Subtitle Comparison: [Crunchyroll vs FFF] Hibike! Euphonium (Episode 08)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


This is gonna be a shorter read than normal, but I’m pretty sure if you check the comparisons I made you’ll be able to forgive my sagey heart~ [In case you don’t want ep 08 spoilers, FFF wins.]

Note: I’m dispensing with the karaoke/typesetting comparisons for this one. You should know how they’re gonna go by now. And if you don’t: both releases have typesetting but FFF’s is better, and CR has no karaoke while FFF has okayish kara. Enjoy the saved screen real estate.


The Comparisons

While a number of the lines in Crunchy’s script aren’t necessarily wrong, they can be rather confusing without heavily relying on the visuals for context.


FFF’s script, however, stands on its own, making it a much more engaging read.

Similarly, FFF’s dialogue is filled with character, but not to the point of being overbearing.


FFF’s script is clearly based off CR’s, but the editing provides a desperately needed layer of polish to it… a disappointing indicator in how much thought Crunchyroll’s team gave to the release.

I would love to run a train on Hazuki - I'd be the conductor of course

Even where FFF doesn’t come up with interesting dialogue, it’s nearly always better than the other option. Kudos to the editor for putting more effort into this release than the rest of FFF has put into the entire spring season.

And yes, I am blaming you douchetwats for the ~300 comments of buttpain in my review of Commie’s Yahari. If only you fucking released when you were supposed to, I coulda wrung 600 or so tears out of that shitty show. ;_;


Fixing the dialogue.

Back to this shitty show, Crunchyroll makes some… interesting choices.

Come on, don’t glance over these images like I know you’re itching to do. Fucking look at them. It builds character.

Crunchyroll Can't Hibike

Shitdamn, there’s so much more stupid in Crunchyroll’s script that FFF had to fix that I can’t even sum it up.

Luckily, Crunchyroll can:


Perhaps our Crunchyroll overlords are not as benevolent as we once imagined. Good thing we’ve got an alternative for Hibike at least.


A teen romance, but without the abortion drama.

FFF offers a decent entry for the Hazuki x Shuichi deito scene with “This is my first time going to the Agata Festival with a guy.”/”Yeah, likewise.” that gets across the idea that this is the first time either of them have gone to a fiesta with someone of the opposite gender.

Crunchyroll, though (the first line is spoken by the girl, and the second by the guy)…


Crunchyroll wins for making an awkward scene even more awkward. There’s more cringe here than a speed dating panel at an anime con, and I can’t get enough of it.


As American as hot dog pizza (which yes, we’re finally getting on our shores next week — fucking rejoice).

Though both FFF and CR opted to use honorifics in their scripts, they went for a blanket translation of Yuki-Onna (one of the more common Japanese spirits/youkai from Nipponian folklore).


This was the perfect opportunity to add in cultural context with practically no drawback. It’s a built-in TL note. Just had to say something like “Yuki-Onna, the Snow Maiden” or “The Snow Maiden, Yuki-Onna”. Even better, it adds more context to the scripts, since nobody knows what the fuck a “Snow Maiden” is.

I mean, I wouldn’t have complained if they went with “winter siren” or some shit like that, which conveyed the essence of the myth… but they didn’t, so I did.




In nearly every line comparison I made of the Crunchyroll and FFF scripts, I found the latter to have a superior offering. Unfortunately, I can recommend neither option to you, as they both missed the obvious innuendo potential with this line:

Hibike! Fingering

As such, canonically, both releases receive an F for Hibike! Euphonium. Translation is truly dead. Long live Zero-Raws.


65 thoughts on “Subtitle Comparison: [Crunchyroll vs FFF] Hibike! Euphonium (Episode 08)”

  1. Why did you choose episode 08 for the review? Wouldn’t it be better to review episode 01, so people that haven’t started watching it could read this without having to go through possible spoilers?

    • I’ll edit the intro to read that FFF won, as a compromise. That work?

      And the reason I reviewed this one is because it’s the latest episode I watched and I have no motivation to rewatch any earlier episodes.

    • Some subs start good but become terribad half on, others start terribad and become decent after a few episodes, so this review rotation is actually a good thing. IMO

  2. Hey,Dark_Sage. Quick question if you don’t mind replying. Do you ever do private reviews of sub edits? Just looking for a little bit of feedback.

