This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.
In a time where fansubs are struggling to prove their relevance to viewers, releases like these aren’t exactly helping. Remember to donate to these groups though; it takes a lot of money to do nothing!
Oh rest your madfaces, fansubros. Have an AMV; I still love ya!
Poorly edited official scripts are never the result of clever editors upending the linguistic patriarchy. Rather, unedited scripts have only ever come from incompetent idiots so useless they couldn’t even function as fertilizer properly. (Prove me wrong on that one, please.)
Don’t much see the value in promoting them via reviews, so I’m gonna promote them via a disqualification post. You’re welcome, trash-tier groups. <3
[nekoworks] Etotama
Spoiler for
Etotama 01 brought to you by neko☆works. This is an edit from Crunchyroll’s script timed to a 10-bit encode, seasoned with a good typesetting.
nekoworks isn’t lying about the typesetting; shit’s good.
The editing though? Eh…
Across the entire script, I count about 9 edits. Here are a couple:
Original: ‘Cause that “um” noise sounds like “Eto!”
It’s a pun in Japanese as you’ve probably already inferred — “eto” generally translates to “um”. While CR’s line doesn’t exactly get that across nicely, nekoworks butchers the joke.
Original: I don’t have that, either.What the fuck?
Oh, and the typesetting has mistakes too.
Considering all the signs are translated in the Crunchyroll version anyway…
…I’m not seeing any reason to bother with the nekoworks release.
[Flax] Gintama S3
Spoiler for
Original: It’s an ancient clock from the age of the gods that has controlled time
In one of his few edits, Torn managed to miss the entire point of the episode. The clock is the one that controls time, and it’s from the age of the gods. It’s not a random-ass clock that just happens to be from a time when the gods controlled time.
This shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s familiar with Torn’s English skills, or lack thereof.
Not much else to talk about here, and only old people watch Gintama, so let’s move on.
[Chyuu] Triage X
Spoiler for
Some conspicuous typesetting from the Chyuu team:
And some less so:
Also some edits…
Original: Sometimes, I don’t know how much of the real me is left in here.Chyuu going for the me me route.
Original: Oriori and you guys are a team, aren’t we?While the original script gets across that Oriori is talking in the third person, Chyuu makes it clear the truly retarded ones are they themselves.
I’m not surprised their site isn’t even available anymore. Even the internet can’t handle this low-effort bullshit.
[Commie] Ore Monogatari!!, [FFF] Ore Monogatari!!
Spoiler for
Yeah, you read that right. There’s barely a fucking difference FFF’s script and Commie’s. Neither of them have competent-enough staff in their groups to manage a fucking simple Crunchyroll edit.
So tell me what’s the point in waiting for these HorribleSubs knock-offs? Their fucking karaoke?
Their typesetting?
FFF, with a font that makes o’s look like d’s.
Commie can’t even match.
Neither FFF nor Commie had typesetters capable of replicating the Crunchyroll typesetting here.
Jesus fuckcunt Christ. If this is the kinda work these guys took back to their parents like they were proud of, no wonder their dads beat them to the point where they sought self-esteem from fucking fansubbing of all the pathetic–
I’m cool, I’m cool…
Seriously though. When I think of the people who put this shit together, all I can think about is “would they blend?”
I bet they fucking would.
It’s clear none of these groups are doing these shows for the fans, since their scripts offer no real benefit over the official subs they’re copying. All you’re doing is increasing the size of some nobody’s e-penis or their wallet so they can finally use backpages to lose their virginity.
Don’t wait up for any of this cancer. You’re worth more.
23 thoughts on “[Various] Spring 2015 Disqualifications – Unedited Official Scripts”
No-one wants to save Etotama because the script is an abomination of untranslated goodies.
I wanted to sub it but then I read the dialogue. ;_;
>Yeah, you read that right. There’s barely a fucking difference FFF’s script and Commie’s. Neither of them have competent-enough staff in their groups to manage a fucking simple Crunchyroll edit.
Then maybe they should be working on a show with a script that isn’t “already good enough”. Why should a viewer wait for a “fansub” if the subbers themselves acknowledge they can hardly do a better job?
For some people, myself included, the lack of typesetting is what makes official subs so unwatchable. The typesetting and better encode is more than worth the 12-24 hour wait.
Sometimes the Crunchy video is worse than the tv rips. That doesn’t excuse the lack of effort, but there are certain shows that I’ll wait an extra day or two for if the Crunchy video is bad enough.
No-one wants to save Etotama because the script is an abomination of untranslated goodies.
I wanted to sub it but then I read the dialogue. ;_;
The show is godawful too, so…
It looked okay enough to be worth it if the script and TS had been acceptable.
In its current state though, fuck that shit. Too much effort.
>Yeah, you read that right. There’s barely a fucking difference FFF’s script and Commie’s. Neither of them have competent-enough staff in their groups to manage a fucking simple Crunchyroll edit.
What if the script is already good enough?
Then maybe they should be working on a show with a script that isn’t “already good enough”. Why should a viewer wait for a “fansub” if the subbers themselves acknowledge they can hardly do a better job?
Because they like the show ( ¬‿¬).
Oh man, I almost believed you for a sec.
For some people, myself included, the lack of typesetting is what makes official subs so unwatchable. The typesetting and better encode is more than worth the 12-24 hour wait.
Sometimes the Crunchy video is worse than the tv rips. That doesn’t excuse the lack of effort, but there are certain shows that I’ll wait an extra day or two for if the Crunchy video is bad enough.
FFF vs Commie…..neither of them produce a nice result here.
Don’t tell me, it is the same with their Oregairu s2 subs??
I’d doubt it, pretty sure both are original translations due to CR being ~2 days late.
Oops…looks like I forget the whole point of this post :^)
Yeah. :P
They do it because they… um…?
eto huita.*
eto huita – means “this is shit” in russian.
Да неужели
How delightfully appropriate.
Best thing I’ve read all day (so far)
Still holding out for them all drowning in that pot.
Is your butt okay?
>Original: It’s an ancient clock from the age of the gods that has controlled time
Excuse me, I’m no native, and this line does contain something I just can’t understand.
Why are there no commas?
Like below.
>It’s an ancient clock, from the age of the gods, that has controlled time.
Mind giving me explanation?