Translation Party: [Commie vs. EveTaku vs. FFF vs. HorribleSubs vs. m.3.3.w-Yoshi] Nisekoi (Episode 01)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


Some of the translations here… Wow.

Translation Party House Rules:

Spoiler for
1. Translation Parties are intended to help you make the best subtitle choice for a given anime. Choose which line(s) you liked best by selecting them with the checkbox.

2. I split the Party into two parts — Essential and Extended. Assuming you want to get this shit over with quickly, just go with the Essential choices. I picked these to be the most representative lines in the releases. But if you’re one of those people who want more comparisons to help you come to a decision, go with the Essential choices and the Extended ones.

3. If you didn’t like any of the lines, choose the “N/A” option. The results for “N/A” won’t be automatically tabulated, so you’ll have to do the math in your head. Have my gomens and nasais.

4. A “>” indicates that another character has begun speaking. If there are three characters in a line comparison, I will indicate the third with a “>>” and so on for more characters.

5. Group order is randomized for each screenshot, every time you refresh the page. However, the “N/A” option will always appear at the bottom of the screen.

6. Your results will be summed up when you click the “Get your results” button. Feel free to vote in the poll at the end/post in the comments to let others know how you did and to compare your results with them.

7. Party hard.



Nisekoi – Episode 01

Comparisons: 10 or 20








{\i1} indicates the start of italics

{\i0} indicates the close of italics




Essential 1.

One of the yakuza tells MC-kun about the new kids on the block.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Essential 01

Commie :: Oh, yeah. I almost forgot…
Well, these unfamiliar gang members have been invading our turf lately.

EveTaku :: Oh right, young master!
Truth is,
lately we’ve had some trouble with some new gangs running around these parts.

FFF :: Oh, yeah. Almost forgot, young master…
There’s a new gang that’s starting to stir up trouble on our turf.

HorribleSubs :: Oh, yeah. Almost forgot, young master…
The thing is, these unfamiliar gang members have been invading our turf lately, see…

m33w-Yoshi :: Oh, yeah. Almost forgot, young master…
The thing is, there are new gangsters who have been invading our turf lately, see…

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 2.

MC-kun’s friend doesn’t believe him.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Essential 02

Commie :: What? You were assaulted by some phantom femme fatale?
Don’t give me that!
She jumped over our school fence and kneed you in the face?
What kind of girl is that?

EveTaku :: What? You got jumped by some girl?
Hey, get real.
What kind of girl could leap over a wall and knee you in the face?

FFF :: What? You were the victim of a hit-and-run by a girl?
No freaking way, dude!
Who on Earth would jump over a fence and knee you in the face?

HorribleSubs :: Whaaat? You got bashed by a female street slasher?
Don’t give me that!
Jumping over our school fence, and kneeing you in the face?

m33w-Yoshi :: What? You got bashed by a female street slasher?
Don’t give me that!
She jumped over our school fence and kneed you in the face?

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 3.

MC-chan shows off her Japanese side.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Essential 03

Commie :: I’ve got a Japanese mom and an American dad, so I’m biracial.
But as you can see, I speak perfect Japanese,
so please don’t be shy about approaching me!

EveTaku :: My mother’s Japanese and my father’s American.
But my Japanese is fine,
so feel free to come up and chat!

FFF :: My mom’s Japanese and my dad’s American, so I’m half-and-half.
But as you can see, I speak Japanese just fine,
so don’t hesitate to ask me anything.

HorribleSubs :: I’ve got a Japanese mom and an American dad, so I’m biracial.
But as you can see, I speak perfect Japanese,
so please don’t be shy about approaching me!

m33w-Yoshi :: My mom’s Japanese and my dad’s American, so I’m biracial.
But as you can see, I speak perfect Japanese,
so don’t be afraid to talk to me!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 4.

MC-kun gets mad at MC-chan, cuz she kicked the shit out of him earlier.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Essential 04

Commie :: You’re that…
That female barbarian!

EveTaku :: You’re that—
That Amazon!

FFF :: You’re that…
That Bionic Woman!

HorribleSubs :: You’re that…
That female barbarian!

m33w-Yoshi :: You’re that…
That barbarian woman!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 5.

MC-chan tells MC-kun what’s up.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Essential 05

Commie :: I’m apologizing, if you haven’t noticed,
so why don’t you just freaking forgive me already?
You’re so effeminate!

EveTaku :: Geez, I already apologized, so why don’t you just forgive me?
Stop being so petty!

FFF :: I’m apologizing, if you haven’t noticed,
so why don’t you just let it go and stop being such a crybaby?

HorribleSubs :: I’m apologizing, if you haven’t noticed,
so why don’t you just freaking forgive me? You’re so effeminate!

m33w-Yoshi :: I’m apologizing, if you haven’t noticed,
so why don’t you just freaking forgive me? You’re so effeminate!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 6.

MC-chan vs. MC-kun. Such drama!

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Essential 06

Commie :: Who are you calling monkey girl?!
>Okay, I’m counting on you, Ichijo.
Don’t come over here, got it? Your unmanliness will rub off on me.
>>That’s my line! I’d rather not catch your monkey AIDS!

EveTaku :: Who’re you calling a “girl-illa”?!
>Anyway, show her the ropes, Ichijou!
Don’t talk to me, okay?
Your pettiness might rub off on me!
>>{\i1}You’re{\i0} telling {\i1}me{\i0}?
>>I should be worried about getting girl-illa—

FFF :: Who are you calling a monkey girl?
>Okay, I’m counting on you, Ichijo.
Stay away from me, got it? I don’t want to catch whatever’s making you bellyache so much.
>>Right back at you! I don’t want your primate germs to infect me.

