We need to talk about Boku no Hero Academia and how shit it is

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


I’ve kind of had enough.


My Hero Academia? More like My Hero SUCKademia!

Cursed image for a cursed thread.

Let’s make a list of why Academia is bad:

  • The powers are boring
  • The drama’s too fake — everyone knows the limp-wristed heroes are gonna win easily as always
  • The villains are uninteresting pushovers
  • A bunch of random high schoolers are somehow OP as fuck, despite simultaneously being weak as balls — none of this is earned
  • The world makes no sense and the shit world-building doesn’t help
  • The whole thing reads like a DC Kids fanfic that got rejected before it was even submitted, but somehow worse
  • The fandom

Look, I get why this show is popular. If this was my first shounen I would think it’s cool too. I mean, wow, having a main character whose power is based on how hard he grimaces? There’s a fucking concept.

haha wan punch amirite my fellow nerds?


That’s basically what korogiri’s doing let’s be honest

You know why they continuously list out the characters’ quirks every time they show up on screen? It’s because the target audience is too fucking stupid to remember the half-dozen abilities that aren’t emblazoned across the characters’ poorly drawn faces.

Fropply looks like someone who managed to fail out of a Downs Syndrome Academy.

This despite having the most allergically autistic fans of any form of media aside from Steven Universe. I’d show you a picture, but my site deserves better. Try googling “reddit meetup” and you’ll get the gist. The Academia fans are the ones who should really not have taken their shirts off.

Shiragaki has the right idea.

Honestly, I don’t much like to talk about other people’s appearances, because there are very few people as naturally pretty as me. But Academia groupies, you do have the capability to not show up as sperg-spewing mental midgets to anyone in your path. Don’t cosplay in malls. Don’t wear the stupid retard-signal merch outside. And stop drawing your god awful fanart and posting it on tumblr; your art teacher told you you’d never amount to anything for a fucking reason.

You all are literally the reason I voted for Trump, and the only thing I regret about that is he hasn’t put you all in the fucking camps yet.

But one more supreme court justice and we have some fucking manga libraries to burn.

Okay, sorry, I think I might have come across a little strong right there. Let’s roll it back a bit and find some common ground.

See, I’m politically flexible, I’d be fine with throwing you in the gulag too.

Not fucking once have any of this series’ fans ever thought to themselves, “oh, I wonder what other series are like”?! You are literally worse than all those fat, middle-aged Ghibli fans who totes love anime — all two of the tired Nausicaä retreads they’ve seen. Actually, those are probably your fucking parents, which explains a fucking lot.

Time for some fucking education. Here’s some classic shounen manga you absolutely need to read if you wanna have an informed opinion on the series:

  • Hunter X Hunter
  • Tokyo Akazukin
  • Narutaru
  • Onani Master Kurosawa
  • Anne Freaks

Assuming you’re illiterate and can only watch dubbed shounens, I’ll also accept the following:

  • Hunter x Hunter (2011)
  • Harmonie
  • Shigofumi
  • Shinsekai yori
  • Jormungand

Get through those and we’ll talk. Till then, I’m keeping this gate to GoodTasteLand closed.

Soz, nerds.


540 thoughts on “We need to talk about Boku no Hero Academia and how shit it is”

  1. you must be real bored if you’re trying to talk to teenagers who didn’t know what anime was until last week
    fantastic recommendations though

    • Dude! Calm down. Too much anime for you! I don’t watch it! That it you are banned. Until you learn how to write a critic for kids.
      Watch you language no need for spiteful language and hostility towards teenagers and kids who happen to enjoy watching the anime.
      Shhhhhhhh and stop being a cry 😭 baby 🍼.

      • Agreed a lot of people like it and a lot of people hate it dosnt mean you have to act like its the stupidest thing in the world

        • Well you’re probably one of those little shits that think this is a good show too, right? And while he watches his language why don’t you fucking learn it, dumbass? Watch a good show instead of this hot pile of garbage and probably see a therapist you fucking retard. (Sorry, I think I went too far.)

          • Read the manga, it gets better. I like the series and have watched other 12 animes so I know how anime can be. And also calm down a bit.

            • WOWOWOWO 12 WHOLE ANIME MAN. YOUR A VETERAN.. Ive seen over 200 and I can confirm that anyone who watches more then 100 anime ca agree that mha is a huge pile of shit

                  • I really don’t care what you say.
                    My friend grew up watching anime. Her mother has a full wall just for anime, she’s watched the older ones the newer ones. And she love mha

                    • I mean the thing his so of his points are reasonable, like class A always oushines everyone no matter how powerful the villains are. I have only watched a few anime, but if you see, in demon slayers, the good people also die after fighting the bad,@ and it shows how strong the villains are. So his points were correct, but I agree his language was very wrong

                  • Hey person reading this, did you see the comment I’m currently replying to? Yeah, he/she seems pretty disabled in my opinion. I do not think MHA is bad nor is it good, it is simply just mediocre but with the fan base it currently has, it impacts the impressions of the people who haven’t watched it or have just started watching it. I get disliking the anime when it comes to the story, but when it comes from the anime in general, I just don’t see what’s so wrong. The animation is generic, it’s high quality but you can see similar art styles with other animes/mangas. The story is mediocre, you’ll most probably gradually get more uninterested when you don’t focus on the anime. The characters are ok but the concepts like their powers are most definitely obvious and basic. If you’re looking for an anime to just use as background noise then MHA is generally an ok thing to use. Shit on the shit heads in the fan base, not the anime/manga. (Shit on the “cringey” people, not the ones who are just normal, you’re just gonna be toxic if you piss on them for no absolute reason)

                  • i think that you are the one thats garbage. Different people have different opinions and you have no right to make fun of them just because you dont like what they like. im pretty sure that ur parents didnt teach yu not to be so rude. if the anime is rlly bad, why do people watch it then? Respect other’s opinions, spoilt kid

                  • yeah have agre mha is absolute shit
                    the lore is really scuffed and the fandom is a bunch of random autistic dumbass how have nothing better to do but post shitty fanart of gay ships like enough is enough

                    name one time were the characters were attacked and someone important died??

                    its super cliche and weird like at leat 5 new characters appear ever episode and they all feel like hae have no depth and were spent 5 mins on

                    • First off do you have something against autistic/disabled kids or some shit? You’re being very disrespectful and it’s not necessary at all..its a fucking TV show get over it 💀 also the gay ships are fine they ain’t affecting you in any way. the fandom is bad but now you’re just doing too much

                    • Please do NOT use the word autistic in a bad way. It’s hurtful. And what is wrong with gay ships? Do you have a problem with gay people? I get NSFW fanart is annoying as hell, especially since these characters are fucking sixteen, but really? Just leave the people who are making appropriate fanart ALONE, man.

                    • Why is this mainly focused on autistic people? I don’t go on random sites all the time and waste my time making fun of autistic people, such as myself.

                    • hey, dont blame me professional virgin i just wanted to rant all my thoughts to this show…

                      now imma go and watch some hentai

                  • only garbage is you, you opnion is shit, i didnt find any good point on why is it bad, all you do is hate on it, at least you come to the right place, web called crymore.net, here comes little shits like you to ONLY hate on anime, feel free to suck my balls :D

                    • you can suck my ten inch pp and also go die ina ditch then burn in hell

                      are you supporting the show?? then why the fuck are you on the article fucktard ur the trash here go do something in life

                      bruh ur just a walking hate crime NOW GO WATCH SOME GOOD ANIME UNLIKE MY SHITFACE ACADEMIA NERDDD

                    • go get a waifu and a laifu fuck tard… are you supporting the show mr fuckass?? suprise, your on absolute oppsite article. you need some help. and i like animes more than i hate them. and i dont like saying an anie is bad. BUT THIS???? this an all time low just scum that SOME HOW like 12 year olds watch. the other half of the people, theyre just adults just argue that their ship is better and other stupid shit

                    • He literally said it’s shit because the characters are blant and weak. He didn’t mention the perverted and pedo shit tho, but i do it here, for you retards to admire just how shit your little manga is.

                      only good about the manga is the drawing style, everything else sucks balls and is gay as fuck, just like your mom.

                  • Damn u really are trying to insult people for there opinions and are using insults and untrue claims to try and back up ur point.
                    Ps u aren’t the overlord of anime u fucking donkey

                    • sorry about this, the r word is derogatory and was used when scientists thought that being autistic or disabled meant your learning and growth was stunted. thats coffee addicts, not autistic kids you shithead. my sister is autistic and writes fucking essays. i think you need to do your homework.

                  • This thread is so 2021 but, I hope you’ve stopped. Y’all for real fighting over a show. If someone likes the show, let them enjoy it, it’s not gonna hurt you.

                  • Just like your life? Look if you hate MHA that’s fucking fine, but make fair points as to WHY it’s bad, but also be honest about the good in it. I think you should calm the fuck down you brat. Because just because “you’ve watched more anime than you or anyone else BUT you” doesn’t mean shit you retard! Like i said you can hate the show, but don’t criticize the fucking show “just cuz I’m a better fucking douchebag than everyone else”. You were also incredibly rude not just to MHA fans but to another anime fans and just everyone as well, making small insults like, “If your illiterate and can only watch dubbed, here’s a list of anime” Like you could’ve said it nicer or less hostile. You are really one of those people who just wants to cause chaos, and ruin people’s day even though “it’s your opinion” yet you say it like it’s fact.

                    • Every point I made in the article is backed by facts and logic. If you disagree with anything I said, you might be clinically retarded.

                    • people who fail to see the blatant obvious facts of this shitty manga are clinically autistic and need more meds for their decease.

                • If it isn’t shit why did they re-introduce all of class A in season 5 when you can just watch season 1 if your going in order like a normal person this is common knowledge they just made it too self centered around the cast that they don’t branch outside the quirks of which class A has as simply stated above if Allmight had a quirk passed down from his mentor where did Almight’s mentor get such a quirk how quirks were received because they make me see them as personality traits not as super powers really just a trash show I dropped it at season 3 & tried picking up season 5 to no avail utter garbo!

              • Agreed, I’ve watched 120 animes, MHA is just so fucking cringe, all the side characters are basically there to help the MC have a good character development

                • Isn’t that the point of a side character? They help the main character on their journey so they can grow idiot. Someone missed an Reading class (hint hint you don’t read you donkey)

                • i don’t know what people expected. the literal first scene is the main character getting a beating and being a pussy all the time.