  3. I know this is completely random from my part, but do you think the word “Manga” should be translated as manga or comic?
    Most translators use comic instead of manga, which seems weird to me since the average anime viewer is more than familiarized with the term and what it stands for. Not to mention that the word is recognized for several dictionaries.
    I ask this because I just seen someone translate mangaka as comicker…

    • Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe manga is the broad term for all comics in Japanese. It would make sense to leave it as ‘manga’ for Japanese works, but outside of that, and in more broader contexts, it makes more sense to translate it as ‘comic’. I’m fine with either, so long as you don’t call Superman a manga or combine the two in an abomination such as ‘manga comics’.

      But comicker is not only fucking awful but plain wrong (the only results I see are for some shitty website and a neglected Urban Dictionary entry). It seems the accepted terms for the profession are comic/s (book/s) artist, but mangaka or pretty much anything that doesn’t sound like it was born from a boardroom of pathetic middle-aged men desperately trying to be hip and trendy should suffice.

    • Think about it like this; we in the Western world learned the word comic first, and most likely associate it with Marvel/DC comics and the like. As such upon the discovery of manga, we unconsciously think of it as a “type” of comic; i.e. Japanese comics, and we associate the word “manga” to it.

      But the opposite also holds true with Japanese knowing of manga first and “comics” second.

      tl;dr imo theres no point standardizing subs to translate “manga” into “comics” as it defeats the purpose of distinguishing between the two. Localization in translation shouldn’t equate to “hand-holding”.

    • Considering that the Japanese themselves use the word “comics” to refer to their manga, the answer to this one should be obvious.

      What the hell is a “comicker” though? That’s not even a word. Comic (book) artist would be much better.

      @WhaleLord, it’s not hand-holding, it’s translating. “Manga” is just a niche buzzword. If we had a native Western word for raw fish atop or rolled within rice, we sure as hell wouldn’t call it sushi, not even if it’s super special fish on rice from the holy land, ~Japan~.

      • No, it’s not “obvious”. Just because Japan does something does not mean we’re contractually obligated to copy them. That’s just some cringeworthy logic right there.

        You claim to be from America, so how the fuck do you describe manga to people? “Oh these are just some regular old comic books”? Fuck no. Unless you’re as weird IRL as you are online, you’re probably gonna differentiate in conversation between “comics” and “Japanese comics”. Especially since it’s a fucking English word:

        • For someone who is so outspoken about his opinions, you sure are uneducated.

          Do a little reading. The modern Japanese usage of the word “manga” is based on Western comic books that they were exposed to postwar. The Japanese themselves often use “manga” and “comic” interchangeably. In other words, “manga” is effectively a Japanese translation of “comic books”.

          And now you’re saying it’s a problem for a J>E translation to translate the translation of comic books back into comic books? Stop being a huge weeb.

          • For someone who pretends to be well educated, you sure need to work on your reading comprehension.
            If you were half as literate as you make out, you would have discerned from his first paragraph the claim that the Japanese usage of ‘manga’ is entirely immaterial to the English usage, which is completely fucking true. The fact of the matter is that Japanese comic books are referred to as ‘manga’ in English, with ‘comic books’ restricted to Western media in common parlance. The only ‘weeb’ I see here is the mong insisting that Japanese loan words necessarily follow their original meaning.

            • For someone who complains about reading comprehension, you sure need to work on your reading comprehension. I already addressed that.
              > “Manga” is just a niche buzzword.
              > Stop being a huge weeb.

              But since you obviously need further clarification, I will explain what these statements imply.

              There is a wide gulf between “manga” and “comic books” only in your own little world centered around Japanese media. To everyone else, referring to a Japanese comic book as a “comic book” rather than as “manga” is the norm, not some kind of sacrilege. You might refer to them as “manga” just to be more specific as to which comics you mean, but that’s all. Hence Frankenstein terms like “manga comics” — because just “manga” would be confusing since normal people don’t necessarily know what the fuck a “manga” is.

              Which brings us back to the point. When a character in a Japanese anime says “manga”, they are not necessarily referring to Japanese comics. Therefore, ~translating~ it as “manga” to match your niche meaning can be correct in a niche sort of way some of the time, while translating it as “comic” would be correct all the time. The only time it would be flat-out BETTER to translate it as “manga” is if they are referring to prewar historical manga, which happens approximately 0% of the time.

              • > “Manga” is just a niche buzzword.
                It appears in most all dictionaries and is the accepted term within the community (be it anime or comics) for it. Restating that doesn’t make it any less false.