HorribleSubs :: Who are you calling monkey girl?
>Okay, I’m counting on you, Ichijo.
Don’t come over here, got it? Your unmanliness will rub off on me.
>>That’s my line! It’d be a problem if I caught your monkeyness!

m33w-Yoshi :: Who are you calling “monkey girl”?!
>Okay, I’m counting on you, Ichijo.
Don’t even come near me! Your unmanliness will rub off on me!
>>That’s my line! It’d be bad if I caught your monkeyness!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 7.

MC-chan knocking MC-kun down a peg.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Essential 07

Commie :: Oh, man, there’s absolutely no sign of it!
>Shut up. You don’t like people who bitch and moan, remember?

EveTaku :: Honestly! Shouldn’t we give up already?
>Quit whining.
>I thought you hated petty little complainers.

FFF :: Jeez-o-pete, we’re never going to find it.
>Shut up. You said that you didn’t like a kvetch, remember?

HorribleSubs :: Oh, man, there’s absolutely no sign of it!
>Shut up. You don’t like people who bitch and moan, remember?

m33w-Yoshi :: Oh man, there’s absolutely no sign of it!
>Shut up. You don’t like people who bitch and moan, remember?

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 8.

Voldemort-chan makes fun of MC-kun for being so obsessed with the pendant he got from a girl ten years ago.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Essential 08

Commie :: Dwelling over something that happened years ago…
How unmanly is that, anyway?
I mean, you can bet that girl’s forgotten that she even gave you that thing!
That’s beyond lame!
It’s totally absurd!
>Shut the fuck up!

EveTaku :: You keep going on and on about things in the past.
You little miss Petty?
She’s probably already forgotten that she gave you something like that anyway!
I mean, seriously!
You’re an idiot!
>Bite me!

FFF :: Dwelling over something so far in the past…
Are you a 13-year-old girl?
I bet whoever it was doesn’t even remember you anymore!
That’s beyond lame!
It’s totally absurd!
>You shut the hell up!

HorribleSubs :: Dwelling over something that happened years ago…
How unmanly is that, anyway?
I mean, you can bet that girl’s forgotten that she even gave you that thing!
That’s beyond lame!
It’s totally absurd!
>You shut the hell up!

m33w-Yoshi :: Dwelling over something that happened years ago…
How unmanly is that, anyway?
I mean, you can bet that girl’s forgotten that she even gave you that thing!
That’s beyond lame!
It’s totally absurd!
>You shut the hell up!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 9.

MC-kun, failing the lit check.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Essential 09

Commie :: I can’t read it, but I do know that she’s mocking me.
There’s not a sweet bone in her body…

EveTaku :: I can’t read it, but it’s pretty clear that she’s calling me stupid.
Talk about rude.

FFF :: I can’t read it, but I feel like I’ve been dissed.
She doesn’t know the first thing about charming a guy.

HorribleSubs :: I can’t read it, but I do know that she’s mocking me.
There’s not a sweet bone in her body…

m33w-Yoshi :: I can’t read it, but I do know that she’s mocking me.
There’s not one nice bone in her body…

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 10.

Grandpa-senpai, with a great way to move the plot of this shitty show forward.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Essential 10

Commie :: If the heirs apparent of each gang are in a relationship,
the young guns wouldn’t dare put a damper on it, would they?
>N-No, even if that’s true, you’ve got to be kidding me!
>No way can I do that! After all, I…
What? You mean you’ve got yourself a girlfriend?

EveTaku :: If the heirs apparent of both groups get together,
then that’ll put a damper on the hostilities.
>Wait, you’re serious about this?
>This isn’t happening!
>You know, I—
What? Do you have a girlfriend already?

FFF :: If the heirs of each gang are in love,
the young guns would put an end to their squabbling.
>N-No, even if that’d work, you’ve got to be kidding me!
>No way can I do that! After all, I…
What? Did you knock up a girl already?

HorribleSubs :: If the heirs apparent of each gang are in a relationship,
the young guns wouldn’t dare put a damper on it, would they?
>N-No, even if that’s true, you’ve got to be kidding me!
>No way can I do that! After all, I…
What? You mean you’ve got yourself a girlfriend?

m33w-Yoshi :: If the heirs apparent of each gang are in a relationship,
the young guns wouldn’t dare put a damper on it, would they?
>N-No, even if that’s true, you’ve got to be kidding me!
>No way can I do that! After all, I…
What? You mean you already have a girlfriend?

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.




Decision Point:

  1. Aww yeah. Throw more glitter in the form of words at me! (Click the spoiler for enough to make a gay pride parade blush.)
  2. There is not enough liquor in the world for me to keep going. (You did your ganbarre. Head down to the results.)


Spoiler for

Expanded 1.

Grandpa, with foreshadowing. Err, I think it counts as foreshadowing. We’ll say it does.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Extended 01

Commie :: Before I forget, Raku…
In a few days, I want to have a serious talk with you,
so keep that in mind.

EveTaku :: Right, Raku.
I need to talk to you about something important, so whenever you have time…

FFF :: Raku, before I forget…
We need to sit down and talk about some important matters, someday soon. Don’t forget.

HorribleSubs :: Before I forget, Raku…
In the next few days, I want to have a serious talk with you.

m33w-Yoshi :: Before I forget, Raku…
In the next few days, I want to have a serious talk with you.

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 2.

MC-kun just can’t take being the scion of a rich and powerful family. Life sure is tough!

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Extended 02

Commie :: I’m so done with this bloody world!
Man, what I wouldn’t do to escape from this family and lead a peaceful, quiet life.

EveTaku :: This sucks! I’ve had enough of the underworld and all.
I can’t wait ’til I can move out
and live my life in peace!