              • Yall are outta pocket I’ve watched almost 40 anime and it’s literally one of my fav my cousin has seen EVERY anime n he agrees how good it is like have u read the manga?? Yall making me laugh tho yall must be fat 40 year old virgins

                  • actually, Bakugou is my husbando and Mina is my wifey so suck it loser. also, stop hating cause honestly, you are probably some 30-year-old mf who has no job and still lives in your momma’s basement. and before you say anything idgaf what you gotta say

                  • is your mom my whore? yes, she is. Do you know how stupid you sound? like who tf cares if he is or not? maybe go get a life instead of living in your mom’s basement

                • you’re literally a deku as well, you don’t even know you’re being insulted and the manga is for stupid little kids and fags/pervs/nerds. That’s the main audience and you’re one of them.

          • Dude you literally made an account called “BNHAcanSUCKIT”, just how obsessed are you? Maybe you’re the one who loves it?

          • First of all- I watch other shows. Can’t judge people for enjoying something.- second of all I know the fandom might be kinda messed up but cmon, most fandoms have stuff like that too.- second of at some point villains do win.- horikoshi has been dreaming of this show since she was a child.- i don’t need a therapist too understand that there’s better shows.

          • Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut it up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut it up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut it up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut it up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut it up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut up, just shut up, shut up Shut it up, just shut up, shut up

          • Yes you did went to far. Insulting people cause they like a show is just not cool bro. Really, Ik everybody has their own opinion but that doesnt mean you have to post it in the internet. Mha was the second most watched anime dure the pandemic. Mha has many sides and i love it for that.

          • Hello! I would like to say that I appreciate the opinion although I would like to ask if you wouldn’t call others “re*****” because it is an outdated and derogatory term and many people realize it isn’t. It was used to describe people with disabilities a while agp when scientists thought that autism meant stunted growth, which we now know it doesn’t and the term is officially derogatory. Thank you so much.

          • I’m sorry, but you did go too far! I’m pissed RN- but like- a lot of people like it while others don’t. We are all different. And if we like smth that your ass which has a stick up it, you don’t need to give your opinion when no one asked for. Go suck a dick

        • The plot twist comes in too late for me I’d rather watch a more fast anime then watch a bunch of teenagers attend classes for ages until it gets animated.

          • It’s not racist, he added the A. And as a PoC, I give him a pass on it, even if he isn’t. Don’t try to be an SJW when you don’t know shit about how we feel.

              • By your logic things things such as computers shouldn’t be used world wide since it originated in UK. By your logic we shouldn’t be using english because it is not our native language. By your logic you shouldn’t be enjoying anime because you are not japanese. Fact check you spoiled first world brat, you are the exact reincarnation of the definition of fascism. I guess the georgian dictator was right… Death does solves all problems. Gas chamber for you hypocrite.

    • I love this anime and let me just say. nobody cares what you think. The drama is a little cheesy sometimes. Also the heros might die constatly. The only one who WILL NOT die is Deku. Im done.

    • I don’t see what the fuck is wrong with his language and its.just frustrating to me that I know that he hasn’t watched the full series which just pisses me off.Ill have to admit the.first part is boring but the rest is slot better but at least he didn’t say Naruto now that is a shot anime😂😂😂🤓😂

    • Dark_Sage got screws missing in his/her head. Its like a psycho looking at a picture and seeing a twisted vision mirroring his/her soul.

    • You have your opinions and others have theirs, there are other animes that make no sense at all. I like MHA, it’s the only anime I have ever enjoyed. I agree the fandom is really toxic, the pic proves it. I’m just saying there is no need to yell out, we can tell you’re mad. Everyone has their opinions. Don’t act like it’s stupid (or at least no need to post about it) it’s like your telling others to stop too.

    • The whole article, i kept thinking “what’s this assholes problem” and then i see “voted for trump” and then it clicked for me.


        • Nanana not just a “conservative,” not even just a Trump supporter, this person literally wrote “all people with a disorder should be euthanized, and I don’t mean painlessly;” they’re just a neo-Nazi (that doesn’t understand what they shout, since euthanasia IS painless).
          Did you ever have a common cold?
          Like, ever?
          *Menacing smile.*

    • Anyone on here got some good references for some interesting anime? I’ve been dabbling here and there,not too much into superheroes more like history.I finished up the case of vanitas,halfway thru pandora hearts,fullmetal alchemist, I would really appreciate the help. I would like to find more than just one thing in a show to keep me interested.[ex. I love the music in pandora hearts, vanitas weird joker laugh/that book and historical references,its obvious for fma] I’ve tried youtube searches ,random anime sites I just dont know where to begin. I go on webtunes to read some manga or whatever its technically called . Ive always been a person with odd tastes so forgive me if you dislike my choices.For anyone still using this site to post, can you help ? I was thinking of Tokyo ghoul but wasn’t sure? Or something less popular?

      • Can you be more specific about what you’ve liked so far? A MyAnimeList account link would go pretty far.

        Cuz anyone here can recommend generically good shows. But something that really hits that itch you’re looking to scratch? That’ll require something more than what I’m reading right now.

      • Glad I got a reply so fast as I’m sitting here at my local library. I’m a newbie so I dont have much to go on. I’ve seen only a handful but I only really liked one or two.
        – The Case Study of Vanitas
        -Kamisamas Kiss

        A few movies I saw on this animex site
        –3 of the studio ghibli movies. I got a few more to go
        – Grave of the Fireflies

        Right now I’m finishing up pandora hearts but I’d much rather start something alittle more interesting for myself. I was considering code geass but YouTube kinda ruined the plot twists for me. Also thought of black butler but I’m uneasy about it. So I hope possibly you could offer me some of your input of what I could be watching instead? Thanks for your swift reply

        • If it helps any, your tastes aren’t exactly uncommon. With what I have to go off of, you’re pretty much textbook fujoshi. Congrats on joining a subculture.

          There’s a couple options for branching out from here.

          1. Check out some standout works that you are the target audience for. Ouran High School Host Club or Fruits Basket (the new one) are great options.

          2. Action and pretty boys. Bungou Stray Dogs is a pretty easy watch. If you want a historical tinge to it, Arslan Senki is okay (although quite inferior to the author’s prior work, Fullmetal Alchemist). Maybe you’re into buff dudes? If you can handle a lot of violence, Golden Kamuy takes a look at early 1900’s Japan that you’re not gonna get from most series.

          3. Or you could go with shit that is quite detached, like Shinsekai yori. I guarantee you’ve never seen anything quite like it, and you’ll never see anything like it again. Madoka is also an easy recommendation.

          Why are you uneasy about Black Butler? If you have triggers or something I would want to know what those are, because options 2 and 3 above aren’t exactly intended to be watched around the family table.

            • Thanks for all these. I was uneasy on Black Butler due to a bland description I just read off a site.But since noon time,I’ve started this series and I’m enjoying the references and the era/decadence. I should just watch the first episodes of each anime you listed and go from there. As for triggers…I’m iffy.Its generally something I can’t name til it’s right in my face. It’s just myself watching these shows aswell which usually means I’d give anything a chance if it has something that speaks to me. I dont go for those romance animes either which is ironic how I came across Kamisamas kiss thinking it was another anime with a similar name and main character.
              Anywho thanks for the recs. Plus my apologies for delaying you

              • Kamisama Kiss is just good. Same with Ouran and Fruits Basket – you don’t need to be in a romance-loving mood to enjoy them.

                If you don’t have any hangups, then Black Butler is something every fujo has at least watched or had recommended to her by 10 different people. So enjoy. Make sure to watch everything the series has, including Book of Circus and Book of Murder.

                • I really enjoyed the culture and some of the traditions and such in kamisamas kiss.As for black butler,Ive finished the first and second season,book of murder,circus,and some ova..I’m in the process of watching atlantic and still need to finish the wonderland series. Unfortunately I like most others were a bit confused with the second series but I was unaware of the manga series out there. I was just surprised that b.b had the same circumstances as fma but eventually I understood what was happening. With the additional episodes,I was clueless which to begin so I watched after season 2 then ova ,then book of murder but stopped when I got to the circus reference and knew I I watch that first then just finished the book of murder.

                  Yesterday I finished pandora hearts but wasn’t into it anymore.It just felt like a chore really. I will most likely jump into fruit baskets or durarara [if that’s how its spelt] unsure which I’d be in the mood for. What’s your thought on tokoyo ghoul? I hadn’t watched much yet but I had downloaded some episodes last weekend..[didnt want to start another show til I finished my previous]

                  –one more thing..aside from the seasons,ova wonderland episodes and the books was there anyother episodes of bb I may have missed ? Really bummed if this is it

                  • Tokyo Ghoul’s first season is a banger. I love Tokyo Ghoul.
                    Second season is… I dunno, depends on the kinda person you are. I liked it.
                    Third season, plus… not sure I’d bother.
                    The thing to keep in mind about the anime adaptation is that it does not follow the manga and makes its own shit up. Thus, it runs out steam pretty quickly.

                    When you are trying to determine what is canonical to a series, as long as you’re talking about anime and not supplemental stuff like drama CDs, etc., you will want to use MyAnimeList.

                    In this case, check here, and check all the linking options. PVs, CMs, picture dramas, etc. you don’t need to worry about.


                    • Wow I had no idea the manga was so long going. I wish there was a site to read it online,instead of ordering and waiting for it to be shipped. I should actually be willing to pay for it though since it was really interesting to me. Anywho that sites pretty intriguing.I especially liked seeing the real voice actors, the one in particular I was looking for was Griel and the undertaker…which I expected the undertaker to look older but such a hilarious voice out of someone who looks so adorable. Sorry nerd moment here. Well I guess that’s gonna be it for me tonight. Have a good night or day depending on where you are
                      * head bow*

                • Im actually new to anime and my friend recommended mha, since it was my first anime I thought it was decent so I finished the whole series. Now hearing ur opinions I see your point of view. Im watch Naruto currently do you think I should continue or do you have any suggestions im also trying to watch black clover.

      • full metal alchemist really sucks, i couldn’t even get through the first chapters, not because of the bad story more the bad artstyle, but yes the story is retarded as well. and the drawings look bad in general.

  2. How can you shit on bnh for being bland and then rec Jormungand? Do you not see the irony there? How can you rec the 11th iteration of hunter hunter over the 99th? Bigger numbers are better numbers.

