Oh yes I did.
Below you can find all Spring 2018 TV subtitle options through current date. Best (or only) option in bold, purple text. Reasonings behind each decision are in the main article. Titles match MyAnimeList, but I have faith you can find what you’re looking for. Both formatting suggestions and blowjobs are welcome.
Spring 2018: # – K
Part 2 (L – Z): coming later

3D Kanojo: Real Girl
- [9volt]
- [HorribleSubs]
Aikatsu Friends!
- [Mezashite]
Akkun to Kanojo
- [HorribleSubs]
- [Migoto]
Alice or Alice: Siscon Niisan to Futago no Imouto
- [HorribleSubs]
- [Nii-sama]
Amai Choubatsu: Watashi wa Kanshu Senyou Pet
- N/A. No subs, but it’s basically hentai so who cares?
Amanchu! Advance
- [Asenshi]
- [HorribleSubs]
Beyblade Burst Chouzetsu
- [HnY]
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu Happy Kiss!
- [HorribleSubs]
Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season
- [HorribleSubs]
Butlers: Chitose Momotose Monogatari
- [HorribleSubs]
- [HorribleSubs]
Captain Tsubasa (2018)
- …okay, these subtitle options are a fucking mess. Best I can tell there are like 4 different groups working on this and none of them know how to fucking talk to each other. I’m not wading into this shitfest.
Comic Girls
- [HorribleSubs]
- [SoftLife] – 3 episodes behind, ugly pink font, “I’ve learned how to fansub watching torn’s releases”… let’s assume they dropped this and never speak of the group again.
Cutie Honey Universe
- [HorribleSubs]
Devils Line
- [HorribleSubs]
- [Mal10]
Dorei-ku The Animation
- [HorribleSubs]
Duel Masters!
- N/A. No subs. Do people still watch this shit though? Rather, did they ever?
FLCL Alternative
- N/A. This show airs next season. I don’t know why I chose MAL as my source of truth, they’re fucking retarded.
Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory
- [DameDesuYo]
- [DZY]
- [HorribleSubs]
- [Saitei] – “Since DDY picked this up, I’ll just release a better raw than the CR one since DDY is much better because of editing and sutff.”
Fumikiri Jikan
- [HorribleSubs]
Future Card Buddyfight Battsu: All-Star Fight
- N/A. No subs.
Gegege no Kitarou (2018)
- [HorribleSubs]
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These – Kaikou
- [HorribleSubs]
Golden Kamuy
- [Chyuu]
- [Glue]
- [HorribleSubs]
Gundam Build Divers
- [HorribleSubs]
- [Commie]
- [HorribleSubs]
High School DxD Hero
- [AoD] – Straight HorribleSubs rip onto an uncensored raw
- [HorribleSubs]
- [meta] – Straight HorribleSubs rip onto an uncensored raw
- [SubDESU]
- [HorribleSubs]
- [Vivid]
Hisone to Maso-tan
- [Asenshi]
Hoozuki no Reitetsu 2nd Season: Sono Ni
- [HorribleSubs]
Inazuma Eleven: Ares no Tenbin
- [RyRo]
- [SakkaSubs]
Juushinki Pandora
- [Anonyneko]
- [Hibiki] – “probably a one-time thing”
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
- [HorribleSubs]
Kekkero Ke
- N/A. No subs, kero.
Kiratto Pri☆chan
- [SMC-Subs]
Koneko no Chii: Ponponra Dairyokou
- [HorribleSubs]
- [Refrain]
Things to know:
[HorribleSubs] is almost invariably going to be a straight rip of the official subtitle options. So: Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, Crunchyroll, Funimation, Sentai, Daisuki (lol oh wait), etc.
I am unlikely to recommend a “fansub” option unless it is notably better than the official version. Fixing an error or two and adding in or removing honorifics doesn’t cut it — the subs need to provide a clear advantage to justify switching over. And if you add in errors or any annoying masturbatory bullshit, good luck.