FFF :: I’m so over this Scarface lifestyle!
Man, what I would give to have a nice, tranquil life.

HorribleSubs :: I’m so done. With this bloodbath of a world!
Man, what wouldn’t I do to escape from this family and lead a peaceful, quiet life?

m33w-Yoshi :: I’m so done with this violent world!
Man, what do I have to do to escape from this family and lead a peaceful, quiet life?

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 3.

MC-kun apparently doesn’t realize the yakuza run the Japanese sex industry.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Extended 03

Commie :: Come to think of it, I spend all my time studying to get into a top college,
so I’ve never been popular with the girls, never mind had a girlfriend.

EveTaku :: Now that I think about it, I’ve been studying so hard to get into a top university,
I haven’t had time for girls…
Don’t even think a girl’s ever liked me.

FFF :: Now that I think about it, I spend all of my day preparing for the SATs.
Because of that, I’ve never been much of a ladies’ man, let alone had a girlfriend.

HorribleSubs :: Come to think of it, I spend all my time studying to get into a top college,
so I’ve never been popular with the girls, never mind had a girlfriend…

m33w-Yoshi :: Come to think of it, I spend all my time studying to get into a top college,
so I’ve never been popular with the girls, not to mention I’ve never had a girlfriend.

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 4.

MC-kun meets MC-chan’s foot.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Extended 04

Commie :: My life till now had been a series of daily trials and tribulations.
>Oh, crap!
But on this particular day,
destiny had other plans for me.
That’s right, starting today…
…the daily trials and tribulations would become even more mind-blowing.

EveTaku :: Before today, all I did was suffer.
>I’m late!
But then,
my destiny changed.
Yeah, from this moment on,
my life would get even worse.

FFF :: Until now my life has been a never-ending struggle.
>Oh, crap! I’m going to be late!
But this particular day,
was the one that changed everything.
From this day forward…
…my never-ending struggle became a never-ending battle.

HorribleSubs :: My life till now was a series of daily hardships.
>Oh, crap!
But on this particular day,
my destiny changed.
That’s right, starting today…
…the daily hardships would become even more mind-blowing.

m33w-Yoshi :: My life, up until now, was a series of daily hardships.
>Oh, crap!
However, on this particular day,
my destiny changed.
That’s right, starting today,
those daily hardships would become even more mind-blowing.

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 5.

Sidelined Girl A gets MC-kun a band-aid.

Sugoi fact: In the strictest, most literal sense of the language, “band-aid” should be capitalized as “Band-Aid” since it’s a brand name. However, everybody uses it in the sense of a generic name (read: regular noun), so it would look a bit out of place to have it capitalized. And if people keep using the term like they do, the Johnson & Johnson company will eventually lose rights to the name “Band-Aid”.

Well, maybe. Money trumps the law, so it’ll be quite a while before that happens.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Extended 05

Commie :: Hold on a second. I’ll get you a band-aid…
>Onodera, you don’t have to do that…
Oh yes, I do! What if it gets infected? Come on!

EveTaku :: Hold on, I’ll get you a band-aid.
>Onodera, no need. I’m good.
You can’t just leave it!
What if it gets infected?

FFF :: Wait a sec. I’ll get you a band-aid.
>Onodera, you don’t have to do that, really.
Of course I do! What if it gets infected? Come on.

HorribleSubs :: Hold on a second. I’ll get you a band-aid…
>Onodera, you don’t have to do that…
Oh yes, I do! What if it gets infected? Come on!

m33w-Yoshi :: Hold on a second. I’ll get you a band-aid.
>Onodera, you don’t have to do that.
Yes, I do! What if it gets infected? Come on!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 6.

MC-chan with the glitter gun.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Extended 06

Commie :: All I did was jostle you a little,
so spare me your persecution mania, will you?

EveTaku :: Stop playing the victim over practically nothing!

FFF :: I barely bumped into you,
so spare me the charades, you drama queen.

HorribleSubs :: All I did was jostle you a little,
so spare me your persecution mania, will you?

m33w-Yoshi :: All I did was jostle you a little,
so spare me your persecution mania, okay!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 7.

MC-chan makes a deal with MC-kun.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Extended 07

Commie :: All right. Then in exchange for hunting down that locket,
will you promise not to talk to me at school, like, ever again?
I can’t stand guys who keep bitching about what’s over and done with.
I’d hate for anyone to think I was friends with a petty guy like that!

EveTaku :: Fine.
But in return for me helping you out,
you’ll promise not to talk to me at school?
It’s one of my pet peeves:
guys who can’t let bygones be bygones.
Who’d want to be friends with someone who keeps bitching about the small stuff?

FFF :: Fine. If I help you look for the pendant,
will you promise not to talk to me in schoolever again?
I can’t stand guys who get worked up about every little thing.
I’d hate for anyone to think I was friends with such a schlub.

HorribleSubs :: All right. Then in exchange for hunting down that locket,
will you promise not to talk to me at school – ever again?
I can’t stand them. Guys who keep bitching about what’s done and over with.
I’d hate for anyone to think I was friends with a small-minded guy like that!

m33w-Yoshi :: All right. Then in exchange for hunting down that pendant,
will you promise never to talk to me at school ever again?
I can’t stand guys who keep bitching about what’s done and over with.
I’d hate for anyone to think I was friends with a small-minded guy like that!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 8.

MC-kun tries to be a nice guy.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Extended 08

Commie :: What is this?
>Notes from Japanese class.
>You couldn’t keep up with your note-taking at all, right?

EveTaku :: What’s this?
>My notes for Japanese class.
>You didn’t take any, did you?