    Props for sticking out for the Ghibli fans though. I love my one-dimension mainstream children’s movies and they’re not boring or dull or made by some pedo at all. They’re art. The guy won like an Oscar or something, the most prestigious of awards. Those works are so complex and avant-garde they move the industry forward and my girlfriend– did I mention her yet? She looooooves Ghibli. Normally when I watch a complex movie I NEED to have the commentary on or I JUST WONT GET IT. I NEED the constant reminder which sound-effects are added post-production and just how historically accurate this dramatization of actual events has been compared to the real deal. And did I just see you shitting on, dare I say it, best girl just because she’s related to some frogs? How fucking dare you? You know what you are? You’re just a moe lover. I can see it already. You don’t like it because it’s not moe enough. You know who was right? Not Miyazaki. But that aside. Jormungand just wasn’t that good dude. I’m sorry to break it to you.

    • Jeez yall, drawing all this stuff is hard enough and animating even more. So what if some parts of it suck do yall hafta be such lil bitches to complain ehat u think sucks or not so violently. Jus feedback politely and not be stupidass critics who probs cant draw half as well as those artists. Anime doesnt have to haf a real type and defination yknow. Yall just being rude at this point

      • “Drawing all that stuff and animating is hard” yea no shit sherlock. Are you saying that the other shounen anime that you’ve probably never seen aren’t putting out the same effort to make and draw as that unoriginal disney sky-high based anime with those minor characters that yall overly sexualize? Tired of yall making it like a god tier bs and putting down others like HxH, KnY, HQ and many more anime.

        • Every anime takes time to make, its a hard process. And not all mha fans “put down others” every anime is good in its own way. Now personally, i dont ship characters because these people are like 15-17 years old, while some parts of the series get kinda cringe, its still a good anime overall. No hate to other anime.

        • Ikr, who cares about the haters they are just a narrow part of the Trash world. And its rude to judge what anime people like. People like different anime and I’m fine with that, if they dont like MHA doesn’t mean they could call it trash and say bad things about it, thats disgusting behavior, I’m sorry I can’t lie.

          • Exactly. I don’t really like MHA, but the way this guy is just judging what anime people like is making me sick. He even says, “Honestly, I don’t much like to talk about other people’s appearances, because there are very few people as naturally pretty as me.” or as naturally conceited as him

              • I get you hate my hero academia, I get it. But to bluntly State like it’s some kind of disease is just being stupid. First off, am pretty sure you haven’t accomplish anything in life, ur probably a random guy can barely pay off rent. You can’t just insult someone’s hard work cuz u don’t like it, and am pretty sure that you don’t have enough brain cells, so I’ll dumb it down to your level, the amount of money they make in year is something your grandchildren will never achieve neither will you 🙃
                You are a worthless waste of sperms. Your mom must have killed someone to have a brain dead child like you,
                So the next time you try insulting someone’s hardwork think about this while on your dad’s dick.
                You indiscriminate waste of molecules

                  • The shit that comes out of your mouth is as bad as Hitler, ur parents must have felt embarrassed having a thing like u for a child. So go cry in your Little boi cave and we both know that’s not only thing that is Little, your bank account, your self respect and your penis.🙂

                    • Ehm ok pls. Stop it. Both. I love mha and hate mha hate and idk what but really. Im from germany pls dont pull joke over hitler its just not cool. You cant compare a person that killed others to someone whos to stupid to give critic to an anime. Thats really not cool dude.

                  • ??? I don’t understand that comment… if you are talking about how writing spam sentences would be better than English, okay. but sometimes people are typing faster and don’t have the energy to fix their fucking grammar? Thanks.

      • I can only imagine how hard the animators had it. Anytime I watch a good show or what I like [since I know my tastes arnt for everyone], I find a character to drawl in my notebook and color it and look at it when I’m sad which always cheers me up. I’m not a level 100 .but holy crap some of the drawling level of these peo people that post or upload them online? Holy hell they’re incredible. Some even go a step farther and make the characters do some wild stuff..Like having the protagonist and antagonist hugging or worse!

  3. I have watched too many shows and this season sucks carbonized dick so yeah I’d say this show is doing the easiest job in the history of anime that is not letting me fall asleep for twelve full minutes once a week.

      • Ok person who wrote this article first of all did you complement yourself on being beautiful and did you say the characters are drawn bad you just try to draw that

        • 1. What did you want me to say? I’m no liar.
          2. Why would I bother trying to draw manga? The only good art is writing, and I’m already the best at it (source: just read this fucking article).
          3. I am not Lotusgg although they’re a cool dude.


            • I legit got bored of MHA. I even made an exception so many fucking times. I watched season 1. Even though it was painful for me. And stuck for season 2. And then I made an exception again for season 3 and watched it. Didn’t even make it half the episodes. So it’s bad for me.

              • The same thing with me bro..it does not have a story its just a bunch of kids fighting villains ..I’m bored of superheroes..one punch man is too good ..at least it has another element like comedy etc.. It makes it more interesting

              • Mha is not that bad but the problem is the fandom, it’s too fucking toxic. Shipping minors and adults?! What kind of fucking excuse is that?!

              • thats wierd
                but at least ur not going crazy and swearing in the comments
                honestly i think s1 and 2 are kinda boring but season 3and 4 is rlly good

              • try the fourth season. the third season is trash, i know that. read the manga, even though it does take a while to get to something interesting it gets really good. get through volume thirty and we can start to have a conversation.

            • Your Fucking Retarded the show and the manga is shit main character is such a bitch and is like boruto gets handed everything so think about the shit your going to say instead of telling lies you understand that simpleton great


                • I feel bad for you you spent your time and energy into watching an praising that worthless, boring comic you call a show. Like you realize you’re never going to get that time back? MHA is not that good, it’s decent at best AND TALKING LIKE THIS PROVES NOTHING BUT THAT YOU ARE A CHILD WITH DOWN SYNDROME OR ADHD AND CANNOT EXPAD YOUR MIND INTO WATCHING ACTUALLY GOOD PLOTS

                  • and you spent your time and energy trying to write all that 😭 let them watch what they want. if they like it then they like it. i honestly don’t understand why people like you need to bring other fandoms down, like for what?!

                  • You just don’t have a brain for this masterpiece and how will you feel if people said these things to your favourite anime? Geez your more toxic than the fandom

                  • That is not cool! Assuming someone has something like that just because of what they like to watch?! That’s not cool! It can hurt both the person who said their opinion and someone who actually has it! You are welcome to not like MHA because it’s your opinion, but it’s not okay to bash someone elses because they like something you don’t!

          • Wow I mean ever heard of modesty?!?! I am a writer my self and I have never said how amazing I am no matter how proud of my work! And I am a debater which means I find both sides of an argument valid and will always take them into consideration but ranting about how a show aimed at CHILDREN SUCH AS MYSELF is just petty. And honestly after reading ur… crappy writing and arguments I’m not sure if u r trolling or not…

            • SO TRUE?! like if you’re going to write a thread as to why MHA is bad, fine, go ahead, but at least make it well written and use constructive criticism instead of ranting and cursing their brains out

          • first of all, my looks are far superior to yours. And second, did you just come here to flex. What are you 12??? Let people have their opinions too. Geez.

            • You realize you are telling her to let others have an opinion and then talk down to her because of her opinion, right? Hypocritical much?

          • Are you for real bragging about how good you are I thought this was to talk about the series most of the article is your opinions when I first click it I thought it was going to be some bad things in it to look out for like curse words and stuff like that but know it was a list of YOUR opinions just remember the it is your opinion and that you are not right some people see it in a different way and that is ok I respect you opinion but you did not have to say how Beautiful you are and how right this is you need to watch you language too I know there are some people that do not like it but you went overboard by making a article 50% about your opinions make that 70% and 40% about you really need to start writing better articles

          • If u don’t like it, don’t watch it. Some other people might like it and ur putting them down. And also, every fandom has a toxic side like the naruto fandom, hxh fandom, etc. No one cares about ur opinion. Everyone has opinions and they all can be biased, cos I can easily say that I do not like hunter x hunter.

              • You say that but on some of your other posts you have said much worse and claimed disgusting things. There is no more lines left that you haven’t crossed, maybe besides from suicide.

                • sounds like you’re dick riding, mind taking out his dick from your mouth before typing next time. Have you yourself considered suicide for remotely thinking that this trash called mha is worth watching? the whole fandom needs to be tied to stakes, drenched in kerosine and gasoline and set ablaze by burning a copy of mha wrapped in a mha shirt throw at your faces. Thats how i really feel about this anime and its worthless followers

              • First of all, Cringe. Second of all, what does that have to with MHA? Third of all, respect their opinions, you fool-born freak.

                Btw i’m not a fan of MHA.I also dislike the anime.

          • Eh their is no use in trying to argue with stupidity which in this case is you. As well as you’re a narcissist ass whom can’t seem to pull their own head out of their ass, and let other people have an opinion on an anime. I will agree that the fandom is shitty and shipping underage children is fucked.

            • you went against your own point and try to argue with him though you said theres no use in arguing, then you agreed to a fucked up nature of predatory child relationships in the show like okay???????? what was the purpose of your dumb post???????

          • How many episodes have you watched? Or chapters? Cuz it gets better after a while, I have read every chapter of the manga and the last chapters that have come out have ben pretty good (in my opinion)

          • Shut up. Do you know how dumb the words are that come out your mouth? Im sorry but where did your brain go? you sound so full of yourself that its not healthy anymore. Stop it and dont tuin other peoples day

    • i kinda agree but you’re annoying. your tone in this made the matter in my stomach curdle, and you come off incredibly narcissistic. i hope this is irony

  4. yeah i tried mai hero academiwhatver and i hated it my friend loves it because he never watched yuyuhakusho or dbz not dbs btw and (of course the only way to watch dbz is in english with the bruce falconer score i personally hate the japanese version of dbz anyway)but im fine with naruto and a plethora of shows that aren’t dubbed. my friend started out with naruto as his first shounen that’s prob why he likes this dumb series and he also likes one punch man which i also don’t like because its way too goofy like that bobobooobo show and of course like zero acadamy i cant tell if they tried way too hard or way too little on the dumb character designs in both of the shows

      • It’s been 3 year’s since you wrote this f****** article about my hero.
        If you still saying you’re right I’ll be like
        What is wrong with you.
        The season four animation was a bit off because they were focused on the 2nd movie too.
        But even tho it was amazing . Mostly when deku fought overhaul. And the movie was sooooooooo amazing.
        The manga too. If you haven’t seen it go see it. than say it’s not good.

        • Neither of the filler movies were even close to tolerable. The only good thing about Boku no My Hero Academia is the doujins where Toga rapes and kills everything in her way.

          • What has to be wrong with you to like that part of the anime? You need help. Sorry some people like the show, i honestly don’t care for your opinion, and how you were so bored you made this comment, and for the creator the article. Hunter x Hunter sucks by the way.

