Also Also Today on Crymore: Endless 04 continues as Syndicate leader Chihiro steps up for the final assault on Commie. Will it work? There’s only one way to find out.
Oh what’s this?! This isn’t a fansub review at all? It’s a fakesub/re-encode review?! Plot twist’d.
Okay, D_S, but is it truly a re-encode?

The English
Taking down Commie, one bullet to their own foot at a time.

Do tell, Chihiro. What necessitated this change? Cuz I’ve seen the episode four times now and never found the location of the barricade to play a role in the plot.

“girl genius” is two words, not that I expect you to be able to count that high.

The thing that worries me the most about “fixes” like this is that they indicate Chihiro’s too stupid to know how stupid they actually are.

Sound like a bad time actually.

Interesting localization, considering how you use “Youma” everywhere else in the release.

Who would introduce themselves like this? Besides Chihiro devs and redditors, that is.
The Visuals
Well, surely Chihiro will make it up on the visuals front, right?
Dark_Sage Says
Worth waiting for?: lol
A five-minute edit doesn’t really suffice when you’re working off a script that’s fundamentally broken.
Come on, Chihiro. You really thought a piss-poor effort like this would ruin Commie? Hostess hitting bankruptcy nearly ruined Commie. Stricter child pornography laws nearly ruined Commie. But something like this won’t siphon anything but bandwidth from people who don’t know any better. Try releasing something good and maybe you’ll make the difference you want to.
With the Syndicate failing at every step, all Commie needs to do is avoid licking the outlet. But will the temptation prove too much?
Tune in next time to Crymore for “Syndicate vs. Cartel, Final Episode: <Placeholder Title>”.
Nothing less from Chihiro.
Keep it up, Kristen and co, you’ll get good eventually!
Kristen in 3… 2… 1…×360.jpg
Where’s the question mark? I demand a question mark.
Here we go.
Hm, this actually is surprising. When I was considering this project, and when we turned over editors, I checked the winmerge changes to ensure there were a lot or I wouldn’t have picked it up and/or dropped it.
Though one thing I’d like to mention is about Evil/Youma. We’re having it called “Evil” when the bad guys talk about it, and “Youma” when the good guys do so.
Didn’t you notice there were very little changes?
>Though one thing I’d like to mention is about Evil/Youma. We’re having it called “Evil” when the bad guys talk about it, and “Youma” when the good guys do so.
That’s not how consistency works.
You are consistent if you do something some way consistently. Though you aren’t really one to talk about consistency after all the FFF stuff I’ve had to go through and change to make it consistent with itself.
Clearly consistency is more important than a sensible release.
So you’re consistently inconsistent? Good to know.
Reminds me of some Precure release a while back that had the good guys speak in Germanic words and the bad guys speak in Romance words.
>Who would introduce themselves like this? Besides Chihiro and redditors, that is.
Lol, maybe it’s a new interwebs fad or something? >_>;
> Who would introduce themselves like this? Besides Chihiro devs and redditors, that is.