Cuz if you don’t spend all your money on anime you aren’t a *true fan*.

Manga volumes: 4k+
Anime BD series: 400+
Anime DVD series: 300+
Games (physical): 700+
Games (steam – anime only): 750+ | Link
Figures: 100+ | Link
Shame remaining: None.
If we as individuals are truly defined by the quality of our consumerism, then I think I’ve almost garnered enough content to fill out a Tinder profile.

And now for the Pix
Beyond the BD expansion, things have not changed dramatically since my last post. But I needed an excuse to dust, so enjoy.
(Links default to “_Small.jpg” to save your bandwidth. If you want ’em 4 times bigger, change that bit in the URL to “_Large.jpg”. Case sensitive cuz fuck wordpress.)
Room 1
Yes, this is more manga than you’ve ever seen in one place. No, I haven’t read any of it.
Room 2
This is the living room, if you use a liberal definition of the term.
Even deeper:
Room 3
At Casa del Seiji, every night’s a threesome.
Oh god no that’s too deep:

Q: How old are you?
A: Just turned 47 last June.
Q: So, do you rent a place, or…
A: No, I live in my mother’s basement.
Q: How were you able to afford all this?
A: You’d be surprised how much an assistant-to-the-manager at McDonald’s can make.
Q: Are you a virgin?
A: Clearly.
Q: Does this really count as content?
A: No, but I know you fucking like it anyway.
Okay, q&a over, I need to vomit up this handle. Marriage requests can go in the comments below. Rejections will shortly follow. <3
so when’s the LAN/slumber party?
I have tomorrow off, so…
cool, see you at 9
Marry me pl0x
okay, but where is your hentai stash bottom left, plus the random BL I have scattered through the manga
For the record, my ideal foreplay consists of watching Ninja Love in muted contemplation for the entirety of the its 60-minute runtime, followed by a 10-15 minute vigorous discussion of its themes and use of symbolism, finishing off with two minutes of halfhearted cunnilingus, during which I will pause and check my nonexistent watch at least three times. I’ve run my local Wal-Mart out of its towel supply more than once with this technique.
>Q: Are you a virgin?
>A: Clearly.
I honestly can’t tell if that’s actually a sarcasm or not.
the entire FAQ was clearly sarcasm
did you literally buy some nerd’s collection? i can’t see why else you’d own all these shitty R1 dvds of late-90s/early-00s crap.
That nerd was me. I’ve been collecting since anime was being sold on cassette tapes at Sam Goody’s. ;_;
That sick crymore screensaver tho…
made by yours truly
What happened with the move to Denver? Did i miss something? I was looking forward to seeing the new setup…
Oh, I did move down. But everything went to hell and now I’m stuck licking my wounds in Michigan/Minnesota for a while.
Ah the traditional Crymore Buyfag post. And it gets better with every passing year <3
One day you might get tired of the whole collecting business and the mundane triviality of life and develop multiple personality disorder. One of your alter egos would install a bomb in the flat without your primary self recognizing it, and when you are somewhere else the bomb would explode, transforming every single particle of the contents of your house into ashes. With the moral that things you own end up owning yourself and consumerism is a monstrosity ruining human minds engraved upon your soul, you would establish a club whose first rule is never to talk about it.
I think I saw that in a movie once
i think that’s the plot from jurassic world
still waiting for the post about official streaming sites.
ETA tonight then; I had it basically finished weeks ago lol.
Persona 5 too cruel.
Thank you for this indirect yet immeasurable contribution to Japanese economy.
(That shirt is fucking dope tho.)
You’re lying. You’re actually 63 years old.
Psh, I wish. Reddit told me chicks only like older dudes, so I’m waiting for my time in the sun.
Fell for the same poster at a con; great taste as always
I bet you sell those My-Otome Zweis you bought when you were drunk.
I will never sell those; they’re the cheapest shelving I can get.
You lazy bastard.
Make it as a table or something…
You clearly have a hoarding problem.
i will always be deleting downloaded anime as soon as i watch it so that i don’t remind myself how much of a disappointment or cliched the anime was.
also emphasis on downloaded.
i can’t bring myself to own/buy a single piece of anime merchandise. that may change in future if i come across a great poster that or godly figurine that doesn’t reek of weebness.
It’s okay to be poor.
An average McDonald’s assistant manager hourly pay in the United States is approximately $15.25, which meets the national average.