Oh my god.
Forward: Let me pre-empt the Autism and point out that I realize AnimeRG/Phr0stY aren’t “actual” fansub groups — rather, they were just the first to stick this Spanish->English guesslation on a shareraw and throw it up on Nyaa.
That being said, I ain’t reviewing a fucking .ass, and this has more downloads than any other fansub release this season, so by all rights it qualifies for a review. Just don’t expect a favorable one.
The Review
I’ve been out of the review game for a bit longer than I planned, so the timing of this release couldn’t be better.
…or worse (and the timing is this broken throughout).
Note that AnimeRG et al. didn’t standardize the font size, so while the subs appear in two lines with my lazy webm encode, they display as three lines in Media Player Classic.
…with pure Phr0stY quality of course.
Any release that starts out crediting the translator in Arial, immediately followed by an untranslated opening, deserves some kind of award for sheer testicular fortitude.
Luckily for humanity, said reward is the natural, sweet sterility of the fucknut who thought this’d be an acceptable translation. Yeah, I’m saying the TL probably has Down’s.
To get the low-hanging fruit outta the way first: tons of lines have random capitalization or are missing punctuation, and the line management is worse than a Daiz release.
Well, you probably get the point. But if you don’t, please know that I hate you, elspark15.
The following are the more “unique” aspects of this digital mistake:
No, TL-kun, Goku’s saying there’s no school on Sundays. Thanks for the watered-down dictionary definition of the day though, I guess. At least you learned something?
Elspark needs to encase his trachea in cement.
The best part is that the word “six” appears nowhere in the actual Japanese sentence.
It’s funny cuz of the bad English and also because the strongest female character in DBZ only ever existed to fill Toriyama’s vore fantasies.
Whichever route you choose, there’s no escaping this maze of Engrish. elspark’s truly a modern-day Daedalus.
The TL’s gotta be taking the fucking piss and just bathing in it. I mean, come the fuck on.
2much ;_;
Inspirationally incompetent.
I haven’t experienced dialogue this bad since DBZ Abridged. This is literary sadism at its worst.
Random lines are left untranslated — usually the easiest ones too. “Kirei, ja ne?” doesn’t exactly take a university education to hash out.
There are no brakes on the fail train.
I wish I had.
Rating: F-
Since I know you’re gonna be looking for alternate options: SeNsUi’s release is just an edit of this one, and DBSuper is a direct copy of SeNsUi’s edit.
…DragonTeam is gonna be your best only option for the show. Their 01 was at least watchable.
Google Guesslate™ never fails to amuse.
dragon ball fans don’t need high standards, right?
More like no standards.
In fact, according to this cumstain here, they should be grateful elspark is taking the time to ram a dictionary up his ass for them.
That comment offends me in so many different ways I don’t even know where to begin.
“It has always been bad so there’s nothing to complain about.”
Flawless logic.
“i eat nothing but shit so why shouldn’t everyone else??????”
This is even better:
not like there’s an english word for that or anything…
I can say with authority that you are right, it’s completely untranslatable and doesn’t mean “dick chick”
don’t you mean torappu?
This script is trash and I’m sure you enjoyed trashing it but
> No, TL-kun, Goku’s saying there’s no school on Sundays. Thanks for the watered-down dictionary definition of the day though, I guess. At least you learned something?
No, he’s actually saying what the subtitle says. (Or more colloquially translated, “Oh, so you have the day off.”)
> Random lines are left untranslated — usually the easiest ones too. “Kirei, ja ne?” doesn’t exactly take a university education to hash out.
Except that’s not actually what he says…
I should really stop looking at Crymore’s comments before I go to sleep. I was in a really comfy spot in bed too.
1. There’s nothing wrong with what I wrote. Learn to literacy.
2. http://www.crymore.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/kirei.mp3
That’s “da,” not “ja.” It’s an important difference, at least as important as the difference between “your” and
“you’re” in subs…
And 100% irrelevant to the point.
Yeesh, someone’s sleep-deprived and grumpy.
But who? This calls for an investigation, and Detective_Sage is on the case!
After your high and mighty posts against me saying that I don’t have a right to say that “Hai means yes”, you post this?
And to think I was actually taking you seriously…
>I haven’t experienced dialogue this bad since DBZ Abridged.
Are you implying that DBZ abridged isn’t infinitely superior to the original English dub?
I regularly take shits that are infinitely superior to the original English dub, so that’s hardly an accomplishment.
The very best aspect of any abridged series still ranks lower than the worst aspect of any professionally managed release, and that includes 4Kids’s One Piece and Funi’s No-Rin.
Yeah but the Abridged series also is rewriting the script entirely. I would understand criticizing the first season, it slowly picked up steam but started pretty poorly, but as of season 3 they’re doing spectacularly well for amateurs. Considering that their entire endeavour consists in stuffing jokes by cutting, pasting and re-dubbing material that didn’t contain them to begin with, using a dramatically understaffed voice actor team, so it’s make-do.
As for the quality of the script… it’s funny, it’s not a translation so it can’t be wrong, and while it may not be 100% perfect English it doesn’t exactly need to be – it’s supposed to be colloquial and not always serious. I think asking for more would be reaching a bit too high. There are many abysmal Abridged series out there but TFS’s really isn’t one of them.
Point me to your favorite episode and I’ll tell you why you should kill yourself for liking it. I don’t have three seasons’ worth of time to piss away like you apparently did.
> Did I just kill a gay clown
Alright, pendejo, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b65MLS6_w9Q
Hit me up with your autistic excuse for a heuristic analysis, my email is set to notify.
They spent the first however many seconds choking on Funi’s dick cuz they think Funi own Dragon Ball? Like their shitty facebook-tier “no it’s cool copyright infringement is fair use if I just say it is” description would save them from any legal onslaught? Fucking hell.
I say “however many” cuz I turned the video off almost immediately. You’d have to be touched harder than an altar boy to stand more than a couple seconds of that middle school bullshit.
Fuck them for making that video, and more importantly, fuck you for encouraging them. The real cancer was you all along.
Omg, this makes me beg for CabbageSubs (or whatever the fuck Hadena is now) to come and save this anime. Also, who the fuck watches anything from AnimeRG anyway?
AnimeRG, please stop trying to be DeadFish. It’s not working.
Gotta cut the TL a little slack, Chichi says “ちゃんと仕事して金稼ぐだ!” it could be heard as “半年仕事して金稼ぐだ!” with her accent. You’d still be missing a し from either the 年 or 仕事, and it still doesn’t quite make sense… so who am I kidding, they suck.
I don’t really think this release sucked. I mean, yes the points you made were good to some extent. If I am right this was released really quick. And all the other TLs came like 6-7 hours after this release.
For a faster release, it was good. And as long as you get the meaning it’s fine.
and why is the review here? They are not a fansub group. Just bunch of uploaders, meh….
no just no goddamnit shut the hell up, stop posting and cut your connection to the internet. there’s no reason this needs to exist, and the world doesn’t need chromosome-lacking special people like you that approve of this shitfest
tl;dr – it’s bad and you should feel bad
DragonTeam has been doing a pretty good job IMO. A little awkward at times, but who gives a fuck, it’s DBZ.