have no space anymore.

Watakushi-Nameless :: It’s all nice that everyone got on top of them in a full-strength attack,
but they forgot to leave room for each other…

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 10.

Enjoy this comparison.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works  Essential 10

FFF :: This can only be bad news.

shi0n :: This would be much disastrous rather than before…

Watakushi-Nameless :: I can only expect bad things to come now.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.




Decision Point:

  1. This can’t be real life, D_S. Give me more nightmare candy! (You got it. Click the spoiler and keep reading.)
  2. I… I can’t take anymore. (It’s okay, you did well. Nobody should have been subjected to what you saw here today. Head down to the results.)


Spoiler for

Expanded 1.

MC-kun, mulling over the important things.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works Extended 01

FFF :: Isn’t Kagari-san the chairwoman’s daughter?
She should be chauffeured.
I just don’t get rich people.

shi0n :: I know that Kagari-san is the chairman’s daughter.
They even have a car yet…
To think that they have a lot of money, I don’t understand it.

Watakushi-Nameless :: Kagari-san is the daughter of the board chairman, if I can recall…
Why can’t she just come to school by car?
I’ll never be able to understand the way rich people think…

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 2.

Bullies being bullies. :(

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works Extended 02

FFF :: You’re quite up yourself, you know?
Just because you sit next to her…
You had the Princess pick up your eraser, didn’t you?
Was it on purpose?
It was on purpose?
Obama-kun, deck ’em.

shi0n :: You know, you’re so cheeky huh?
Just because you unexpectedly end up in the seat beside her.
You shouldn’t have let our Princess pick that eraser right?!
On purpose?
I wonder if it’s on purpose?
Teach him.

Watakushi-Nameless :: You’re quite the cheeky one.
You dropped an eraser
and made the princess pick it up just because she happens to sit next to you.
I wonder if you did it on purpose.
Obama-kun, deal with him.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 3.

Life is tough for MC-kun.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works Extended 03

FFF :: I’m being pushed off my own seat.

shi0n :: This is my {\i1}own{\i0} seat, yet I feel like I’m bothering them.

Watakushi-Nameless :: Do they see me as a nuisance even if I’m just sitting on my seat?

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 4.

MC-kun, thinking to himself.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works Extended 04

FFF :: Y’know, you said something kinda cool,
but did I mishear that last bit?

shi0n :: She just said something cool about there, right?
Or I’ve heard something wrong about her last words?

Watakushi-Nameless :: Um, I think you said something great about me.
Did I misunderstand your last words?

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 5.

Confusion abounds!

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works Extended 05

FFF :: It is my duty to protect you, Takamiya-kun.
You’re my master after all.
>I thought I was her princess.

shi0n :: My mission is to protect you Takamiya-kun.
Takamiya-kun, you are…
My Master after all.
>Wasn’t I {\i1}her{\i0} princess?

Watakushi-Nameless :: My mission is to protect you,
because you’re my master.
>Weren’t I your {\i1}prince{\i0}?

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 6.

Bullies being bullies. :((

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works Extended 06

FFF :: Why was some scum like you with the noble Princess?
Hey, I’m asking you a question here.

shi0n :: Why would our lovely Princess walk to school with a wretched guy like you?
Hey, I wonder why?

Watakushi-Nameless :: What’s a scum like you doing around our noble princess?
Hey, I’d rather like to hear your reason.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 7.

MC-kun letting his chance for a mega-harem with all the girls with all the girls slip by (not pictured here, but there’s like 20 or so in the background).

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works Extended 07

FFF :: Saw this coming too.
Of course it’ll be like this.
I mean, I barged in on an enjoyable lunch gathering.

shi0n :: I knew this would happen…
Of course, it would be like this…
It should be a fun lunch time, until I’m here among them.

Watakushi-Nameless :: I know, right? Of course the atmosphere would be gloomy like this.
It’s because someone like me mixed among them whereas it was supposed to be a fun lunch time.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 8.

So uhh, blandwitch got stabbed and she’s all “uguu we should grab lunch sometime” over MC-kun as he’s freaking out. Way to read the mood, sweetheart.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works Extended 08

FFF :: First, we need to treat your wounds.
An ambulance! Yes, we need to call an ambulance!
>Does that mean you won’t run away during lunch from tomorrow onwards?
Uh, sure.
Yeah, in summary, that’s what it’ll mean.

shi0n :: First, I need to help Kagari-san!
An ambulance, yes! Call an ambulance!
>In short, tomorrow…
>You won’t be running away from having lunch with me?
Ah, yeah…
I promise you that, like I said…

Watakushi-Nameless :: I need to help her now and call an ambulance.
>In other words, you won’t run away from having lunch with me from tomorrow on?
Ah, yeah. I guess it sums it up well…

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 9.

