One week later, just like I promised.
Below you can find all Spring 2018 TV subtitle options through current date. Best (or only) option in bold, purple text. Reasonings behind each decision are in the main article. Titles match MyAnimeList, but I have faith you can find what you’re looking for. Both formatting suggestions and buttjobs are welcome.
Spring 2018: L – Z
Part 1 (# – K) here:
- N/A. No subs, but it’s short and dumb enough that you can watch it raw.
Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari
- [HorribleSubs]
Lost Song
- [N/A – Anonymous] – Japanese -> Spanish -> English. Looks to be a one-time thing. Thank god.
- [TipsySubs]
Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS
- [HorribleSubs]
Lupin III: Part V
- [Commie]
- [HorribleSubs]
Mahou Shoujo Ore
- [HorribleSubs]
Mahou Shoujo Site
- [HorribleSubs]
- [PAS] – If PAS could be less than a week behind, I’d recommend their subs. As-is, they’re not worth a one-month wait.
Major 2nd (TV)
- [HorribleSubs]
Megalo Box
- [Commie]
- [HorribleSubs]
Nil Admirari no Tenbin
- [HorribleSubs]
Nobunaga no Shinobi: Anegawa Ishiyama-hen
- [HorribleSubs]
Omae wa Mada Gunma wo Shiranai
- [HorribleSubs]
Oretacha Youkai Ningen G
- N/A. I don’t think this is even anime.
Persona 5 the Animation
- [Commie]
- [Doki]
- [HorribleSubs]
Piano no Mori (TV)
- [Kooritsukai] – Dropped
- [PAS]
Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori
- [HorribleSubs]
Saredo Tsumibito wa Ryuu to Odoru
- [HorribleSubs]
Shiyan Pin Jiating (all these options are awful, just pretend the show never aired)
- [N/A – Anonymous (option 1)] – Where anon learns how to become “an human”.
- [N/A – Anonymous (option 2)] – Where anon creates a release with multiple (unique) files titled the exact same thing, fails to mention the show’s name in any of them, and hardsubs blurry pink font.
- Edit: They have apparently rebranded to “FrozenFruitSubs” yet still don’t know how to name files.
- [CCM] – Where some nobody group releases only episodes 2 and 3. (srsly, why?)
- [Ohys-Anon] – Where anon learns how to put a google translate script onto a raw.
Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara – Toutsuki Ressha-hen
- [HorribleSubs]
Shounen Ashibe: Go! Go! Goma-chan 3
- [HorribleSubs]
Souten no Ken Re:Genesis
- [HorribleSubs]
Steins;Gate 0
- [Chotto]
- [HorribleSubs]
- [LostYears]
- [NekomimiTeikoku]
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online
- [HorribleSubs]
Tachibanakan Triangle
- [HorribleSubs]
- [YuriClub] – Dropped?
Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
- [HorribleSubs]
- [Kaitou] – Dropped. Probably.
- [Trash] – Dropped. Hopefully.
To Be Hero 2
- [HiSubs] – Chinese dub version. lol.
- [HorribleSubs]
Tokyo Ghoul:re
- [HorribleSubs]
Uchuu Senkan Tiramisù
- [HorribleSubs]
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby (TV)
- [GJM] – Dropped?
- [HorribleSubs]
Usagi no Matthew
- N/A. No subs.
Wakaokami wa Shougakusei!
- [CabbageSubs] – A Hadena rebrand, but the show’s simple enough that you almost can’t tell.
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
- [Commie]
- [DameDesuYo] – Dropped?
- [HorribleSubs]
- [Scamazon] – Accurate name, but I think this is dropped.
Things to know:
[HorribleSubs] is almost invariably going to be a straight rip of the official subtitle options. So: Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, Crunchyroll, Funimation, Sentai, Daisuki (lol oh wait), etc.
I am unlikely to recommend a “fansub” option unless it is notably better than the official version. Fixing an error or two and adding in or removing honorifics doesn’t cut it — the subs need to provide a clear advantage to justify switching over. And if you add in errors or any annoying masturbatory bullshit, good luck.
All in all, do not expect any low-effort subtitle edits to make the cut (unless they’re short series cuz then who cares).
The Subtitle Comparisons
Lupin III: Part V (Commie vs. HorribleSubs)
Verdict: HorribleSubs wins. What an upset.
Mahou Shoujo Site (HorribleSubs vs. PAS)
Verdict: HorribleSubs wins, unless PAS can catch up.
PAS is better, but they’re not worth waiting for.
Megalo Box (Commie vs. HorribleSubs)
Verdict: Commie wins.
Not bad, Commie. Ya did good, kid.
Persona 5 the Animation (Commie vs. Doki vs. HorribleSubs)
Verdict: Commie wins.

I’ve said it before, but you’d be far better off playing the game instead of bothering with this shit. But if you have to watch it (being poor must suck), I guess Commie’s your best bet.
