P-Tuesday Pollday: Best Summer 2015 OPs

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


Let’s see how many of you are still here.



Vote however you please, the poll pools are only separated based on my superior-though-sometimes-faulty logic.

I only included good OPs, so if your favorite one isn’t included here, I suggest you find a new favorite.

For those of you with data limitations, these don’t load until you click play so calm the fuck down.

  • LQ (640×360): 8-19 MB each
  • HQ (1280×720): 17-43 MB each
  • Ranpo Kitan: 69 MB for the 720p, 26 MB for the 360p. I know; it’s stupid.



Best OP Audio

Gakkou Gurashi OP

Spoiler for

Dragon Ball Super

Song: Chouzetsu☆Dynamic!

Artist: Kazuya Yoshii

Webm link (1280×720, subbed by Dragon Team, though you can blame the timing glitch on me)



Non Non Biyori Repeat

Song: Kodama Kotodama

Artist: nano.RIPE

Webm link (1280×720, unsubbed)



Prison School

Song: Ai no Prison

Artist: Kangoku Danshi (Hiroshi Kamiya, Katsuyuki Konishi, Kenichi Suzumura, Daisuke Namikawa, Kazuyuki Okitsu)

Webm link (1280×720, subbed by Chihiro)



Ranpo Kitan

Song: Speed to Masatsu

Artist: amazarashi

Webm link (1280×720, subbed by AU)



Teekyu S5

Song: Qunka!

Artist: Marimo Bandou (Kana Hanazawa)

Webm link (1280×720, unsubbed)



Best Summer 2015 OP (Audio)

View Results

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Best OP Visuals

Chaos Dragon_OP

Spoiler for

Gatchaman Crowds Insight

Song: Insight


Webm link (1280×720, subbed by Cthuko)




Song: Renegade


Webm link (1280×720, unsubbed)




Song: GATE: Sore wa Akatsuki no you ni

Artist: Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets

Webm link (1280×720, subbed by Kantai)



Himouto! Umaru-chan

Song: Kakushinteki☆Metamaruphose!

Artist: Umaru Doma (Aimi Tanaka)

Webm link (1280×720, subbed by kdfss)



Sore ga Seiyuu!

Song: Sore ga Seiyuu!

Artist: Earphones (Marika Kouno, Rie Takahashi, Yuki Nagaku)

Webm link (1280×720, subbed by orz)



Best Summer 2015 OP (Visuals)

View Results

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And with this, I’ve fulfilled my August quota of Crymore posts. See y’all next month~ <3

17 thoughts on “P-Tuesday Pollday: Best Summer 2015 OPs”

  1. Visuals: Gangsta. Pills & skin is a hard combination to beat.

    Audio: Dragon Ball Super. If I could feel shame, believe me, I’d feel it for liking this.

  2. no overlord op for visuals
    it may be the only good thing about the show, but it /is/ good!

    audio- teekyuu 5
    visual- insight

      • Where’s my song? Where’s my heart? Where’s my shitty muzic clearly arranged for a different anime?

        Look, when dripping sticks around the credits are the most interesting thing about your OP, it’s time to give up. Most of the thing’s character portraits anyway.

  3. Qunka! is the best song, but the duration the OP goes for doesn’t do it full justice (seriously, go listen to the full version).

  4. Audio: none, I would have chosen Gangsta.

    Visuals: Gangsta. hands down. I have to say the style is true to what I would expect from the mangaka; a woman by the way. And yes, she drew Alex bent over the crate getting fucked in the manga too.

  5. Shit taste confirmed.

    Useless poll is useless.

    Polls like this are only worthwhile if the options exist for everyone. Limiting it to your own awkward taste just makes it m00t. Might as well just removed the polls and gave us a post of ‘DarkSage favorites’.

    • It’s always been about just voting on my favorites. But since a “these are my favoritest OPs/EDs” post would be boring and not up to my sagey standards, I decided to spice it up by throwing a poll around it.

      Additionally, by having this limited amount of options, it’s more likely people will give an OP/ED they’ve never heard of a shot. But if I threw up a poll with 70-some options, it’d turn into a “what shows have you watched” popularity contest of boredom.


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