FFF :: What’s this?
>My notes from Japanese class.
>You were having a hard day keeping up, weren’t you?

HorribleSubs :: What is this?
>Notes from Japanese class.
>You couldn’t keep up with your note-taking at all, right?

m33w-Yoshi :: What is this?
>Notes from Japanese class.
>You couldn’t keep up with your note-taking, right?

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 9.

MC-kun’s buddy talks with him.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Extended 09

Commie :: Hey, Raku. Since when did you get so chummy with Kirisaki?
>What are you talking about?
Well, you’re with her a lot, aren’t you?
I know you’re doing something together after class, too.
Plus, you’ve got that friendly vibe going when you talk…

EveTaku :: Hey, Raku,
when did you and Kirisaki-san get so close?
>What are you talking about?
I mean, you’re like two peas in a pod!
You even go off by yourselves after class.
And you seem to get along great.

FFF :: Yo, Raku. Since when were you and Kirisaki so tight-knit?
>What gave you that idea?
Well, you guys are practically sown at the hip during the day.
You hang out after school too.
Plus, you two are {\i1}always{\i0} talking to each other.

HorribleSubs :: Hey, hey, Raku. Since when did you get so chummy with Kirisaki?
>What are you talking about?
Well, you’re with her a lot, aren’t you?
I know you’re doing something together after class, too.
Plus, you’ve got that friendly vibe going when you talk…

m33w-Yoshi :: Hey, hey, Raku. When did you and Kirisaki-san get so close?
>What are you talking about?
Well, you’re with her a lot, aren’t you?
I know you’re doing something together after class, too.
Plus, you’ve got that friendly vibe going when you talk.

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 10.

A sudden shift in conversation blindsides MC-chan.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Nisekoi Extended 10

Commie :: Come to think of it, why did you transfer here at such a weird time?
>Talk about left field!
>No reason. Because of my parents’ work.

EveTaku :: By the way, why’d you transfer schools at this time of year?
>Why would you ask that…
>N-No reason. My parents had to move.

FFF :: Come to think of it, why did you move here at such a weird time, anyway?
>Why do you wanna know? No reason.
>Because of my parents’ work.

HorribleSubs :: Come to think of it, why did you transfer here at a time like this?
>Talk about left field! No reason. Because of my parents’ work.

m33w-Yoshi :: Come to think of it, why {\i1}did{\i0} you transfer here at this time of the year?
>That was random! No reason… It was because of my parents’ work.

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.





Which group is your ticket to this generic romcom?

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Which group had which line (unformatted, lazy-mode Sage):

Spoiler for

Essential 1.

One of the yakuza tells MC-kun about the new kids on the block.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Essential 01

Commie :: Oh, yeah. I almost forgot…
Well, these unfamiliar gang members have been invading our turf lately.

EveTaku :: Oh right, young master!
Truth is,
lately we’ve had some trouble with some new gangs running around these parts.

FFF :: Oh, yeah. Almost forgot, young master…
There’s a new gang that’s starting to stir up trouble on our turf.

HorribleSubs :: Oh, yeah. Almost forgot, young master…
The thing is, these unfamiliar gang members have been invading our turf lately, see…

m33w-Yoshi :: Oh, yeah. Almost forgot, young master…
The thing is, there are new gangsters who have been invading our turf lately, see…

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 2.

MC-kun’s friend doesn’t believe him.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Essential 02

Commie :: What? You were assaulted by some phantom femme fatale?
Don’t give me that!
She jumped over our school fence and kneed you in the face?
What kind of girl is that?

EveTaku :: What? You got jumped by some girl?
Hey, get real.
What kind of girl could leap over a wall and knee you in the face?

FFF :: What? You were the victim of a hit-and-run by a girl?
No freaking way, dude!
Who on Earth would jump over a fence and knee you in the face?

HorribleSubs :: Whaaat? You got bashed by a female street slasher?
Don’t give me that!
Jumping over our school fence, and kneeing you in the face?

m33w-Yoshi :: What? You got bashed by a female street slasher?
Don’t give me that!
She jumped over our school fence and kneed you in the face?

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 3.

MC-chan shows off her Japanese side.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Essential 03

Commie :: I’ve got a Japanese mom and an American dad, so I’m biracial.
But as you can see, I speak perfect Japanese,
so please don’t be shy about approaching me!

EveTaku :: My mother’s Japanese and my father’s American.
But my Japanese is fine,
so feel free to come up and chat!

FFF :: My mom’s Japanese and my dad’s American, so I’m half-and-half.
But as you can see, I speak Japanese just fine,
so don’t hesitate to ask me anything.

HorribleSubs :: I’ve got a Japanese mom and an American dad, so I’m biracial.
But as you can see, I speak perfect Japanese,
so please don’t be shy about approaching me!

m33w-Yoshi :: My mom’s Japanese and my dad’s American, so I’m biracial.
But as you can see, I speak perfect Japanese,
so don’t be afraid to talk to me!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 4.

MC-kun gets mad at MC-chan, cuz she kicked the shit out of him earlier.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Essential 04

Commie :: You’re that…
That female barbarian!

EveTaku :: You’re that—
That Amazon!

FFF :: You’re that…
That Bionic Woman!

HorribleSubs :: You’re that…
That female barbarian!

m33w-Yoshi :: You’re that…
That barbarian woman!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 5.

MC-chan tells MC-kun what’s up.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Essential 05

Commie :: I’m apologizing, if you haven’t noticed,
so why don’t you just freaking forgive me already?
You’re so effeminate!

EveTaku :: Geez, I already apologized, so why don’t you just forgive me?
Stop being so petty!