                >There is a wide gulf between “manga” and “comic books” only in your own little world centered around Japanese media.
                I’m sorry, who do you think leechers are, repressed middle-aged housewifes? I don’t give a fuck that an old Moldovan peasant might not know what sushi is. You translate for your audience, and the audience knows what fucking manga is. I also like the implication that you are somehow more ‘normal’ than me because you are ashamed of your hobbies. Really indicates to me how mature you are.

                And your comment on translating manga is profoundly stupid. There’s a reason why 1:1 machine translations are ridiculed, and the fact that you are arguing for catch-all translations demonstrates a serious lack of understanding of language. Something tells me that you never learnt a language beyond a few numbers in school.

                • I’ll put your claim about the community aside for a moment since you’re essentially implying that these translations should only be for hardcore weeb nerd fans, since that’s the “audience” that would definitely know what “manga” means, regardless of whatever dictionary decided to add it as a word, as if that means shit. (Other niche words that dictionaries have added recently: twerk, derp, phablet.) I don’t agree that translations should be weeb-only, but I suspect most of this site’s fans think that way, so whatever.

                  In how many cases when characters in an anime talk about “manga” do you actually know for sure that they’re talking about Japanese manga, as opposed to Western comics, Korean manwha, Chinese manhua, etc.? If they actually show which series or show that they’re reading Shonen Jump or something, then you know, but otherwise you don’t. Are you saying that it’s a good idea to just assume they mean Japanese manga, or do you admit that it’s a better idea to just go with the neutral “comics” in those cases? If the former, you are an idiot. If the latter, do you not see why it makes no sense to insist that, only in the cases where you do know for sure that they really are referring to Japanese manga, you should preferentially translate the generic Japanese term “manga” to the more-specific English term “manga”?

                  I’ll ask you what I asked D_S: do you know a second language?

                  • I’m sort of on the fence on this one and accept that both are valid choices but I’m going to play Devil’s Advocate to your post because more about it irked me than the other side of the fence.

                    Manga is no longer just a weeb word. I can go into any bookshop or library in my country and find a section specifically dedicated to manga (which may be housed near the comics/graphic novels but are separately defined), just like you can go into a store that sells DVDs and find an anime section that’ll be separate the the cartoons. As the UK is still lagging behind on licensing Japanese anime and manga compared to the US, I’d venture to say the usage of those terms is more widespread.

                    Now you may ask why has English adopted anime and manga as loanwords instead of just stating they’re cartoons and comics respectively? I theorise that it’s to do with the cultural context of the two.

                    When you hear the word ‘comic’, you immediately think of a product that specifically target children, so culturally, in English, we associate those with being solely for children. Manga, on the other hand, is more endemic in Japan as a whole and more varied in content, appealing to pretty much all age groups. Culturally-speaking, the two words mean different things even if it seems like an accurate 1 to 1 translation on the surface.

                    The adoption of ‘manga’ as a loanword may have been a marketing idea to differentiate from American comics – that it is somehow different material being covered: romance or slice of life instead of superhero action – but it filled a gap where there wasn’t a precise enough word before. Of course, since manga started coming to Western shores, we’ve now adopted ‘animations’ to describe cartoons that aren’t targeted at children, and ‘graphic novels’ which try to add some literary legitimacy to the comic genre. But because manga retains its unique style, the loanword has stuck in the English language and big businesses call Japanese comics by that name.

                  • @FalseDawn Yeah, I pretty much agree with what you’re saying. As a result of marketing (and/or the fanbase?) needing to try to distance itself from kiddy fare, they kind of pushed a foreign word with a new connotation. It’s not that I think using the word “manga” in a translation is weeb, it’s that I think complaining about using “comic” instead of “manga” in a translation is both weeb and misinformed.

                    @QQ “Katana” is actually relatively well-known in the West, or at least such widespread usage certainly predates “manga”. That said, the same issues I mentioned for “manga” apply to “katana” as well, to an extent. Sometimes the Japanese say “katana” in reference to any kind of sword, not just the traditional curved Japanese blade. The kanji (刀) is less than specific. The same caveats therefore apply. Complaining if a translator changed it from “katana” to “sword” or “blade” may be shortsighted, and in fact NOT changing it may sometimes also be shortsighted.

                    • Let me ask you: do you have the requisite knowledge to translate Japanese? If you’re moving the discussion in the direction of translating Japanese, by your own admission you ought to have adequate knowledge of the language (I certainly don’t).