            • I don’t think there’s a part in the anime where Toga continuously stabs Deku in the chest to receive a vaginal injection of his deathcum, but if there is, I am willing to reconsider my stance on the series.

              • I’m sorry?
                Should I be concerned for you? Why did you enjoy watching Toga RAPE/KILL everything in her way? I get the killing, I don’t mind it either, but like..how sick do you have to be to enjoy watching someone rape another person? And before you deny it, you literally said above
                “The only good thing about Boku no My Hero Academia is the doujins where Toga rapes and kills everything in her way.”
                Just why?

                • I don’t care what your gender is – if this doesn’t make you horny, you don’t have a soul.

                  Also, it’s kind of telling that you think rape is worse than murder. You’re the kind of person who shoots up a battered women’s center because you think it would be better for them if they were dead. You’re a monster, but I guess I shouldn’t expect any better from an Academia fan.

                  • I’m an MHA fan, but mostly cause of my friend who recommended it to me and it was my first ever anime and I have a bit of a personal connection to it. We are not violent and definitely not all part of the toxic fandom. I personally cosplay some of characters and if you do it the right way, it’s not cringy. Trying to be as respectful as possible. I do understand what you are saying in this reply, but this is a super… interesting argument. I’m trying to figure out which side to take. I’m probably annoying the shit out of you right now because I’m commenting a lot, but I just want you to please try to take away stereotypes for all MHA fans, it’s not a horrible anime or manga. It’s repetitive in the early volumes, chapters, and episodes, yeah, but it gets so much better when spoilers and new characters are introduced. Make it to the latest volume of MHA, then we can talk. For now, bye bye!

                    • Cosplaying is no different from blackface, and a lot worse in many situations. I’d ask for an apology, but as you yourself have established, you have no empathy toward others.

                      Truly, Academia fans are a pox upon the planet.

                • okay, i agree with him here. bro wtf is wrong with you? rape and murder are equally as bad and no one should EVER enjoy either of those. that just makes me want to throw up.

            • Lmao congratz you’ve played yourself
              And bro wtf is wrong with you, you change opinion way too quickly, I bet tht’s the reason why you commented
              “I don’t like BNHA”
              “Rlly? How the hell do you not like it? Deku is cool and everyone’s too! The ships, OMG”
              “Uh… Uhh.. Rlly? Uh, yeah. Guess BNHA is cool after all!”
              Society has grown little too much, cancelling those of different opinions and defining what’s wrong and what’s not. I guess we really need to add philosophy to our curriculum.

          • Thank you for confirming what kind of degenerate erson you are. Can’t believe I was seriously considering your point of view in this article.

          • I know all of the animes you listed and I like boku no hero, I am not a fat middle-aged Ghibli fans but I like boku no hero, I didnt vote for trump the second time then attack a bunch of people for no reason, the only thing I agree with is the fandoms they disturb me, in conclusion your are just a hater who wants attention and I am giving it to you I most likely wont reply to your comment have a good day hater.

  5. You forgot the greatest shounen of all time: Ramen Fighter Miki.

    You can’t convince me otherwise.

    P.S. Yeah, I still check on your site sometimes; hope you’re doing well Dark (if you and Soup remember me lulz).

    • Course I remember ya. Boston sucks, but we had fun. Sakuracon stole my heart though – they should really reschedule those.

      As for me, I’m living, except now the alcoholism isn’t ironic. Topically, Ramen Fighter Miki helped with that.

      Haven’t seen Soup since the cops put out that Amber Alert in Portland. Sure it’s just a coincidence.

  6. I come back here after a long time and see you hating on my currently most hated show.
    One of my friends is only talking about this show, cosplays it to every con (ofc they crossplay as the guys who are shipped with each other by her and her friends), adds me to obnoxious group chats with sexual rpgs of the characters, starts to identify herself as one of the characters and wants to be called by their name even outside of cons and cosplay.
    I still like my friend, but I hate this show passionately. Send help

  7. i did indeed just GIS “reddit meetup” and was not disappointed AND got a free confidence boost.

    but you say that AND you still go to anime conventions which are equally weird, if not moreso.

    tl;dr – dont meet up with other people that you meet on the internet

  8. Ok ok ok so imma just say that i made this account just to comment this so…

    >:< Ok people have strong opinion im not gonna hate bt if you dont like something you dont have to share it to the inter webs Like god damn people.

    • I put $100 on your fag boyfriend leaving your fat ass with an unwanted Down’s baby and two STDs. And when you take my order please remember that when I say I want my beefy cheesy burrito grilled I mean I want it fucking grilled. I will fill out that survey, fam; don’t test me.

    • Ok ok ok so imma just say that i made this account just to comment this so…

      >:< Ok people have strong opinion im not gonna hate bt if you dont like something you dont have to share it to the inter webs Like god damn people.

      I mean, yes sure, you can have strong opinions, but only share it if you like BNHA!! If you don't, then don't tell your opinions! People like us who like BNHA are the only ones who deserve to voice our strong opinions, y'all haters better shut your mouths and stay there in the corner, sobbing, being together with your fkin friends Depression and Anxiety cuz I bet they're the only ones who'll listen to you amirite y'all shouldn't have existed in the first place wtf this world is only for the positive and bright. No haters needed, you should agree with our opinion, even if it's forced!

      Fkin retard, man. I'm tired of people like you. This is why I doubt humanity will advance. Narcissistic and egoistic, selfish. Society is filled with y'all people who pretend to be good and say stuff like "I know what you feel" "I understand you" "I get it that you…" bullshit. You're only trying to act good cuz you saw your friends actin that way and were able to get away so you tried to act like tht, but it's hella annoying, just so you know. Your attitude is no different from those pretentious bastards who say "stop being depressed". But ik you're still young. I don't need you to change. I only need you to "understand" and by that I don't mean that light-hearted reply, but really in a way you try to see everything from a different perspective, unlike that of a frog in a well. But if words don't reach you… Well, then I might hope you get depression one day so you know how it feels to be an outcast ^^
      cuz tht way you'll understand wht "having different opinion" truly means. Nothing is wrong. Nothing is right. If you think it that way, you'll get it.

      • ^^^All this because he was pissed off someone said my garbage tv show was indeed garbage lmao it’s not that deep it’s a Japanese cartoon.

  9. The way the fights work and how some characters with weird quirks can make it so far is not very good.
    Let’s take the invisible girl, how did she destroy the robots in the entrance exam? Yes she is invisible, but that doesn’t give her any attacking power needed to destroy a jouse sized robot.
    Also it makes no sense what the characters can survive in a fight. Most have very specialized quirks like talking with animals, there is no general concept of somethink like qi in Dragonball, Yet they survive extreme falls or they survive being smashed against rocks. Yes, some of the strenght type of characters should survive that, but often it makes no sense.

  10. Sorry to be rude or anything but those stupid reasons stated that the anime is bad are totally suckish and dumb to even place out from a writer like you. Let take them one by one

    The powers are boring- who thinks like this the power system is too amazing for me imagine powers like frog, navel laser, pop balls in the anime that the powers will be dumb but in the series that powers are ones to compete with
    The drama’s too fake — hmmph, wrong they don’t win easily watch if you what to be fair to the anime the S3 E10-11 you will that even the strongest hero there All might almost died in the episode and gave up his whole powers to save others. if you don’t believe me check it yo’self
    The villains are uninteresting pushovers-
    you are an uninteresting pushover by saying this and there is nothing to say than the villains are as amazing as other villains in the dc and marvel univers, if you like deadpool’s personality go check out twice in the series, love Deathstroke go check out Hero killer stain
    A bunch of random high schoolers are somehow OP as fuck, despite simultaneously being weak as balls — none of this is earned
    The world makes no sense and the shit world-building doesn’t help
    The whole thing reads like a DC Kids fanfic that got rejected before it was even submitted, but somehow worse
    The fandom
    All the remaining are you just being sad and depressed about you not being able to make something as wonderful as this. NOTE this isn’t my first shonen anime i have seen DBZ, naruto, Bleach before this but i still grade this as well as watching those anime. So three advice thou shall give to thee
    – Stop being a mofo and watch things from both perspectives before complaining about something
    – Watch the anime with a pen and paper write down the pros and cons of the anime TRUTHFULLY or i will do so for you unexperienced writer
    – Finally before you do this to another anime that is great but you are blind to see that check it out and right

    NOTE i will give you a challenge watch the whole anime from S1 to S3 all 63episodes and tell me your reponse

    • I’m sorry you have autism, and I’m sorry you’re racist, but you really shouldn’t take your frustrations out on a respected anime blogger such as myself.

      Boku no My Hero Academia is objectively boring and bad, lacking in all but elementary originality. The only good thing about the series is the bloodslut, but her containment vessel only has as much value as its fans: none. Slow, stupid, and entirely inauthentic, the series is “babby’s first” for the short bus.

      If you honestly like this series, you are beyond redemption and should seriously consider suicide. Your existence is a net loss for the world.

      • Ughs ppl like you are honestly such stuck up lil bitches. Like who the fuck care abt your weird beliefs in wst real anime suppose to be like dont gimme that propaganda shitz i dont hafta fucking listen to your half assed explaination jus keep it to yourself. Like some uglyass motherfucker like you can ever understand the fucking effort and bloodsweattears behind this kinda animes. You probably cant even draw cool shit like that u shittyass fuck

      • Bro chill I mean your being petty just say you opinion don’t go telling people “ HEY YOU LIKE THIS ANIME GO KILL YOURSELF YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF TRASH YOU ARE A WASTE OF SPACEI!” I mean sorry to break it to you but not everybody has to live up to your standards. I mean your not the god of all anime And tell people what to and what not watch, good recommendations tho but just chill on your opinion and also don’t call of saying your the best writer

      • oh thanks for recommending suicide to everyone. thasts not a social issue at all. and it totally doesn’t make you a sick bitch to recommend that to someone.

  11. my hero academia is overhyped boring generic bullshit and i cant stand its tryhard appeal to western autists. A take on Dc super heroes with japanese cliches. On another note I cant stand isekai its comparable to shovelware. My favorite genres are mecha, mahou shoujo and shonen.
    People who like hero academia have shit taste.

  12. You consider yourself a “respected” anime blogger… You shove your political bias into your anime reviews and then get super aggressive against the classics. As a middle aged man who enjoyed Princess Mononoke growing up, I must tell you to go fuck yourself.

