cleanse. However close you get to being correct, you’re still wrong. Also, I’m sorry you have to work with a retarded encoder, but at least you make a good fit.
It’s not wrong to pull words out of utterances, but they generally have to correlate with the surrounding sentences. This literally makes no sense.

You can’t “negate” a wound, as a wound -by nature- already fucking exists.

More like “You’re taking the lead?”

The only thing worse than racism is this editor’s writing.
You can be cute, but it has to fit the character’s vocal patterns, otherwise you’re just masturbating a micro-penis.

own volition

Who writes a line like this and then thinks it looks good?

The only thing I need is another drink.

Damage doesn’t grow, it spreads.

Sorry editor-kun, I don’t think that’s gonna happen anytime soon.

Pray tell, how does worst come to worst? It’s like going from 0 to 0. Now, technically this isn’t wrong. worst -> worst is the original expression, after all. But in modern usage, worse -> worst is far preferred.
This is a legitimate issue pervasive through UTW’s release — you’ll get a lot of lines that technically pass, but only with grounded colors. Nobody would call this writing good, not even the editor’s chromosome-generous mother.

UTW often gets their tenses confused in Fate/Apocrypha. The second line should be “Yeah, I wish it would never end.” because they’re still in the fucking ‘dream’.

What in the literal what is this supposed to mean? Like, I get the point, but what the fuck are they on about?

Instead of laws, shackles would make both sex and this line so much better. Don’t read too much into that.

As far what as possible? Away? Then fucking say that you limp-dicked lardfucks.

The perfect translation for “onegaishimasu”. Who could think of 30 other nonmemetic translations for that which would have worked? Certainly not me, and certainly not raze.

I know Christianity is kind of an obscure religion, and English is kind of an obscure language, but with the magic of the internet I’m sure you could find someone to consult who could get the grammar right here.

If only they had a term for someone who acts like a clown in a story. I bet if they did, it’d be something crazy like “comic relief”. Alas.

Sto-mash, huh?

Not with that attitude.

The Sword in the Stone’s never been called that before, but okay.

Sometimes I try and put myself into the editor’s mindset to see what they might’ve been thinking when they wrote the stupid lines they wrote.
I tried that for this one and now I need to clean my brain with bleach.

There are times when you capitalize earth, and others when you don’t. Guess which occasion this is.

You could go with jester or fool, but you chose clown.

Previously established.

If you have to reread a line multiple times to figure out what exactly it’s supposed to mean, it’s not a good line.

1 promise = 1 cry

Try imagining a rewrite of this fucking shit.

“heir” is not pronounced “hair”.

QC is a state of mind.

The only thing clear about this writing is that the editor needs to quit.

Me, editor. Me Engrish.

This line reads like doing a u-turn on a one-way.

UTW with that gap-toothed a e s t h e t i c.

Not yet.

Scratch that.

alongside and along are different words with different meanings.

My only wish is for this editor to fulfill his life’s purpose and dive headfirst into a meat grinder. Actually, let’s make that feetfirst.

And current_gen UTW is a pathetic imitation of what they once were (not that they were ever great). I’m done.
Damn, I can’t believe how much I missed these posts. It’s been too long.
Those things happen when there aren’t CR scripts to edit and an original TL has to be made like the good ol’ days; minus the sometimes nonexistent QC.
Just because it’s an OTL doesn’t mean shitty quality is to be expected, please.
Thanks, senpai.
[SmugCat] Sword Art Online the Movie -Ordinal Scale- next?
I mean, I’m pretty open to doing reviews at this point in the year, but why SmugCat? They’re the only ones who did Nyanko Days, AOTY 2017; don’t tell me they’re bad. ;_;
Just finished watching their release, it gets a pass from me. Please prove me and my taste to be wrong.
Why are you so eager to hate some no-name group?
Wait, is Raze russian? Because to my editor and I this looks like this was either:
a) Translated from russian extremely literally.
b) Translated by a russian who thinks they know english.
“the face of earth”: it’s supposed to be the face of THE Earth.
At least the show was shit too
otherwise I miight have been bothered by the “greatness”
Any anime with a sexy shirtless Japanese Jesus can’t be bad.
Amen to that
Just like old times
*wipes away a tear*
Waiting for fanboys and butthurt fansubbers.
throwback to the good ol’ days.
Could you review Chyuu’s Nanatsu please? I’m LF best release. Netflix sucks as ever.
Aren’t you the guy who did Yozakura Quartet and failed at everything possible from translation to editing?
>Implying I even pretend to know know Japanese
Lol no, I just took a guessub somebody else put together, and gave cleaning it up a shot. Complete with the second track styled in glorious yellow. In retrospect that should have been the only version, and is my only regret about that release.
Chyuu’s nanatsu was still poo.
…no Taizai? Did they ever finish that?
Yeah, but it took them about 50 million years.
2016-06-30 last release.
But I meant second season ofc:
Considering. It’ll give me another excuse to stare at giant butt at least.
I can’t believe you’re a Fate-fag when there’s more to Type-Moon. I bet you also play Fate Grand Order.
Tsk tsk.
Like Tsukihime? Fool me once…
>go kill yourself, raze
Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. It’s been, what, three or four years since he left? And fwiw the last UTW show you reviewed (Chuuni2) got an A-.
Every so often I kinda miss QCing… until I remember how much time I had to spend each episode.
All they needed to do was hire some newblood QC. Anyone literate could have caught 90% of this shit in like 30-45 per episode. QCing at your level, of course, would take a bit longer.
As for whether vale quit or not, I pulled this from their staff page:
Translator – valerauko, convexity (6)
Editor – Kyhz
Timer – Sindalf, KmE (4, 16-17, 21-22)
Typesetter – KmE
Encoder – Naine, __ar (13)
QC – Kyhz, KmE
I think my blame is fairly placed.
Editor – Kyhz
More like Kys.
Why is the same person doing both editing and QC.
You ask good questions.
How long did you spend?