                      And because you have such a hard-on for bilingualism:
                      Au fait, je parle une « langue étrangère ». Ben, c’est vrai que mon français est nul, mais je comprends la langue assez bien.

                    • What do you mean by “moving the discussion”? The discussion was always about that.

                      The answer is yes and no. I took some Japanese in college and dabbled in learning it for a while (~10 years). I can usually translate easy stuff (meaning, typical anime/manga/game Japanese) given a dictionary for kanji/vocab I don’t know. I have TLC’d for groups where I noted that the TL sucked or missed important nuances and I basically had to re-TL it myself. Other TLs then confirmed that my TL was correct. However, I would have to say I’m very far from being actually fluent, as that would require knowing lots of vocabulary/kanji by heart and having a lot of speaking practice.

                      The reason I asked about bilingualism is that it’s a requirement to have any real opinion on this subject. Talking about practical translation philosophy without knowing at least a moderate amount of a second language that you can translate to or from (and by extension, never having translated anything yourself) is like talking about practical programming philosophy without knowing any programming languages and never having programmed anything. I grew up bilingual and studied a third language as the standard high school requirement, and it’s very easy to see where people who have a limited grasp of multiple languages and translation between them can get confused.

                  • The thing about manga is this. Go into your local Barnes and Noble. They have a section called “Manga”. Amazon has a category for manga (!1000%2Cn%3A4366%2Cn%3A4367&bbn=4366&ie=UTF8&qid=1434547534&rnid=4366). And you never see Naruto next to Superman on the shelves.

                    Of course, you can call this marketing to the audience. But then I have to ask, why did my dad mention to me at a book fair “the manga is back there” when he has never read a manga, nor seen an anime outside of kimba the white lion (dubbed) when he was 7?

                    The reality is that using manga as a word is not being a weeaboo (a term made up by haters when otaku started to wear the otaku title with pride). It’s more the lack of use of it comes out of a phobia of all things Japanese.

                    • Sidebar: Was “weeaboo” actually made by haters? I always thought it was a wordfilter made by moot that replaced “wapanese.” Was it actually a term before that?

                    • That was the origin of it, yeah. They got the word from a Perry Bible Fellowship comic where it had no specific meaning:

                      “Wearing the otaku title with pride” is in itself a cringeworthy weeaboo action given that the term is generally viewed in Japan as a pejorative indicating that someone is way too obsessed with anime/gaming (or whatever) culture.

                      It’s not a phobia about Japanese culture, it’s cringing at a segment of a culture that is way too awkwardly self-absorbed. As I said above, it’s not that I think using the word “manga” in a translation is weeb, it’s that I think complaining about using “comic” instead of “manga” in a translation is both weeb and misinformed (due to translation issues I discuss above). *Expecting* people to know what manga, or a kotatsu, or whatever, is because “that’s your audience” is just trying to deepen the insularity of the group instead of trying to welcome new faces. That’s just weird and awkward.

                    • Have you ever heard of the word “implacable” before? It’s an English word, and it means impossible to satisfy or appease. It’s not commonly said in English text, yet it is a legitimate English word.
                      Indeed, if you look up the word implacable on google, it returns 9.5 million results.
                      However, implacable has no single word synonym that quite means the same thing. Indeed, if you look it up in a thesaurus, it tends to force synonyms that mean “cruel” instead of “unable to be appeased”.

                      Manga is similar. It is an English word. In fact, it is higher usage than implacable, with 20 times the hits on google. Further, it must be used to strictly define what is being talked about. If I said “I’m reading comics” to someone in the US, people would think about either:
                      1. 4 panel comic strips that appear in newspapers
                      2. Action hero comics, such as superman or batman
                      To be specific with what is being read, you must call it manga, or it’ll be confused into something else.
                      Those who don’t know what manga is will then google it and learn another English word, just like they would with implacable.

                      Translating manga as comics is on the same level as translating karate to martial arts, katana to sword, or koi pond to fish pond. It makes it more generic.

                      Now, yes, the Japanese do refer to all comics as manga. However, this is a translation into English, where we have separate words for comics and manga. Failure to translate it properly is nothing more than a phobia of Japanese.

                      Side note: Kotatsu is slightly different, as it is not currently an English word. I was more criticizing Commie for using a stupid translation for Kotatsu than I was for them not just leaving it as Kotatsu.

