Fansub Review: [Commie] The Rolling Girls (Episode 02)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


If you can’t compete, don’t play.

Table of Contents

Release Information

Visual Quality

Script Quality



Release Information

Episode details.

Release format: 720p MKV (613 MB, 10-bit)

Japanesiness: No honorifics. “Ma-chan” as… “Masami”?

English style: American English.

Encoding details:

Speed: Quick (<48 hours)

Translation style: Funimation edit.


External links.

Group website:

IRC channel: #[email protected]



Visual Review



[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_00.33_[2015.01.23_22.53.53] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_00.45_[2015.01.23_22.54.11]

Webm link

Rating: Okay+. The font fits the multi-colored sections better than you’d think, but it doesn’t quite make sense outside of them.




[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_10.26_[2015.01.23_23.51.47] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_11.33_[2015.01.24_00.02.55]

Rating: Pass.




[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_22.08_[2015.01.24_00.22.19] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_22.53_[2015.01.24_00.23.25]

Rating: Okay+. Unlike Cthune’s awful… whatever the fuck they were going for, this keeps it simple and enjoyable.




Better typesetting than Cthune, at least.

Spoiler for

[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_01.37_[2015.01.23_23.01.07] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_13.00_[2015.01.24_00.07.14] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_13.00_[2015.01.24_00.07.32] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_16.52_[2015.01.24_00.11.32] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_16.53_[2015.01.24_00.11.37] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_19.25_[2015.01.24_00.18.36] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_19.36_[2015.01.24_00.19.03] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_19.55_[2015.01.24_00.19.53] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_19.58_[2015.01.24_00.20.01] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_23.05_[2015.01.24_00.23.50] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_23.10_[2015.01.24_00.24.05] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_24.26_[2015.01.24_00.25.51]




Commie’s encode is slightly better than Cthune’s (noticing a pattern here?), but compared to Funimation’s… it’s a fucking embarrassment.

[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_09.27_[2015.01.23_23.32.54]
If I were the encoder, I would kill myself.
And it only gets worse as the show goes on.

[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_10.27_[2015.01.23_23.53.23]
So this is what herkz means when he says “more blur”.
Here’s another screen comparison, since I’m sure you enjoyed the first one:

And I'll leave you with one last screenshot, cuz I know you're about that schadenfreude life.
And I’ll leave you with one last screenshot, cuz I know you’re about that schadenfreude life.

Let the excuses roll in.




Script Review


[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_21.57_[2015.01.24_15.44.39] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_22.01_[2015.01.24_15.45.00] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_22.08_[2015.01.24_00.22.19]

The ED is complete nonsense. Has your regular song mule just stopped giving a fuck?



Main Script.

[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_01.53_[2015.01.23_23.01.48]

It takes a special kind of someone to repeat the wrong words here.

[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_03.08_[2015.01.23_23.05.41] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_03.10_[2015.01.23_23.05.47] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_04.48_[2015.01.23_23.20.46] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_06.05_[2015.01.23_23.22.35]

It always astounds me how Commie can ruin any script with poorly implemented, tryhard editing. If it was funny, I could look past it, but every line delivers more cringe than a Neogaf thread.

Achievement unlocked.

Look, I understand this appeals to the redditing, middle-school audience, but most of you guys are way past the age where you’d be allowed around them without an escort. Surely you have to realize how pathetic this is.

[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_04.38_[2015.01.24_14.23.57] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_04.40_[2015.01.24_14.24.04] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_04.42_[2015.01.24_14.51.07] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_04.43_[2015.01.24_14.51.13]

Worse than adding in unfunny jokes, Commie went out of their way to make the jokes already present in the episode fall flat.

Don’t use “confirmed” here. Use “deduced” or whatever word you need to sufficiently dumb it down for your viewers.

[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_07.27_[2015.01.23_23.28.18] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_07.30_[2015.01.23_23.28.28]

If you don’t know how spoken English works, you should not be editing.

[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_08.06_[2015.01.23_23.29.53] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_08.08_[2015.01.23_23.30.00]

There are like 50 people in Commie. Isn’t there a single actual editor on staff?

[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_15.11_[2015.01.24_15.14.09]

If up until now you doubted that this release was edited by an ESL, this should clue you in right quick.

[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_17.28_[2015.01.24_00.12.42] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_17.35_[2015.01.24_00.12.22]

Vivid v3 Cthune:

>Shigyou, there’s still a chance for you!
>Are you nuts?! You can’t just flush a decade down the drain!