All in all, do not expect any low-effort subtitle edits to make the cut (unless they’re short series cuz then who cares).
The Subtitle Comparisons
3D Kanojo: Real Girl (9volt vs. HorribleSubs)
Verdict: HorribleSubs wins.
9volt has better typesetting, and adds in karaoke. But their script is essentially a straight rip of Crunchyroll’s, and they release a week later.
Akkun to Kanojo (HorribleSubs vs. Migoto)
Verdict: Migoto wins.
Migoto fixes the weird ESLglish in the base script and adds in typesetting and karaoke. That’s enough to get the win from me on a short series.
Alice or Alice: Siscon Niisan to Futago no Imouto (HorribleSubs vs. Nii-sama)
Verdict: HorribleSubs wins.
With horrid styling decisions and a stunning ability to make the already shit officialsubs worse, Nii-sama has clearly learned from the worst in the business. Coincidentally we’ll be seeing some of those in just a bit.
Amanchu! Advance (Asenshi vs. HorribleSubs)
Verdict: Asenshi wins by a landslide.
This isn’t even a fight. Asenshi’s release is strictly better. Good subs, boys.
Devils Line (HorribleSubs vs. Mal10)
Verdict: HorribleSubs wins.
Across the entire script, Mal10 made one solitary edit. I don’t understand how it could take them a fucking month to do that, but hey, at least ya finally got there little guy. Perseverance!
Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory (DameDesuYo vs. DZY vs. HorribleSubs)
Verdict: HorribleSubs attains a Pyrrhic victory.
There’s enough awful edits here that I cannot, in good conscience, recommend DameDesuYo for this show. But make no mistake, the official effort here is fucking trash (courtesy of Funimation, as you might imagine).
Golden Kamuy (Chyuu vs. Glue vs. HorribleSubs)
Verdict: Chyuu wins.
Chyuu does just enough to get the nod over HorribleSubs. Glue, however, gets an F.
Gurazeni (Commie vs. HorribleSubs)
Verdict: HorribleSubs wins.
What little effort Commie put in only served to make the base script worse. Someone should’ve told the editor’s mother not to drink bleach while pregnant.
High School DxD Hero (AoD vs. HorribleSubs vs. meta vs. SubDESU)
Verdict: AoD, but you’re ultimately better off with the light novels. Legitimately considering a full post on how awful our options are here.
Note that the HorribleSubs release is censored, so by default AoD, meta, and SubDESU are better. As AoD and and meta are straight rips from HorribleSubs onto an uncensored raw, your choice of those two should just default to AoD, as they have chapters, karaoke, and release the quickest.
With SubDESU being an original TL, it comes down to them and AoD. Which… ended up being an easier choice than I was expecting.
Hinamatsuri (HorribleSubs vs. Vivid)
Verdict: HorribleSubs wins.
Commie with spellcheck puts out a decent release if your cringe tolerance is high. But if you’re more interested in enjoying the best show of the season than dealing with the aftermath of some perennial posers rubbing their three inches bloody, then you’re probably gonna want to stick to HorribleSubs.
Inazuma Eleven: Ares no Tenbin (RyRo vs. SakkaSubs)
Verdict: RyRo wins.
Count of hands, who still gives a fuck about shotabait soccer sim 2019?
Koneko no Chii: Ponponra Dairyokou (HorribleSubs vs. Refrain)
Verdict: HorribleSubs wins.
Part 2 will hopefully be done within a week from now. You’re welcome. : )
Thanks for the subbing breakdown. Glad to see you finally getting around to it.
+ + Detailed notes about why you made your pick for each group with screen shots.
– – No comments about the quality of the show its self. (AotS, ok, would rather give a blowjob then watch it, crap, wouldn’t watch it for a free blowjob)
Other suggestions:
To make the the pick’s (winner’s?) name standout better maybe underline or color change. Only bracket around the pick. [the winrar is you]
See you next update.
Now this is the content I’m after.