Blandwitch showing some personality.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works Extended 09

FFF :: You’ve gone and done it now, furry-eared girl!

shi0n :: You’ve done it now!
You animal-eared girl!

Watakushi-Nameless :: You’ve done it now, animal-eared girl!

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 10.

Technically she did give MC-kun a wiener for lunch earlier in the episode.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Witch Craft Works Extended 10

FFF :: Thanks for your wiener.

shi0n :: Thanks for everything.

Watakushi-Nameless :: Thanks for the wiener.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.





Which Craft Works?

View Results

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Which group had which line (unformatted, lazy-mode Sage):

Spoiler for

Essential 1.

Intro sequence, narrated by MC-kun.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Essential 01

FFF :: I have no idea how things ended up like this,
but there was one thing I was certain of amidst the chaos.
The girl who saved me…
She was a classmate.

shi0n :: Why did it turn out like this?
I don’t know…
I didn’t understood what {\i1}that{\i0} person did…
I’m only certain about one thing…
I was saved by {\i1}that{\i0} girl.
{\i1}That{\i0} girl is…
A certain classmate of mine.

Watakushi-Nameless :: I don’t understand how I ended up like this.
Among the many things I couldn’t understand,
there was {\i1}one{\i0} certain thing:
It was {\i1}she{\i0} who saved me.
She, a classmate of mine.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 2.

Neko-chan sizing up her prey.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Essential 02

FFF :: A Workshop witch, huh?
Let’s see what you’re made of then.

shi0n :: A crafting witch?
Let’s go and see what they’re made of.

Watakushi-Nameless :: A crafting witch?
Quite skillful.
Shall we go with the pet dogs?

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 3.

MC-kun hitting on blandwitch-chan.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Essential 03

FFF :: You’re just as beautiful in my dreams.
Yeah, my dreams.

shi0n :: Even in my dreams, Kagari-san’s still beautiful, huh?
>A dream?
Yeah, a dream.

Watakushi-Nameless :: You’re just as beautiful in my dreams as in reality.
>Your dreams?
Yeah, my dreams.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 4.

MC-kun getting consoled by her.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Essential 04

FFF :: You’re probably confused right now,
but don’t worry.
I will protect you.
You are my princess after all.

shi0n :: Right now you might be confused, but…
Don’t worry about it.
I will be the one to protect you, Takamiya-kun.
You’re my Princess after all.

Watakushi-Nameless :: I suppose you’re confused now, but you need not worry;
I’ll protect you,
because you’re my prince.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 5.

And… back to MC-kun hitting on blandwitch-chan.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Essential 05

FFF :: Your hair is…
Your hair is a divine wonder bestowed upon you!

shi0n :: Kagari-san’s hair is…
Such a miraculous hair for it be wasted like that!

Watakushi-Nameless :: Your hair…
is a miracle you can’t waste on stuff like this!

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 6.


Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Essential 06

FFF :: I was negligent to have been so sloppy.
To have left even a trace of it behind…
I should have had them expunged from existence.

shi0n :: It was my mistake for not being thorough on them.
I should have destroyed them up to their inner part.
I should have turned them all into ashes.

Watakushi-Nameless :: I’ve made a mistake for I wasn’t thorough enough.
I should’ve turned you all to dust,
without an ounce of you remaining.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 7.

MC-kun, observing.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Essential 07

FFF :: The school building rained down over there, right?

shi0n :: {\i1}That {\i0}building fell over here, right?

Watakushi-Nameless :: The building fell here, right?

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 8.

A delicious catgirl (re)arrives.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Essential 08

FFF :: Let’s get to the point…
I’m here to kidnap you.
The name’s Kuraishi Tanpopo-sama of the Tower witches!

shi0n :: This afternoon…
I came here to take you.
Witch of the Tower, Kuraishi Tanpopo-sama!

Watakushi-Nameless :: Enough with the chitchat.
I came to take you.
I’m the Witch of the Tower, Kuraishi Tanpopo-sama.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 9.

Catgirl realizes her mistake.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Essential 09

FFF :: It’s good that we did an all-out attack,
but I forgot that cleaning up would be a pain.

shi0n :: It seems nice that everyone got on top of them during an all out attack…
They just forgot they have no space anymore.

