P-Tuesday Pollday: Best Mecha Since Evangelion & Worst Show MAL Thinks is Amazing

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


If you expect Tuesday to come the same day of every week, you’re living in the past.

Best Mecha Since Evangelion

Spoiler for


Code Geass, Macross Frontier, Gundam 00? Trash in the wake of this masterpiece.

This is actually a line from the show.
This is actually a line from the show.

Gen Urobuchi, also known as the most bestest Japanese man to ever exist, perfectly crafted the first three episodes of this series into a gem the likes of which this earth had never before seen. And since then, the series has been spiraling ever upwards, thanks to His guidance. It’s truly the Gargantia of anime.




Arge vollen

Everybody who was raised in a comfortable, middle class suburb knows that the only way to resolve conflict is through peace, and Argevollen is right alongside them. What better way to show the pointlessness of war than by making a war anime that has no reason to exist?

Keep at it, Argevollen. You do justice to your cause.



Rail Wars!

All aboard the boob train

Uhh… trains are mechanical, right?




At their core, mechas are really just about emotional young people. And what’s more emotional than elementary school girls achieving their dreams of becoming sex symbols to sell mp3s for Sony?

PriPara - Too Tempting
Tears to my eyes. You go, girlfriends.


Best Mecha Since Evangelion

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Worst Show MAL Thinks is Amazing

Spoiler for

Ao Haru Ride

I dropped it at first ep. Has the formula changed?
I dropped it at first ep. Has the formula changed?

MAL Score: 8.08



Akame ga Kill!

I didn't think we'd be getting another Brynhildr-tier anime so soon. Lucky us.
I didn’t think we’d be getting another Brynhildr-tier anime so soon. Lucky us.

MAL Score: 8.22




You know it!
Why wouldn’t it be? This show’s the Aldnoah.Zero of our generation!

MAL Score: 7.98



Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun

This show's so great you almost can't tell that it's primarily poor-paced filler.
This show’s so great you almost can’t tell that it’s primarily slow-paced filler for poorly adapted 4koma jokes.

MAL Score: 8.04



Space Dandy Season 2

Hahahaha, oh man.
Hahahaha, oh man.

MAL Score: 7.96


Worst Show MAL Thinks is Amazing

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53 thoughts on “P-Tuesday Pollday: Best Mecha Since Evangelion & Worst Show MAL Thinks is Amazing”

    • Thought about it, but ended up going for the overrated angle. Maybe you’ll see that angle in the next Pollday. Dunno though, I don’t think that far ahead.

  1. What the fuck was up with that Space Dandy episode? I’ve disliked episodes of the show before, but that was just fucking garbage.

  2. MAL rating used to be pretty cool. Top 30 list looked fine and reasonable. Then shitty AoT came along slapped it self in num7 and then a lot of random shitty anime pushed its way in while also somehow making FM:A num1. It’s over no more ratings only rigged sites and polls from now on

    • When you take averages like MAL does, it is. Anything above a 7 is classed as good, whereas over 8 and upwards would be in the ‘amazing’ part of the scale. It’s the same with Anidb fansub group votes – it’s just how it works when you’re averaging because of some statistical reason to do with bell curves and the like that I learnt about years ago but can’t quote.

      • Yeh I get that. But no matter whether it’s an aggregate or just a single person’s rating, a high 7 or a low 8 is not amazing.

        Just for example (pulling fairly randomly from my watched list) Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun is a 7.91. I don’t think literally anyone who watched it would say it’s amazing. Enjoyable? Yeh. Good even? Depending on who you ask but I’m sure a lot of people would agree. But amazing? I’d be very surprised.

        Personally I wouldn’t call things (even by MAL standards) amazing until at least mid 8s.

        Although that whole thing brings up the fact that if you’re relying on the MAL ratings to judge a show you’re doing it completely wrong anyway.

        • In the context of MAL scores, it is. Aggregate scores are generally distributed between 6.5 and 8.5. The scores in the 8-and-above range are limited enough that you can consider that to be the “amazing zone”.

          • I mean I wouldn’t say that. I wouldn’t say things that are around 8 (there are roughly 500 at 8 and above guesstimating since Aldnoah is at a .98 and at 510, so let’s call it the top 500 or 10%) would be amazing by any definition. Good? Definitely. Great? Yeah. But amazing? I wouldn’t go nearly that far.

            Haikyuu is at an even 8.50 and is 93rd currently. That I could qualify as amazing, as well with the rest of the top 100, or the ones above the general curve (according to MAL obv, I greatly disagree with quite a few of their rankings but that’s not relevant here at all). Amazing should be the very top percentile, which the top 100 (2%) of the 5000+ anime MAL has ratings for is.

          • I guess what it really comes down to is semantics and word choice. I would argue that even with the aggregate curve, something at or around the 8.0 mark is not amazing in the slightest.

            I think “great” would have been a better qualifier.


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