Fansub Review: [Hatsuyuki] Sailor Moon Crystal (Episode 04)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


Today on Crymore: After Crymore fan Xythar uncovers the Syndicate’s (Chihiro, Doki, and Hatsuyuki) dastardly plan to steal Sailor Moon downloads from Commie, Hatsuyuki launches phase 1 of the Syndicate’s deadly attack. Which fansub gang will come out on top?! Stay tuned to find out!

Table of Contents

Release Information

Visual Quality

Script Quality



Release Information

Episode details.

Release format: MKV (388 MB, 10-bit), MP4 (416 MB)

Japanesiness: Honorifics. “Onii-san” used. “Youma” used.

English style: American English.

Encoding details:

Speed: Slow (>48 hours)

Translation style: Nico-Nico edit.


External links.

Group website:

IRC channel:



Visual Review




Webm link

Opening. I think Hatsuyuki made the right move by varying up the romaji piece of the karaoke while having the English translation match the hardsubbed Japanese lyrics.

Rating: Good.





Webm link

Ending. It’s really fucking blue. I mean, Hatsuyuki didn’t have many options here, but goddamn is it blue.

Rating: Okay.





If typesetting were ethics committees, Hatsuyuki’s would be the NFL’s.

Spoiler for


[Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_02.20_[2014.09.13_02.59.56] [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_02.28_[2014.09.13_03.00.11] [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_02.30_[2014.09.13_03.00.17]  [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_02.47_[2014.09.13_03.01.56] [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_02.52_[2014.09.13_03.02.12] [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_03.26_[2014.09.13_03.02.51] [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_03.32_[2014.09.13_03.03.00]

[Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_04.42_[2014.09.13_03.05.03] [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_11.06_[2014.09.13_03.21.45] [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_24.14_[2014.09.13_03.36.19] [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_24.28_[2014.09.13_03.36.37] [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_24.36_[2014.09.13_03.36.49]





They kept the stupid Toei intro in.

[Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_14.22_[2014.09.13_03.25.41] [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_15.00_[2014.09.13_03.26.28] [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_17.09_[2014.09.13_03.28.56]

The English language was not invented for this.




Script Review


[Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_01.23_[2014.09.13_14.27.12] [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_01.26_[2014.09.13_14.27.04]

the prince -> a prince

They’re pandering to their intended audience here, not trying to relay the deep and intricate back story of the Sailor Moon series.



Main Script.

[Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_02.33_[2014.09.13_03.00.23] [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_08.09_[2014.09.13_03.10.42]

Put the pocky and ramune down for a bit. You’re out of control, Hatsuyuki.

[Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_04.11_[2014.09.13_13.43.32] [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_04.14_[2014.09.13_13.43.40]

That second line hurts worse than I imagine an elementary schooler’s first time would.

“Up until Usagi-chan brought me here the other day, I had never been in an arcade either.”


Why did you change this from Nico-Nico’s “By the way, where is Usagi-chan?”

Please, Hatsuyuki.


the -> this

Unless there’s only one button on the arcade cabinet. Which there isn’t.

SMC Arcade



a source


Who the fuck addresses their queen as “Madam”?


Doki’s version makes a lot more sense: “It would be faster if we left Usagi-chan alone and searched ourselves.”


and -> or


You could pick any insult and you picked “filth”? Mistakes like this make me fear your inevitable suicide attempt will fail. Try harder, for everyone’s sake.


No. He’s introducing himself and the other generals here, not inflating his resume to get into Usagi’s pants.

[Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_21.37_[2014.09.13_18.07.56] [Hatsuyuki]_Sailor_Moon_Crystal_-_04_[1280x720][10bit][EE4E8522].mkv_snapshot_21.39_[2014.09.13_18.08.02]

It feels just like the feeling of lazy, ineffective writing.


A storm. Unless, of course, she’s referring to a very specific storm. In which case, I welcome you to inform us all as to just what exactly it is she’s intentionally foreshadowing.




The timing in this release is broken. Have some webms for examples (calm down, poor people with bad internet, it’s like 1 MB total; one PNG takes up more bandwidth than these).





Bad English is one thing, but when even illiterates can tell you fucked up, you probably need to change something on your end.





Dark_Sage Says

Watchability: Watchable.

Visual grade: D+

Script grade: D+

Overall grade: D+

I dare say this assault on the Cartel was a failed one. But can Commie withstand the efforts of Doki and Chihiro? It may be too late for our intrepid anti-heroes after all.

Tune in next time to Crymore for “Syndicate vs. Cartel, Episode II: The Dokining of Sailor Moon”.

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9 thoughts on “Fansub Review: [Hatsuyuki] Sailor Moon Crystal (Episode 04)”

  1. >Who the fuck addresses their queen as “Madam”?

    Maybe some aliens from Pluto?

    >You could pick any insult and you picked “filth”?

    That’s what I was thinking, too. At least they could’ve gone with something like “douche”, “wanker”, “lunkhead”, “paramecium”, and etc. ;) LOL


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