Watakushi-Nameless :: It’s all nice that everyone got on top of them in a full-strength attack,
but they forgot to leave room for each other…

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 10.

Enjoy this comparison.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Essential 10

FFF :: This can only be bad news.

shi0n :: This would be much disastrous rather than before…

Watakushi-Nameless :: I can only expect bad things to come now.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Decision Point:

This can’t be real life, D_S. Give me more nightmare candy! (You got it. Click the spoiler and keep reading.)
I… I can’t take anymore. (It’s okay, you did well. Nobody should have been subjected to what you saw here today. Head down to the results.)

Expanded 1.

MC-kun, mulling over the important things.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Extended 01

FFF :: Isn’t Kagari-san the chairwoman’s daughter?
She should be chauffeured.
I just don’t get rich people.

shi0n :: I know that Kagari-san is the chairman’s daughter.
They even have a car yet…
To think that they have a lot of money, I don’t understand it.

Watakushi-Nameless :: Kagari-san is the daughter of the board chairman, if I can recall…
Why can’t she just come to school by car?
I’ll never be able to understand the way rich people think…

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 2.

Bullies being bullies. :(

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Extended 02

FFF :: You’re quite up yourself, you know?
Just because you sit next to her…
You had the Princess pick up your eraser, didn’t you?
Was it on purpose?
It was on purpose?
Obama-kun, deck ’em.

shi0n :: You know, you’re so cheeky huh?
Just because you unexpectedly end up in the seat beside her.
You shouldn’t have let our Princess pick that eraser right?!
On purpose?
I wonder if it’s on purpose?
Teach him.

Watakushi-Nameless :: You’re quite the cheeky one.
You dropped an eraser
and made the princess pick it up just because she happens to sit next to you.
I wonder if you did it on purpose.
Obama-kun, deal with him.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 3.

Life is tough for MC-kun.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Extended 03

FFF :: I’m being pushed off my own seat.

shi0n :: This is my {\i1}own{\i0} seat, yet I feel like I’m bothering them.

Watakushi-Nameless :: Do they see me as a nuisance even if I’m just sitting on my seat?

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 4.

MC-kun, thinking to himself.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Extended 04

FFF :: Y’know, you said something kinda cool,
but did I mishear that last bit?

shi0n :: She just said something cool about there, right?
Or I’ve heard something wrong about her last words?

Watakushi-Nameless :: Um, I think you said something great about me.
Did I misunderstand your last words?

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 5.

Confusion abounds!

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Extended 05

FFF :: It is my duty to protect you, Takamiya-kun.
You’re my master after all.
>I thought I was her princess.

shi0n :: My mission is to protect you Takamiya-kun.
Takamiya-kun, you are…
My Master after all.
>Wasn’t I {\i1}her{\i0} princess?

Watakushi-Nameless :: My mission is to protect you,
because you’re my master.
>Weren’t I your {\i1}prince{\i0}?

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 6.

Bullies being bullies. :((

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Extended 06

FFF :: Why was some scum like you with the noble Princess?
Hey, I’m asking you a question here.

shi0n :: Why would our lovely Princess walk to school with a wretched guy like you?
Hey, I wonder why?

Watakushi-Nameless :: What’s a scum like you doing around our noble princess?
Hey, I’d rather like to hear your reason.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 7.

MC-kun letting his chance for a mega-harem with all the girls with all the girls slip by (not pictured here, but there’s like 20 or so in the background).

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Extended 07

FFF :: Saw this coming too.
Of course it’ll be like this.
I mean, I barged in on an enjoyable lunch gathering.

shi0n :: I knew this would happen…
Of course, it would be like this…
It should be a fun lunch time, until I’m here among them.

Watakushi-Nameless :: I know, right? Of course the atmosphere would be gloomy like this.
It’s because someone like me mixed among them whereas it was supposed to be a fun lunch time.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 8.

So uhh, blandwitch got stabbed and she’s all “uguu we should grab lunch sometime” over MC-kun as he’s freaking out. Way to read the mood, sweetheart.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Extended 08

FFF :: First, we need to treat your wounds.
An ambulance! Yes, we need to call an ambulance!
>Does that mean you won’t run away during lunch from tomorrow onwards?
Uh, sure.
Yeah, in summary, that’s what it’ll mean.

shi0n :: First, I need to help Kagari-san!
An ambulance, yes! Call an ambulance!
>In short, tomorrow…
>You won’t be running away from having lunch with me?
Ah, yeah…
I promise you that, like I said…

Watakushi-Nameless :: I need to help her now and call an ambulance.
>In other words, you won’t run away from having lunch with me from tomorrow on?
Ah, yeah. I guess it sums it up well…

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 9.