Not sure how I destroyed an entire line like that but there were quite a few problems with the v2. The v2 was mainly to fix our shitty font choice and some another misc stuff. Somehow, there was even more problems that I didn’t notice. I did most of my applying early in the morning so I prob butchered a lot when applying the qc.
>Somehow, there was even more problems that I didn’t notice. I did most of my applying early in the morning so I prob butchered a lot when applying the qc.
Jesus fuck, if this is their QC guy I suddenly understand quite a bit.
Lol’d. You can pick apart my comment all you want since I typed it late at night while on vacation, but that doesn’t mean shit. Also, I’m not the “QC.”
You must have taken your ESL courses late at night while on vacation as well.
Yeah, you taught me well.
At last, fan-sub comparisons.
Now if only fan-subbing wasn’t dead.
True, but with so much being commercially released same day it’s rarely worth it. Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
Though I do miss the snazzy karaoke from time to time.
>fan-subbing is dead meme
It’s not, they’re just subbing a show from Spring 2000 instead
>watching the Golden Kamuy anime
Won’t give you a blowjob but how about a thanks?
I thought DameDesuYo was supposed to be OK? What a let down.
I’m not entirely sure I understand what you think is bad about our (DDY’s) FMP subs. Funi’s script is so badly done that it often leads to translational misunderstandings, so I personally wouldn’t even consider it. Hit me up on IRC if you have more feedback than just these four lines.
#1 HS: Don’t shoot.
#1 DDY: You can’t let you, of all people, do that.
Yup, there’s a typo here (You -> I), but HS is also wrong translationally. He’s trying to protect her innocence in a way. Our TLC had this to say about it originally which prompted the change:
There’s an emphasis here. Not just in the tone but in the grammar. As in, “you of all people must not shoot.”
#2 HS: This unit is being exposed to heat that \Nexceeds the threshold for practical use.
#2 DDY: This unit currently exceeds the threshold of acceptable operating termperatures.
This one is my fault. I shouldn’t try to fansub while drunk on business trips, but I felt bad about having delayed it almost a week. That said, the line is otherwise much better.
#3 HS: They’re due to make landfall in 40 minutes.
#3 DDY: Their estimated time of landfall is 40 minutes.
#4 HS: I think they’d be happy to\Nsettle this with a businesslike agreement.
#4 DDY: In fact, I bet they’d take us for a bunch of suits and cut us a deal!
Letting yourself be shoehorned in by the Engrish word “businesslike” in audio is not a good way to edit. This guy’s character also fits this line much better. He’s not got much of an opinion of anyone other than himself and talks like a jackwagon.
I’ll have to get back to ya Saturday.
>#3 DDY: Their estimated time of landfall is 40 minutes.
It should be “time to landfall”, not “of”.
“Ignoring how pathetic Glue’s editing effort was, the few changes they managed to make only served to ruin the script.”
He is a Brazilian. Yeah, I meant their editor.
Can’t trust those boys from Brazil.
I don’t see how HS would be a better choice than either Vivid or DDY by your comparisons. In Vivid’s case it feels like you’re making this personal. But maybe I’m just saying that because I don’t know or care how much of a faggot Xythar is.
I am pretty consistent when it comes to groups that make their jokesubs the default. Vivid’s are particularly aggravating due to the jumpy, attention-whoring visuals.
For DDY’s, I have, let’s say, creative differences with some of the edits made. I will likely spend Saturday or Sunday going over why – I owe that to begs at least.
> I am pretty consistent when it comes to groups that make their jokesubs the default.
Idk, there’s a certain merit to the thought that jokesubs and gag comedy do work together. Besides, I thought the typesetting shenanigans were pretty subtle for the most part and actually felt like they were part of the genuine experience. In any case it was something that made me smile almost as much as the gags themselves, considering the show, while pretty great, isn’t as consistently funny as some of the better gag comedies.
“In any case it was something that made me smile almost as much as the gags themselves”
You need to be 18+ in order to have an opinion or something, kid.
