tl;dr: I’m moving to Denver, and posts will be rather infrequent.
Status Update
v. Sick
I wanted to write out a bunch of posts on this season, Sakuracon, and how fucking cute my smile is. But I’ve been sick since Friday, alternating between hacking out my guts and googling what the most painless, yet effective, method of committing suicide is.

Funny thing about bronchitis is it’s a virus, so the best my doctor could offer me is a bottle of codeine and a halfhearted handjob. Taking the responsible route, I pawned the bottle off on the first middle schooler I saw, and declined the doc’s support, cuz tbh no one else handles dick better than I do. (TL Note: I’m straight. Unless you’re a super-cute dude, and then I’d mostly just fuck ya for the twitter likes.)

v. Denver
As if bleeding from my esophagus weren’t enough, my job decided to fuck me in the ass over Sakuracon weekend. I’m still on payroll for a bit, but now I get to spend all of May trying to find a new role. And roll over me with a rusty tractor if I’m gonna do in bumfuck Minnesota. Baby, we’re going to Denver!

…So yeah, I’m moving to Denver (tomorrow), and plan to dedicate May to finding a new job. My skillset’s relatively in demand, I have some great references, and absolutely no ties to anything but my reflection. So all should be fine. Well, I should. Crymore won’t be.
v. Crymore
Had some long bullshit wrote up, but it boils down to: I ain’t writing until I get a new job confirmed. This shit takes time, and I’d feel guilty otherwise.

Hey, at least I meet expectations.
Spring 2017 to Date, Parts IV-V
Don’t have time for full-fledged posts, so this is all you’re getting. You’re probably more likely to read it this way anyway.
Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai

Watched: With my boys @ Sakcon
Caught this one with the crew when half of them were almost high enough that I could get away with fapping under the covers. Well, surprise surprise, the fucking assholes caught me on a handcheck. Had to finish when they passed out, but I can’t really hold that against the show.
Rating: Excellent
SukaSuka Five Dolla

Watched: One episode at Sakuracon, barely
The only thing I remember about this, besides being bored enough to do my fucking taxes during its runtime (yes, at the con), was how puddi and I got in a fight over best girl. Think he picked the snaggletooth, and I picked the girl who looked most likely to take it in the ass? Anyway, I don’t remember their names, but I’m 95% sure they were 12, and 100% sure puddi’s still wrong.
Rating: Shit
The King’s Avatar
Watched: 1 ep at home, 1 ep at Sakuracon
Not good. I’m pretty sure I said some racist shit while watching this one. But considering how many women China has clothes-hangar’d out of existence, perhaps we can call this one even. Make me a fucking anime that doesn’t suck, and maybe I’ll consider ya something better than budget-Koreans, China.
Rating: Shit
One Room Friends

Watched: Sakuracon, all 12 episodes
Yeah, this was last season or whatever. The boys told me it was super self-insert, so they had me roleplay the MC as our midnight festivity (#fucktherave). Let me tell you, shit got pretty misogynistic. And when I found out that one girl had cucked me into paying for our 2-bedroom? Well, I’ve had better moments.
Rating: Shit
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria
Watched: Sakuracon, 1epperino
I tried to pretend it wasn’t awful, but it was. It really was.
Rating: Shit
Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho
Watched: Away from the sight of anyone who could judge me
This is a show about an outcast furry who meets up with the strongest witch in the world and they go on adventures and shit because even though she’s the most powerfullest witch in the history of ever she totally needs some sadmad, limpwrist furfag to guard her.
Rating: 0/10. Even without the furries, this show would be shit.
Renai Boukun

Watched: Alone in my hotel room
Episode 1 was awesome, but it also convinced me the rest of the series would be shit. Maybe Japan’ll come through?
Rating: Great

“Wanna watch episode 2?”
Maybe Sakuracon wasn’t made entirely of bad decisions after all.
Watched: 01 @ home, 02 @ never
Rating: Shit
Idol Time PriPara
Watched: Alone in my hotel room
For some reason I thought this was PreCure when I downloaded it. After a couple seconds of involuntarily trying to tear my eyes out of their sockets, I realized my mistake.
Rating: Shit
Sagrada Reset
Watched: Unfortunately.
Rating: 2predictable/10
Berserk (2017)
Watched: 01, alone
It’s Berserk and it’s not the half-assed ’97 version or another retread of the awful Golden Age arc. Of course I love it.
Rating: 10/10
All goes well, guess you’ll see me at NDK again. If I fuck up, then I suppose it’s back to America’s dumpster. WML.

i’m sorry for your loss
Of what, my virginity? I lost that several cons ago, but thanks for the thoughts.
I figured you’d be a fan of SukaSuka for the quality oneesan
She 100% did not show up in episode 1.
She did. She was trolling.
Based on the screencap, Aiz is exhibiting a lot more personality this season.
>not watching based Doki’s superior release of Idol Time PriPara
There’s your mistake, D_S-kun. Also not checking out Yui’s midriff-baring stage outfit.
>Rating: 2predictable/10
nothing really happened in regards to that scene lol
Is the series over yet?
I was just surprised how the movie took 10 minutes to get where the anime took 3 fucking episodes. Maybe give the movie a try? Though it is a two-parter. The anime’s biggest sin was working as a live-action just fine.
LOL @ that pinterest
The most painless way would be to inject pure bliss, pass out and never wake up.
I’m not injecting myself with my jizz.
Who said you have to inject yourself?
still waitin’ for eromanga!
Anyway, good luck with finding a new job :D
>suka, zero, dungeon
Forget what I said. I’m glad you’re leaving.
Solar sub cartoons \[T]/
I may have been wrong about WorldEnd.
Ever watch Black Bullet?
That final episode. okhandemoji
yes you were. 7/10 min