  13. You’re not even giving an actual decent review. I, myself, see problems with the show; but, I’m not slandering the fans or cussing out a show without any real criticism. If you’re going to try and “review” the show, actually review it and give some decent and accurate criticism. This is just hate. This is just some troll on the internet thinking that they’re cool and that they’re opinion is superior to the general population. Let me tell you, you’re probably aren’t a perfect as you think or say you are. Why don’t you try and get a grip on reality? Also, if you’re going to try and write a review, you might want to refrain from using unnecessary profanity. It’s highly inappropriate and unprofessional for a “reviwer” to go running their mouth like this and call it criticism. Honestly, as a writer myself, I am quite disgusted by your display. I’m even more displeased that you would attack the fans. If they want to wear cosplay in public or wear the merch, then they have every right to. It is none of your business how these fans display their appreciation for the show; or, any show for that matter. You’re just part of the toxicity that trys to plague the anime community.

    • Shouldn’t you, as a writer yourself, have picked up on what this style of writing is called and realize it’s just as much of a review of the thing it is reviewing as, say, the thing you define as a “true review”? Shouldn’t you also, as a writer yourself, realize that slandering fans of a show is valid criticism of a show? Shouldn’t you also know what a troll is? Shouldn’t you have a dictionary to look up to make sure you understand the difference between an idiom and a proverb and use the right words? Because otherwise you wouldn’t make for much of a writer. And he definitely knows much more about how a perfect he is than you. Isn’t it you that is attacking his person now instead of the article? Oh fuck I just realized you’re trolling. Got me good haha. Let’s just pretend this post is also bait. Or you know. Learn the difference between writing and blogging while we’re at it. Fuck I got baited hard. Not gonn hit that delete button though. I’m too a perfect for that.

    • More like BlackDragonDildo, amirite?

      You write like a fag and you sound like a fag, therefore you must be an upset Boku no Hero fanboy. kys my man

    • BlackDragon is that username picked after your most recent dragon dildo acquisition? lmao

      All your problems would be solved if you joined me in the sacred ritual of performing double suicide for our waifus. I will be engaging in the performance at midnight, JP time, May the ninth 2019. All you have to do is literally kill yourself at this time and you will be able to cross to the other side. It’s best if you do auto-erotic asphyxiation while looking at hentai with the dragon dildo in your ass. This way you can really focus your mind to your waifu’s domain in the afterlife.
      Fuck this world, I’m off to the eternal lap pillow!


  14. I mean let’s get one thing straight you all are faggots for even watching anime in the first place. Damn shame Japan wasn’t mega nuked to oblivion when the US had a chance

  15. I used to enjoy Shounen and Isekai trash anime, suddenly one day my brain snapped and I could no longer enjoy them. Some anime even makes me roll my eyes. Why is this happening???

    The latest Heroaca anime (season 4 episode 13) was so bad. They put some cringy ass sad song during Eri rescue scene and mute the scene after that. Whats the point of watching anime if the audio just make the anime worst.

  16. Thank you for this article. It lets me know im not the only one that cant stand my hero academia. i feel like everyone is just blind to actual quality anime. Its the fact that this crap is “Trendy” is why people likely pretend to be in this stupid fandom and pretend to love it. Also can we just talk about the fandom, first of all they are annoying, obnoxious, and dumb, because they ship people just to ship people these ships can be as random as fricking mineta and allmight. i feel the fans are all people who have just gotten into anime and their reason for recognizing anime at all is probably cause mha is “popular”. I defenetly agree this anime is very typical, things are exadurated, and the characters are just lame.

    • Its trendy because its enjoyable dumbass 🤣 I swear yall find the stupidest shit to say jeez and a ship is a ship your going to bash someone because they ship some characters y’all r being hypocrites and bias because you are just saying this because you dont enjoy the anime but I know your doing the same thing with animes you enjoy kindly shut you fucking mouth if you have nothing good and sensible to say.❤

      • You got into anime last week kid, mha is nothing new, super power highschool trash shows,are like apple phones, they consistently pump them out cuz they’re trendy and add almost nothing, Mha is just one that got popular cuz u weeblets showed up and haven’t seen anything good so everything you see is a 10/10 mha is bad, the Mc is despite trying to have a big cast less then 10 are relevant in any big arc, the villans aren’t threatening, and the backstories are the worst, WHO THE FUCK WROTE WIND MANS BACKSTORY IN THE LICENCE ARC HE HATES TODOROKI CUZ HIS DAD DIDN’T GIVE HIM AN AUTOGRAPH HOW DO YOU WRITE THIS TRASH. it’s generic, boring, cliche, predictable, and brings nothing new, if you’ve watches one super power high school trash show you’ve watched all of them this is no exception.

        • Uh, he actually also hates him because he beat Todoroki at a race and Todoroki said he wasn’t there to make friends and he said move ‘you’re in my way’ to him twice, but I still think he kinda overreacted
          I’m not a fan of MHA but can you please restrain from acting like it’s the stupidest thing on earth
          I mean, some people like it some people don’t.. people have different opinions and different views/perspective on things so you really can’t change that
          I don’t wanna fight so please don’t sorry if I this in any way offended you

  17. Exactly buddy. This was so much needed. Those BITCH mha asshole fans who think that mha is everything … ughhh . Hate those Dumb shit assholes. MHA is a plotless shit. Soo damn boring. Moreover the fights are getting more and more meaningless. There are loads of shitty arcs like that fucking La Brava stuff … It was just random fucking meaningless unnecessarily added bullshit. And the movie Lmao it was such a trash , I mean wtf was that ??? Nice , whenever you are fucked up , just transfer one for all to multiple people and then after the shit is over , get it back like fuck ?!! SHIT.
    And the characters … LMFAO ??? What’s up with those random shits ?? SO MANY of them … I mean, more than 80 percent of them are fucking EXTRAAs . The writer forgets about them most of the time ….
    And those dumb shit quirks bruhhh …..
    Those mfs think its the best of all. When you see on people’s list : MHA ahead of all time bests like One piece , Deathnote , Attack on titan , Steins Gate , Code Guess, Hunter x Hunter , Jojo’s bizzare adventure etc…… It just pisses me off sooo much.


    • First of all stop being pressed your embarrassing yourself and you sound dumb and illiterate asf,anyone and everyone has an opinion but your being straight up childish its obvious that you have no taste or chill your using the reference “extras” and talking about la brava then your going to go ahead and say stupid shit like if it was so boring how did you reach so far to know about la brava huh? Dumbass y’all need to get your shit together and stop bashing people for the anime they watch if they want to talk about it they can unlike you who has nothing good or relevant to say so stfu and sit down you asshole.And your obviously blind if you say it has no plot do you even know what a plot is?😂 I don’t think you do😐 .

      Your obviously missing the message of team work and the power to do what’s right even if it costs you something important it shows that your an idiot tbh,NFL when I first watch it I thought it was boring but going more into it it was bomb asf your just pressed.

      And let’s talk about hunter×hunter I recently started watching it and tbh I think its dumb ash sont get me wrong it’s not boring to really interesting but they know the type of shit that they make for the test so how could they allow 12 year old to enter? They don’t care if they’re just kids I dont understand that shit and hisoka and killua’s brother how could they give them a license especially when they know that illumi is apart of a family of assassin and that their evil? Huh?.

      And basically what they’re saying is that if you have a hunter license you can kill 100 person in broad daylight and walk away with no consequence even babies that’s dumb I’m at epi 23 or so so I cant really judge but it looks like you have finished or reached season 4 in MHA yet you say it’s boring🤣?

      Dumb ash🙂

      • It’s boring cuz it’s kinda predictable, I watches all 4 seasons and thought of almost every big event before it happened it’s that generic, character development isn’t great, sometimes it’s kinda cringe and that’s not always a bad thing, but if the characters are in the middle of a fight and they scream plus ultra I just kinda sit there and have the cringe look on my face somthing like dis 😬 ruined some big moments for me like deku vs todoroki they’re fighting and endeavour just comes out of nowhere and starts talking about destiny bullshit, like NOBODY CARES, I hate that about it. and all just cuz they had to use that stupid plus ultra line for the 30th time, don’t see why ppl think the shows revolutionary, not even a new concept when your into anime for a while you start to realise just how many of the super power highschool shows get made, and they’re all the same down to the protagonist haircut.

      • It funny how you are saying “unlike you who has nothing good or relevant to say so stfu and sit down you asshole” when your bashing insults too.
        So sit down bitch and realize what your actually saying and that people have their own opinions and can say them, even if you don’t agree with them.🙄

      • I seriously don’t get you assholes. Rather than shitting on other’s favorites, why don’t you mind you fucking business? You idiots who judge others interest are the reasons why we are still learning morals in 6th fucking grade. Give your stupid opinion in a polite way(I would understand if you are some dumbass who doesn’t know the meaning of polite) rather than in an violent way. Learn to respect others favorites, likes and dislikes. You damn 8 year old

    • You know, MHA would be good if it wasn’t so… consumerist, I guess. Horikoshi writes what he knows people will like because they’re shallow. Something about it just really pisses me off. So, issues-
      – Generic. Predictable.
      – Basically no character development until the bit where Deku, Todoroki and Bakugou intern under Endeavour (sorry for anime-onlys) and even then it’s shallow as fuck.
      – La Brava arc was so incredibly pointless. What even happened?
      – Overhaul arc went on and on and on.
      – Momo is overly sexualized, but all anime has one of those. I mean, Lucy, for god’s sake. Could be way worse. Only helicopter parents would care about this aspect.
      – This will never end. Horikoshi’s just gonna milk it for the next fifteen years.
      I don’t even count the movies as MHA because they are just so incredibly stupid. What even was two heroes, though.
      The MHA sound track is actually amazing, though. Come on.
      So, compared to stuff like Haikyuu or OPM, it’s pretty good. Compared to HxH and Naruto?

      Also can people stop being homophobic if it wasn’t for a gay guy I’d be dead right now, no shit. I mean it wouldn’t affect you if I was dead, but imagine if someone used a slur against you. Just because you’re so ‘pretty’-

  18. It’s embarrassing that these kids say “BNHA is so original” like bitch, have you seen Sky High? That Disney channel movie about a school full of kids with superpowers? Then they bash people who love other anime that came at the same time around BNHA seasons like KnY with that “Omg the story is unoriginal”bs. Well guess what sherlock, your one and only anime with those shitty underage characters that you actively sexualize is also a very very unoriginal concept. It’s been done too many times. You say it’s original bECAUSE YOU HAVENT SEEN ANY SHOWS, FUCKING NORMIES.

  19. Dude you seem really fucking trigered for no reason, it’s a fucking shounen manga/anime amen thats it. You have your preferences and other people have theirs, no need to be a dick because you dont like the plot lmao

  20. A recent study indicates that 90% of MHA fans are trannies who parade as ironic anime fans with shit taste on Twitter. Further inquiries into this phenomenon seem to show they are likely to commit a dishonorable discharge from life once they realise they will never be a woman.

