If there’s any TL Party to attend this season, this one will be it. Anonymous subs for scale.
Translation Party House Rules:
Yurikuma Arashi – Episode 01
Comparisons: 7 or 15
{\i1} indicates the start of italics
{\i0} indicates the close of italics
If you want more context around some of the puns/translations used in the releases, ask in the comments section below, or wait for my reviews of the releases. I try to avoid “pushing” people toward one release or another in these parties, and lengthy explanations would likely do that.
Essential 1.
Back story/motives.
Anonymous :: We have always hated you.
And because it has always been like this
I’ve ever wanted become friends with you …
and pass this wall.
Asenshi :: From the very beginning, we loathed you,
and from the very beginning, we loved you.
That’s why we wanted to become true friends.
To cross that barrier…
HorribleSubs :: We hated you from the beginning–and loved you from the beginning, too.
And so we wanted to become true friends with you. To cross the wall…
Watashi :: We have always detested you.
And we have always loved you.
It drove us to reach out in friendship.
Species Divide be damned.
to bear the burden and watch it without subs :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 2.
Back story.
Anonymous :: Kun Gao!
One day far away in space exploded the astroid Kumaria.
When Kumaria in form of a shooting stars fell down on Earth in pieces,
all bears stand up at once.
They started attacking the humans.
Completely out of nowhere!
Asenshi :: Growl!
One day, an asteroid in the far reaches of the universe called Kumaria went kaboom.
A bunch’a the little bits fell to Earth as a meteor shower.
Then all of a sudden, every bear on the planet rose to its feet!
We all came together and started attacking humans.
Like, I was totally shocked!
HorribleSubs :: Growl, growl!
One day, at the far reaches of space, the minor planet Kumalia exploded!
The fragments of Kumalia became a meteor swarm that rained down on Earth…
Which made the world’s bears rise up as one!
They all started attacking humans! Like, who could’ve seen that coming, right?
Watashi :: Rowr! Rowr!
Long ago an asteroid from a corner of the galaxy, Ursaria, suddenly exploded!
Now in pieces, the remains of Ursaria fell to Earth in a meteor shower.
This caused the Ursa of Earth to all…
…start attacking people!
Like, oh em gee, right?
to bear the burden and watch it without subs :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 3.
Teacher-sensei warns the class that the bear alarm was tripped earlier.
Anonymous :: Also, you all should know already,
that this morning …
a bear appeared on the way to this school.
Till this day no bear has passed the wall,
to enter the human world.
Watch yourself even if we aren’t in alarm anymore.
Asenshi :: And ladies, I do not believe that this bears repeating,
but a dreadful bear sighting occurred this morning on the road outside the academy.
A bear crossing the Severance Barrier and invading the human world is something that must be taken very seriously.
The alarm may have ceased, but be certain to keep your guard up.
HorribleSubs :: Now, as I’m sure you all know,
bears unfortunately appeared on the roads near our school this morning.
It ought to be unthinkable for bears to cross the Wall of Severance
and enter the human world.
The warning has been lifted, but you mustn’t be careless.
Watashi :: And one more announcement:
As I’m sure you’re all aware, we had the misfortune of an Ursa outbreak this morning on the main road.
>>No way!
This Ursa overcame the Species Divide and is attempting to infiltrate our order.
This cannot come to pass.
The Alert has been lifted, but I urge you to remain vigilant.
to bear the burden and watch it without subs :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 4.
This part is probably important. Probably.
Anonymous :: The storm … has catched up on us.
So it begins.
Something you love, will get destroyed as a warning.
The „Invisible Storm“ will take everything.
Till he gets us and vanishes …
Asenshi :: A storm has fallen upon us.
This was just a warning that everything we hold dear will be destroyed, one by one.
The Invisible Storm will engulf everything.
It will erode us until we are no more.
HorribleSubs :: The storm chased me down.
It’s only the beginning. A warning that it’ll start with what’s most precious.
The Invisible Storm will destroy everything, until we’re worn away into nothing.
Watashi :: The wuthering has come.
This is a sign, telling us that which we most hold dear will be destroyed first.