The way you phrased that suggests I’m at least a decade older than you, but sure, I won’t contest your right to express your inferiority complex. Go on.
>their script is essentially a straight rip of Crunchyroll’s, and they release a week later.
That’s Hidive and not Crunchyroll. You can easily tell that by that weird typeset. However, it’s HorribleSubs fault it looks so bad. If HS would fix it, it could look like this: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/411952567795449867/442221920037896192/mpv-shot0002.png
(not perfect, but much better imo)
>Koneko no Chii: Ponponra Dairyokou (HorribleSubs vs. Refrain)
Just in case you don’t know: Refrain is a ripping group and not a fansub group. HorribleSubs is not the ripping monopoly.
And when we talk about ripping monopoly, Erai-Raws also exist. They are ripping the better CR encode (crf=15) while HorribleSubs still rip the old 2pass encode. I don’t see a reason why someone would pick HorribleSubs over Erai-Raws for CR shows. They are usually faster and offer the better video quality.
More of a standardization thing. I understand CCCP is quite outdated, and I realize HorribleSubs has been surpassed by others in speed for quite a bit. But if those are still what most people are using and watching, I think it’s best to set up my viewing environment accordingly.
>I don’t see a reason why someone would pick HorribleSubs over Erai-Raws for CR shows.
Broken SCENE. You have to shift Erai 2 frames forward or it won’t work. HS works fine by default.
Yeah, I actually didn’t know that — got them mixed up with that Little Busters group “Refrain Subs” (with all due apologies to shcboomer).
Unless a group name makes it obvious, I’m not sure how anybody is supposed to tell these days.
Clickbait. Not every show is there, like Megalo Box or WotaKoi.
Boy, I wonder why that is.
Yeah, and no shows with X or Y. It’s a conspiracy.
Oh. I’m a retard, sorry. Didn’t notice the “Part 1/2”.
It’s okay, he’ll never finish Part 2 anyway.
can you also do comparison for hentai ovas? most group looks dead nowadays so its good to know which are the active ones today
Fun fact: If part 2 of this series ever comes out, it will be the first time since Summer 2012 that Dark_Sage will have reviewed an entire season.
Compared to 2012, I think there are far less fansubs around though.
Good stuff, can’t wait for part 2 and the reevaluation of DDY’s full metal script
Thank you and good job for making so much effort into comparing the subs. Very much appreciate it. Maybe a little suggestion from a fellow anime watcher who loves to compare subs – maybe you could consider the fansubbers effort in coding their releases (e.g. file size vs quality, x265 over x264, etc). I love comparing those too.
>What little effort Commie put in only served to make the base script worse. Someone should’ve told the editor’s mother not to drink bleach while pregnant.
That was a good one, thanks for the laugh. And thanks for this whole post.
I’am not western so overlocalize just make the anime feels weird,
i find Nii-sama is good now.
about Photo OP why not giving original dialog in romanji/kana for comparison ?
and just forgot h in text doesn’t mean the translator is bad.
there’s a chance that they actually said photo time instead of Photo OP.
you said weebier but english isn’t for western only, most asian is learn trilingual language and accept different culture by not force them to overlocalize it.
if i like overlocalize western that mean i’m westboo, so i more like original nuance and translate.
for people who like official translate from fansub that just rip it, please just watch from official because nothing is different and you support the creator too.
i also will support if have official translator like Nii-sama that keep original dialogue, nuance and keep untranslateable word.
actually i kinda feels weird with overlocalize people, when they change 100% of the meaning they said it’s localize but if just a part wrong they said the translate is bad.
like in gabriel dropout, original said:
Hontouni omaera, nanishini kitanda yo?
are you coming here just to mess my room? (something like this) 100% change original meaning, but ok.
and yeah without honorific is fine because i can still hear it but if what i hear and what i read is different it’s so disturbing.
it’s same like you heard using english voice and at the same time read english sub but what you heard and what you read is different.