FFF :: I’m apologizing, if you haven’t noticed,
so why don’t you just let it go and stop being such a crybaby?

HorribleSubs :: I’m apologizing, if you haven’t noticed,
so why don’t you just freaking forgive me? You’re so effeminate!

m33w-Yoshi :: I’m apologizing, if you haven’t noticed,
so why don’t you just freaking forgive me? You’re so effeminate!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 6.

MC-chan vs. MC-kun. Such drama!

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Essential 06

Commie :: Who are you calling monkey girl?!
>Okay, I’m counting on you, Ichijo.
Don’t come over here, got it? Your unmanliness will rub off on me.
>>That’s my line! I’d rather not catch your monkey AIDS!

EveTaku :: Who’re you calling a “girl-illa”?!
>Anyway, show her the ropes, Ichijou!
Don’t talk to me, okay?
Your pettiness might rub off on me!
>>{\i1}You’re{\i0} telling {\i1}me{\i0}?
>>I should be worried about getting girl-illa—

FFF :: Who are you calling a monkey girl?
>Okay, I’m counting on you, Ichijo.
Stay away from me, got it? I don’t want to catch whatever’s making you bellyache so much.
>>Right back at you! I don’t want your primate germs to infect me.

HorribleSubs :: Who are you calling monkey girl?
>Okay, I’m counting on you, Ichijo.
Don’t come over here, got it? Your unmanliness will rub off on me.
>>That’s my line! It’d be a problem if I caught your monkeyness!

m33w-Yoshi :: Who are you calling “monkey girl”?!
>Okay, I’m counting on you, Ichijo.
Don’t even come near me! Your unmanliness will rub off on me!
>>That’s my line! It’d be bad if I caught your monkeyness!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 7.

MC-chan knocking MC-kun down a peg.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Essential 07

Commie :: Oh, man, there’s absolutely no sign of it!
>Shut up. You don’t like people who bitch and moan, remember?

EveTaku :: Honestly! Shouldn’t we give up already?
>Quit whining.
>I thought you hated petty little complainers.

FFF :: Jeez-o-pete, we’re never going to find it.
>Shut up. You said that you didn’t like a kvetch, remember?

HorribleSubs :: Oh, man, there’s absolutely no sign of it!
>Shut up. You don’t like people who bitch and moan, remember?

m33w-Yoshi :: Oh man, there’s absolutely no sign of it!
>Shut up. You don’t like people who bitch and moan, remember?

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 8.

Voldemort-chan makes fun of MC-kun for being so obsessed with the pendant he got from a girl ten years ago.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Essential 08

Commie :: Dwelling over something that happened years ago…
How unmanly is that, anyway?
I mean, you can bet that girl’s forgotten that she even gave you that thing!
That’s beyond lame!
It’s totally absurd!
>Shut the fuck up!

EveTaku :: You keep going on and on about things in the past.
You little miss Petty?
She’s probably already forgotten that she gave you something like that anyway!
I mean, seriously!
You’re an idiot!
>Bite me!

FFF :: Dwelling over something so far in the past…
Are you a 13-year-old girl?
I bet whoever it was doesn’t even remember you anymore!
That’s beyond lame!
It’s totally absurd!
>You shut the hell up!

HorribleSubs :: Dwelling over something that happened years ago…
How unmanly is that, anyway?
I mean, you can bet that girl’s forgotten that she even gave you that thing!
That’s beyond lame!
It’s totally absurd!
>You shut the hell up!

m33w-Yoshi :: Dwelling over something that happened years ago…
How unmanly is that, anyway?
I mean, you can bet that girl’s forgotten that she even gave you that thing!
That’s beyond lame!
It’s totally absurd!
>You shut the hell up!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 9.

MC-kun, failing the lit check.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Essential 09

Commie :: I can’t read it, but I do know that she’s mocking me.
There’s not a sweet bone in her body…

EveTaku :: I can’t read it, but it’s pretty clear that she’s calling me stupid.
Talk about rude.

FFF :: I can’t read it, but I feel like I’ve been dissed.
She doesn’t know the first thing about charming a guy.

HorribleSubs :: I can’t read it, but I do know that she’s mocking me.
There’s not a sweet bone in her body…

m33w-Yoshi :: I can’t read it, but I do know that she’s mocking me.
There’s not one nice bone in her body…

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 10.

Grandpa-senpai, with a great way to move the plot of this shitty show forward.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Essential 10

Commie :: If the heirs apparent of each gang are in a relationship,
the young guns wouldn’t dare put a damper on it, would they?
>N-No, even if that’s true, you’ve got to be kidding me!
>No way can I do that! After all, I…
What? You mean you’ve got yourself a girlfriend?

EveTaku :: If the heirs apparent of both groups get together,
then that’ll put a damper on the hostilities.
>Wait, you’re serious about this?
>This isn’t happening!
>You know, I—
What? Do you have a girlfriend already?

FFF :: If the heirs of each gang are in love,
the young guns would put an end to their squabbling.
>N-No, even if that’d work, you’ve got to be kidding me!
>No way can I do that! After all, I…
What? Did you knock up a girl already?

HorribleSubs :: If the heirs apparent of each gang are in a relationship,
the young guns wouldn’t dare put a damper on it, would they?
>N-No, even if that’s true, you’ve got to be kidding me!
>No way can I do that! After all, I…
What? You mean you’ve got yourself a girlfriend?

m33w-Yoshi :: If the heirs apparent of each gang are in a relationship,
the young guns wouldn’t dare put a damper on it, would they?
>N-No, even if that’s true, you’ve got to be kidding me!
>No way can I do that! After all, I…
What? You mean you already have a girlfriend?