The phantom wuthering will ruin it all.
The winds will howl and tear us apart, piece by piece.
to bear the burden and watch it without subs :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 5.
Anonymous :: How nice would it be, to eat the little Yuri~
I want to eat this one, not sure about this one~
I want to eat this one, not sure about this one~
Alright, lets go, time to enforce judgment~
Asenshi :: The first lily I ate filled me up with happiness.
I want to eat that girl, but maybe she’s not for me.
I want to eat this girl, but maybe she’s not for me.
Let the judgement fall down all upon our heads!
HorribleSubs :: ♪ I am so happy, I got to eat a lily! ♪
♪ I want to eat that girl! Who do you mean by “that girl”? ♪
♪ I want to eat this girl! Who do you mean by “this girl”? ♪
♪ Let’s go on trial! Yeah, let’s go! ♪
Watashi :: Red rover, red rover, send my sweet Homo over.
Red rover, red rover, send my sweet meal over.
Red rover, red rover, send my sweet Savourodeur over.
Red rover, red rover, send my sweet defendant over.
to bear the burden and watch it without subs :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 6.
The two girl bears are put on trial for attempting to eat a human.
Anonymous :: Mr. Chairman!
The humans and bears are getting seperated through the insurmountable Wall named „Extinction“.
The accused have passed this wall and entered the human world.
Without question. They are greedy.
And so … guilty!
Asenshi :: Your Honor, there exists an insurmountable barrier of severance between man and bear.
The defendants have crossed it and invaded the world of man.
This is clearly an act of overeating.
I declare them guilty!
HorribleSubs :: Your Honor!
Humans and bears have a wall called Extinction between them that is not to be crossed.
The defendants have crossed it and infiltrated the human world.
This is blatant overeating. They are guilty!
Watashi :: Your Honor!
You must be aware of the forbidden divide we call “species” between Homo and Ursa.
The defendursants crossed this and positioned themselves inside the Homo class.
This is clear gluttony.
A sin.
They are guilty!
to bear the burden and watch it without subs :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 7.
And now it’s no longer an “attempt”.
Anonymous :: Kuma! Human meat is very tasty!
>It’s a sin but i still eat it, Gao!
>Be will get those who destroy what we love.
>>Bears who eat a human!
Asenshi :: Grind… scrape… grind… scrape…
Human girls are just irresistibly delicious.
>I’d eat them even if it {\i1}was{\i0} a crime.
>I won’t forgive those who destroy love.
>>Bears are eating a person!
HorribleSubs :: Munch, munch, munch…
Growl! Human girls really do taste good!
>I’ll eat them. I don’t care if it’s a crime, growl.
>I won’t let anyone wreck my love.
>>Bears are… eating someone!
Watashi :: Rowr!
Human girls are as delicious as I imagined!
>I don’t care if it’s a sin. I will eat!
>Rowr! Rowr!
>Those who would destroy love must be punished.
>>The Ursa are eating someone!
to bear the burden and watch it without subs :: N/A. They all suck.
Decision Point:
- God, yes! Hit me with even more words! (Your dad used a dictionary too? Click on the spoiler tag for more.)
- Going on would be a worse decision than ending apartheid. (That’s debatable, but head down to the results before we start one.)

Which group had which line (unformatted, lazy-mode Sage):
Overall scores…
Anonymous: 0 times
Asenshi: 10 times
HorribleSubs: 5 times
Watashi: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is Asenshi
This is gonna be my first time with Asenshi… Hope all goes well!
Now if only 8thsin weighed in with an opinion on the TL accuraccy of Asenshi vs HS/Funi…
Overall scores…
Anonymous: 0 times
Asenshi: 8 times
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Watashi: 5 times
Looks like your best bet is Asenshi
I haven’t watched the show yet, so it seems I’ll go with Asenshi for now.
Those lines from Anonymous sure were something…
Overall scores…
Anonymous: 0 times
Asenshi: 10 times
HorribleSubs: 8 times
Watashi: 2 times
Looks like your best bet is Asenshi
Watched with Ashensi… I think, I forget.