    -Dr. Tobiko Suzukimoto PhD Basedology

  21. Oh man, I *love* reading through comment sections in here, makes me laugh a lot seeing all the drama and these Crymore first-time readers. Lmao
    D_S, how does it feel having to read through all this?

      • Honestly.. I’m not a fan of MHA you could have at least put stated your opinion more nicer
        Some people like the anime, some people don’t, it’s just something you have to live with, everyone has different opinions

  22. I have to say you are pretty funny. I love how you searched for the cursed images lmaoo.
    But, they are some points you talked about that are false. The Chara design is indeed simple, but simple doesn’t mean bad, it means it will be easier to make a good animation. Like mob psycho 100 for example, you can’t tell the Chara designs are really amazing though the animation is. Then you talked about the world that makes no sense. They literally remind you each episode how the world is and they properly did explications about it. Moreover, an entire arc based on their society is coming soon.
    I agree with the fandom, as a ‘fan’ of mha im disappointed to see that 13 yo girls cosplayed as Todoroki are the representation of the fandom and OF COURSE we are not all like that. I think you just don’t like the story, but it doesn’t mean you can devalue the people who work hard to make it. This anime has great ost, nice characters, good animation, emotional moments, inspiration quotes ect. i respect your opinion bro but educate yourself

  23. It’s just a shounen. Sure it’s unoriginal but that’s fine because people like it. Just stop making fun of people for liking something.

  24. Lmao chill the fuck out it’s fine not liking an anime but this isn’t even a proper reasoning on why it’s bad it’s p much a pissed off rant that proves you’re a whiney little bitch more than an argument for why MHA is bad

    Oh also just wanna point out “everyone knows the limp-wristed heroes are gonna win easily as always” is so goddamn wrong in the rise of villains saga especially in the most recent arc (the paranormal liberation war arc)

  25. Tbh I agree with u, bnh are some boring anime series…The storyline r exactly the same in cartoon superhero shows like DC superheroes, the league of villains? Bruh…That’s kind a cringe though lol…the league of doom in cartoon shows r even better than that lol…but the fanarts u just talk about is kinda too far…honestly I do like their fanarts…I think that this anime just made in cartoons show, they just change them into anime to look good…I come on those anyone ever notice this even their fans like bruh…cringe LMAO

  26. Mha/bnh is fuck up…like come on mha/bnh fans…I wonder why they liking this anime is just like the other superheroes cartoons…the storyline is absolutely ridiculous!! Like the villains “the league of villains” like what…is like a cartoon villains names even “the league of doom” from cartoon shows r more better than that LMAO thats fucking…CRINGE!!

  27. I had no idea there were others who felt the same way. can you shit on haikyuu next? americans are using the word husbando and worshiping it as it was dream the minecraft “youtuber”

  28. I’m reading this and I feel like killing almost all of you. Mha is the best anime I ever watched and it’s amazing. There are things you have to figure out and make. The ships are cute and amazing. If you think it’s a bad anime. Sleep with one eye open tonight. I really would kill you. Seriously Mha is amazing and I don’t get why people hate it so much like understand people worked hard on it and you can’t do anything close to them. Yes, I am a mha fan and a big one. Got a problem with it?

    • Your making it sound like that Mha is literally the only anime you’ve watched in your entire life.🙄
      Listen hunny, some people won’t like MHA ok? So stop acting like a bratty two-year-old, and except the fact that people have their own opinions.

      • Why don’t you tell that to the writer of this article..It’s fine if you don’t like it, but do people really need to look down on other people’s opinions about CARTOONS? The way this article was worded is what upset me the most, as it’s making out that MHA/BNHA fans are all babies for liking it. I’ll admit, MHA isn’t my favourite anime, but unlike some people I can tolerate it and even cosplay sometimes if I’m bored. If you compared it so an anime like Haikyuu, my pick would definitely be MHA. I mean, I like volleyball, but I would never base an anime on it. But if you compared MHA to something like Demon Slayer, then I’d have to go with DS. If anything, it’s the blogger who is acting like a two year old who has just found out about swear words and seems to be using them in almost every sentence and reply.

      • Listen some people like MHA, Ok?
        So stop acting like a little bratty two-year-old, and expect the fact that people have opinions.🙄

        Guess what genius, we know people have opinions, but we just think that swearing, saying you’re pretty and awesome, telling others they should stop doing what they want and hating is not fricking nice.
        The fandom may be toxic but the haters aren’t less.

        • Perfectly said. Yes everyone has their own opinion and choices. You can show your disagreement but again not in the hateful way that this article is doing. Tbh this article is nothing more than a rant. Which again is not needed as a mere liking of an anime/manga by some people shouldn’t affect you this much. It’s like your choice of music.

    • Let me help you,
      Attack on titan
      Hunter x Hunter
      Code geass
      Jojo’s bizarre adventure
      Death note
      One piece
      Hell even naruto
      All of these shows are indefinitely simply because they have intresting deep plot, or just amazing power systems. Mha is not completely terrible but definitely over rated, I agree with most of the people here in the regard that y’all should watch a few more anime then look back on mha.

    • MHA is objectively awful and you’re a mentally ill nigger faggot who’s about as harmful as a blunt plastic knife, come pull up to 4503 Lone Star Dr, Carrollton, TX 75010, USA and I’ll beat you to death and then rape your dead body.

  29. First of all, you told people to stop making art, cosplaying and even hated them for liking this show, like I get it people have different opinions but at this point, your the one who’s not understanding what other people having other opinions means.
    So basically, I think you should stop hating on this, since forcing our opinions into others is what we’re doing.
    And yall people just gonna support this guy, like damn yall are some toxic haters.
    If you don’t like the damn manga/anime then don’t. It’s not like it’s gonna make a difference in the world.

    My point is that you should make another one but pointing all of your stupidity.

  30. Hey sweetie, lemme guess you’re a narcissistic virgin bitch with no other interests apart from shitting on other people’s interests. If you hate the anime then go ahead, but keep it to yourself

    • The anime and manga is shit, filled with toxic ships and just boring storyline of a boring kid trying to be a hero. And do you know that in the manga version the creator literally named one of the villians maruta, which is a name for ‘dead log’ used to mock victims of the 731 unit in world war 2? Just digusting, stop liking an anime that is just filled with shit from top to bottom. Ew.

      • Dude that’s why it’s the name of the villain. There are more dark AF trivias for other animes. I mean that’s not something to be hateful about. Your opinion is yours. Stop hating others for having a different opinion as yours. You will have a better peace of mind.

  31. The powers are boring – just bc the powers can’t one shot planets doesnt mean they bad
    The drama’s too fake — everyone knows the limp-wristed heroes are gonna win easily as always – i wouldnt call all might losing hes powers and dying a win but u do u lol
    The villains are uninteresting pushovers – nah they’ve got some interesting traits you got a dude with a split personality disorder a pyromaniac and some funny ideals
    A bunch of random high schoolers are somehow OP as fuck, despite simultaneously being weak as balls — i guess you could say the same for most anime where characters have power bc its inherited dbz = goku is a sayain not human. hunter x hunter – hes dads strong most anime is based on the mc being op due to genes
    The whole thing reads like a DC Kids fanfic that got rejected before it was even submitted, but somehow worse – your op if only it was asked
    The fandom – just dont look at it?

    • Well said. It’s not one of my top favorite anime but I like watching/reading it. There are stuff that I don’t like but I don’t ho hating people for liking them.

    • You say gon gets his powers from his dad?! Have you even seen hxh? Nen is based on your life energy and is strengthened through conditions and sacrifices, not genes lol. The only charrictars this might apply to would be the ants but even then the queen ate a shit ton of food over several weeks and almost all of it went to her kids, so even then it based on sacrifice and conditions.

  32. This article is absolutely hilarious. Now I want to look into the Mha fandom now just to see their idiotic opinions.

  33. Your ego may be bigger than your puny brain but that doesn’t mean you cant hate on any show like that. If horikoshi of someone who works in the animating studio saw this they would be heartbroken, so watch your language, and if you dont like it, dont watch it and stop judging it. MHA is a funny and motivational and has great ideals and it also helped the younger me get through hard times. The heroes dont always win (like in the training camp arc) , and they make it very slim when they do. I think the whole idea of the storyline of MHA is pretty creative and is you’re gonna hate on it lets see you write something better.

  34. I knew you had zero knowledge on what you were talking about when you used autistic as a term to describe stupidity, let me remind your dumbass that some of the worlds most genius people have been autistic and autism is not a learning disability it is a neurotic condition. i’m most likely 10x smarter than you thanks to my autism so i hope you’ve learned to not use a disability to describe something in the future:

      • Then why’d you put a <3 ? Doesn't that kinda ruin the point of saying no one will ever love you? Whatever, you do you, I guess.

      • You, Dark_Sage, are the inconsequential microscopic unicellular organism which I don’t even see or think about when I step on you, casually, crushing you as if it weren’t even there in the first place, by merely taking a single step to someplace that I had been on my way to. I had used to feel flattered that you felt you needed to put so much effort into making numerous and consecutively daily death threats to me and surely others as well in the past that when I noticed this post I just had to remind you of how much it was appreciated and enjoyed for my pure amusement, I quite literally smiled at each and every one, you know that? Well now you know, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for making my day. It’s too bad that my friend can’t say the fucking same anymore, since she’s killed herself. Im sure that you hadn’t wanted that, but it doesn’t fucking change anything, she isn’t going to just up and fucking come back, no matter what the fuck I do. Im not sure why I’m even bothering to comment since it won’t change anything. Review your life, maybe you can bring your rating up if you fucking try hard enough.

          • You are mha biggest fan Dark what ever image putting so much time on trashing something instead of doing something else you need mental therapy because you’re literally telling people negative things you’re very insecure and I think everyone who is reading the comments knows

            • He is doing it because he has something called “Free Time” and just because someone says that an anime is shitty or too generic doesn’t mean they are insecure, you should maybe learn how to make valid points about someone or something instead of just commenting a pile of shit which isnt correct at all.

              Other than that, have fun being mad if you or someone else reads this comment even after it has been weeks since u posted, but some shitty MHA fan will defintely search for this because they wanna say that in their opinion bla bla bla and that they respect ur opinion when they aren’t at all.

              MHA is complete garbage, I’ve watched all of the seasons excluding season 5 since i got so fucking bored of it, its just too generic and boring thats it.

