I don’t even need to finish this season to know what the fan favorites are gonna be.
Best Breasts on a Female
Cheapest Weapon for Cosplay

Cutest Super-Gay Couple
This was so close to being a metaphor for gay sex. So close.
Least Interesting Segment in an Anime Series

Least Accessible Show to Deaf and/or Blind People

Best Naruto Spinoff

Watch every one of my predictions come true once the season ends. Ain’t saying to call your bookie, but call your bookie.
Oh I’ve seen BONES do this shit time and time again. Give me a boner and get me all excited with the first three or four episodes of a new mecha fucking BONES!!!-awesome series, then shit all over the story and end it like any other bad shounen does, only here they don’t explain wtf was going on through the last two episodes and suddenly everyone is smiling even though everything went to hell and BOOM CREDITS.
By looking at dem screencaps, I can see this is a cross between AO and Star Driver, both of which had legendary horrible endings. I will not honor BONES by downloading my free illegal fansubs of their show every week, but rather wait and see how it all ends. Fuck you BONES, fuck you.
You’re wrong about Star Driver, due to the fact that you’re wrong.
Yes, he is wrong about Star Driver. That show was just 100% bad from start to finish.
You took the words from my mouth Huesudo, damn you…
Yeah. I enjoyed Star Driver for what it was, but AO was just pure shit. Like, it didn’t even try to make a modicum of sense…
I can’t quite put my finger on it, but this post makes me think you’ve only seen a single show this season. I wonder what it could be? Oh, yeah, I’ve got it. It’s Dai Shogun.
Bitch slap doesn’t enough to make shit mecha.
I like the guy in the background on the first image. You can tell what he’s looking at with that smile.
So does this mean Captain Arse is the anime of the season too?
To be fair, whoever keeps watching BONES shows deserves what they get. It’s like expecting KyoAni not to do character assassination for the sake of moe moe, or like expecting Sunrise not to try to sell you toys. Or like expecting Deen to make a show without LGBT stuff.
Pupa had any Y-?
More shounen-ai? Great! Thanks D_S, will wait for the shotacon dj’s.
more like Captain Wurth
>Best of 2014
Holy kites this season sucks.
Indeed. Such a sad state of affairs, huh…
Well, there’s always PingPong.
Can you think of any other popular sport not an anime yet? PingPong!
What about darts, snooker or curling?
Also, I don’t know of any bowling anime.
Those are neither popular nor sports.
All right, then I’ll try skiing and snowboarding.
There’s a manga called Nononono about skiing… Wouldn’t be surprised if that one got an anime.
There’s also actually a manhua called Bowling King, but I doubt that will get animated because >manhua.
Ice hockey?
Cricket? [Whoops. Kyojin no Hoshi has a special “Cricket Version” for India. Guess that counts.]
Kayaking? Whitewater rafting? Diving (or free diving, for that matter)? Water polo?
Frisbee-based sports?
Or some Japanese sports: Takagari (best sport ever)? Gateball (has a yonkoma, but no anime)? Bo-taoshi? Pan kui kyousou?
Competitive eating?
There are worlds and worlds of sports out there anime hasn’t touched!
>Competitive eating?
Slayers. As a bonus, it also has magic and shit.
Nah. By that logic, Utena is a fencing anime. We need something with a sports anime structure here—if they aren’t spending entire episodes discussing exactly how to train your stomach and using obscure medical terminology to do it, it just ain’t good enough!
Utena so good.
Hunter x Hunter had people who specialized in eating. And then there’s Toriko, which took HxH to retarded levels of retardation.
All set in fantasy worlds, sadly. (Well, perhaps every sports anime is really fantasy anyway.)
But God, oh God, I want a whole anime just about Menchi (the version voiced by Hibino Akari, of course). It doesn’t need to be good or anything. I just want a chance to watch her cookin’ and huntin’ and buyin’ rubber bands by the pallet-full and snoozin’ on Buhara’s bewitchingly bulgy belly…
Im waiting for a martial arts manga/anime that is actually about martial arts and not a stupid shojo/harem/supernatural nonsense manga with martial arts as an excuse to beat the shit out of people. I am aware of a “slightly” successful manga called Hajime no Ippo but that’s american boxing => different
Have you ever seen the manga called Holyland? Street-fighting with an emphasis on how martial arts is different in sports and real fighting.
There’s also Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru, which, although I didn’t like it much personally, has over 250 chapters and running, and focuses on martial arts as a high school sport (so there’s at least a decent chance it’ll get an anime).
Then there’s one about girls doing mixed martial arts called Teppuu, but it runs in a bimonthly magazine so updates are slow. There’s some social commentary but mostly it’s them beating the shit out of each other.
I have not heard of any of those (until now). Thanks for the recommendations, I’ll check those out
You forgot arm wrestling, an anime about a delinquent who skips school to be the #1 arm wrestler in the nation and a teacher takes him under his wings and helps him pass high school and he wins the title in the end and all is well.
No, I had XARM on that list.
I’d rather much Bones would go back to doing something similar to Darker than Black S1 and FMA brotherhood…maybe GoSick too. This is really banal stuff.
Yeah, but it’s familiar enough that I can’t help but tolerate it.
Indeed~ Ermahgerd.
Picked the fuck up. I love Naruto.