The dangerous duo’s back, and frog’s on the menu~
Based on unanimously rave reviews from Crymore’s readers over the years, I have decided to come to Otakuthon to grace the French cheese meisters with my manly American musk.
Okay, reviews were mixed. But this one was pretty persuasive:

Taking a look at the programming schedule that was released a few days ago, I saw several speed dating/dating game events, a “How to Learn Japanese” panel taught entirely in French, and a “Char vs Darth Vader” gunpla battle royale.

As always, if you wanna meet up, feel free to contact me at [email protected], or on whatever social media outlet you feel is hippest.
On that note, we’ll be live shitposting on twitter all weekend, @feedmeyourtears (me) and @ChaseEmory (Soup). It’ll certainly be something, but if you have good enough taste to avoid that social cancer, you can likely expect at least one legit write-up by Monday. Plan to get this done before my apathy kills me again.
I have a sweet new avatar.
That’s really as far as the meta goes for this post.
Ecchisauce (open image in new tab to expand):
Apparently she’s some random “OC do not steal” girl, but she’s super ky, so whateves.
So yeah, tl;dr: I now have a legitimate excuse not to post anything this weekend. Lucky me~
(Still might, since I wanna get how best boy Subaru is off my chest.)
I thought this was a con review until well after I’d finished reading. I also thought the post introduced you as Dark_Soup.
I may just need sleep.
So, some various recommendations:
There’s a St. Hubert’s at the airport that serves a fairly decent chicken poutine, though it’s a bit salty.
The convention centre’s right next to Chinatown so there’s a bunch of good stuff there.
– Fung Shing: Great Cantonese Chinese restaurant that my mom’s been going to for >25 years
– The two bigger pastry shops are Harmony and Legend, iirc Harmony is a bit cheaper. Legend also has a small sit down restaurant inside, nice food and not too expensive.
– Right beside Harmony is a place that sells sweet and savory bao (those filled steamed buns), which make for a great snack and are 30 minutes for sure) wait times during the convention.
There’s also a great banh mi place on the same street as Fung Shing. They have several varieties of filling, but are a bit pricey (~4-5$ each iirc).
If you walk out the front of the convention centre and turn right when you get to the street, you should see the pedestrian street called De la Gauchetiere, go that way and cross one street, and you’re in Chinatown.
Right after crossing, on your left is Harmony and the bao place. Further down on the left (upstairs) is L2, and on the right somewhere is Legend. Cross one more street and walk up to the next crossing, turn left and go uphill, Fung Shing is there near the top, and the banh mi place is somewhere across across the street.
Holy shit I ended up writing an essay O_O.
Is there a Chipotle nearby?
Not as far as I’m aware. I’m not sure we have them here in Québec. Don’t take my word on that though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There’s a taco place just downhill of Fung Shing though, on the same side of the street.
Thanks for the tour, I wasn’t lucky last year with the places I tried out.
Welp, Chinese it is then~ Have high hopes after Vancouver.
Thanks for the recs! Much appreciated. :)
Stupid greater than and lesser than signs -_-
This part of my
essaymessage got butchered:– Right beside Harmony is a place that sells sweet and savory bao (those filled steamed buns), which make for a great snack and are <2$
– It’s Chinatown, so there are several bubble tea shops, and every pastry shop also sells it, but we always go to the L2 lounge. They make great bubble tea, but expect long (>30 minutes for sure) wait times during the convention.
Oh yeah you gotta and-gt; and and-lt; that shit. I’d fix it for you but I’m on my way to my hotel and also lazy.
I’m kinda tempted to try and meet up, but I’m autistic and a bit awkward so I’m not sure if it’s a good idea.
Can’t hurt. Generally when I meet up with readers it’s as simple as “hey what’s up, let’s go to a random panel or do walkcon a bit and then head our separate ways”.
No pressure at all.
Sure, why not? I guess I’ll email you since I don’t really use social media much? I’ve got irc on my phone too, so that would work well.
Email away. If you’re here now we’re drunk and making mistakes.
Will do. Probably tomorrow though, since first I gotta meet up with someone else, then I’m off to the Fakku panels and that’ll be it for the night.
>not drinking till 4am
All right, catch ya tomorrow.
No AnimeRevo again?
The AniRevo girls are cuter and the city is straight better, but Otakuthon is the superior con.
Inb4 it’s shit this year
Otakuthon was great. Halfway through the writeup, so ETA 2017.
You can start a campaign to “Make Canadian Cons Great!” or something.
Apparently the only thing other Canadacons need to do is add more French girls. It’s like a fucking magic potion.
>a “How to Learn Japanese” panel
kek plebeian as fuck, man.