  35. You get points for making me chuckle with this page
    I too despise this anime and the trash fandom it birthed.
    Nothing but freaks and pedo women who wants to see the buttholes of young anime boys.

  36. I found this “interesting” because you were just cursing instead of have stating your opinion civilly (if you really need to be rude you could have done it with out cursing excessively.) I honestly respect both sides mainly because I currently don’t have a opinion on the anime and manga. I would normally be respectful to what a person would say about it because they ARE entitled to the opinion weather or not I agree. However, when you started saying homophobic and ableism-like remarks, I felt like I should leave a comment even if you think I am ret@— or a f@g. I have always believed that trying to see both sides of a argument, opinion, politics, etc is the right way to make a well informed decision. Same thing for when I am explaining my stance on certain topics that being real world problems or shows. I do this process so I am less biased, so the people who take interest in what I write won’t feel hurt, and so they better understand another person’s view on something even if they don’t agree. That’s why I am here, to understand why people hate or like the anime. However, you were just stating your opinion in a rude manner, which didn’t help me understand this side very well. You are going at this in a way where your bashing at everyone else’s preferences. You aren’t stating anything with facts or explaining why a certain part of the manga or anime was unsatisfactory or idiotic. The entire post is only opinionated and appears more as a rant then a factual statement or a opinion backed with actual facts. The recommendations were good however. I was familiar with some of them such as Hunter X Hunter, Tokyo Akazukin, Narutaru. These are decent recommendations. Another thing I will say is that you did make a good point at how the fandom can be toxic and childish. They can be very rude to those who disagree or don’t like the anime in a very odd ways (such as making death threats, homophobic comments, cursing excessively, racist comments, the sexualization of minors, etc) I do not support that kind of behavior, but you aren’t really doing anything different. I mean your being blatantly rude and toxic yourself by cursing, calling those who like the show idiotic (I am not saying the r-word because I have some respect towards other human beings), said homophobic comments. Because of all of this, your message is harder for me to take seriously. Something to keep in mind about the fandom though is that not everyone is in this category of toxicity and can actually be good members of the fandom. This goes the same for any type fandom there will always be bad seeds, but there will also be people who honestly enjoy the anime(or whatever a fandom is surrounding) and want to share how much they liked it. I am aware that my comment most likely won’t change your opinion or behavior and that you may respond rudely but I still want to share what I thought as that is my opinion! I hope you have a good day and learn how to be less disrespectful about others opinions though, if not just for others maybe for your own sake. Also learn how to explain your opinion more politely as well so people don’t k!l! themselves.

    • Despite making up only 13% of the population, niggers make up over 50% of the homicide related arrests, gay people are mentally ill faggots, trans people are also mentally ill and you will never be a real woman just because you chopped your dick off, you were raped as a child, you and every other mentally retarded tardigrade IQ MHA fan should kill-themselves.

      Hitler did nothing wrong, Toga is hot. Gods given race (white people) make up the only intelligent people on earth, every other race should have their rights taken away and be treated as animals.


    • Well you can’t fault them to a certain degree. They just haven’t consumed enough content to have a proper perspective. I remember when I first came across anime and was enamored by the long form serial story telling. It took me awhile (~10 years) to develop enough of a base to have a proper perspective on the content I initially watched. (DBZ-meh/10, Macross-9/10) So just mock them until they get over Dunning-Kruger “Mt Stupid”.

  37. If you don’t like MHA then get a life it the best anime, stop ruining kids life what if they read this. you should check the lessons it teaches you on Google, you should not judge.
    Actually Eijiro Kirishima’s quotes have helped me through rough times.
    Your a BASTARD. UGH I actually hate you, your just like Shigaraki.
    STFU you IDIOT. Normally I wouldn’t say this but YOUR SUCH A EXTRA.

  38. Bro chill, this anime is for children under age 15, so don’t expect a beautiful work. I know there are better ones but like, no need to swear at an anime. People under age 10 watch this anime too, and they can find this page and see all those swearing words. Otherwise, I agree with you that mha was bad.

  39. oh my god you are an actual idiot who cant just appreciate a show that’s not meant to be the incarnation of jesus himself (to be clear I’m an atheist)

  40. Who ever that fuck said that deku is stronger than goku then how the fuck did deku fucking struggle with 6 villains with a mind of a cell

    • Idk how you watch season 2 of mha and say this show is bad or cringe grow up you biased pussies be open minded if you say mha is trash you are obviously a hateful cringe loser yet kids like you will say 7 deadly sins or sword art online trash is good the virginity Is palpable this thread has the biggest losers I’ve ever seen

  41. Sure, you can say your opinion but you don’t have to fucking humiliate people for watching it. What the fuck. To be honest I don’t really like the show but what is your problem? You’re taking this way too far. It’s honestly just comes down to an opinion. I mean sure some animes out there aren’t as good as others in general, I get it but it still is just an opinion. An anime being supposedly “bad” just decreases the chance of someone liking it. There still is the chance out there that someone is gonna think that it’s awesome. God what are peoples’ problems these days? Just let people watch their damn anime.

  42. Look, the fandom is shit. But so is everyone. People suck.

    At the end of the day. Like what you like because there’s always gonna be someone who thinks your a piece of shit for your tastes, don’t attack the autistic, they are born that way.

  43. I know that some times this show sucks ass but jeez it not like u dumbasses have.any sort of skill that actually pays u hell half of u r prob ugly ass pervs still living in there mothers godamn basement scrolling through tinder I mean like how else would u be able to watch.that much anime so next.time keep ur ugly ass mouths shut AxXA OUT

  44. Dude MBA may be shit at times but half of u dicks probably don’t have any skills that will help you make it in the fucking real world bitches I mean half of u pieces of shit live in ur mothers basement scrolling through tinder having so much free to!e to watch anime cuz u ain’t got a.fucking job so maybe shut ur.mouths next time u stupid.motherfuckers 👿ps ill regret this later AxXA out

  45. Ok dude, chill, if you don’t like the anime than don’t watch it, it’s perfectly if other people enjoy it, so don’t say that anyone who likes the show is a narcissistic retard.

  46. lol why are you being so mean? most of the fandom are kids/teenagers, also, who give a shit? if people like it, let them like it, it doesn’t affect you. Why shouldn’t people wear cosplays or merch? it doesn’t affect you, but seeing people being hateful does. (also i thought most of the art was good so fuck you)

  47. My hero academia isn’t that bad but seriously. Some kids like to search up information(like me) but what if they learn your language?! Your website should be banned. Like seriously! I give this website minus infinite rating./-10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 rating.

  48. look while I can agree that yes, bnha has a bunch of flaws, pointing them out in a derogatory way by using slurs and actively insulting people for enjoying a harmless piece of media is just a shitty thing to do. people are allowed to enjoy things. they’re allowed to enjoy any anime they want to, even if it’s shit quality and has thousands of plot holes.

    also, if you’re going to comment on the power system, at least get it fucking right? like yeah, it’s based around superpowers, but there’s a whole thing in there about ‘villainous’ or ‘ugly’ Quirks making you be bullied, so it’s a lot more thorough and in-depth than what you’re making it out to be.

    please stop using slurs and degrading others for the things they enjoy.

    1. How are the powers boring? I have NEVER seen a power in a movie, TV show, or anything that has a power that turns people to dust.
    2. I dont know if you heard of this but shigarakis past has a lot of drama and it is not “Too fake” Bro a lot of these High schoolers went through some crap.
    3. B R O. Tell shigaraki, dabi, and kiroguri that they are pushovers and they will push you over the roof.
    4. You just said “They are OP as heck” (i dont curse :>) then you tell us they are weak as balls. :> Tell me how that works
    5. It makes a lot of sense actually, A person who had a illness spread it everywhere (like covid) and the illness had a malfunction who gave everyone super powers. Pretty fricking simple.
    6. ;-; No, just no.
    7. You cant blame a show because of the fandom, Trust me! I hate the fandom people ship shigaraki and deku and deku x all might, its disgusting. But you cant blame a show because of what people do to it that isnt cannon.

    • hey deku is the worst main character in all the animes I’ve seen the show is just a rip off of bleach but worse like every character makes me want to kill myself like stop

  50. Anime has so much good shows, and some are also bad because of graphic design or a messed timeline. We really shouldn’t be fighting or arguing with each other if MHA is good or bad. We all have our own taste of anime, and that’s alright. There are certain things in this world that have flaws, but that doesn’t mean we should be criticizing or insulting each other on the things we like, or dislike. It’s just who we are, to be human. Recently I just finished the finale of MHA’s season 5, and it was really good. There are a lot of fans of the show or the manga, and I think that it’s disrespectful to be hurting people’s feelings. Including the creator who made MHA. There are nothing wrong with the powers in it, there are only some characters that do have powers that are kind of underrated, but is still cool for people that read comics or manga. I’ve watched HunterXHunter, Sword Art Online, Jujutsu Kaisen, Seven Deadly Sins, Naruto, Boruto, Attack on Titan, Silent Voice, and some that I am currently watching. HunterXHunter has a messed up timeline, and certain people like a good timeline for a show to be that good. For me, HunterXHunter is currently crap since I’ve been waiting for the freaking Dark Continent to come out, but that’s never going to happen in a couple of years. I watched Sword Art Online on Netflix and Netflix sucks when there are supposedly to be new episodes for it. Seven Deadly Sins was great, but with the last season of Meliodas being the Demon King turn it into a weird turn. Naruto is amazing, but when it comes to the fillers it takes too long to watch the first and second of Naruto. Boruto can be crap, but at least they have more of Otsutsuki origins than Naruto itself. We all have our honest opinions on anime, and it still doesn’t matter because what does matter is that what we say that will impact other people’s point of view on pop culture.

  51. A lot of people can’t tell that this has a lot of sarcasm in it for some reason. It’s kinda obvious because of how played up it is. It just lists the flaws in an overbearing way (sarcasm to its finest). However, I feel like if people talk about a really popular show and have sarcasm in it wear they don’t note it, people won’t notice it and think it’s real. I don’t really like mha, kinda boring tbh, but even I could tell this was sarcasm. All in all, guys chill, this is just listing flaws with very overbearing sarcasm.

  52. Sounds like your a kid having a temper tantrum for ppl of all ages allowed to have their own opinion about what they do in their free time. Nevermind the fact that their not hurting anyone and are most likely in the safety of their own homes, you could be talking about something that’s actually worth debating, but instead your just wasting ppls time.