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Decision Point:

Aww yeah. Throw more glitter in the form of words at me! (Click the spoiler for enough to make a gay pride parade blush.)
There is not enough liquor in the world for me to keep going. (You did your ganbarre. Head down to the results.)

Expanded 1.

Grandpa, with foreshadowing. Err, I think it counts as foreshadowing. We’ll say it does.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Extended 01

Commie :: Before I forget, Raku…
In a few days, I want to have a serious talk with you,
so keep that in mind.

EveTaku :: Right, Raku.
I need to talk to you about something important, so whenever you have time…

FFF :: Raku, before I forget…
We need to sit down and talk about some important matters, someday soon. Don’t forget.

HorribleSubs :: Before I forget, Raku…
In the next few days, I want to have a serious talk with you.

m33w-Yoshi :: Before I forget, Raku…
In the next few days, I want to have a serious talk with you.

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 2.

MC-kun just can’t take being the scion of a rich and powerful family. Life sure is tough!

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Extended 02

Commie :: I’m so done with this bloody world!
Man, what I wouldn’t do to escape from this family and lead a peaceful, quiet life.

EveTaku :: This sucks! I’ve had enough of the underworld and all.
I can’t wait ’til I can move out
and live my life in peace!

FFF :: I’m so over this Scarface lifestyle!
Man, what I would give to have a nice, tranquil life.

HorribleSubs :: I’m so done. With this bloodbath of a world!
Man, what wouldn’t I do to escape from this family and lead a peaceful, quiet life?

m33w-Yoshi :: I’m so done with this violent world!
Man, what do I have to do to escape from this family and lead a peaceful, quiet life?

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 3.

MC-kun apparently doesn’t realize the yakuza run the Japanese sex industry.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Extended 03

Commie :: Come to think of it, I spend all my time studying to get into a top college,
so I’ve never been popular with the girls, never mind had a girlfriend.

EveTaku :: Now that I think about it, I’ve been studying so hard to get into a top university,
I haven’t had time for girls…
Don’t even think a girl’s ever liked me.

FFF :: Now that I think about it, I spend all of my day preparing for the SATs.
Because of that, I’ve never been much of a ladies’ man, let alone had a girlfriend.

HorribleSubs :: Come to think of it, I spend all my time studying to get into a top college,
so I’ve never been popular with the girls, never mind had a girlfriend…

m33w-Yoshi :: Come to think of it, I spend all my time studying to get into a top college,
so I’ve never been popular with the girls, not to mention I’ve never had a girlfriend.

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 4.

MC-kun meets MC-chan’s foot.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Extended 04

Commie :: My life till now had been a series of daily trials and tribulations.
>Oh, crap!
But on this particular day,
destiny had other plans for me.
That’s right, starting today…
…the daily trials and tribulations would become even more mind-blowing.

EveTaku :: Before today, all I did was suffer.
>I’m late!
But then,
my destiny changed.
Yeah, from this moment on,
my life would get even worse.

FFF :: Until now my life has been a never-ending struggle.
>Oh, crap! I’m going to be late!
But this particular day,
was the one that changed everything.
From this day forward…
…my never-ending struggle became a never-ending battle.

HorribleSubs :: My life till now was a series of daily hardships.
>Oh, crap!
But on this particular day,
my destiny changed.
That’s right, starting today…
…the daily hardships would become even more mind-blowing.

m33w-Yoshi :: My life, up until now, was a series of daily hardships.
>Oh, crap!
However, on this particular day,
my destiny changed.
That’s right, starting today,
those daily hardships would become even more mind-blowing.

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 5.

Sidelined Girl A gets MC-kun a band-aid.

Sugoi fact: In the strictest, most literal sense of the language, “band-aid” should be capitalized as “Band-Aid” since it’s a brand name. However, everybody uses it in the sense of a generic name (read: regular noun), so it would look a bit out of place to have it capitalized. And if people keep using the term like they do, the Johnson & Johnson company will eventually lose rights to the name “Band-Aid”.

Well, maybe. Money trumps the law, so it’ll be a while before that happens.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Extended 05

Commie :: Hold on a second. I’ll get you a band-aid…
>Onodera, you don’t have to do that…
Oh yes, I do! What if it gets infected? Come on!

EveTaku :: Hold on, I’ll get you a band-aid.
>Onodera, no need. I’m good.
You can’t just leave it!
What if it gets infected?

FFF :: Wait a sec. I’ll get you a band-aid.
>Onodera, you don’t have to do that, really.
Of course I do! What if it gets infected? Come on.

HorribleSubs :: Hold on a second. I’ll get you a band-aid…
>Onodera, you don’t have to do that…
Oh yes, I do! What if it gets infected? Come on!

m33w-Yoshi :: Hold on a second. I’ll get you a band-aid.
>Onodera, you don’t have to do that.
Yes, I do! What if it gets infected? Come on!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 6.

MC-chan with the glitter gun.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Extended 06

Commie :: All I did was jostle you a little,
so spare me your persecution mania, will you?

EveTaku :: Stop playing the victim over practically nothing!

FFF :: I barely bumped into you,
so spare me the charades, you drama queen.

HorribleSubs :: All I did was jostle you a little,
so spare me your persecution mania, will you?

m33w-Yoshi :: All I did was jostle you a little,
so spare me your persecution mania, okay!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 7.

MC-chan makes a deal with MC-kun.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Extended 07

Commie :: All right. Then in exchange for hunting down that locket,
will you promise not to talk to me at school, like, ever again?
I can’t stand guys who keep bitching about what’s over and done with.
I’d hate for anyone to think I was friends with a petty guy like that!

