With the simulcast delay, I figured getting these reviews out now would be rather prudent.
Table of Contents
Release Information
Episode details.
Release format: MKV (344 MB, 10-bit)
Japanesiness: No honorifics. Deko’s “desu/des” verbal tic translated.
English style: American English.
Encoding details: http://pastebin.com/aTwW4Th4
Speed: Quick (<48 hours); with simulcast delay as of episode 4, has become Slow.
Translation style: Crunchyrip.
External links.
Group website: http://commiesubs.com/
IRC channel: #[email protected]
Visual Review
Opening. Commie left part of the song (first screen here) unsubbed. The font was all right enough, but remained unchanged for the duration of the song, even during sequences where a different tone would’ve made more sense.
Rating: Okay-.
Ending. The color changes were rather sugoi, but I’m not a huge fan of small-font karaoke. And especially not when it’s relegated to a corner. Instead of allowing me to read along and enjoy the kara, it distracts.
Still, the colors were pretty, so we’ll throw it an Okay+.
Rating: Okay+.
Not typeset.
While I don’t mind the title not being translated, some of the other signs here are noticeably absent… especially considering how Commie bothered to typeset the disclaimer at the beginning of the episode.
Commie and FTW both used the Tokyo MX raw which was somewhat fucked for this episode and episode 2 (I don’t much remember episode 1, but it’s possible that one was borked too). Nothing really caught my eye beyond the first bit of the show, but it’s something to be aware of.
Script Review
“both our love”? Why not just “our love”?
As mentioned earlier, part of the song wasn’t translated.
How does this work?
A never-rotting… Commie, what the fuck?
Main Script.
Even I can tell this is a dream.
But they say dreams represent your own subconscious fears or desires.
In other words, this means…
Yes, I know very well that this has to be a dream.
But that would mean that, subconsciously, I want this to happen!
In other words…
I can’t say I buy Commie’s lines here. It’s pretty clear that Yuuta isn’t subconsciously afraid of kissing Rikka in this dream.
Yuck. Reading this line is worse than drinking afterbirth. How are we supposed to tell which dragon possesses dark powers without rewriting this line in our heads?
“A mutation of the Black Flame Dragon, the Dark Flame Dragon possesses dreadful dark powers.”
Way to localize the line into something that makes less sense than it originally did. Shoulda stuck with “three sizes” or tried harder.
Phrases aren’t invented; they’re coined.
Lady English, what have these bastards done to you?
Geez, Commie. If you’re gonna rape someone, at least have the decency to leave flowers behind when you’re done. Ain’t saying roses, but maybe some daffodils would’ve been nice.
“I didn’t think she’d actually end up worse than she was before.”
There needs to be some form of emphasis in that second line.
“Well, I’m not.”
Yes, that’s generally how Patient Zeroes work. Drop the “to begin with”.
The hell are you trying to say here? Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon was a magical girl, so this quip really doesn’t hit the mark.
You’re really gonna try to link the “But then” to a relationship status from three years ago? Did grammar kill your dog or something? I don’t get where this grudge comes from.
I’d accept the second line if you just dropped the “then”, but it could use a rewrite while you’re at it.
Well here I am, and I wish you hadn’t.
Bonus Points!
I rarely give out extra credit, but this is one of the cases where I feel obligated to.
Commie decided to reflect this tic of hers by adding variants of “death” to a number of her sentences, and it works rather well. Some examples:
This adds a layer to Deko’s character that you’re not gonna get with any other release, and I’m quite pleased they decided to go this route.
Watchability: Watchable.
Visual grade: B
Script grade: B
Overall grade: B
Not a bad showing from Commie.
I’ll have UTW’s release up in a few with my series recommendation, so just hold tight for a bit.
Why would anyone drink Lipton tea?
Was watching Commie’s release, but then the simulcast delay happened.
What have you been smoking, D_S?
Sure, oblige can be synonymous with obligated in certain circumstances, but in the way you’re using it, it means “to be kindly accommodating” (pilfered definition from Dictionary.com).
If you want to say you’re duty-bound, then “obligated” is really your only way forward.
P.S. Spluttering tea everywhere in a mildly-peeved manner. Though not sure why we Brits would hate the word “obligated” – are we particularly anti-establishment? :S
Now if you’d said “my unwritten reviewing contract obliges me to say nice things”, that’d be fine. Just realised that needed a little bit more explanation to point out that the lack of object in the sentence is its pitfall.
I was sleep deprived (4:30 AM) and Google searching the answer to “obliged vs obligated” since in the context I wanted to use them I wasn’t sure which was the better choice. Both sounded good in my head.
WordReference, PainInTheEnglish, StackExchange, and Wiktionary gave me the American English vs. British English stance.
C2, LifeTips, and Wiktionary gave me the formal vs. informal stance.
Usually I go with what Wiktionary says. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/obliged And I’m still not quite certain I’m wrong here. “I feel obligated to” and “I feel obliged to” are interchangeable in my mind unless trying to be rather specific one way or the other.
The difference is in the nuance – obligated is because you’re duty-bound, while obliged means you’re doing it as a kindness to make things fair. They can indeed both be in that sentence but the latter makes it sound like you have a heart and that all your previous criticism can be glossed over because, gee, these guys are just swell :p
Duly noted. Updated.
>Duly noted. Updated.
>I rarely give out extra credit, but this is one of the cases where I feel obligated to.
You could’ve stuck to your guns. The nuance of your specific sentence is clear with either “obliged” or “obligated.” But if you’d wanted to convey doing a kindness/favor, you might’ve used “I feel obliging” or “I obligated them.”
From the Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd edition
obligate, v.
4. trans. a. To make (a person) indebted; to confer a favour on, gratify. Usu. in pass. Now chiefly U.S.
oblige, v.
I. To bind by oath, contract, etc.
4. to be obliged : to be morally or legally bound; (more generally) to be under a necessity, to be behoved. Freq. with to (or †till) or infinitive.
Sixth picture
I’ve never read those things in detail before. That’s a pretty odd item to put in the disclaimer.
I’m venturing a guess and saying this is their own backhanded way of saying that some of the stuff the eighth-graders are doing will land a real person in jail.
I don’t know what the kanji is, but that and its variations are pretty standard disclaimers.
its just one word.
ONE word.
Question mark.
I’m still going to wait for the Commie release, even with the simul delay. FTW’s sub isn’t terrible, and is better than Commie’s in some ways–but the absence of Commie’s creative “death” lines for Deko really hurts the script, and all the other groups and their hideous mishandling of chuuni terminology like 邪王真眼 border on unwatchably bad.