Steins;Gate 0 (Chotto vs. HorribleSubs vs. LostYears vs. NekomimiTeikoku)
Verdict: HorribleSubs.
Come on, now.
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii (Commie vs. HorribleSubs)
Verdict: HorribleSubs. Never trust a Commie comedy.
DameDesuYo is DameDesuDisqualified on account of being 5 episodes behind. Shame, cuz maybe they’d have made this interesting.
Thanks, fansub scene. If you hadn’t dropped the ball so fucking hard I never woulda been able to get through the entire season like this.
Will Chinese dubs ever be mainstream? :(
Hopefully not.
Scamazon is just an additional Amazon rip from when their quality in certain regions took a bit of a nosedive for about a week. The subs are the exact same as what you get from HorribleSubs.
Regarding PAS Magical Girl Site: Our editor/tlc went on vacation for like a week then had unexpected surgery that they’re still recovering from. On top of that, they’re sick. Fuck. Hopefully we’ll be able to catch up before it’s over.
Just let that bastard know someone out there had a drink for him tonight.
What kind of name is “Matthew” for a bunny anyway? That’s not a rabbit name. That’s a people name. If the show were “Usagi no PyonPyon FuwaFuwa DokiDoki☆Haato Raifu” we’d be fucking drowning in subs.
I demand that Ladyspo be axed from this article on the basis that it contains no animation. Cover it when you do your picture drama reviews. Where the hell ARE the picture drama reviews you promised, anyway?
Crymore only has one picture drama review, and I’m keeping it that way.
Yes, a week later.
You should drink less, that was one long blackout :D
No DDY for Wotaku? I guess they are too slow?
That is what I said, yes.
Did you change your opinion regarding ddy’s FMP IV?
Actually nvm, they are already running a week late. I’ll just stick with HS
Did you know Chotto unlike others is using superior Aniplus subs (and that it got proper styling and typesetting in later eps)?
The base script can be as superior as you want (I fast forward past Steins;Gate dialogue anyway) but if they’re adding in spelling mistakes to every third line there is no way in hell I am going to recommend that release.
Aniplex being superior is a joke. It’s not better.
Also changing things for the sake of changing things is stupid. If it doesn’t need changing then don’t. In this regard, [LostYears] is the clear winner. Best subtitles, best video quality, and the only one doing decent typesetting.
>Best subtitles
>Editing: CaptainJet / CTR
Editing is so hard tbh.
Again since you’re an idiot: Changing things that don’t need changing just for the sake of saying you changed something is stupid. The script has been great as-is for most episodes so very little has needed to be changed.
And you get the added benefit of good TS, KFX, and a better encode (dehardsubbed Wakanim). As well as an all-in-one package for dub and sub fans.
In those first ten lines, the grammar is atrocious and the editing is shit (“You like Mozart’s music?” // “I dabble in it sometimes.”).
They didn’t even misquote Einstein correctly — it’s, “Death means that one can no longer listen to Mozart.” according to a ten-second google search.
Why, exactly, would I give kudos to a group that is so deeply inept at the English language they see perfection in sub-mediocrity?
That’s a cool story, but it’s a well known fact that you sucked at editing before quitting “fansubbing” so you could shit on those better than yourself to feed your cancerous blogs viewership numbers.
You’re complete moron, Koby.
No wonder Kametsu/LostYears is famous for being garbage muxing group.
Both Chotto and LostYears added OP/ED, TS, and used dehardsubbed Wakanim.
And your shitty group like three episodes behind waiting for useless dub that no one cares about.
I would rather trust D_S than you and your people’s “editing”, to be honest.
For the note, both groups did horrible job in timing and typesetting.
Nice lies. At least attempt to make it believable next time though? kthx.
Someone really need to open their eyes, honestly.
Christ, did you ask your people to remove those Death March torrents on Nyaa?
I loved the comment section, though.
-D_S, we can’t edit our comment anymore?
-Chotto actually slow as shit, too.
1) It’s Aniplus, not Aniplex.
2) It is superior translation wise, but worse English wise.
About Chotto, it used to be a bad OCR, but later it became a proper fansub. You checked initial eps, so it was lacking. Try checking eps 8-10, properly edited, typesetted, encoded.
Funi is doing some dumb TL mistakes that nobody using bothered to change.
For example in episode 11, Okabe is asking:
– Funi, LostYears, NekomimiTeikoku: “So, is it analyzed?”
– Aniplus: “Anyway, have you cracked it?”
– What they actually say: “Have you decrypted it?”
Context: hacking into Kurisu laptop. There is a clear difference between them, you can’t analyze encryted files!
Chotto haven’t yet released but because they use both script as a base, there’s a change they’d get it right.
Aniplus was clearly superior in this line, since cracking is the right word for that.
Ty for zhis. M-maybe you’ll do one for summer, but fansubs seem to be so dead that you’d only have to review HorribleSubs…