                    • So what do you say if you were reading, say, an Asterix comic?

                      Do you call that a manga because it’s not a comic strip or a superhero serial, so you have to call it something else? Do you call it a comic because as long as it’s not from Japan it’s all the same thing, only Japanese comics are special enough to be given a separate label? Do you go all snob and say “it’s not a NORMAL comic, it’s a FRANCO-BELGIAN comic”? Do you go so far as to actually call it a bande-dessinée?

                    • One key difference between Asterix and manga is that Asterix is drawn in a similar style to western art. Manga is drawn very differently.

                      That said, if someone did ask me what I was reading, I’d say “A French Comic”. I wouldn’t just say a “Comic” because that is too generic and leads to incorrect assumptions about origins and content. However, there is no common loadword out here for it.
                      I mean, hell, if you think about it anime is the same as manga. They’re loadwords. But you don’t hear anyone claiming anime should be translated in shows as “cartoons”.

                    • Ok, so say “Japanese comics” if someone asks you what you’re reading. If you think that’s too awkward to write in an anime about Japanese schoolchildren, just write… “comics”. Or “comic books” or maybe even “graphic novels”. Or even “manga” if you want; I promise no one will complain. Just don’t loudly complain if someone else decides to write “comics”.

                      Anime is short for “animation”, and people actually do use that term. If you’re talking about word choice in an anime, “anime” would probably be fine, but so would “shows”, “cartoons” (depending perhaps on the genre/type of anime), “animated series” (if not awkward in the sentence in question), etc.

                      Also, please don’t try to push manga as a super legit English word that’s on par with extremely common actual English words like “implacable”. The majority of people being illiterate in their native language is not an excuse to expect them to know niche foreign loanwords as well.

                    • So Downman Sayman doesn’t do manga because he tries to imitate Mignola’s style to the extreme?

                    • Kajitani, (lol at your super Wap name with your knee-jerk comments) you are not some grand fucking arbiter of the English language, you are a sad little grammarian whingeing that “dude” is in the dictionary.
                      ‘Manga’ is a demonstrably widely accepted loanword that all authoritative dictionaries (they’re the books with all the words and their meanings in them, remember?) accept. Your opinion that the word ‘manga’ is just some flash in the pan that will fade away within a few years is completely unsupported by the evidence and frankly amounts to little more than you spitting the dummy over a word you harbour an unhealthy amount of contempt for.

                    • implacable: 1375-1425; late Middle English < Latin implācābilis. See im-2, placable
                      manga: 1985-90; < Japanese: literally, cartoon, comic strip

                      So a word that has existed for ~600 years is on the same level as an imported loanword that didn't even exist in its current form 30 years ago because it was a buzzword created by a niche industry describing a product that is still moderately niche today. And you think the average English speaker ought to know this word by default, and any translator who thinks otherwise is wrong.


                      BTW you realize you're on the site of a guy that posts like he's the grand arbiter of anime translations when he has never studied or performed translation in his life?

                    • And “snoutfair” was an English word in common use in the 1500s, meaning pretty. Yet it is not even in a dictionary now because it’s in so little use, it could be considered extinct.

                      English isn’t a solid language that has remained the same from years to years. Like, you know the word “Yeah”? Came around in the 1900s, a drawl on the previous “Yea” (pronounced Yay). And when’s the last time you’ve said “thou” instead of “you”?

                      The reality is, no matter how much of a phobia you have of Japanese things, it is an English word, even if it is a new one. So it has to be treated like one, in that it is being used to mention a specific thing. You wouldn’t call a hamburger a sandwich.

                    • I don’t know what you’re arguing anymore. A word that no one knows or uses because it fell out of style is not in the dictionary? What a surprise.

                      I thought your argument had two claims that support your assertion.
                      1. The word “manga” has specificity that is required to be able to express the concept of Japanese comics in English.
                      2. Since manga is included in dictionaries, it is a legitimate English word that the audience can be expected to know or look up.
                      1+2. Since manga is both a legitimate word and one that is REQUIRED to describe the comics in question, a good translation MUST use the word manga.

                      Since we’ve already proven 1 wrong, your assertion that relies on 1 has been proven false. You are now trying to reply to that by trying to convince me that 2 is correct and that’s why 1+2 is correct, which is a fruitless line of argument.

