If you post anywhere on Crymore between now and whenever I decide this Christmas special ends, you’re gonna be entered into a raffle for shit I don’t want.
The prizes:
Option 1 – Amiibo v.1
- ONE (1) of the following Amiibos
- Marth
- Wii Fit Trainer
- Villager
- Princess Peaches
- Mario
- Luigi
- Samus
- Pikachu
The Amiibos are all the American edition, new in box. Some of them sell for quite a lot.

Option 2 – Amiibo v.Sloppy Seconds
Second pick of the Amiibos. So if someone picks the Peaches, you can have your choice of the remainder.
Option 3 – Some shitty Ubisoft game
- A PC download of ONE (uno) of the following shitty Ubisoft games
- Far Cry 4
- The Crew
- Assassin’s Creed Unity

Option 4 – Sengoku Basara 4
- Used, Japanese region
I overestimated how fun the game would be if I couldn’t understand what the fuck the characters were saying.
Option 5 – Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero
- New, BD version
I accidentally bought a second copy of this, and returning things is a hassle.
Option X – A blowjob
- A coupon for one free Dark_Sage blowjob
- Note that you will have to provide said blowjob
- This coupon will be distributed to everyone as a courtesy
The rules:
- You’re disqualified if I don’t like you
- If you win something, I need your address anyway, so this is for the best
- I need some way of contacting you, so post with a valid fucking email address
- Even if you’re in some shithole (aka anywhere that’s not America), you qualify
The process:
I’ll use Excel and a random number generator or something. Whoever gets pulled first will have first pick of the prizes. Second gets second pick, and so on. I haven’t exactly thought this out very far.
Note that first pick is limited to people who have posted on Crymore before, just in case some redditards get wind of this giveaway.
Post end:

DAT EzioRino <3
and don’t include me in the raffle, I don’t want any of that shit (not that I will win anyway)
worth a shot, can’t remember what name I posted as before.
Records say Rec.
(For anyone else who can’t remember, I’ll check name, email, and IP. So if you had a fake email/random name before, but your IP’s the same, you’re good to go. If not, RIP you.)
How do I enter?
Not using a fake email would be a good start.
That… is a fake email, right? ;_;
I am fake, totally.
It’s my school email! Don’t reveal it please.
Will you cover travel/lodging for option X?
I suppose I could drive over if you’re on the way to Arby’s. If you really need 30 seconds of lodging, the door’s open.
Well, this seems fun.
>offering Marth/Villager Amiibos
You have just made a horrible, horrible mistake. Once amiibofags get word of this, expect a flood of comments (despite the rules).
RIP this raffle.
Don’t worry, Nintendo fans are illiterate. I think we’ll be safe.
I was under the impression that Nintendo’s stoic refusal to implement any form of 21st century Internet connectivity into their devices was due to the technological incomprehension of said fans.
oh boy
How about the choice of one review for Winter 2015. Could make for some fun decisions. Pretty please?
And the first winner of the raffle is QQwerty. Lemme know in the Review Queue when you decide on what you wanna see.
D_S-senpai gave me a Christmas present! I’m so overwhelmed uguu~
If only it was not all sequels…
gimme your shit
>No Link amiibooooit’ssoshortbutIalwaysforgethowtospellit oh right it’s amiiboo or something
My main knows no love ;__;
I don’t even know if that was even released in wave 1
Well, I do have a Link amiibo, but I wanna use him to unlock the spinny weapon in Hyrule Warriors, so I’m not giving him up. :<
Fair enough.
Rolling for dat blowjob ;-)
I love you.
Will you at least treat me to dinner before i suck your dick?
I suppose I can add you to the Arby’s run. Don’t blame you for needing a palate cleanser for it; horsey sauce tends to stay past its welcome.
I’ll be fine, I happen to be an Arby’s veteran.
I’ll take Far Cry 4. Thxs
Well this is a good as reason as any to finally post.
Came for the subs, stayed for the free stuff
Hurray! Merry Christmas!
All right, I’m passing out for a bit. For anyone who hasn’t commented before, all new commenters’ comments need to get approved manually, so don’t freak out if yours doesn’t pop up immediately.
i hope my computer doesnt blow up running unity
Better use ya my real email for this one! Pls blowjob
I’m in~
Count me in.
A raffle? Awesome!
Sounds like fun :)
Entering fully aware of the high shipping cost to Europe.
Got a second mortgage for this very reason.
Can I just get bragging rights for winning something I don’t need?
not a fake :O
I’m in.
Entering just because you wrote Concluxzíoñ wrong.
Most people who enter raffles are like “I never win these things. I’m long overdue.”
But…i’m not going to lie when I say I have amazing luck with these things.
Let’s see if my luck continues.
Worth a shot!
Shitty prizes, except blowjob.
Well, I’m open to suggestions for future such events, as long as it doesn’t break the bank. I’m not gonna blow $100+ on something that only ends up benefiting one person, for example.
Seems appropriate to me.
Dear Dark_Santa,
I wish for a shitty Ubisoft game that is not The Crew or for the Rogue Hero BDs so that my shelf can finally collapse.
I’ll even bribe you with some milk and cookies – though they may be rotten and/or burnt.
Your very naughty kayserlein
hello sagey
gibe the crew pls
I hope my IP hasn’t changed
Looks like D_S bought an NVIDIA card recently (as did I). Shitty choice of games, especially considering they require uPlay installed. :/ Not sure if or when I’ll ever install FC4 because of that.
Posting for everything else tho~
I actually quite enjoy The Crew.
:/ To each their own. I’m just disgusted at the fact Ubisoft is forcing uPlay down peoples’ throats.
Aside from the fact that it kinda dies anytime a game comes out and it has a tendency to lose save files, I don’t mind it. I’ve never encountered either of those two issues personally and they streamlined the launching process so if you’re running a game from Steam (and Uplay doesn’t happen to need an update) it’ll take five seconds to start up and then load your game without any further input. I don’t see myself ever buying games directly on the Uplay store, but I wouldn’t avoid owning something just because it requires Uplay either. These days it manages not to suck too much most of the time.
Hagure Yuusha no Asthetica was so fucking bad.
It had peeing girls so it wasn’t quite that bad.
Such a giving Sage. Feeding the hungry thru blowjobs.
pls Far Cry 4.
btw how do I cash in my courtesy blowjob coupon?
Well, let’s see.
But I already hereby waive the blowjob one.
I mean, it’s not actually an *option*…
At least you only said we’ll have to provide it and not that we ourselves actually have to do it.
So, looking from that point of view, it may not be so bad. I mean, my neighbor have a very noisy pit bull that I’m not much fond of, so I guess that if I win, I could, erhm, let’s say, arrange a meeting between you two. *evil grin*
Of course that it could be more of a bitejob than a blowjob and that in the end you could end up not being a man anymore, but that’s all part of the game, huh?
I’d like option 3.
Merry Xmas, Dark_Sage (tho it’s little late) and happy New Year(in advance)! I’m looking forward to your reviews for the winter(2015) season, because the reviews for fall (2014) weren’t enough. I wanted to learn more about proper english and how to use it from here. The previous seasons I had fun reading all the fights, but that wasn’t the case for the fall. Looking forward to that, too!
I’ll join in the fun. I deserve something because I met Dark Sage in the flesh twice in my whole life! He is so handsome to the point where he looks like your typical IT guy from IBM.
Heck, I still have that picture of me and him on my phone!
WARNING! If I don’t win something, I shall release that pic on the internet and spam it on 4chan! :P
Yeah, you’re disq’d.
What no! Don’t disqualify me! I thought we were FRIENDS?? ;_;
Take back the IBM comment. #feelingshurt
It’s pretty rude to make D_S feeling shurt
I’ll take that Unity from you D_S, so you won’t be tempted to install that shit.
My mail is valid, yes?
Should be.
Comment is posted,
hope standing on a high box,
waiting for the boot.
If I win can I get an autographed copy of that Marth drawing
While I’m not the artist, the answer is yes.
Glad you are doing something for Crymore Christmas after all
Super kawaii raffle dark_sage-chan
Rolling for aesthetica cause terrible shows are hilarious.
Should totally give something to Kristen too, poor guy, it has been a rough year.
Just give me Estetica. You gave Koku and I so much free shit at CryCon. WHY NOT THIS TOO?
More like Estitica, amirite?
…I’m right.
>You gave I
It’s an internet comment. Relax.
Don’t want any of this shit, but can’t resist a raffle
is option x real?
haven’t had any luck with the raffles i’ve done for blowjobs
A whole 30%? I’d say the odds are relatively well in your favor.
I think I’ve posted here one time. Does that count?
Sure does.
Woo! Option 1 for me… (scalping amiibo is mean, but I’d still do it.)
Looks like it was the right idea to check up on this place once in a while. I’ll enter for the amiibos! Although I can’t use them yet, I’m just going to think of it as a future investment~
Will you sign stuff?
With bodily fluids, yes.
So I’ve been posting for a while here now, but I’ve always been too lazy to use a real email address. Will that be a problem as far as verification?
Your IP’s static so whatever else you post with here will be tied to your Anon “account”.
Well alright then, consider me entered. An Amiibo or the Crew sounds pretty sweet.
Gimme stuffz
Take me off the list
Posting for that Marth amiibo.
(Does the blowjob coupon also include airfare to the US?)
Fuck I have to use one of my real e-mails now.
>all these other Anons
All right, raffle close is when I post my collection. So ETA a few hours.
Don’t wanna jinx it, but this has gone pretty well so far. \o/
Raffle end. Shit, that went really well.
All right, I’ll do the drawings tomorrow. I’ll try and find some way to livestream it so those of y’all concerned about Sagey shenanigans can rest easy.
Good luck, desu.
78 qualifying entries, I’ll start the drawing at 11 PM US Eastern Time and have a link to the stream shortly before then.
You don’t need to attend the stream to win; I’ll be sending notices out via email. This is just if you wanna audit the drawing (which I think is fair) or watch me fail at RNG.
And over with. I hate Twitch.
First pick: Qrius
Second pick: begna112
Third pick: DiGGzBoT
Fourth pick: animegio
Gomenz @ you pick: somewhatAnonymous
78 entries, five winners, so most of you were fated to lose anyway. Blame the gods, not my cheap contest. (I’d give you all prizes, but I don’t have the fansub donation money to blow like some others do.)
The raffle was pretty much intended as a test run, and I think the concept worked. So… expect a notably better raffle (quality and quantity of prizes) next time. Emails shalt go out soon. If winrars don’t reply within, I dunno, 24 hours, I’ll redraw for that pick, but you should probably resign yourself to your fate.
Chance at free stuff? Why not.
gimme free stuffz :P.
Damn, too late.