EveTaku :: Fine.
But in return for me helping you out,
you’ll promise not to talk to me at school?
It’s one of my pet peeves:
guys who can’t let bygones be bygones.
Who’d want to be friends with someone who keeps bitching about the small stuff?

FFF :: Fine. If I help you look for the pendant,
will you promise not to talk to me in schoolever again?
I can’t stand guys who get worked up about every little thing.
I’d hate for anyone to think I was friends with such a schlub.

HorribleSubs :: All right. Then in exchange for hunting down that locket,
will you promise not to talk to me at school – ever again?
I can’t stand them. Guys who keep bitching about what’s done and over with.
I’d hate for anyone to think I was friends with a small-minded guy like that!

m33w-Yoshi :: All right. Then in exchange for hunting down that pendant,
will you promise never to talk to me at school ever again?
I can’t stand guys who keep bitching about what’s done and over with.
I’d hate for anyone to think I was friends with a small-minded guy like that!

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 8.

MC-kun tries to be a nice guy.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Extended 08

Commie :: What is this?
>Notes from Japanese class.
>You couldn’t keep up with your note-taking at all, right?

EveTaku :: What’s this?
>My notes for Japanese class.
>You didn’t take any, did you?

FFF :: What’s this?
>My notes from Japanese class.
>You were having a hard day keeping up, weren’t you?

HorribleSubs :: What is this?
>Notes from Japanese class.
>You couldn’t keep up with your note-taking at all, right?

m33w-Yoshi :: What is this?
>Notes from Japanese class.
>You couldn’t keep up with your note-taking, right?

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 9.

MC-kun’s buddy talks with him.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Extended 09

Commie :: Hey, Raku. Since when did you get so chummy with Kirisaki?
>What are you talking about?
Well, you’re with her a lot, aren’t you?
I know you’re doing something together after class, too.
Plus, you’ve got that friendly vibe going when you talk…

EveTaku :: Hey, Raku,
when did you and Kirisaki-san get so close?
>What are you talking about?
I mean, you’re like two peas in a pod!
You even go off by yourselves after class.
And you seem to get along great.

FFF :: Yo, Raku. Since when were you and Kirisaki so tight-knit?
>What gave you that idea?
Well, you guys are practically sown at the hip during the day.
You hang out after school too.
Plus, you two are {\i1}always{\i0} talking to each other.

HorribleSubs :: Hey, hey, Raku. Since when did you get so chummy with Kirisaki?
>What are you talking about?
Well, you’re with her a lot, aren’t you?
I know you’re doing something together after class, too.
Plus, you’ve got that friendly vibe going when you talk…

m33w-Yoshi :: Hey, hey, Raku. When did you and Kirisaki-san get so close?
>What are you talking about?
Well, you’re with her a lot, aren’t you?
I know you’re doing something together after class, too.
Plus, you’ve got that friendly vibe going when you talk.

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 10.

A sudden shift in conversation blindsides MC-chan.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Nisekoi Extended 10

Commie :: Come to think of it, why did you transfer here at such a weird time?
>Talk about left field!
>No reason. Because of my parents’ work.

EveTaku :: By the way, why’d you transfer schools at this time of year?
>Why would you ask that…
>N-No reason. My parents had to move.

FFF :: Come to think of it, why did you move here at such a weird time, anyway?
>Why do you wanna know? No reason.
>Because of my parents’ work.

HorribleSubs :: Come to think of it, why did you transfer here at a time like this?
>Talk about left field! No reason. Because of my parents’ work.

m33w-Yoshi :: Come to think of it, why {\i1}did{\i0} you transfer here at this time of the year?
>That was random! No reason… It was because of my parents’ work.

to watch something decent instead like Sekai Seifuku or Mikakunin de Shinkoukei :: N/A. They all suck.

53 thoughts on “Translation Party: [Commie vs. EveTaku vs. FFF vs. HorribleSubs vs. m.3.3.w-Yoshi] Nisekoi (Episode 01)”

  1. Overall scores…
    Commie: 2 times
    EveTaku: 3 times
    FFF: 3 times
    HorribleSubs: 2 times
    m33w-Yoshi: 1 time
    N/A: 2 times
    It’s a tie between EveTaku and FFF

    But if I were to go off just episode 1, I’d go with EveTaku hands-down. m33w-Yoshi hardly edited the script, Commie had about the same amount of editing, but added in troll dialogue, and FFF went overboard with their fun. EveTaku was much more chill.

    Let’s hope the 02s are better across the board.

    • How’s the typesetting in Evetaku’s release? I picked up Commie’s release because it’s a Shaft show and I figured HDR would do a pretty good job with the signs, but based on this a change might be in order.

  2. Overall scores…
    Commie: 5 times
    EveTaku: 5 times
    FFF: 6 times
    Looks like your best bet is FFF

    Jeez-o-pete, we’re never going to find it.

    This line and this line alone, made me cringe. Who the hell says “Jeez-o-pete”?

    As always, no decision point for me.

  3. Overall scores…
    Commie: 0 times
    EveTaku: 4 times
    FFF: 7 times
    HorribleSubs: 2 times
    m33w-Yoshi: 7 times
    It’s a tie between FFF and m33w-Yoshi

    That’s funny since I first watched this with Commie and didn’t love the FFF script at all. Well then.

  4. Overall scores…
    Commie: 1 time
    EveTaku: 4 times
    FFF: 4 times
    HorribleSubs: 1 time
    m33w-Yoshi: 1 time
    It’s a tie between EveTaku and FFF

    I felt like the non-CR scripts were head and shoulders above the competition, but I agree that FFF went a little overboard. It sometimes resulted in better lines, but also often resulted in cringe-worthy ones. EveTaku had an overall decent script without any big missteps, so I’m giving them the nod.