For the better translation.

[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_19.33_[2015.01.24_00.18.50]

Dark_Sage suggests suicide.

[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_19.49_[2015.01.24_00.19.19] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_19.50_[2015.01.24_00.19.40] [Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_19.51_[2015.01.24_00.19.47]

We shouldn’t have to read around your dialogue, Commie.

[Commie] The Rolling Girls - 02 [B3D474B2].mkv_snapshot_23.22_[2015.01.24_00.24.33]

The first acceptable line in this release. And according to the script notes, it wasn’t even written by the editor. Astounding.





Watchability: Unwatchable.

Visual grade: F

Script grade: Who cares? It’s memesubs for a lego’d release.

Overall grade: F. Again, watch the Funimation/HorribleSubs release.

Sorry, Commie. I know you’re gonna cry about this on Twitter (because you’ve always been afraid of saying shit to my internet face for some reason), but you are not entitled to my praise, and I am not obligated to be your mouthpiece.

This release fucking sucks, and you should have never wasted internet space on it. Kill your families and yourselves in turn. I would have included your friends in that list, but we all know why I didn’t. <3

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99 thoughts on “Fansub Review: [Commie] The Rolling Girls (Episode 02)”

  1. “Ai Hibikeep it real”
    This saves the release, almost, not really, ah, if only Commie wasn’t so bad at everything else maybe watching their releases would be worth it.

  2. >Funimation/Crunchyroll release.
    Too many seasons of CR simulcasting most of the shows have has (or have?) conditioned you to keep typing Crunchyroll whenever you talk about the simulcast.

    EDIT: Dammit, you fixed the mistake while I was posting this.

    • Funi subbing everything this season may be a net positive in terms of competition, but goddamn is it doing a number on my head.

    • This is him basically saying “that’s fucking stupid… but I can’t talk shit about my friends so I’ll accept it and try to defend it”, or at least I hope, I’m a man of faith.

      • “that’s fucking stupid… but I can’t talk shit about my friends” is the whole reason behind Vivid anyway
        I hate how arrogant he is but Xythar is one of the few good editors that are still subbing, except when he’s subbing for commie that is.

      • Because… I don’t know. I guess he’d normally post his thoughts here if he’s not banned?

        Though I find it interesting that some people here are interpreting his response as “it’s fucking stupid but I can’t talk shit about my friends.”

        • I unbanned him like a month ago, when I remembered I still had him on the list. Out of sight, out of mind and all that jazz.

          But yes, people here tend to think the best of others. ‘s why I love y’all so much. <3

  3. Funi’s Nourin kinda scared me off from any of their shows. Have they started to put out decent scripts?

    (When can we expect the Funi review?)

  4. Have you never seen a Japanese tv broadcast or do you think its possible to magically fix blocking caused by inadequate bitrate mpeg2 broadcasts with 1337 encoding skills

  5. Reading this review… well… I don’t want to bash other fansubs here but this is one of the reasons I created my “Senketsu Subs.

    Detail: I don’t consider my Senketsu Subs a real fansub, just a hardsub ripper, in fact I like to say I belong to another “class” in this fansubbing scene.

    I was really tired of see these “fakesubberies” like these CR/Funi edits not counting bad translations and other annoyances.

    Yeah, I know Funi has zero typesetting, no karaoke but I prefer “official” subs. It’s better. At least I know they were translated by hired professionals.

    Note: I don’t know Japanese.

    People only bash Funi’s subtitles because they are hardsubs. But this has no importance for me as I can rip them easily now. :-)

    And by the way. I know who is who in this fansubbing scene, well, since 2011 I know fansubs names, people, etc. You only meet me last year.

    Whatever… See ya! ;-)

  6. Just wondering, did you get the same ESL feeling when you were reviewing Commie’s Ixion Saga DT and Hataraku Maou-sama? They were also edited by corti.

  7. D_S, you can’t really blame them for any of this stuff. The TV source is really to blame for the video.
    And the editing, how can you expect them to have the time to make a good edit when they have to spend so many hours browsing every website on the internet to find comments to post on their twitter?

    • Yeah, and how can anyone expect anything Kristen does to be good when he spends so much time posting passive-aggressive messages on every website on the Internet?

    • They released something that’s unwatchable, so I took them to task for it. What exactly do you expect me to do instead, sit here cheering and handing out gold stars?

  8. >Oh yeah, Rolling Girls will be delayed a day since we’re switching channels to BS11

    Well then, at least they’re trying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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