                      But let’s look at how you are trying to convince me 2 is correct. I noted why the word you brought up, implacable, is much more legitimate due to its history and widespread use. You respond that not all words that have history are legitimate/in widespread use anymore. So are you arguing that “implacable” is no longer legitimate? I hope not, but there is no other reason to bring this up. You continue by arguing that legitimate words that are common today may not necessarily have a long history. You support this by bringing up “Yeah”, a word with a 100 year history and incredibly widespread usage. Are you trying to argue that “Yeah” (100 years) and “manga” (30 years) have similar levels of historical establishment and widespread usage?

                      There’s also your claim that the reason I don’t agree with you is that I have a “phobia” of Japanese things. And yet I know Japanese and you don’t… how does that work?

                    • Argument 1 has not been disproven. Maybe in your mind it has, but there is no other way of expressing manga without losing the specificity of it.

  4. Goddamn, Crunchyroll, if there were ever a job not to outsource to sweatshop labourers, you’d think it’d be fucking editing.
    Though I can’t believe they didn’t keep the CR interpretation of that festival line. Yeah, it’s inaccurate and probably somewhat out of place, but judging by what little I’ve seen of this anime, it likely was far and away the highlight of the episode.

  5. We kept the lines about blowing and being blown in the previous episodes; that wasn’t good enough for you?

      • I didn’t edit it—ClamXtX is the editor for this show—but I did QC it.

        Incidentally, the The Snow Maiden thing: Clam came up with that one, and I think it was a reasonable way to go. Quite a few cultures have their own snow maiden (the stories differ wildly, but an often shared trait is that they’re beautiful); for example, see the Russians’ Snegurochka. So, this change ends up referencing the general folklore rather than pointing directly at the Japanese original, which I think should make it at least a little more accessible. I’m not sure many people would get anything out of yuki-onna, either (unless they watched Nurarihyon no Mago or Rosario to Vampire, I guess).

        To cap it all off, The Snow Maiden is a moderately famous opera by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, he of The Flight of the Bumblebee fame. You may be already familiar with the wonderful “Dance of the Tumblers” from that opera (not to be confused with the significantly worse Dance of the Tumblrs).

        • Or any number of anime where she’s referenced.

          But that aside, as a translator, you can’t substitute Japanese cultural nuance with Russian cultural nuance in a Japanese anime. This should be a no brainer, what the hell.

        • Fabulous on both ends then.

          As far as Snow Maiden, sure, I’m not saying the line is broken. And I buy the logic behind it. But quite frankly, more people watching anime will know what Yuki-Onna is than some Russian opera, and the show was not referencing the general folklore of the world.

  6. FFF can actually put out a decent release? Made a CR script more refined and didn’t spot any obnoxious lines influenced by their trash homies of Commie editors? For this episode at least. Though they have disappointed me with many other animes for longer then two-three years, I have no interest in finding out whether or not the first seven are tolerable to watch and I use to like FFF stuff back then. I’ll stick to CR where it’s safe and Commie/Vivid free, editor wise since I don’t know who edits what in FFF.

      • Is the “lol” coming from a brown-nosing fanboy? Compare a regular 12 episode series to a group doing “edits” and a great portion of CR’s lines remain intact. It certainly isn’t “lol” worthy to these groups who take CR as their base and certainly worth using otherwise where are all the original translations at?

        Of course, this doesn’t work with groups like Vivid where they re-write almost the entire thing and pass it off as their own. A really disturbing form of plagiarism and fanboys eat it up.

    • Not saying I’m waiting until the last fansub group has departed to resurrect the scene with the most brilliant scripts the world has ever seen… but I am literally saying that.

    • Depends on how much free time you have and how much of it you’re willing to spend on it instead of something that won’t make you reach for the bottle every episode to wash away the bad.

  7. FFF is a cancer like commie.
    There is no real alternative for Hibike, but HS did it a little better. I’m saying it from perspective person, whose English is not main language.

  8. Trash that is not Crunchyroll Subtitle! Its a [Horriblesubs] rips of Crunchyroll.
    It’s always modified to Open Sans. Right is not the official font of Crunchyroll! your source is from Anime Rip from [Horriblesubs] with a modified font style.

    Crunchyroll is Trebuchet MS and Arial. Not Open Sans, your pic is from anime rip with modified subtitle style to fucking Open Sans!

    • No shit, Sherlock. What’s your point? I’m not gonna pretend that Crunchyroll and Crunchyroll rips are materially significant because of a fucking font difference.


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