  5. Overall scores…
    Commie: 5 times
    EveTaku: 8 times
    FFF: 5 times
    HorribleSubs: 6 times
    m33w-Yoshi: 6 times
    Looks like your best bet is EveTaku

    watched the HorribleSubs first (coz they released it the earliest)… :|

    hmmm… i wish i can put all of the subs on one episode so that I can change the sub whenever i wanted to…
    welp… gonna do the TL party again next time :v

    • You can, but I think it’s a waste of time.

      Grab the subs either from AnimeTosho (click into the file name and then grab their All Attachments DDL) or from the files themselves (use MKV Extract GUI2 v2.2.2.8 and extract everything but video, audio, and chapters for every sub track you want — do note that you’ll want to extract the one chapters file that matches up with the video/audio desired). Then open up each sub file and time shift for the desired video/audio. I’m not gonna teach you how to time (I hate timing), but you can find tutorials online. Then when all are timed properly, drag and drop them along with all the fonts and the desired video/audio into MKVmerge GUI v5.0.1. Mux and then you’re done.

      This’ll give you an MKV with a shit-ton of fonts and sub tracks.

      • Ah, but even if you do shift the times (I’m sure the times will have to be shifted possibly at three places?), there might still be some problem with the typesetting, eg. the typesetting being off by one frame. That can look annoying at times. Unless you make manually check if each typeset is fine… The time spent would not be worth it, especially for 5 different subs.

        • By ^ I meant that it would not be necessary to time everything from scratch. Rather, the subs will have to be time-shifted/retimed only at a few places(possibly the beginning of each chapter?). I believe that only the typesets would, possibly, have to be timed separately.

    • Do what I did when I tried to watch the Sora no Otoshimono movie for the first time and it was a tie between Hadena and SubDesu: paste all the lines into one subtitle track and have them default to different parts of the screen.

  6. Overall scores…
    Commie: 1 time
    EveTaku: 6 times
    FFF: 2 times
    HorribleSubs: 1 time
    m33w-Yoshi: 1 time
    Looks like your best bet is EveTaku

    Man, that simulcast script was bad.

  7. Commie: 1 time
    EveTaku: 4 times
    FFF: 3 times
    HorribleSubs: 1 time
    m33w-Yoshi: 0 times
    Looks like your best bet is EveTaku

    Apparently, hard work pays off. I’m glad to see that a traditional fansubbing group is topping the more legitimized competition.

      • Like I’m gonna trust spellcheck. I wrote my name on a research paper, and it said my name was spelled wrong! Like, seriously, spellcheck, I know what my own name is.

        How can I trust it when it doesn’t even know that much?

  8. Overall scores…
    Commie: 1 time
    EveTaku: 3 times
    FFF: 12 times
    HorribleSubs: 0 times
    m33w-Yoshi: 0 times
    Looks like your best bet is FFF

    Wow, didn’t expect such a clear result.
    FFF seem to step up their game this season.

  9. “Jeez-o-pete” and “kvetch” did make me frown though. I’m not a native speaker but I don’t really think anyone talks like that…

      • I’ve heard people say “kvetch” just because they could. It’s fun to say, even if it isn’t English. “Jeez-o-pete”, though… I’m not even sure what kind of person uses that.

        Well, no. I know now that some fansubbers do.

        • I talked to Will (FFF’s editor) about it and it’s apparently used ’round his parts. I’d never heard of it before either.

  10. Overall scores…
    Commie: 6 times
    EveTaku: 3 times
    FFF: 6 times
    HorribleSubs: 6 times
    m33w-Yoshi: 6 times
    It’s a tie between Commie, FFF, HorribleSubs, and m33w-Yoshi.

    Maybe I’ll watch Commie for the lulz.

  11. Overall scores…
    Commie: 1 time
    EveTaku: 6 times
    FFF: 2 times
    HorribleSubs: 1 time
    m33w-Yoshi: 0 times
    not really surprised, but i think none of them was perfect…

  12. Overall scores…
    Commie: 4 times
    EveTaku: 4 times
    FFF: 2 times
    HorribleSubs: 4 times
    m33w-Yoshi: 4 times
    It’s a tie between Commie, EveTaku, HorribleSubs, and m33w-Yoshi

    CR beats fansubbing once again

  13. Commie: 3 time
    EveTaku: 9 times
    FFF: 6 times
    HorribleSubs: 2 times
    m33w-Yoshi: 2 times
    N/A : 2 times

    EveTaku for me! Unless FFF step up their quality later.

  14. Overall scores…
    Commie: 1 time
    EveTaku: 13 times
    FFF: 6 times
    HorribleSubs: 0 times
    m33w-Yoshi: 0 times
    Looks like your best bet is EveTaku

  15. Overall scores…
    Commie: 6 times
    EveTaku: 1 time
    FFF: 1 time
    HorribleSubs: 7 times
    m33w-Yoshi: 5 times
    Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs
    Probably HS or m33w-Yoshi. Hmm so it’s Aniplex translation and not CR, eh?

  16. Commie: 1 time
    EveTaku: 5 times
    FFF: 5 times
    HorribleSubs: 3 times
    m33w-Yoshi: 2 times
    It’s a tie between EveTaku and FFF

    I couldn’t decide between Evetaku and FFF, and I still can’t. Commie is still the best though of course… Sarcasm? No, of course not.

  17. Overall scores…
    Commie: 0 times
    EveTaku: 4 times
    FFF: 0 times
    HorribleSubs: 0 times
    m33w-Yoshi: 0 times
    Looks like your best bet is EveTaku

    well, it’s the obvious choice for me
    (either EveTaku, or Zero-Raws :> )


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