Fansub Review: [Commie] Tokyo Ghoul (Episode 06)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


Post fiesta 2014 continues. Up next: a poll, or something.

Table of Contents

Release Information

Visual Quality

Script Quality



Release Information

Episode details.

Release format: MKV (377 MB, 10-bit)

Japanesiness: No honorifics.

English style: American English.

Encoding details:

Speed: Quick (<48 hours)

Translation style: Funi edit.


External links.

Group website:

IRC channel: #[email protected]



Visual Review


Opening. That little color shift before the title rolls in, and the one that happens before shit goes all rainbow… golden. Just fucking excellent stuff. Commie’s kara usually sucks, but they went all out on this one, and I’m glad they did.

Rating: Great.


Ending. The font’s really good, but it’s hard to go too far beyond the average with an ED like this.

Rating: Okay+.




[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_17.25_[2014.08.11_22.03.12] [Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_18.37_[2014.08.11_22.04.44]

[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_23.58_[2014.08.11_22.16.08] [Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_24.00_[2014.08.11_22.16.14]




[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_00.18_[2014.08.11_21.32.11] [Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_00.19_[2014.08.11_21.32.29]

Perhaps it’s just because of the nature of the episode, but goddamn were the visuals fucked up.

[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_04.29_[2014.08.11_21.43.29]

Unlike Chyuu or DDY, Commie kept the inversion censoring. But at least they had their subs match it, which is cool, I guess.




Script Review


[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_22.19_[2014.08.11_22.12.23]


[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_22.28_[2014.08.11_22.13.51] [Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_22.30_[2014.08.11_22.13.56] [Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_22.32_[2014.08.11_22.14.02]

I suppose if you don’t know what’s being said, it doesn’t matter whether the line makes sense or not.



Main Script.

[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_00.57_[2014.08.11_21.35.22]

I wasn’t expecting “kagune” to be translated. But damn, do I like the translation Commie went with.

[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_01.18_[2014.08.11_21.36.35] [Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_01.21_[2014.08.11_21.36.41]

“rekindled” would be a lot better here. Think along the lines of “flames of passion”.

[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_02.44_[2014.08.11_23.20.23]

“We can’t have this, now can we?”

Similar meanings, but one’s correct. (Mine.)

[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_03.08_[2014.08.11_21.39.09]

Goddamn do I love alliteration. Well, sometimes.

[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_03.09_[2014.08.11_22.16.34]

…tryhard lines like this aren’t so much my style, though. Come on, guys. “shitty gourmand”? Expand your diss vocabulary, stupid heads.

[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_16.30_[2014.08.11_21.58.23]

“others”? He’s talking about humans. This line makes it seem like Ghouls rejecting her would be an issue too (not saying it wouldn’t be, but that’s not the point of the scene).

[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_16.51_[2014.08.11_22.00.50] [Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_17.11_[2014.08.11_22.00.42]

No idea what logic they’re using to determine what “onii-chan” is represented as. I’d wager they don’t know either.

[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_18.28_[2014.08.11_22.04.51] [Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_18.29_[2014.08.11_22.04.55] [Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_18.31_[2014.08.11_22.05.01]

“I would be pretty amazing if I knew”

Gotta match tenses.

[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_18.48_[2014.08.11_22.06.48]

With the way Commie’s throwing commas around, it’s like they don’t even think we’re in a recession. Tasteless.

[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_19.43_[2014.08.11_22.08.07] [Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_19.56_[2014.08.11_22.08.25]

This has nothing to do with the subs, but she totes deserved what’s about to happen.

[Commie] Tokyo Ghoul - 06 [347773B5].mkv_snapshot_23.46_[2014.08.11_23.48.43]

This doesn’t make any sense at all. You can’t just use “shit” for every insult, Commie. ._.





Watchability: Watchable.

Visual grade: B

Script grade: B-

Overall grade: B-

Based on what I saw here, I’d put these subs around the same level as Chyuu/DDY’s releases. Don’t much have a recommendation for this show, since any of those three should be fine, but if you need one, go with Chyuu.

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16 thoughts on “Fansub Review: [Commie] Tokyo Ghoul (Episode 06)”

  1. >Unlike Chyuu or DDY, Commie kept the inversion censoring. But at least they had their subs match it, which is cool, I guess.

    B-But doing anything out of the ordinary with the subs is sooo wrong! Or at least that’s what it says in half of your Commie reviews…

  2. “This doesn’t make any sense at all. You can’t just use ‘shit’ for every insult, Commie. ._.”

    In this case it’s actually justified; Nishio has a character trait of referring to everything as “shit”.


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