  53. that is terrible what i just read, My Hero Academia is my Favourite TV show on Earth and if you hate it, keep it to yourself


  54. Okay you need to find something to do other then insulting a show that you’re clearly not in the targeted age group for. You aren’t going to like it as much as a 13 year old because you’re over the age of 18. And the joke about the camps wasn’t funny, I’m all for dark humour but that was too far.

  55. Really glad this piece has the most recent comments so that I was able to see it so far after it being posted.

    Truly a masterpiece.

  56. Look, I understand that everyone has there own opinions and there will always be people who hate on everything but is it really necessary to post a whole fricken article on a random website on your opinion? You’re forgetting that My Hero Academia’s target demographic is teenagers, so it might not be interesting to adults. I personally love MHA and I’ve recently gotten my Dad into watching it. That doesn’t mean it’s the best anime ever but it does mean that there are people out here that enjoy it and you shouldn’t be hating on people’s likes and dislikes.

  57. It’s curious how so many people are feeding trolls here, or folks that at least act like trolls, just to get stressed out
    in the end. Because of an anime.
    Whether you like BNH or not, if you see something as bizarre as this post that pushes your buttons, ignore it. Don’t feed the troll, expect them to act like a normal human being and talk with you (after you read this entire post ffs) and then get mad when they continue to be a fucking pain in the ass unless your’re bored and/or a masochist.

  58. everybody stfu, its a good and bad anime. its aimed at a certain type of audience and that audience will enjoy it. other people wont. i swear this is the most basic shit some some of yall don’t get it

  59. Guys…stop it.
    I don’t personally agree with the article. I don’t agree with the author on…really anything real-worldly, and I like some of the characters, and I think that the art style is decent. But, come on. We’re just fueling a fire that’s not gonna go out. It’s just some troll online. Just grit your teeth at the end of the article and find something else to do. What good is trying to get into a flamewar online with some guy that is so ironic, such a rabble-rouser, and such a parody that he isn’t even worth getting into it with?

  60. When I typed Crymore in the address bar I didn’t expect it to be alive, let alone to waste my time reading hunderds of comments on a three year old article.
    Good stuff.

  61. phew i managed to scroll to the bottom of the page FUCKING HELL. okay here we go, i have homework and work to go to so lets make this quick and with grammar errors. my hero academia is a very… interesting show and manga. the only two opinions i strongly disagree with on here are 1. the villians are uninteresting pushovers and 2. the characters have poorly drawn faces

    alright so opinion 1 is wrong for reasons such as the villains have very interesting backstories that can be interpreted as uninteresting unless you read the entire manga (so far). kurogiri’s backstory is kind of sad given his connection to some much-loved pro heroes, but it is kind of uninteresting. shigaraki/shimura is just straight up emotionally crushing and made me want to ✨murder✨ his shit-ass father, and dabi’s was a little, tiny surprising at first but you know, it was the first big spoiler. it was also quite nice to learn a bit more about our ominous touya. toga’s was kind of sad? i mean she kind of had what i had with my parents but it wasnt horribly wrong. emotional abuse is common in families in contemporary times. what toga went through is not a very valid reason to go rogue like she did, although the bullying on top of that might have been triggering. she didnt need to go off into the lov like she did, though, so that was a bit irrelevant.

    that was a lot of typing, but here’s opinion 2. okay so this opinion is only halfway relevant in the anime, as the manga has beautifully drawn faces. the anime has faces that arent super good at all, no. the only very well drawn person in the anime is either dabi or shigaraki. everyone seems to be well drawn in the manga. the anime involves movement so it might not look at good at all.

    okay so thats pretty much it. have a good day! <3

  62. fr this is the most immature thing I’ve ever read. people like you are the ones who make fandoms so toxic. no one wants to hear your shitty opinion. the stuff you’ve said is horrendous and should never be spoken of, especially about an anime. it’s an anime ffs. are you actually joking. you sound like you’re obsessed and are saying shit about it for attention. I got into anime just under a year ago. I’ll admit, it’s not the most amazing anime, but it’s not the worst. I am obsessed with mha and so what??? how does it affect you???? what am I going to do, riot around the world about it? nah, didn’t think so. also you using autistic/down syndrome as an insult is really disrespectful and rude. people who have those conditions didn’t choose to have them, so don’t use them as a insult. I disagree with your point about the villains. they have some really interesting backstories. for example shigaraki. his backstory isn’t dry (we all know his face is 💀) and is actually quite interesting and intriguing imo. if someone had that backstory from another anime I bet you’d think they were cool, or were a decent character. but no, you’re holding such a pathetic grudge. as well, mha is a shounen and is made for teenagers, so don’t insult us???? and yes I do get the shipping part. deku x all might exists. and it shouldn’t. it’s atrocious. just don’t look up fanart of it; I know it’s not always like that though. I ship izuocha, and so what? I also kinda ship tododeku. it doesn’t matter to you. now take your pathetic shitty ass somewhere else

  63. You can tell MHA is bad since it draws the same audience into it as shit like RWBY (redditors, tumblr cunts, Twitter cunts and men who need to be shoved in lockers). It doesn’t do anything good.

    Only good parts are all the porn where Deku gets cucked or sees his mom fucked by Bakugou/Minetta.

    • da fuq
      why do u only like those parts you thirsty individual
      MHA is good and even if u don’t like it don’t harass people who do

  64. I mean.people have different taste you think it’s bad because you have different taste than the others and some think it’s not that bad ecause they also have different taste

  65. Honestly you’re not wrong about the fandom, but the anime itself isn’t that bad. I’m trying to rewatch the whole series in its entirety, but yea.

  66. Hi. I’m 30 years old, been watching Anime forever. (Yu Yu Hakusho is the most underrated shounen anime, and I will fucking murder your guts if you say otherwise.) Long history of watching Seinen, and Shounen, with a few Shojo and the like thrown in. So, anything from Cowboy Bebop, to Love Hina. Tenchi Muyo to Fooly Cooly. Hellsing to Azumanga Daioh. Black Butler. xxxHolic. Gundam Wing, and G Gundam. Dragon Ball Z. Vampire Hunter D. Black Lagoon. InuYasha. Blue Exorcist. Jojo’s. Berserk. Etc etc etc.

    Main point is I’m travelled, but most of my favorites are old pre-2000’s anime.

    You’re definitely a fucking retard if you think that the only people who can possibly like this show are teenagers, kids, or people who don’t know what an anime is. Lol get fucked retard. Eat my entire ass.

  67. I watched anime my entire life and I don’t really see MHA as a bad anime…

    And your hostility towards what others enjoy is just childish- Especially telling people they won’t amount to anything for drawing what they love.

    To put it simply- Get a life. You yell at them for not having one yet all you do is shit on people for enjoying something…

  68. Speaking from experience, academia is indeed bad and in a bad place (seriously, don’t listen to “experts”, particularly if they’re talking to a lay-audience like in the mainstream media: your lunatic conspiracy theorist uncle who says that they’re all soulless reptilians is only half-wrong, which also means half-right).

    As for the anime, I don’t know. I’ve never seen it. The contrarian in me wants to hate it instinctively because of all the retards who won’t shut the fuck up about it. That’s not fair, of course, but whatever. I’m pretty sure the delicious saltwater you’ve dredged up out of the dead squinty eyes of fanboys/fangirls/fanxirs in the comments here are more entertaining than the show could ever be.

    • ETA: Also it’s fucking funny how the comments vindicate everything said in the post about the show’s fans. Serious retard x autist hours. It’s a real shame that Trump didn’t achieve anything, like building the wall or building an even bigger wall around these people. I don’t know what constitutes the bigger crisis facing America: the net migration of over a million new leeches per year[1] or the legions of bad anime fans on its internet pipes. I’m British but America seemed like a cool country once upon a time (particularly when it blended the best of all European cultures, but I digress).

      [1] For real, though, the economic benefits of mass immigration for plebs like us are non-existent. It, along with any metric based on GDP, is all bullshit from globalist tycoons who want to squeeze the working class out of existence and outsource the middle. Something like three-quarters of all households headed by a Mexican immigrant are on some form of welfare, compared to under a quarter of Euros. So much for the myth of the hard-working, contributory Latinx.

  69. gonna be honest, didn’t really enjoy the show, some of the characters were offhandedly enjoyable, but they were never the main focus and never really fleshed out at all beyond a surface level, but, you sound like a cunt tbh, I know my opinion means little to nothing to you though, cause your pretty obviously shit stirring

    if I had to watch an anime I’d watch mob psycho, I like the characters and the concepts in the show, and I liked what’s come of the chainsaw man manga so far, but in all honesty, I just in general don’t watch a whole lotta anime after I tried to binge one piece got 435 episodes in and burnt out, I like shows more based on concepts and character interactions, my hero got boring pretty quick there, I don’t care about logic in a show or power scaling, I care about if a show is keeping me enthralled, and the opening line of the show told us he’d be the greatest hero, and the mysteries are easily solvable as proved by the fandom being rabid, I’ve been watching anime since I was seven, and I’m not some anime critic with super well thought out opinions, I just didn’t have fun with the actual show, still think you sound like a cunt though

  70. idk why the mha is bad it is really good
    here are the answer for the problem
    The powers are boring: in your fucking way
    The drama’s too fake — everyone knows the limp-wristed heroes are gonna win easily as always: oh yeah did you even watch the anime bro
    The villains are uninteresting pushovers: for you
    A bunch of random high schoolers are somehow OP as fuck, despite simultaneously being weak as balls — none of this is earned: yeah one time the villains were about to kill deku and for the help of oneforall he won
    The world makes no sense and the shit world-building doesn’t help: your just too foolish to understand
    The whole thing reads like a DC Kids fanfic that got rejected before it was even submitted, but somehow worse: idk what our talking about i know that you are foolish no wonder
    The fandom : is the fandom

  71. Seething MHA fanboys will never not be funny. Stop sniffing your own farts and face reality that to some people MHA is just another assembly line bottom of the barrel shounen. Learn to accept that your show is not perfect.

  72. Okay, we need to talk about this. There are so many logical fallacies and holes in your argument that make your whole article fall apart. First off, you literally insulted the appearance of an entire fandom that mostly consists of teenagers and kids. Does that truly benefit the premise of your argument? Second off, the profanity which you need to watch because it makes you sound immature, and just generally like you’re trying too hard. Also, it is true the underdog young hero wins out in the end of the series, and that is predictable, but it is the same with almost every movie, book, or series of its age range and genres, because who would want to waste their time watching the series and rooting for this kid if he just died, and lost? Overall I like the books, and I think it’s a great introduction series into manga in general, but I think people are allowed to have their own opinions and whether you love it or hate it or are somewhere in between, I ask of you to please be respectful and assert your opinion intelligently.


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