Watashi still as trash as I remember, they had a couple good lines but the use of “homo” was like, just no and Ashensi felt like the only one who had consistency as far as the naming of the wall went, they also nailed characterization, they did have a couple problems like using “we” when talking about the meteor, thinking a bit more about it it’s ok but I guess I’d still prefer “they”, there was another line with this problem but I don’t feel like checking and I forget.
Either way, Ashensi is a solid edit but I’ll go with HS if they end up being slow.
Overall scores…
Anonymous: 0 times
Asenshi: 12 times
HorribleSubs: 3 times
Watashi: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is Asenshi
yea, the result is pretty bearcisive.
Although HS is okay too, Asenshis phrasing has a better growl, except for some lines (like, how could they mistranslate Ichi-Maru-San?). I couldn’t bear that Ursa and Homo stuff from Watashi. And Anonymous… I hope that was supposed to be a beartempt at JokeSubbing.
>And ladies, I do not believe that this bears repeating
If I wanted horrible puns on every sentence of spoken dialogue I would learn Japanese.
I don’t even care if this shit is accurate or not.
Overall scores…
Anonymous: 0 times
Asenshi: 12 times
HorribleSubs: 5 times
Watashi: 11 times
Looks like your best bet is Asenshi
Watched Asenshi for the first episode.
Watashi was also pretty good but had some weird lines. I’ll check them out for the next episode.
Overall scores…
Anonymous: 0 times
Asenshi: 6 times
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Watashi: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is Asenshi
And yes, the song TL’s were all retarded…
Anonymous: 0 times
Asenshi: 3 times
HorribleSubs: 3 times
Watashi: 0 times
N/A: 2 times
It’s a tie between Asenshi and HorribleSubs
Essential + Expanded:
Overall scores…
Anonymous: 0 times
Asenshi: 4 times
HorribleSubs: 10 times
Watashi: 0 times
N/A: 2 times
Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs
Watched raw, then Asenshi, then Funi. Haven’t gotten around to Watashi’s yet, but the party covered the points I was going to focus on anyway.
Funi’s script could probably use a good edit, but it’s definitely the most accurate translation of the bunch. And while, as a translator, I can sort of appreciate what Watashi tried to do, it seems to have resulted in a rather tone deaf script.
Overall scores…
Anonymous: 0 times
Asenshi: 0 times
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Watashi: 7 times
Looks like your best bet is Watashi
Overall scores…
Anonymous: 0 times
Asenshi: 0 times
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Watashi: 4 times
Looks like your best bet is Watashi
Didn’t like Watashi’s use of Homo, but they had a lot of better lines. I’ll prob just go with the fastest release on this terrible show.
Anonymous: 0 times
Asenshi: 10 times
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Watashi: 8 times
Looks like your best bet is Asenshi
Watched with Asenshi, was aware of how Watashi handled their terminology, both seem like solid scripts to me, even if slightly less accurate than Funi.
Overall scores…
Anonymous: 7 times
Asenshi: 0 times
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Watashi: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is Anonymous
Thanks god!
Overall scores…
Anonymous: 0 times
Asenshi: 10 times
HorribleSubs: 8 times
Watashi: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is Asenshi
Didn’t expect such stacked results. Looks like Funi is actually doing an OK job, but I’ll probably be going with Asenshi unless they have delays.
Anonymous: 0 times
Asenshi: 11 times
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Watashi: 2 times
Looks like your best bet is Asenshi
Downloaded Asenshi anyway. Took a look at Watashi after they released theirs, but I fucking hated a lot of decisions their TL/editor went with (Ursa, homo, and a few others). Asenshi’s release would be perfect if they had lyger’s kfx instead of Watashi.
Overall scores…
Anonymous: 0 times
Asenshi: 4 times
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Watashi: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is Asenshi
I exercised my right to not choose at all during the fuking song…
PS: Since only one group went the “ursa” route it made it a bit easier.
Overall scores…
Anonymous: 0 times
Asenshi: 1 time
HorribleSubs: 3 times
Watashi: 2 times
Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs
Chose Watashi for the song.
10/10 looks like I’m switching to watashi.