It’s like a choose your own adventure, where only I have to live with the consequences.
So I’m gonna be stuck in Lubbock, Texas for work this week. As I know Lubbock will suck, I figured I’d hit up an anime con… also in Texas. Because it just makes sense.

As I delayed making any decisions on this until now, I probably need to book rooms/flights before I leave tomorrow, so I need to make the decision within… 12 hours. And as I have a demonstrated record of making poor life decisions, I figured I’d put it in your hands. So weigh the facts for me, plx.
1. Located in Dallas, where I know at least one anime fan lives, cuz I saw an Evangelion window shield when I was working down there last year.

2. I can probably get a suite room for 4 days for… $0 out of pocket (gotta love points).

1. Is an anime con.
1. Some random cosplay group said I should go. And they’re probably cute, which is good, I guess.

2. Look at the fucking site banner. They may have a Dark_Sage on staff, which would be cool. Maybe I could pawn some reviews off on him.
Art in every sense of the word.
1. Is an anime con.
Decisionation Time

If you’re going to either and wanna hang, let me know. Cons are social events and I’d rather not have to make friends with randoms to get through ’em. It’d make for a good write-up, but really, plz no.

An option that will be ignored? That’s like the essence of democracy.
At least it’s there.
“It’d make for a good write-up, but really, plz no.”
Why are you even pretending you’ll do a complete write-up?
Delta H Con looks amazing btw.
I’m going to finish my AN posts. I still remember everything, including Saturday night, even if you forgot. :(
(Sakuracon post(s) too. That con deserves a write-up more than any.)
Still waiting so I can legitimately comment on the rave.
Wow. I messed up my own email. :|
It was a solid rave. Except for when we ran into security, who were really not cool with me hanging with a 17-year-old.
What could have possibly happened? You’re a respectable gentleman!
Well these results are… lopsided. :c