It’s Halloween, and you know what that means. Time for another episode of Spookymore 2014, with everyone’s favorite host: me, Spooky_Sage.
We have a night of frights and delights ahead of us, with events ranging from Spooky Subtitles to… uhh… actually, that’s about it.

Menu of Mayhem
- [Sentai] Shigofumi
- [Funimation] Shiki
- ~Mystery Anime (Not pictured.)
- One night’s supply of whisky

Fair warning, those of you on heart meds, you might wanna sit this night out.
Spoiler for
Man that doujin is so good
wow so kowai
>ERROR: Your comment was too short. Please try to say something useful.
ayy lmao
Dammit, I knew the new spam plugin was too useful to be true. Wonder how many other comments it’s blocked since last night.
Welp, back to the old one.
Ah, it was worth a shot. But I’d rather waste time going through the spam log manually than have the plugin running logic I can’t manipulate.
The new spam filter is shit, D_S. I wanted to complement you by posting “Good on ya”, but it didn’t let me.
Enjoy receiving objectively less compliments.
I removed it right after Dium posted his comment. I only put it up because last night I had to wade through 5,000 spam comments to save only one legitimate comment, and I thought a filter would save me some time going forward.
However, I didn’t realize it was preventing normal comments from being posted, so I deleted it.
Good on ya.
how to green
BBCode. {color=INSERT_COLOR_HERE}{/color}
Obviously, exchange the curly braces with brackets.
That’s a lot of (shitty) whiskey for one night. Careful, now~
I think they’re pretty good mid-tier brands. You got better recs?
Jimmy is bottom-feeder-tier. Jackie is only marginally better.
Decent entry-tier whisky starts with Glenfiddich or something. It depends on what your personal taste is like, but it should go without saying that bourbon is largely undrinkable.
When I say mid-tier, I mean $20-35 a bottle. As for my brand choice… well, it’s fine to be a whisky snob, but I don’t sip these.
Jim Beam regular is pretty awful, sure. But Black is definitely a good choice. For Maker’s, I like it better than the Maker’s 46. Jack Daniels… well, this isn’t the Jack Daniels you’re used to (it’s cider-flavored), but it’s hard to be an American and hate on Jack. Rebel Reserve you’ve never even heard of, nor will you likely ever try, but it’s pretty solid stuff.
Oh, and I mix it all with Coke anyway, unless I’m doing shots at cons. Get mad.
Wow. Coke. Okay.
Anyway, yeah. Black is decent.
Thing is, with coke and what-have-you, a lot of things are drinkable. The same goes for rum; normally the 3-year Havana Club is borderline yucky, but with a lemon and coke it’s perfectly okay.
Shit should really be judged on its own merits.
Well yes, but I’m not gonna drink gut rot, cuz it gives you a headache in the morning. The kind of brands you see here are above that, and taste pretty good mixed. It’s not like you can’t taste the whiskey in the coke.
I get that whiskey snobs will be pissed at me, but it can’t be helped.
Don’t listen to them Sagey, Maker’s Mark is some of the best tasting whiskey out there. Best on the rocks with a broken heart.
fnord’s a German. I doubt he’s even had whiskey once in his life.
Though, I have to admit that I know more about beer than I do about whisky.
Not really a huge fan of scotch, but I imagine I could enjoy those well enough. What are American whiskies priced like over in Germany, anyway?
Jimmy Black is about 20€ in a supermarket.
That’s some pretty handwriting ol’ chap~
Huh. Better than expected. Cheaper here, but that’s not a bad price at all.
\o/ Been looking forward to this all month!
Well, to be fair, I only recognize the Jim Bean and Jack Daniel’s, and I don’t drink much bourbon, but I’m a fan of Tullamore Dew and Crown Royal. Evan Williams Single Barrel is also pretty tasty if you can find it, but it’s slightly pricier.
EDIT: Was meant to be a reply to D_S above, oops.
>not changing your name to Spooky_Sage
You deserve everything that will happen to you tonight.
You actually did it… lol
That little dragon slut is as kawaii as she is kowai.