Two posts on Crymore in one night? The fuck is this, 2013?
Vote however you please, the poll pools are only separated based on my superior-though-sometimes-faulty logic.
I only included good EDs, so if your favorite one isn’t included here, I suggest you find a new favorite.
For those of you with data limitations, these don’t load until you click play so calm the fuck down.
- LQ (640×360): 6-18 MB each
- HQ (1280×720): 10-50 MB each
Best ED Audio
Dragon Ball Super
Song: Hello Hello Hello
Artist: Good Morning America
Webm link (1280×720, subbed by DragonTeam)
Ninja Slayer
Song: Fantastic Magic
Artist: TK from 凛として時雨
Ranpo Kitan
Song: Mikazuki
Artist: Sayuri
Webm link (1280×720, subbed by AU)
Shokugeki no Soma
Song: Sacchan no Sexy Curry
Artist: Seiko Oomori
Webm link (1280×720, subbed by FFF)
Curry Bonus
Tribe Cool Crew
Song/Artist: Who cares? What matters is the dance-off, boyz~
Webm link (1280×720, unsubbed, for some reason)

Best ED Audio, Pt. II
Cuz most EDs were an abomination in the eyes of the me this season.
Chaos Dragon
Song: Delta Decision
Artist: Eykha (Miyuki Sawashiro), Lou (Maaya Uchida), Meryl (Haruka Terui)
Webm link (1280×720, subbed by DameDesuYo, though I fucked up the font somehow~)
Song: Yoru no Kuni
Artist: Annabel
Webm link (1280×720, subbed by Underwater)
Gatchaman Crowds Insight
Song: 60 Oku no Tsubasa
Webm link (1280×720, subbed by Cthuko)
Monster Musume
Song: Hey! Smith!!
Artist: Sumisu (Yuu Kobayashi) and MON [Zombina (Rei Mochizuki), Manako (Momo Asakura), Tionishia (Yurika Kubo), Doppel (Saori Oonishi)]
Webm link (1280×720, unsubbed)
Song: Inner Urge
Artist: Sumire Uesaka
Webm link (1280×720, subbed by Hiryuu)

My scores for all the OPs/EDs of the season:
I fight through the pain so you don’t have to. ;_;
Now your quota is exhausted until 2016, rest in pantsu.
>Not Himouto ED for best audio
D_S, looks like your auditory nerve is as dead as your site.
Didn’t even like it. :c
Delta Decision webms with working fonts:
I don’t speak gibberish. How am I suppose to vote for something I don’t understand?
I could always cover them in English. Utaite_Sage has a beautiful voice, as anyone who’s met me can attest to.
How the fuck is Souma’s ED winning? Is the Internet filled with deaf people or something?
Cuz Sacchan is the strongest.
Love nectar approves!
I’m going to watch Ranpo Kitan just for the ED.
Gimme your reaction after two episodes. I’m in love with the fucking thing.
The first ep was good–very intriguing. The succeeding eps however were horrible. There was never any proper denouement. No searching for clues or whatever and worse, the resolutions have so far been mostly unbelievable and illogical.
But, oh well, it’s entertaining nonetheless.
I don’t see PriPara and it’s great OP or controversial ED in that table.
You don’t think highly enough of Symphogear’s, but that’s a pedestal I understandably occupy solo.
I remember when I used to do these. I was much more entertaining. ( ¬‿¬)