Blandwitch showing some personality.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Extended 09

FFF :: You’ve gone and done it now, furry-eared girl!

shi0n :: You’ve done it now!
You animal-eared girl!

Watakushi-Nameless :: You’ve done it now, animal-eared girl!

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 10.

Technically she did give MC-kun a wiener for lunch earlier in the episode.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Witch Craft Works Extended 10

FFF :: Thanks for your wiener.

shi0n :: Thanks for everything.

Watakushi-Nameless :: Thanks for the wiener.

to save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation :: N/A. They all suck.

30 thoughts on “Translation Party: [FFF vs. shi0n vs. Watakushi-Nameless] Witch Craft Works (Episode 01)”

  1. Overall scores…
    FFF: 7 times
    shi0n: 0 times
    Watakushi-Nameless: 0 times
    Looks like your best bet is FFF

    And N/A took up 13 slots. Nice job, guys.

  2. FFF: 0 times
    shi0n: 3 times
    Watakushi-Nameless: 5 times
    Looks like your best bet is Watakushi-Nameless

    what i’m doing in my life.

  3. Overall scores…
    FFF: 5 times
    shi0n: 2 times
    Watakushi-Nameless: 5 times
    It’s a tie between FFF and Watakushi-Nameless
    I chose to save myself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation 8 times.

    Anyway why do I see so many ellipses?

  4. Anyway, i read the version 1 of [Watakushi-Nameless] script and i find it more good rather than the new script (the webrip version) they change ‘Prince’ to ‘Princess’ for no reason.

    • She calls him ohime, not ouji, and considering how weirded out he gets by being called a princess later on it’s probably supposed to be that. I’m assuming an explanation for why he would be a princess and not a prince will be involved in the plot in the future, and changing the translation just because he’s a guy is a grave mistake. Especially if it ends up being an important plot point; then you’re in real trouble for scriptwriting just because you thought it made more sense to change the translation.

      • Actually, I think it’s been explained by now. Evermillion, the person locked inside him, is called the White Princess. They haven’t come out and said this is why she calls him Princess, but it’s a pretty safe bet.

  5. Overall scores…
    FFF: 5 times
    shi0n: 2 times
    Watakushi-Nameless: 3 times
    Looks like your best bet is FFF

    Nyangoro is right, all of them are really good.

    • My computer refused to cooperate with me when I tried to listen to the sound clips so I couldn’t take the poll. What a shame.

      (good job, computer!)

  6. Overall scores…
    FFF: 6 times
    shi0n: 0 times
    Watakushi-Nameless: 2 times
    Although FFF is your best bet, you’d be better off not watching this trash

    • Overall scores…
      FFF: 2 times
      shi0n: 6 times
      Watakushi-Nameless: 6 times
      It’s a tie between shi0n and Watakushi-Nameless

      Hmmm, just comparing CR subs with this, I would say that CR was the best overall. Kind of like combining the good parts of shi0n and Watakushi-Nameless together.

  7. Overall scores…
    FFF: 4 times
    shi0n: 2 times
    Watakushi-Nameless: 4 times
    It’s a tie between FFF and Watakushi-Nameless

    Fuck it voting that this script is too hard for any of them.

    • I read the first two chapters of the manga (they make up episode 01), if FFF, shiOn, or watakushi had actually used the manga dialogue almost word-for-word for their script (which is what I think CR did do), it would have turned out much better.

  8. FFF: 13 times
    shi0n: 0 times
    Watakushi-Nameless: 5 times
    Save yourself from these shitty subs with the power of self-immolation: 2 times
    Looks like your best bet is FFF

    Well, I’ll give any show with magic in it a chance, so FFF’s subs it is.

  9. FFF: 1 time
    shi0n: 5 times
    Watakushi-Nameless: 4 times
    Looks like your best bet is shi0n

    (FFF had the best translations, but I prefer something more literal)

  10. Overall scores…
    FFF: 0 times
    shi0n: 0 times
    Watakushi-Nameless: 1 time
    Looks like your best bet is Watakushi-Nameless

    I had to see who had “Shall we go with the pet dogs?” Fuck this; I’m going HorribleSubs and you can’t stop me.


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